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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 114 KB, 558x743, 1428848710996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6394880 No.6394880 [Reply] [Original]

Any more essential fedora / edgy core such as American Psycho / Fight Club etc? I unironically like them

>> No.6395071

Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh is an edgy 90s novel like those two

>> No.6395074


Ayn Rand

>> No.6395084

"God is dead: And I don't believe in fairytails"
by N'chee-yee-yuh

>> No.6395679


Mein Kampf is a fedoracore essential

>> No.6395711

>American Psycho

>> No.6395716

Secret Agent by Conrad

>> No.6395741
File: 9 KB, 193x261, communifesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6395748
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Fedoras are nationalists though

>> No.6395749
File: 82 KB, 500x579, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people are being oppressed and this is probably a bad thing
>let's make it so people don't starve to death all the time in shit-filled streets


>> No.6396005

Have you actually read it?
It has a wholle chapter about destroying the family. (Fuck my parents they will never undertand me!)
You dont get more edgy than that.

>> No.6396011


Yes you do it's called Mein Krap by Asshole Hick

>> No.6396023

>It has a wholle chapter about destroying the family
0/10. See me after class.

>> No.6396027

I nominate The Second Sex and Phenomenology of the Spirit for the fedora'd mangina (male feminist) and the fedora'd pseudo-intellectual continental
>b-b-but that's the ideology I like, communists are strong, tall, and beautiful

>> No.6396029


it had nothing to do with destroying anything but the bourgeois identity complex of 'the family' as historically created and retained by systems of capital accumulation

>> No.6396031


Nationalists please eat cock and have cocks in hands so you can stop

>> No.6396040

holy shit
I've never seen so many memes in one post. Are you from r/MRA or something?

>> No.6396043


It sounds like someone's sex life is inadequate

>> No.6396044

>da nationals are oppressing me
>y-your gay!!!
I don't go on /r/.

>> No.6396051

Seems like you go to reddit since your post contained more memes than arguments.

>> No.6396052

Anything by Nietzsche falls into Fedora core, by default, and kinda skims the edge of High School core.

>> No.6396056

Sorry for not being into fisting. Solid argument, by the way, I wish more debates could be like this. Let me try.
You didn't have sex last night, therefore your argument is invalid.
I'm not American, why would I go to a sjw site?

>> No.6396057
File: 143 KB, 538x725, 1386719975909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6396062


You sound more fedora than anyone in this thread my friend

>> No.6396063
File: 69 KB, 443x332, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arise, workers, and seize the means of production! (I, as an intellectual, will work in this comfy office)

>> No.6396068

Even more memes.
Can't you really post something without mentioning memes? Or have you been too long on the internet?

>> No.6396070



it's convenient having three letters with which to identify posters not worth the time or attention

>> No.6396072

You named yourself Foucault, that is way more fedora than anyone on this board
>I don't know what memes are
Thanks for sharing.

>> No.6396073

kek. Behold anons, the battle of memes have begun!
The one who manage to post more pics wins and his ideology will always win.

>> No.6396075
File: 831 KB, 913x794, 1386191438290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not even an MLM


No, it means I'm getting an assload of pussy. I also own ten yachts.

>> No.6396076


how is Michel Foucault a fedora thinker?

this thread is getting out of hand

>> No.6396081

the SJW word is a meme anon.
Or do you think it isn't a meme because it isn't in knowyourmeme?
At least try to use greentexting in a proper way, which is quoting other anons' posts.

>> No.6396084
File: 63 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bourgeoise! bourgeoise! Death to you, capitalist, sex is a socials construct and not Real! Marxism is freedom from IDEOLOGY!

>> No.6396088


I'm just gonna start posting people I know that are marxists and actual fucking nationalists it's going to blow your mind. Are you ready?

>> No.6396090

All continental 'philosophers' are fedoras. Fedoras are pseudo-intellectuals so they like Marxism, post-structuralism, phenomenology, feminism, anti-racism and psychoanalysis.

