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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 200x297, the yellow wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6399375 No.6399375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> "The color is hideous enough, and unreliable enough, and infuriating enough, but the pattern is torturing…"

Have feminists always been the most entitled of people?

>> No.6399380


>> No.6399460

Nice non-argument, anon, but "the pattern is torturing" still sounds like one of the most pretentious and entitled pieces of prose.

>> No.6399479


>> No.6399485

gamer gate

>> No.6399490

women are not as rational as men and are more emotional and have less in IQ and can't be ethical

>> No.6399493

What makes The Yellow Wallpaper even remotely feminist? Because the one going through mental health breakdowns and instability is a woman?

>> No.6399502

It implies that women have been oppressed. And any claim in that direction is feminist and violently subversive and dangerous

>> No.6399506

Is it oppression if the mental health concerns are genuine?

>> No.6399513
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Is this you?

>> No.6399516

Women are naturally mentally ill

>> No.6399521

It's about ethics in wallpaper design

>> No.6399526

aesthetics, cuck

>> No.6399530


No, ethics. Ethics in wallpaper design.

>> No.6399533
File: 8 KB, 500x253, bellcurv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women don't have lower IQs than men. Their IQs are more clustered around 100, meaning that there's fewer smart women and fewer stupid women and more mediocre women. Of course IQ tests are rigged so that men and women both score an average of 100. How'd they manage that? They deleted all the questions men scored better on than women.

>> No.6399535

ok im sorry foucault

>> No.6399537

It's genuinely concerning to some muslims that women might not want to dress like a pedal bin when out in public.

>> No.6399539

>bell curve

hehe liberals squirm when they read that redpilled book of objective science

>> No.6399540



>> No.6399545

I have a degree in anthropology. This is what I was taught by experts.

>> No.6399549


You cannot see it, but I am snidely giggling at you.

>> No.6399561

>score an average of 100. How'd they manage that? They deleted all the questions men scored better on than women.

the average of 100 is weighted based on every year's results, it's the perfect average of results

you dip

>> No.6399562

That's what laymen tend to do when presented with undeniable, indisputable scientific facts that conflict with their bullshit ideologies.

>> No.6399567

I love the Yellow Wallpaper

the setting and time in place gives me a boner because so much insanity was associated with the color yellow around that time that you have amazing stories like that and the King In Yellow, ect

>> No.6399568

>When standardized IQ tests were first developed in the early 20th century, girls typically scored higher than boys until age 14, at which time the curve for girls dropped below that for boys.[8][10] As testing methodology was revised, efforts were made to equalize gender performance.[10][11][12]

>> No.6399569

>undeniable, indisputable

giggle giggle

>> No.6399573

>Of course IQ tests are rigged so that men and women both score an average of 100.

By taking the average score they got, calling it 100 and basing all scores around the mean on the standard deviation.

>> No.6399578

your quote has nothing to do with your assertion that answers are being deleted

they just weigh the answers so that both genders get 100

that's it

>> No.6399593

sjw pls go and take your agendas back to tumblr where nobody gives a fuck

>> No.6399610

le bagg 2 /pole/ meme

>> No.6399611
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>> No.6399617

Whatever helps you sleep at night, sister.

>> No.6399620


Did you just say ",sister"

>> No.6399625
File: 93 KB, 600x600, 11046927_1565910856982739_2664664940159712419_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is even going on anymore

>> No.6399637

we /pol/ now

infographics, /pol/-jpegs, and calls to return to tumblr.

>> No.6399639

Nice punctuation, Fagcault.

>> No.6399643

Are feminists even really feminists anymore or is it all just misandry?

>> No.6399649


Stop calling me that, you know that hurts my feelings.


Oh shit don't let them hear that don't let them hear that that's the truth you'll get in serious trouble

>> No.6399650

Were they ever really feminists or has it always been just misandry?

>> No.6399663

A lot of missandrists call themselves feminists, like a lot of politicians call themselves left wingers and then vote in favor of more money for the army. It's a hard world in which some people might say things that aren't true if it's better for them. Scary, uh?

>> No.6399668

first wave feminists actually fought for equality and not for special rights/privileges.

>> No.6399689

I always thought that the suffragettes and the wave of feminism after them were genuine. Suffragettes were activists with gall, the wave after that seemed more academic but the current wave of feminism is too obsessed over pop-culture that they don't even consume. It seems really entitled. What happens when their agenda has been forced? It's not like they're going to consume whatever media it is they're complaining about. It's lazy dictatorship.

>> No.6399695

They already had equality. They had dominion over the domestic sphere while men had dominion over the public sphere. And both were allowed to drink spirited liqours if they chose to. Seems fair to me.

>> No.6399713

>first wave feminists actually fought for equality
Except when they didn't...

Ever heard of the Women’s Social and Political Union and the white feather girls?

>> No.6399732

What infuriates me most about identity literature is that genuinely good pieces are lumped in with absolute crap like The Awakening riding the "muh oppression" bandwagon, causing me to skip over them wholesale.

