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/lit/ - Literature

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6397658 No.6397658 [Reply] [Original]

is there something I should know? something you want to tell me?

I actually don't read fiction, I like books about folklore, traditions, history, religion.. is this the right place for me?

>> No.6397661
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>I like books about folklore, traditions, history, religion..

>> No.6397666
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>I actually don't read fiction

>> No.6397686
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This is the right place for anyone who reads, as long as it isnt plebian garbage like yours.

>> No.6397691

Are you a retard? Book about religion != religious scripture.

>> No.6397699

This is the place for you if you like to read boring shit and pretend it makes you an interesting person.

>> No.6397712

Back to /pol/, piece of shit

>> No.6397718

>is there something I should know?
reading is for losers

>> No.6397720

Read more.

Of this board, I mean. Stick around and lurk a little, you will realize if you like it here or not. Then you can stop posting.

Seriously, what happened to this rule?

>> No.6397723

start, I meant. But the beginning is the end, the snake bites its own tail, etc.

So don't even start posting, really.

>> No.6397726

>back to /pol/

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.6397729

You cannot drag me from the righteous path, Satan.

>> No.6397732

What? /pol/ is unrelated here.

>> No.6397733

Not that guy, but it is the board where no one reads anything, but everyone has a strong opinion about it.

>> No.6397734

Yes, /lit/ is.

>> No.6397747

/lit/ always been a liberal bastion
Because we, intellectuas, stand for free thought, creativity.

> folklore, traditions, religion
These interests are suspicious as fuck, I bet that you are some kind of half nazi conservatard.
This is what your interests tell us

So fuck off, go to /pol/ and don't come back

>> No.6397755

Is this some kind of false flag?

I mean, yeah, /pol/ is retarded and I want as little of those people here as possible. (note: I said, "those people", not "their general topic".) But you are just a pretentious twat.

>> No.6397758

But Catholics are very concentrated here.

>> No.6397760

>those people
that's cultural racism

>> No.6397763

And there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6397765

Some people in /lit/ are imbeciles. I'm sure a lot of people in /pol/ isn't as bad as the general image they leave around.

Are you OP? In case you are, or he's still around, you should check the sticky (it has no image, it's hard to notice, our mods are shit and at some point it was a decent sticky). There is a link to the wiki, most charts were made in threads discussing them and are tolerably right even if they could be updated (there is a Plato chart when all the mentioned texts can be bought together now, for example). You should find a general guide there.

>> No.6397771

scum like you is even worse than /pol/

>> No.6397774

Racism only exists in institutions. The idea that people won't reject strangers is absurd and against our nature, the idea is that your country should give you equal grounds whether they like you or not. After that it's just a need to tolerate people who are part of your community, who can help you if you help them. Besides that there's no real or moral reason to care about them, it's a bit douchey to just hate on them out of the blue and blaming them for real problems is unproductive, but it's in your dna to dislike people who are different at first.

>> No.6397812

Which is why I am here and not there.

Nah, I am not OP.

What does that have to do with anything?

Also, why did this thread turn into a /pol/ discussion after some minor joke of some kektomaniac?

Welcome to /lit/, I guess.

>> No.6397825

/pol/ falseflagger as fuck

>> No.6397834

Not really, the only times I ever went to /pol/ was during the cuckening, and sometimes before that to get a rise out of people. /pol/ is shit and the people there are fucking retarded.

>> No.6397843

Fiction is for plebs.

>> No.6398523

> we, intellectuas, stand for free thought, creativity.
>go to /pol/, I don't like what you like
What a pretentious douche, go fuck yourself.

>> No.6398651
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You have to be, yourself, einzig

>> No.6398678

that's because Catholicism is the most intellectual of all the religions and upholds the importance of free thought and values creativity