>> No.6396102
File: 61 KB, 332x443, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a Marxist

>> No.6396108
File: 15 KB, 236x319, pg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What defines a "fedora" in the meme sense that you're using it?

>> No.6396110
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>> No.6396114
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>> No.6396119

Why is it good that some fat girl is a Marxist?

>> No.6396124
File: 51 KB, 400x535, tumblr_mu7rpwUqaS1sz4zdfo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6396125

Why don't you tip your fedora one last time and go back there, 'rape survivor'.

>> No.6396132
File: 155 KB, 500x500, tumblr_static_au6r0kxn3dsk8ws8skcogow40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6396135


>I have to share a gulagless planet with people like this

>> No.6396149
File: 143 KB, 1280x1040, tumblr_m3hct0qZ8J1r207mno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6396151

What are you doing?

>> No.6396153

10/10 thread
Why are marxists so easy to troll and so easily butthurt?

>> No.6396157


Maybe other people are more emotionally developed than stunted nationalists who have spent way too much time on 4chan

>> No.6396175
File: 448 KB, 900x900, 1428822818361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6396177
File: 35 KB, 332x443, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a small brown boy
That is a drawing.

This is a Marxist

>> No.6396181

The Wasp Factory.

>> No.6396184


>that's not a human being
>THIS IS your stereotype

How much more of an MRA can you get

>> No.6396191

>implying im a nationalist
Tripfag plz go
Non marxists get out! Get out!

>> No.6396196

A what? Don't use your Marxist buzzwords here.

>> No.6396201

IS that Butterflaps?

>> No.6396207
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>> No.6396208 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6396210
File: 63 KB, 642x482, ayy lmao lesbian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit what the hell happened to butterfly?

>> No.6396214

Another chubby girl? Why? They wouldn't be able to eat much in the USSR.

>> No.6396215
File: 23 KB, 400x392, tumblr_nc63biNzYU1rjycejo4_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6396225


>> No.6396230



>> No.6396233

Stop stealing my trip, thoust art thine bourgeoise devil! Workers of the world unite!

>> No.6396239
File: 161 KB, 434x600, 1361154366395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6396241
File: 48 KB, 394x435, bonifacio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop portraying all Nationalists as being right-wing chauvinists and fascists, you eurocentric fuck.

>> No.6396243

wow butterfly has really let herself go. What happened butters? I'm worried about you. I'll still love you no matter how much you weigh

>> No.6396244
File: 103 KB, 720x960, 2edaPXU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fedoras are Communists.

They have a hat shelf next to their PC desks full of Berets and fedoras, and will tip either one of them depending on whether they are debating politics or theology.

>> No.6396246

Anime is not The REAL, you must be a Virgin.

>> No.6396247


To be fair, when I mean "Nationalists" you know the type you imply.


You've never been to a college campus have you

>> No.6396248

Thou already hast posted thine hither image, you nationalist shitlord.

>> No.6396252


Damn you have got me down to a T. Except I'm not white.

>> No.6396256

fedora-tier liberal tripfag spotted

doesn't get any more fedora than spouting the word MRA like it isn't a meme that has no significance on this board

>> No.6396261
File: 142 KB, 1024x683, 1387067076243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips beret

>> No.6396262

Check your non-white privilege.

>> No.6396263

>muh SJW boogey man
>muh totally legit MRA cabal

Pick one you faggot. The more of your shit I read the more convinced I am that you're just a ruse man baiting /pol/. Even if this is elaborate bait, you should still just stop, it's sad.

>> No.6396264


You are a nerd


And you are a nerd

>> No.6396266
File: 103 KB, 701x526, preston-gilmore-clarksville-sds-communist-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've never been to a college campus have you
Yes. The only thing worse than a neckbeard atheist is a fullbeard Marxist.

>> No.6396267


What are you even saying

>> No.6396270

he really is worse than Tallis. I'm starting to wish that underage french bastard hadn't taken the easy way out.

>> No.6396272
File: 703 KB, 475x637, 1397129650457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[beret tipping intensifies]

>> No.6396273


Good thing you missed the non-white marxists because you shit your pants in fear around them.