Charlotte Perkins had discernible talent. I suspect the same of Flannery O'Connor

>> No.6399742

> the white feather girls

Not that anon but I remember hearing about them. What cunts they were, if they were so concerned about fighting, maybe they should've gone off themselves.

>> No.6399743




>> No.6399746
File: 234 KB, 557x331, tumblr_mfvxdf0wsd1s1av4bo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6399775

lol that's the face of /pol/

>> No.6399784

I'm pretty damn convinced at this point you're just a troll.

>> No.6399795


That's retarded. Even simpletons can produce good writing, they just have less agency over it.

Whether women are capable of works of genius is another matter entirely

>> No.6399807

Has a women ever made a great work of literature?

>> No.6399808
File: 775 KB, 300x168, Shiggy_Diggy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6399812

>because I'd be an oil tycoon

>> No.6399826

They clearly aren't. How could they possibly?

>> No.6399830

did you figure that out all by yourself

>> No.6399839

Great work? I don't know. Pretty good works? Sure. I'd class Maya Angelou, Sappho, Sylvia Plath as pretty good.

>> No.6399840

Well he seems sort of serious but then he starts posting memes.

>> No.6399842

They can't write as well as a man, though. There's no way.

>> No.6399843

He's right.

>> No.6399848

Why not? Why don't you allow them to, you disgusting great big cishet white man!

>> No.6399855

because they're brains are smaller and they aren't ethical beings and hence can't understand such concepts that make literature good

>> No.6399866
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>> No.6399874
File: 271 KB, 558x562, tumblr_mk8j4aZHAf1s9x01uo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6399898


>> No.6399902

i don't even claim to be oppressed by the white man. what makes you think i'd cry about being oppressed by women? shit, bro, i have family members who are women.

>> No.6399905

>> "The color is hideous enough, and unreliable enough, and infuriating enough, but the pattern is torturing…"

>Have feminists always been the most entitled of people?

I can't wait to hear your incisive views on Flowers in the Attic, OP; I'll wait here while you read its wiki page.

>> No.6399911
File: 303 KB, 1371x2048, 1428718013434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, the joys of 'critiquing' a piece of literature through a heavily simplistic and reductive 'framework of criticism' that does more to just say the same things over and over using pieces as 'evidence' when really most of them do no such thing as to 'prove' such 'ideology' 'correct' or 'descriptive of how the real world actually is'

>> No.6399917

He's trying to be funny by implying that what the sentence refers to is a woman who complains about ACTUAL wallpaper, i.e. a demanding cunt.

It's a 5.25/10 joke.

>> No.6399928

I love when the other boards come here to pretend they have more sex or alcohol or chance of being kidnapped. It's almost as good as the one where we pretend we read.

>> No.6399929
File: 212 KB, 554x631, tumblr_n13qcs9jV11qc2yvwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6399938

>Their IQs are more clustered around 100
But their g factor isn't.

>> No.6399948


Women Amirite. I wish I wasn't a virgin

>> No.6399974

At least rename your filenames you tumblerette retarded limp-wristed tripfaggot

Holy fuck, do you not comprehend the basic premise of an anonymous image board?

>> No.6400008

The only g factor that women care about is the one that Chad's cock hits just the right way in bed. Women are entirely bodily creatures, no different from an animals. Mathematics means no more to her than the concept of justice, and all are but mere shadows before her physical lusts and urges. I doubt that they even have minds at all in any way that we understand the term, and honestly it seems unfair to compare them to animals. Women are more like plants. They simply grow in the direction of Chad's cock and that is all they do or are capable of doing.

>> No.6400026

I thought that was Case for a second lol.

>> No.6400048

underrated post.

>> No.6400057

Lol, you guys can peacock about how enlightened you are all you want (oh no he said peacock le PUA MRA meme activate!), but the absolute FACT of the matter is that if a man had written "the pattern is torturing", he would be torn to shreds and nobody would come to his defense. And this isn't some kind of "oh no, misandry!" argument, it's more to point out that we essentialize women to the point that our *natural* response is to pretend there is some barrier there (which we must avoid crossing at all costs out of 'good taste') which assumes either a genuine response (SHE can be tortured by a pattern) or assumes pretentiousness (SHE would be pretentious, but that's okay...), further enfeebling whatever we call HER and continuing the domestication of the HER, preventing any kind of exit from the established domain of the female in which we've profiled her into by virtue of our own projections.

>> No.6400062


>> No.6400098

> "The color is hideous enough, and unreliable enough, and infuriating enough, but the patten is absolutely triggering"

Fucking dropped.

>> No.6400104

This word doesn't mean what you think it means.
btw, no, they used to be alright, of course I'm pretty sure we don't like feminism for different reasons.

>> No.6400117

100 is the average for one's age on an IQ test. It is manifest that have not understood what you've been taught.