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/lit/ - Literature

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6396692 No.6396692[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite John Green novel to hate?

>> No.6396701

But I'm a huge fan of all his work

>> No.6396712


His face screams "cuck me"

>> No.6396715

think he'd get off on you smacking him around? i think he might

>> No.6396741

Infinite jest

>> No.6396758


Shit I couldn't do that. He's a shit writer and a talentless fuck I can't just beat the shit out of him. That'd be rude.

>> No.6396784
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Watch JG cry like a little bitch

>> No.6397026

What a fucking cuck

>> No.6397329

Green's books are all fishing for women's emotions. I haven't met a woman who read one of his books without saying that it was the saddest book she ever read. Either that or she'll say that it was one of the best. Hey, I can write books that fabricate situations that would almost never happen in real life with teenagers too; I'm a fucking literary genius!

>> No.6397685

I unironically liked Looking for Alaska. The end is absolutely awful and the constant namedropping is forced and apologetic, but otherwise the book is sincere, and I respect that.

>> No.6399684


>> No.6399691

I was going to post that I liked that book too but I see you already did so I'll just suck your cock

>> No.6399693

>at the MTV movie awards
Fucking christ.

>> No.6399712

go back to int or pol or where ever you came from

>> No.6399725

That reminds me, he has a movie coming out

Is /lit/ hype?


>> No.6399728

The Fault in Our Stars, because one time I went to an open-air mall and there three entire storefronts located in different sections that sold - exclusively - baby blue yoga pants with "I fell in love the way you fall asleep - slowly, then all at once" written on the ass.

>> No.6399736


>> No.6399752

I hate that he still has that goofy-ass 3rd grade haircut despite a publicist and millions of dollars. Surely, he could afford a haircut that complements his facial shape, but if he looked more attractive then the fat, neurotic, emotionally-stunted teenage girls that read his books would be intimidated


Sincere? Are you fucking insane?

His persona is 100% fabricated. I bet he's a real prick irl and probably talks shit about his fans with his friends

>> No.6399773

Wouldn't you cry if the hollywood adaptation of the shit novel you crapped out to exploit an over saturated market won an MTv award?

>> No.6399966
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>Gentlemen, in this time of great need, I have returned. It's time to finally address the John Green problem. The floor is open for suggestions.

What do?

>> No.6399979

>His persona is 100% fabricated. I bet he's a real prick irl and probably talks shit about his fans with his friends
could be a possibility
someone posted a vid of him from like 10years ago and he seemed significantly less beta

>> No.6399989


are his books just better written chick lit?

>> No.6399993
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I STILL fucking think he's a mastermind of audience pussy.

He says he is following in DFW's footsteps. He says that DFW blazed the trail.

He means audience pussy.

If DFW was the WW1 of audience pussy, John Green is the WW2. He has had a generation to prepare. He's upgraded his arsenal, his tactics. He's got audience pussy nukes. This time, it's personal.

>> No.6400851

the comments. oh god.

>you'll never be as cool as john green in high school

>> No.6400937
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>> No.6400955
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>> No.6400993

I just read The fault in our stars so I will just hate that one for now.

Some of the parts of the girl talking about not romantic shit were decent but then he will put (!!!), bring agustus to scene, or make people clap like this is FUCKING AMERICA. I had to actually stop reading for twenty minutes after the clapping bit

>> No.6400997

-claps for your post-

>> No.6401007

Do really americans clap for everything?

I dont live there but I had to experience some clapping at the end of Fast and Furious 7, fucking cunts

>> No.6401041

/lit/ I'm thinking of getting 'fault in our stars'. I kinda want to experience the dreadful writing on my own. Maybe the novel isn't as terrible as anons assume it is.

Can anyone that have read John's work comment on my decision? Am I wasting time and money?

>> No.6401049

I've read Fault and Looking for Alaska. It depends on what you like. His work is romantic comedy accompanied by upfront conversations about committing to things in your life and not backing down. There's something a little inspiring about both of them and you can read them in 1 sitting. I dunno man, if you get "the feels" most of the time then you might like Green. I have never cried over a book or felt that involved in a novel so I'm not one of those people. That said, I do get something out of the occasional YA novel after reading other stuff.

>> No.6401074

I read it on my phone as I do all of my reading. If you have an ereader just pirate it but you will get some fun out of it and you will laugh a lot at some of the parts of him describing how hot Agustus was.l, damn he's truly a cuck

>> No.6401126

As we speak he is raping a 15 year old who thinks he understands her soul

>> No.6401141
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Its icky he plagarised a dying 16yr old girl's diary to create fault of our stars. Fitzgerald did that to his wife but she wasn't 16 or dying.

Is it just me or is Shailee's expression saying 'get me the fuck out of here I hate this guy'

>> No.6401149

He did his job right we are not discussing that. If you ask me, yes I would write a shit novel to get free pussy, movies and money.

>> No.6401160

What did he plagiarize? I would love to get some plagiarism myself it seems like a fun art

>> No.6401171

Follow the John Green playbook and go to the children's cancer ward and befriend the little girls there and steal their diaries.

>> No.6401188

Nah cancer is not my cup of tea is there any place I can go to make friends and write about their pain outside of cancer kids I dont live in the us so hospital may vary

>> No.6401197

An active volcano

>> No.6401207

I think there is one in some country next to mine but not sure.

Other options, I would love to come up to people and tell them tell me.about yourself and I will write some shit

>> No.6401230

>better written
Why are you here?

>> No.6401239

The standard wasn't very high to begin with. This post is better written than a John Green book.

>> No.6401244

Now do it on 200 pages and get a movie deal.

>> No.6401266

But anon I struggle with writing character motivation.

>> No.6401277

Talk to me about those characters and I will help you get what moves them

>> No.6401334
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Barber: What kind of haircut do you want?
John Green: Just cuck my shit up.