>> No.6396285

Why? Non-whites are small and weak.

>> No.6396288
File: 190 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_nglh5x1gSe1rp4sdgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this you?

>> No.6396298

No, I DL 250kg

>> No.6396300
File: 525 KB, 855x467, tumblr_nhgnjskTrw1shrlryo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6396310

>non-whites are superior!
>that's why they are so oppressed...
How do you rationalise this?

>> No.6396312
File: 85 KB, 970x545, Tommy_Wiseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the entire board hates a tripfag and tells him they hate him
>tfw he doesn't leave or turn off his trip but continues posting ignorant garbage.

>> No.6396317


You really have a shallow understanding of not only my opinions but of nuance and subtext and complex situations in general.


Western Civilization is pretty cancerous.

>> No.6396319
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you with all of your friends?

>> No.6396320

So you admit that non-whites are inferior?

>> No.6396323


I'm black, so......



>> No.6396330

Do you think non-whites are superior, then?

>> No.6396334


Nobody is superior to anybody. Christ.

>> No.6396335
File: 65 KB, 764x600, -1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm black, so......
the plot thickens.

>> No.6396337

So privilege doesn't exist?

>> No.6396341

>I'm black
No wonder you are so stupid and weak.

>> No.6396344

Fedoras subscribe to many different political beliefs ranging from communism to libertarianism as long as it's fringe and intellectual sounding

>> No.6396345

>Nobody is superior to anybody.
It's okay, son, it's the taking part that counts. Everybody is a winner. . .even though you lost.

>> No.6396352

You know the definition of feminism is the belief that both genders deserve the same rights and opportunities, right?

>> No.6396354
File: 273 KB, 613x424, beret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there is a very distinct beretism within the hat movement.

>> No.6396355


Here is my personal history for all to know. I work two different jobs at night shift Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday as a guard for two different employers. I'm using it to help pay for my flat and education, along with using the money to save in case of emergency, future education etc. I am majoring in sociology. I would like to be a social worker even though it doesn't pay well.

It is pretty average.




Privilege doesn't imply "power" it implies that. It doesn't affect much, and privilege politics are overblown and unacademic.


Most of you are fucking NEETs so

>> No.6396363

Why would that change the fact that fedoras are male feminists.
>Privilege doesn't imply "power" it implies that.

>> No.6396369


Most fedoras I've come across are nationalists and people you would expect posting on /pol/.


It implies not vague physical power but social power. You are being purposefully arrogant.

>> No.6396376

>I'm not wrong, everyone else is wrong

>> No.6396382

Well, I wasn't aware that believing in basic human rights made you a fedora

>> No.6396384
File: 75 KB, 625x416, may_day_2012___philadelphia_by_mlm_ahuviya_harel_gq-d5v5gdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most fedoras I've come across are nationalists

>> No.6396385


Everyone else on 4chan is disagreed with by everyone else in society, so again, if we're talking Nationalists, most Americans wouldn't enjoy your company.

>> No.6396386

>Most fedoras I've come across are nationalists and people you would expect posting on /pol/.
Nobody cares about your malformed opinion.
>It implies not vague physical power but social power. You are being purposefully arrogant.
So whites are stronger physically AND socially? Then we aren't equal.
Rights are spooks, fedoras like spooks.

>> No.6396391
File: 91 KB, 394x700, No matter the case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's true. They overlap easily with the Nu-Atheist crowd.


>Nobody cares about your malformed opinion.

Sounds like something a weak pasty faggot would say.

>So whites are stronger physically AND socially? Then we aren't equal.

Sounds like something a weak pasty faggot would say.

>> No.6396395
File: 588 KB, 1940x1092, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread should be stickied

>> No.6396397

>Sounds like something a weak pasty faggot would say.
I am very white, I do live in Ireland. But I am far from weak and definitely not a faggot like Foucault. Blacks are generally always weak, mentally and physically.

