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/lit/ - Literature

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6392211 No.6392211 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the fact that we are all the same and any philosophizing doesn't really matter and we always come to the same conclusions and end up living the same type of life and then just dying for absolutely no reason?

>> No.6392214

Philosophy is just something intellectuals do because they're bored.

>> No.6392222

For me, liquor and prostitutes salve any unwanted emotion. I'm sure that there will come a day when the appeal of either dies out but the end of the tunnel's too far away for me to make it out. Until then I'll just enforce the status quo and stab myself over my past choices.

>> No.6392229

>How do you deal with the fact that we are all the same...
By denying egalitarianism at the top of my lungs. lol

>> No.6392237

philosophizing is the effort

the effort is the drive and the drive is the effort

if philosophizing had an end it would not be philosophy

>> No.6392320

I swear these shitty simpsons threads are all the one person

>> No.6392355


>> No.6392380

Make yourself busy, at least that's how I keep those unwanted feels away from time to time.

>> No.6392397

I am on my way to become a buddha

>> No.6392418

By accepting life as it is, rather than needing it to be something it is not.

>> No.6392470

Sure is spooky in here

>> No.6392480
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>same conclusions
>living the same type of life

i lament the fact that life and philosophy and swag and genius are too compatible when put together and that too few people get to enjoy the heights and depths universehead with me

i guess its what happens when you follow mephistopheles down the rabbit hole for too long, did you see those literary references right there, i just used two just pointing that out

anyway yeah yall are probably just plebs

>> No.6392489

>Sure is spooky in here
The concept of a spook is pure ideology.

>> No.6392509
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Life is like a 360 degree panorama that surrounds you on all sides. At any given time, no matter how hard you strain, your field of vision isn't wide enough to see the whole thing.

While it is true that many people see the same section of the bigger picture, the beauty of existence lies in the details, and the fact that there is always another point of view to explore if you refuse to continue staring in the same direction.

>> No.6392514

Pure ideology is just a social construct.

>> No.6393387


>> No.6393458

>Life is like a 360 degree panorama that surrounds you on all sides.
just walk away

>> No.6393463

>How do you deal with the fact that we are all the same

nice fact. got a citation for this gem of scientific research?

>and any philosophizing doesn't really matter and we always come to the same conclusions

have u even read any philosophical books bro?

>and end up living the same type of life and then just dying for absolutely no reason?

so you read a few pages and then give up and go back to your video games? and you think sartre suffered the same problem?

please repeat 10th grade

>> No.6393550

>posts on /lit/

pardon me if I don't believe you

>> No.6393562

But its true.
You could start reading nietzsche today and finish his most important works by next sunday. You would still live the same fucking life. You can't denie that.
Maybe you can change your perspective or point of view but all your real life problems arent likely to change.
Reading philosophy isnt superflous tho.

>> No.6393659
File: 195 KB, 612x861, nietzsche-at-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 year old nietzsche would lecture you for three hours straight for this post.

>> No.6394470

and it wouldn't change anything

>> No.6394490


A lot of that just from 4chan.


>> No.6394493

You are a shit. You take no responsibility for your actions. You are the worst kind of fatalist. Things change when you change something, not when you read a book.

>> No.6394497

>We all are exactly the same and have exactly the same lives.
This is bait.

>> No.6394507

Stop projecting. Also, nothing really "matters" in the sense that you are talking about.

>> No.6394519

Other than autists like Diogenes, Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard, every single philosopher has lived the same lifestyle, despite their apparently radical different views.

Philosophy is a bad hobby.

>> No.6394529

OP is correct because how you live your life is based on how Being is interpretated in your current country. How you live your life isn't based on your knowledge but on what other people do and it's not a auto-referential knowledge, it's implicit and not clear at first.

The only course of action to actually change your life is leaving the place where you are to a place with a different culture and interpretation of Being. Culture and society shapes you, not your thoughts.

>> No.6394547

Then live life with out ethics.
If you can live with Ethics,
why would you not?
It is not "fun",
but it does change some thing,
or at least I am attempting for it to.
If nothing changes any thing,
then surely me being delusional is fine considering delusion leads to no negative consequences.
Then surely I can live simply for increasing my mastery of nothing in particular.
That being said, I am thinking that my thought adventure goes in a more acute direction after rigorous reading and meditation is applied.
I try it as opposed to not.

