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/lit/ - Literature

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6397804 No.6397804 [Reply] [Original]

Günter Grass and Eduardo Galeano died today.

>> No.6397815

Who cares?

>> No.6397817

The Tin Drum was goat-tier, the rest of the Danzig Trilogy was good to great, too. All the other stuff was eeeh, especially The Flounder was terri-weird. Still have to read The Rat.

Don't know who Eduardo Galeano is but it looks like I have to read Open Veins of Latin America now.

>> No.6397829

Mass media/society for a few days. After a week everything would be the same.

>> No.6397838

Honestly, I thought Grass was already dead.

>> No.6397849

Obviously not as important as Terry Pratshit

thanks mods

>> No.6397854

If that hack Pratchett got a sticky then this should too.

>> No.6397858

Two writers I've been putting off reading for ages. I guess now is a good time to finally crack open the books I have.

>> No.6397859

Literary & who?

>> No.6397862


Yeah, because stickies exist to placate angry tryhard hipsters.

It's also the anniversary of the death of Muriel Sparks but you fucking shits didn't mention that because you're plen as fucking fuck.

>> No.6397869

Sticky for Gore Vidal when?

>> No.6397874

Death anniversaries are fucking meaningless, dickhead. Funny how you start off by calling us hipsters and then go and do your best to prove that you're even hipper than us.

>> No.6397877
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>> No.6397880

don't chain refer to my posts mate, at least put a space between them signifying the difference between mine and everyone else's, yeah? cheers

>> No.6397882

Open Veins is the standard leftist book to latin americans. Maybe it will trigger a guilt trip to Europeans who read it.

Soccer in Sun and Shadow is my favorite though. Soccer will never be as much literary as it is made in this book.

>> No.6397889


Who are you talking to? Are you on the phone or something?

>> No.6397899

Who cares for death anniversaries? Unlike the actual death, an anniversary of a death doesn't change anything about the author's future ability to publish

>> No.6397903

Or maybe yesterday, I can't be sure.

>> No.6397905

>replying to tripfaggots
This board needs to have a filtering guide added to the sticky

>> No.6397934

Gunter Grass was an amazing mind.

>> No.6397961

I know it sounds stupid, but I really was sure Gunter Grass died in 1999...

>> No.6397965

you're probably thinking of one of these people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_in_literature#Deaths

>> No.6397979

>mods in charge of doing anything right

>> No.6397985


>> No.6397986

Nice to see you back and in action, D&E. I'll still go on assuming that you're random anons that fail to link posts.

>> No.6397993

is grass worth reading or is he just an important WWII writer? cause I don't give a shit about WWII really or muh jews or muh guilt themes

>> No.6397994

He only shows up when a famous author dies so he can get salty about the moderators stickying/not stickying a thread

>> No.6398000

He hardly talks about guilt

>> No.6398002

i.e. living the life

>> No.6398018

>I'll still go on assuming that you're random anons that fail to link posts.

Those guys are probably just assholes

>> No.6398046
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Rest in power amigos

>> No.6398070


He was a Nazi who hid the fact for five decades while portraying himself as the moral arbiter of Germans of the time.

>> No.6398085 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, Marxist faggot.

>> No.6398102


I have NatSoc views.

My criticism of him is that he, like a lot of Germans at the time, went along with National Socialism and experienced a great life because of it but as soon as the regime ended they wiped their hands of it and condemned it.

>> No.6398113

pls no sticky, they attract leddit. I think a few ledditors are still here from when Pratchett died.

>> No.6398123

He was 15 at, what, the last year of the war? He spent the rest of his life firmly on the Left. Don't be an essentialist pseud.

You too, liberal.

>> No.6398124

I don't use ribbit but I don't see why you think you're any better than people who do

>> No.6398135

>Great life
Delusional Nazi cosplayers, please go, or read Günter Grass :^).

>> No.6398151

look at this retard

>> No.6398152 [DELETED] 

Marxist faggot confirmed.

>> No.6398158

That's why the sticky was created - to limit the overflow of cross-boarders. Plebs from the rest of 4chan and Reddit are unlikely to care about Grass and Galeano so there's no need for a sticky.

>> No.6398213

No, but we need a new permanent sticky that has a picture easy to recognize, a link to a guide to chose an ebook reader, and maybe a link to a guide to block tripfags just so we don't have to read all the faggots complaining about them.

>> No.6398220

thank God pratchet's death was stickied and not Gunter Grass.

>> No.6398237
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>when you die no one will sticky it in /lit/

>> No.6398260

If you block tripfags you are literally, literallissimo, l-it-e-r-a-l-l-e-e denying yourself the one verifiable source of quality posts you will ever have on this website.

>> No.6398274
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they will if you have a shit ton of YA books, maybe we'll even get a sticky for John Green!

>> No.6398279

how is that PhD coming D&E?

>> No.6398322
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>> No.6398351

4chan won't be around any more when he dies

>> No.6398360
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hope it ends up great, come and shove it down our noses when you get your final boss degree.

>> No.6398363

I can't think of any good reason for someone to go the trouble of making a quality post on this site

>> No.6398674

I can't think of any good reason for someone to post on this site.

>> No.6398707

then why did u do it nigger

>> No.6398742

This. I somehow liked that Grass guy

>> No.6398880
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I blame Aaron Ramsey

>> No.6398941
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>> No.6398986
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average Galeano reader

>> No.6399005

wtf am I reading
Where did you come from

>> No.6399011

Sticky for Gabriel Garcia Marquez when?

>> No.6399012
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Samuel Beckett was born today n 1906.
/r/ing the picture of him saying 'do you even read'

>> No.6399023
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What are you doing in life? Like where do you work? I'm interested.
More importantly, where is Brownbear and will HE ever come back to /lit/?

>> No.6399026

Anglos need to read Galeano, His short texts were. Here is one for you (translation by me):

The River of Oblivion

The first time I went to Galicia, my friends took me to the River of Oblivion.

They told me that Roman legions, back in imperial times, had wanted to conquer these lands but didn't advance any further: paralyzed by panic, they had stopped at the shore of this river. They never dared to wade it, as anyone that crosses the River of Oblivion reaches the other shore not knowing who he is or where he is from.

This was during the beginning of my exile in Spain and I thought to myself: if all it takes is a river to erase all memory, what will happen to me, a castaway, when I have crossed a whole sea?

But I had been been wandering in the small towns of Pontevedra and Ourense and I had discovered the taverns and cafes named Uruguay or Venezuela or Dear Buenos Aires and the pubs offering 'parrilladas' and 'arepas', and small flags of Peñarol and Nacional and Boca Juniors hanging from everywhere, and all that was from the Galicians that had returned from South America and felt now a reverse nostalgia.

They had left their towns, exiled just as me, even though they had been escaping from misery and not from the police,
and after many years they were back to their motherland and they hadn't forgotten anything. Not when they left, not when they stayed, not when then returned: they had never forgotten anything.

And now they had two memories and two homelands.

>> No.6399027

blechtrommel is pure bluepill

>> No.6399033

Only sick people take pills.

>> No.6399148
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>What are you doing in life? Like where do you work? I'm interested.

I do wonder what BB is doing sometimes though.

>> No.6399173


This, unless you read his works about Football.

>> No.6399175

I never think about brownbear except whenever someone brings him up on /lit/ as he was a boring faggot

>> No.6399837

that vid is cancer, keep it up

>> No.6400517

Video explained nothin

>> No.6400554 [SPOILER] 
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it's all yours my friend

>> No.6401502
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Got you, scro.

>> No.6402324