>> No.6396403

smdh tbh

>> No.6396411

>lel I'm the only non neckbeard on 4chan everyone else is a sociopathic recluse and therefore wrong about everything it is my job to educate them

>> No.6396419


Why do you nationalists, always type like this is a life changing debate and you're laying on terrible revelations? When all your doing is saying more and more absurd shit that reads cheesy as hell.


For fucks sakes, no. I posted on /lit/ before plenty of times but stopped in late 2012. I'm here only for nostalgia, and this place is better than it was in some ways, obviously worse in others. Stop making it a debate with the subtext that I'm here as a malevolent normie ambassador.

>> No.6396422 [DELETED] 

>>6394880 >>6395071
>>6395074 >>6395084
>>6395679 >>6395711
>>6395716 >>6395741
>>6395748 >>6395749
>>6396005 >>6396011
>>6396023 >>6396027
>>6396029 >>6396031
>>6396040 >>6396043
>>6396044 >>6396051
>>6396052 >>6396056
>>6396057 >>6396062
>>6396063 >>6396068
>>6396070 >>6396072
>>6396073 >>6396075
>>6396076 >>6396081
>>6396084 >>6396088
>>6396090 >>6396108
>>6396110 >>6396114
>>6396119 >>6396124
>>6396125 >>6396135
>>6396149 >>6396151
>>6396153 >>6396157
>>6396175 >>6396177
>>6396181 >>6396184
>>6396191 >>6396196
>>6396201 >>6396207
>>6396208 >>6396210
>>6396214 >>6396215
>>6396225 >>6396230
>>6396233 >>6396239
>>6396241 >>6396243
>>6396244 >>6396246
>>6396248 >>6396252
>>6396256 >>6396261
>>6396262 >>6396263
>>6396264 >>6396266
>>6396267 >>6396270
>>6396272 >>6396273
>>6396285 >>6396288
>>6396298 >>6396300
>>6396310 >>6396312
>>6396317 >>6396319
>>6396320 >>6396323
>>6396330 >>6396334
>>6396335 >>6396337
>>6396341 >>6396344
>>6396345 >>6396352
>>6396354 >>6396355
>>6396363 >>6396369
>>6396376 >>6396382
>>6396384 >>6396385
>>6396386 >>6396391
>>6396395 >>6396397
G-guys...? C-can we talk about books?


>> No.6396426


Welcome to /lit/

now get out

>> No.6396429


>> No.6396431


>> No.6396441
File: 166 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_nmpxp1uhSj1rt2xfxo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6396443


Oooh, /lit/ is for /litter/! I guess that would explain why everyone is just spewing garbage at eachother. My mistake for misinterpreting it!

Could you point me towards the board about literature? ^-^

>> No.6396446

Brown, ugly girl.

>> No.6396449



go for it

>> No.6396452
File: 88 KB, 800x960, aurini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6396457

Forgive me if I'm confusing the way the letters work at the bottom, maybe I got the wrong one?

I went there and it was mostly guys having sex. Am I missing something? ._.

>> No.6396463


nope, that sounds like the board you're looking for

>> No.6396468
File: 26 KB, 443x332, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6396471

No no, I said I wanted a board about literature! Like books and visual novels and such!

I'm not sure where you got gay sex out of that lol :P

>> No.6396472

lol this guy is awesome he's so fucking weird

this is nice shitposting and kind of just emphasizes the only really decent people are mostly unconcerned with the state of things that don't immediately concern them anyway

>> No.6396476


Like these people I know and you're coming at me like I look like fucking Maoist Rebel News


>only really decent people are mostly unconcerned with the state of things that don't immediately concern them anyway

Said someone who never got to college.

>> No.6396487

trust me, i didn't think that before i got here

>> No.6396489

absolutely wrong on all counts

>> No.6396492


Well, it's a good thing you're staying here longer than I am.

>> No.6396498

I know this is an act, but you become who you pretend to be, and I would love that.
If this isn't an act, don't ever change man.

>> No.6396500

got to university i meant lmao

>> No.6396502

nigga you post all day every day like it's your fucking job. There hasn't been an hour in the last week where you didn't shitpost at least once.