>> No.6394584
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ma nigga zapffe

>> No.6394593

>Culture and society shapes you, not your thoughts.
let me guess, you are black and you din do nuffin', it was all the patriarchy and the whitey, right?

>> No.6394607

Translation when.

>> No.6394630

I don't because I don't care

>> No.6394639


>> No.6394702

Let me guess. You're a middle class white skinnyfat who works in IT or engineering?

>> No.6394718
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Absurdism AKA Western Taoism

go ahead and tell me I'm wrong fuckers

>> No.6394724

I'm /fit/ and /lit/. Masters in literature. I am also /pol/

>> No.6394725

By pursing playing guitar to autistic proportions, so I can have one thing I can do that I'm good at to justify the rest of my degenerate-style pathetically hedonistic life.

I'm still not great at guitar though, I might have to switch my autistic pursuit to something else, like chemistry or bowling.
But that requires actual work... fuck...

>> No.6394737

how do you live with yourself and the fantastical delusions you conjure up that you're some neo-Teutonic knight defending the white race?

>> No.6394749

SJW pls leave

>> No.6394760


But it's true anon, you are /fit/ because someone else was /fit/ before, it's a form of being. You are Masters in something because there are ways to be Masters in society and it's something that you can *Be* in society.

You are also /pol/ because that's another form of Being. Tell me a form of not being that isn't interpretated in society and there aren't ways to *be* it.

>> No.6394764

no, to be honest I'm curious

this is probably the only chance I'll have to ask as /lit/ is a fairly moderate board, if I went and asked on /pol/ I'd get ignored or banned

so could you tell me what shapes your ideology of conservatism?

>> No.6394766

That makes you even more embarrassing.

>> No.6394775

nignogs who din do nuffin'

>> No.6394783

so you just still believe in a racial caste system and that blacks have inherent criminal traits?

>> No.6394810

it's pretty clear he's afraid of having a discussion with you

this is what ironic shitposting has done to us.

>> No.6394816


Blacks don't have inherent criminal traits, neither they are inherently civilized or your interpretation of what *human* is.

They live in poor environments and they copy what they see (as all people does), they are already living with a poor interpretation of the world and how they behave is just a copy of what all poor people does. Don't think that a 25 years old black men that lived in poverty with a criminal culture will change if you just give him the possibility to do. He already believes in his bullshit and how he lives his life, they will not change. You can only change black kids if you make them leave their environment when they are very young, but still you wouldn't accept doing this because 'muh humanity'

>> No.6394859

So you don't believe in progress and the old adage "you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs"?

>> No.6394875

You just choose to be the same as everyone else.

>> No.6394885

>he hasn't accesed atleast some metaphysical realm
I don't understand how you even comprehend philosophy.

>> No.6394891

Ameritrash please. Your whites aren't worth it, let alone you niggers.

>> No.6394916

Is this for a Race and Class homework assignment? Fuck off. It's clear you're hunting for strawmen

>> No.6394919


You don't choose, you ARE the same as everyone else until someone that's different shows you other things.

You don't consciously do everything you do on a daily basis, your being-in-the-world is highely uncounscious and related to the world and its interpretation

>> No.6394920

no, he just said a meme at you

>> No.6394938

>Can I paraphrase your beliefs into "I don't believe in progress" for the blog I'm writing? I'm writing an article on 4chan and white male culture

>> No.6394959

You sound like you're talking about inanimate objects and not people with consciousness. Every consciousness is different and unique. There are no two people who are identical in their thinking. You are your brain and only your brain. Everyones connotations are different. You can't feel anyones feelings but your own, you have to rely on words that other people know what you talk about when you talk about feelings. You will never know how it feels to be someone else and neither will anyone else. So we are all unique and no one is the same as the next one.

>> No.6394982

And, adding on to this, it makes sense that some people are better than others at some things sometimes. No need to freak out about the fact that real differences exist. Einstein really was an exceptional human, cultural relativism is actually pretty bogus when you unpack it, etc.

>> No.6394988


>There are no two people who are identical in their thinking.

Yet a lot of people think the same that you say.

My point is, that most of what you learnt isn't 'theorical dettached nominalist approach'. You just copy and do what you have at hand since you are born. You are literally thrown to a world that already exists, already has tools and signs to do whatever form of Being.

