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/lit/ - Literature

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6399141 No.6399141 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ can you recommend to me good SF?
By good, I don't mean "pew pew space battleships" or "muh science", "muh technology" or "muh universe" stuff but books exploring the themes like gender, sexuality and depth of universe of emotions we experience.

>> No.6399151
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>> No.6399189

>gender, sexuality
The Left Hand or Darkness - Ursula K Le Guin

>> No.6399190

Last and First Men and Starmaker are the best English language sci-fi books ever written. Virginia Woolf, Jorge Luis Borges and Winston Churchill are included among Stapledon's admirers.

>> No.6399263

>gender, sexuality
Go cuck yourself, fagtron.

>> No.6399274

Just watch the Twilight Zone instead.
You'd probably learn a little something about theatricality and drama while watching it too.

>> No.6399295

any of Iain M Banks' Culture novels.

anything Bruce Sterling has written recently - "The Caryatids" is pretty damn cool.

okay, anything Bruce Sterling ever wrote.

>> No.6399306

Gene Wolfe and Ursula le Guin are by far the best SF writers. They explore interesting themes, but no retarded gender and sexuality if you are expecting that.

>> No.6399319

I love the first season. Don't like what I've seen of the second season as much. Does it continue to go downhill or what? Any other shows or films similar to it that you'd recommend?

>> No.6399324

OP a faggot and I wish you people weren't dressing up legitimate SF just to sweeten your issues shit but

>> No.6399338

>gender, sexuality

sickening that this is what the modern intellectual automatically thinks of when tehy think of profound themes

Stars my Destination
Beast that shouted love at the heart of the world (story and collection)
flow my tears
first men on the moon

these are all firmly middle brow though (except the last one), I don't know much that is truly high brow

>> No.6399399

There's something to take out from every episode of the Twilight Zone, more than what is given in its distinct heavy-handed style.
Ray Bradbury wrote some eps too if'n you didn't know.

Louie season 2,3,4.

>> No.6399437

I've just recalled Arthur C. Clarke's Rama from >>6399424.

It's a very intreaguing read, lots of mistery and scientifically interesting.