>> No.6396510

I get the sense that you're gathering an air of condescension towards me due to my ignorance of the boards and how everything functions.

It seems like that's commonplace around here though so I'm sorry I don't know how to deal with that. I'm not in the practice of acting like an asshole to less meta-knowledgeable people.

Is there a board for actually talking about books? Is it /hm/? Do I have to behave a certain way to get serious answers from people here?

I just came to talk about books and I'm utterly lost now. ;-;

>> No.6396512

whiteknight detected

>> No.6396513


I could see where you're coming from, but I've bonded over people over social issues as I learned more about them. Idk, I guess we have a different relationship with it.


I didn't post at all Thursday or Friday. Like I'm bored when I'm somewhere not doing something flip open /lit/ piss off some bitch ass nationalists and go on my way. It could be a bad habit tho

>> No.6396516
File: 42 KB, 420x315, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shots fired

>> No.6396517

Go to /pol/, /int/, or /r9k/ for actual discussion.

>> No.6396518

>It could be a bad habit tho
It is.

You really drag down the board.

>> No.6396519


bitter virgin spotted

>> No.6396524 [DELETED] 

Weak nigger detected

>> No.6396525


>Go to /pol/, /int/, or /r9k/ for actual discussion.


In what way?

>> No.6396529


I promise you I could rip your balls off

>> No.6396530

These seem a little more plausible! Thanks for giving me somewhere to start :)

>> No.6396531

do u dress like a 'black' black dude or like a professor black dude or like a normal 'male fashion' humanities white guy

>> No.6396534

I doubt it. I could crush your skull with my hands.

>> No.6396536

As an anon, the many mundane, regurgitated talking points you spit out would just be canceled out in the noise of the board but as a tripfag they stomp on the few good posts you make.

>> No.6396541

We can't know if any one of us is being at all serious ever in any situation. I was being mostly serious. I frankly still don't know if you're serious. A lot of threads on here are just shitpost arguments that don't amount to anything, but there are a good number of threads if you stick around and look around that are genuinely discussing literature. If you go on 4chan.org, y'know, the main domain, /hm/ is listed under Adult (NSFW) as Handsome Men, and it should be obvious upon going to /hm/, that's what it's for. This is pretty much the only board on 4chan to talk about books, so. By the way, this is obviously a shitpost thread, so, like, go to some other thread, and all, if you seriously want to talk about books; the Mason and Dixon by Thomas Pynchon thread looks legit, for example -- start a new thread about some book you want discussed or something, I don't know.

and you have to be shitposting aren't you.

>> No.6396542


I'm practically a fucking goth socially, but I tend to dress "normal" from casual to male fashion' humanities.


Then, I should post less? I'm bored as shit sometimes and just want to go off on what I'm thinking on a message board, which is exactly what this board was designed for as far I remember it.


I'll bite your balls

>> No.6396543

You could try, faggot.

>> No.6396545


I'll gobble your balls bitch nigga

>> No.6396547

I would break you before you could even get close, bitch nigger.

>> No.6396549


This is hot

>> No.6396550

I think we both know if you really had a life or real people that you could talk to you wouldn't have spent over an hour arguing with everyone who shit on you in this thread. And you will reply to this because you always need to have the last word, notice how you've replied to everything everyone has said about you even if you just dismiss them out of hand. Do yourself a favor and turn the computer off.

>> No.6396551
File: 34 KB, 290x409, Cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6396553
File: 55 KB, 293x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips to comrade*

>> No.6396555


Stop being so dramatic god damn I'm just bored with nothing to do on a Sunday night

>> No.6396558

This thread is bogus bye

>> No.6396559
File: 29 KB, 610x406, 1122976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna go play at the beach, comrade?

>> No.6396563
File: 7 KB, 198x255, Dalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proving my point
Goodnight. I hope you get better someday.

>> No.6396569


You could be antisocial as fuck and still have tons of friends I hope you realize being social isn't always a dichotomy between the two activities of nervousness-needing something to do and being a confident alpha or whatever the fuck, for everyone.

