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/lit/ - Literature

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6397764 No.6397764 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post the best living authors and discuss them

>> No.6397784
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>> No.6397787


SCENE: A bar in the American West. Four men play poker at a table in the corner.

Extra cards fall out of Philip Roth's sleeve. He appears frozen, then cries softly in an impotent defiance of his paralysis.

Don Delillo waxes whimsically on this illustration of the decay of ethics in our ridiculous postmodern era.

Thomas Pynchon intones some subtle parable about how subverting traditions like playing by the rules is the only path to true knowledge. He seems to be stoned off his ass.

Cormac McCarthy just whips out a .45 and sends them all off to their Maker, cleansing the saloon in an apocalyptic ritual of blood purification.

McCarthy wins.

>> No.6397799
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>> No.6397841
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>> No.6397881

This may as well just be a McCarthy thread

He's such a babe

>> No.6397892


>> No.6397894
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>> No.6397897
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>> No.6398504
File: 252 KB, 600x900, Karl-Ove-Knausgaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Struggle is a great and refreshing novel. It's so profoundly real and yet manages to captivate the very essence of one man's life in a way that so few authors have ever managed. It's not nearly as beautifully written as Proust, Musil or Joyce, but it's honest and very moving.

I'm sure he will become more internationally recognized when they finish translating My Struggle into English.

>> No.6398534

Currently half-way through the second book. Truly amazing stuff.

>> No.6398561

It's a shit book for pleb-nerds.

>> No.6398563

You haven't even read it, numbskull.

>> No.6398572

I translated it, faggot.

>> No.6398573
File: 271 KB, 316x481, Knausgaard_ATime2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't read this, this is by far his greatest work. It's touching, profound, uses great language and even has decent scholarly writing.

>> No.6398705

You did a terrible job of it too. A Death in the Family? A Man In Love? What the fuck are all these cliche titles man?

>> No.6398727
File: 66 KB, 550x412, cuervo gato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he's probably going to die before I ever get to meet him

I just want to tell him how influential BotNS was for me as a writer.

>> No.6398756

That kitten drinking tequila while wearing a sombrero is absolutely adorable

>> No.6398808

The artist wished for it to be as close to the original as possible. It's a cliche ridden mess. Less authentic than dating a stripper.

>> No.6398825

Their blood soaks into the uncaring alluvial desert floor which had swallowed oceans whole before and would not remember the paltry pools left by the men's deaths. The man holsters his gun and wipes the sweat from his brow with a blackened tortilla before looking to the barkeep. This is the fate of men who do not understand the darkness of this world.

>> No.6398848

I'll definitely read it, but I doubt it is better than My Struggle - And I've ruined myself to any of his other works, because I've read those 3,800 pages of his life and thoughts, and all his novels will be taken from that perspective.

>> No.6398867

Trust me, it's absolutely beautiful. I did read it before My Struggle came out, but I doubt that's clouding my perception.

>> No.6398882
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ayyy she pretty qt

>> No.6398890
File: 141 KB, 511x683, michel_houellebecq_gq_2014_511x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq is the best author alive

>> No.6398896

I don't think the kitten is actually drinking tequila.

>> No.6398910


This nigga is literally trying to suicide-by-cigarettes.

I have no desire to read books by people who are so delusional that they think cigarette smoking is worth dying for. What a fucking moron.

>> No.6398915

I heard that the final volume is spectacular and totally justifies the time investment. Can any Johnny Foreigners confirm?

>> No.6398923
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>> No.6398930
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>> No.6398974

Funny tht you're making a post like this since I usually make this kind of post, and rarely see other ppl do it....

>> No.6398998

Talking about ultra-inane pointless pedantry posts btw

>> No.6399014

It has a 100 page analysis of a Paul Celan poem, a 400 page biography on the early years of Hitler, an analysis of Genesis, a story of the release of the first few parts of the novel, and a honest story about his wife's reaction to reading the novel.

I prefer Part 2, which is about love and family and is written in a really interesting narrative, but the sixth part is definitely a high point of the story.

>> No.6399046

Paul Auster
John Banville
J. M. Coetzee
Le Clezio
Don DeLillo
Jeffrey Eugenides
Jonathan Franzen
Karl Ove Knausgård
Kazuo Ishiguro
Cormac McCarthy
Javier Marias
Haruki Murakami
V. S. Naipaul
Orhan Pamuk
Alan Pauls
Thomas Pynchon
Philip Roth
Enrique Vila-Matas

>> No.6399058

rap in peas

>> No.6399068

>no john ashbery yet

>> No.6399073

No one here reads contemporary poetry

>> No.6399092

Gao Xingjian
Edward Albee
William H. Gass

>> No.6399123

>My Struggle

Hitler's version was better.

>> No.6399132
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>> No.6399163

sorry for making this btw

>> No.6399838

Mikhail Shishkin is massively underrated in the west.
Geoffrey Hill is underrated on /lit/ because of this boards distinctly American bias.

>> No.6399894
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>wipes the sweat from his brow with a blackened tortilla

I laughed. Can't imaging how many times I've read about people wiping up things with toritillas in Cormac's books.

>> No.6399899

Remember that 'Houellebecq is shit' meme back in January cause people were assblasted over his new book (as usual)

That was fun