You travel the city in the same way as the next man that has to travel the city, using the same signs, the same routes-towards-something, etc. You respect the traffic, speak in different volumes depending on context, get at a certain distance when speaking about different things, and no one of the things above were learnt through theorical approach. You only get being *youself* when you aren't involved in the world, when you can contemplate from outside of it. This is like the 0.1% of your life

Saying that being unique is the 90% of yourself is incorrect, I may say it's the 0.1%, the rest is just society and it's tools, ends, and interpretations of being.

>> No.6395056

That .1% makes all the difference.

Consider the particularity of the filter you view signs through. Everyone, when asked to recall an image of a word (like "cat") will come up with different signified images (calico, black, etc.). That has very much to do with lived experience. Socialization is important, but you act as though people can't be reflexive at all, don't change, don't experience themselves individually, don't experience the culture individually, don't take on local attitudes that exist apart from mass culture, etc.

You have a really basic, broad-brush view of humanity. How old are you?

>> No.6395075


Percentages mean nothing. We share more than 95% of our DNA with chimps. At the cosmic level, what's the difference between us and another mindless cluster of atoms? You could go on like this forever (getting broader and broader) if you wanted to. The reality is that difference is what defines us

>> No.6395082

*percentages mean nothing here

>> No.6395107

I do antidepressants like XANAX, then I heard MGMT and I'm happy again.

This is the only way for an Underground man OP

>> No.6395260


You are saying that experiencing yourself individually is something that lacks from a social world.

Please say to me a situation where you are without anything from that 'social world' and it's merely you. (the only situation I can think of is having a lobotomy and going to the forests without clothes and losing yourself)

>> No.6395277

I have scizophrenia, so really, OP you don't know how good you have it lol. It sucks I totally know the feeling, I experience it every second, medicated or not. I've tried killing myself a hundred times and I could never be brave enough to end my own misery.

It's hopeless for me OP, but remember, you could have it a lot worse. Plus, I believe in you!

>> No.6395283

"you are more than your problems"

This quote makes me stronger

>> No.6395290

what's the best voice you hear?

>> No.6395301

>being smug about your problems

>> No.6395307

I don't hear voices. It's a general inability. At everything. I thought I was just a normal fuck up at first, but it got worse, and worse. I was diagnosed and that's all the closure I have. I can't work well without feeling like there are knives in my chest, and I can't go a moment without thinking of cutting my thighs up. Medication has long since only made me neutral and grey and dead.

I panic at the smallest noise, and other people make me profoundly uncomfortable. Some people feel like they are plotting against me, it is a feeling with no plot behind it.

In general, I feel dread, always.


Not every one suffers on a day to day basis as much as I have. Let me tell you, I have felt some shit.

>> No.6395317

What's her name?

>> No.6395381

I lead a very different life.

>> No.6395854

Not saying that at all. I'm saying the social world is the context in which we experience ourself

>> No.6395883

Imagine a series of concentric circles. You exist at one point inside of many series of concentric circles. But you also have the ability to be reflexive, and think about those circles, and think about things independently from other people in your circle. You have private thoughts other people don't know about, for example. My point is there is a degree of separation you have from other people (linguistic separation, also private/public) that allows for independent thought (still limited/ set within a framework, but independent thought nonetheless). That potential is arguably the most important thing about you and drives all progress/new ideas. Otherwise we wouldn't change. Think of it as something like cultural evolution and the role "freethinkers" and "revolutionaries" play. Why, in your take on the world, would those people ever exist?

Your criteria for individuality is needlessly broad. You don't need to have a 100% original thought outside of language, culture, and place to have uniqueness.

>> No.6395886

Meant to tag >>6395260
not >>6395854

My bad

>> No.6395888
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every time

>> No.6395894

I don't have to deal with that fact because it wouldn't bother me if it were true and it wouldn't bother me if it were false. You have the option to focus your attention on things that interest you. I suggest doing that.

>> No.6395904


great digits itt

>> No.6395920

Social constructs are just semantics.

>> No.6395929

>and then just dying for absolutely no reason?
can you imagine the horror if we didnt die???

>> No.6395935

this so much. my job jumps down to part-time during the winter months, which is great bc i get to read a lot n do things i like, but also allows way too much time to sit around and drive myself crazy about my perceived problems and the problems of the wider world. inaction is such a source of pain for me. busy is good.

>> No.6396079

How do you know? Have you lived within other lives? Maybe we do all feel the same brother/sister.

>> No.6396150

Because you aren't doing anything with what you've learned faggot, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink

>> No.6396178

take lots of LSD

>> No.6396186

I dont know I just come here for the interested frog pictures.

>> No.6396495

sh-shut up!