Like that is not how shit works and I hope you'll see people beyond the limits you currently have and get better friends who are contributing to this.

>> No.6396586

>proving his point
not that you're wrong, but you literally just said bye, and then here you are getting the last word in, again. I just never got the point. Not a good thread to being with, for that matter.

>> No.6396591

Tripfags. When will they learn.

>> No.6396592

I like you Foucault.

>> No.6396598


The temptation/instant gratification is good shit. I can't help it.

>> No.6396602

go snort some cocaine then

>> No.6396604


the fuck is this 1986 you can't get cocaine anywhere

>> No.6396611

hey dumbshit i dare you not to respond to this post

>> No.6396613

Cocaine is easy as fuck to get.

Just because your type has switched to smoking ice, doesn't mean that we don't regularly rail fat lines of chop.

>> No.6396618

>50% of america is conservative
I assure you, there are many nationalists around here.

Thanks for telling us where your perpetual pol/nationalism bogeyman comes from, though.

>> No.6396631


Declined bitch


I can tell you, nobody on campus is selling cocaine. I'll do drugs & shit to a point, but I'm on a lot of prescriptions, so I tend to not enjoy mixing it all together. Adderall tends to be the only thing I'm prescribed that I need and enjoy.


50% of America is dumb as eight rocks what a got damn surprise

>> No.6396678

Cocaine is a shit tier drug.

>> No.6396687

of course it is, but I was going for something that heavily appealed to the "temptation/instant gratification" he was getting at. As far as I can recall, the effects of cocaine don't last very long, so.

>> No.6396720

>relying on classmates to get you drugs

gotta find your local dealers, man.

>> No.6396734

I'm a non-responder. It makes me chatty, but so does espresso.

Zero euphoria.

>> No.6397505

Of all the tripfags, you have THE shittiest opinions. You lessen the quality of every thread I see your shitty trip in

>> No.6397527

Holy shit dude all you do is cherry pick. Is this fucking on purpose? Am I being trolled by a master?

You are easily THE worst trip I have ever seen on not only /lit/ but all of 4chan. I frequent /mu/, /lit/, /tv/, and /v/. Nobody even comes close.

If you hate the west so much, why the hell are you posting on a western website? Why dont you fuck off to some Russian site?

>> No.6397605



>> No.6397646

Pfft, come on lit, let's not pretend Stalinist voluntarists know marx

>> No.6397651


>> No.6397867

You truly are an awful trip. I'd recommend going to a different site.

>> No.6398074

Fear and loathing
Most anything by Ayn Rand
Anarchists cookbook
The god delusion + anything by Dawkins (I would personally say Hitchens wasn't fedora-tier simply because of his real problem was with theism, and not the concept of a god, and really, his better work is political commentary — though others may disagree).


I don't think you understand what the connotations of "fedora" are, anon...

Communism/the left in general is the literal opposite of fedora tier (I.e. neoconservative, far right wing, nationalists, libertarian, etc).

>> No.6398118

>American Psycho
>fedora core
No. Go read some of BEEs other works to put it into context. Lunar Park>Less than Zero=Imperial Bedrooms>Rules of Attraction

>> No.6398125

(An)Caps/Reactionaries are so blown out by the fedora meme that they have to project it onto everything else.

>> No.6398134


Good thing I'm not going to stop tormenting you.

>> No.6398167

>Communism/the left in general is the literal opposite of fedora tier (I.e. neoconservative, far right wing, nationalists, libertarian, etc).

No, communism and "le fedora neckbeards" go hand in hand, they're one and the same.

You identify as a leftist, but shy away from atheism as it's getting to large, so lump everything you dislike into a handy hat meme. The reality is that most Marxists lean towards atheism. This is pretty much the face of the Marxo-atheist >>6396266.

>> No.6398177


Not really. Most Marxists I've ran into are women and average looking people. Can't say the same for the Nationalists. If you think White Nationalists aren't totally the core population of bitter virgins, I'd have to say you're fucking wrong as hell.

>> No.6398179
File: 163 KB, 259x242, is this running dog serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reformist capitalists