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/lit/ - Literature

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6393291 No.6393291 [Reply] [Original]

>I love reading, I want to study Literature at Univerity
>Yeah, sure, what kind of book do you like?
>Oh! The perks of being a wallflower, The fault in our stars, Looking for Alaska, Eleanor & Park, Divergent. ...., I can't stop reading!
>Oh, sure.... I gotta go

When did the world turn like this?

>> No.6393298

>Yeah, sure
>Oh, sure.... I gotta go

I'm sure being bitter, inarticulate, narrow minded, awkward around women, dismissive and shallow has had a long history.

>> No.6393302

if this really happened (it didn't) it was because she thought you were a plebeian who didn't know books.

>> No.6393304

Always been you pretentious shit

>> No.6393308

Underground man

>> No.6393310

What's wrong with that? As long as she gets something out of what she reads, she is a good reader.

>> No.6393311

>implying high art hasn't always been in the hands of a minority

>> No.6393314

>High art

>> No.6393334

The world become more self-oriented and less curious?

Oh about ten years ago +- 5

>> No.6393342
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>Literature major
>get to Uni
>first assignment is Paradise Loft
>Milton's face when

>> No.6393344

You don't understand the difference between Kunst and Kultuur

>> No.6393378

Same thing happened to me, OP

Took an intro to fiction class at uni couple semesters ago, and in a class of about 20 people, I was the only person in there who was interested in writing literaty fiction. Everyone else wanted to write YA or that distopian YA shit like Hunger Games, except for 1 kid who wouldn't shut his mouth about GoT or LOTR.

I talked to the professor of that class later and he told me that he's been seeing that happen for the past 4 or 5 years.

>> No.6393389

Sure does feel good to attend a patrician university.

>> No.6393423

>Paradise Loft
U wot m8?

>> No.6393452

>Studying literature at University

Literally stupid as fug.

>> No.6393453


Quit whining.

>> No.6393461

Old Ss look like Fs

>> No.6393465


Do they also give goodreads-tier complaints about the reading material like, "Oh this Faulkner dude is terrible, why can't he have at least one likable character?"

>> No.6393469

decades, right? maybe centuries.

>> No.6393475

no, very recent, post-911

>> No.6393485

Goddammit you're so right, this took me by surprise for a good laugh.

>I hated having to look up all these words Ive never seen before!
>it's too confusing!
>The language is too old, I can't read it that well!

>> No.6393495

Lol gimme a break you tosser. People have been complaining about this shit since the 1800s at least

>> No.6393499

What would a girl like her have listed 30-40 years ago?

>> No.6393520

>I didn't like the themes!
>It didn't make me feel happy!
>It was anti-climactic!
>I can't identify with the protagonist/characters!

>> No.6393602

>Studying literature
I hope you know the difference between a mocha frappuccino and a caramel macchiato!

>> No.6393615

I hope you work in starbucks because knowing that otherwise is pretty pathetic.

>> No.6393623

I studied literature too :^)
I am assuming the fact you knew what those are also means you work in Starbucks as well? If not, that is even more pathetic.

>> No.6393643
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Are you implying that every book has something to draw from?

>> No.6393646

I though you made them up.
But when Starbucks came into my country I did go a couple of times to drink overpriced sugary water because I'm weak and a faggot.

>> No.6393662

>I though you made them up.
>I thought you made the beverages I correctly identified as Starbucks menu items up
>I thought I could get away with it too
Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.6393694



>> No.6393716

I actually had good english classes so far
People took the shit seriously, even if most students were ESL or in sciences. Maybe its canadian unis

>> No.6393727
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>> No.6393729


>> No.6393740

But forehead-tan is our collective waifu, of course she reads good stuff.

>> No.6393750
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>I'm a high school girl who enjoys reading books written for high school girls


>> No.6393793

Are you implying the opposite?

The whole point of interpreting literature is just misinterpreting language. Who knows, the is a chance (an infinitely small one, but a change nonetheless) that a kid could derive Kantian ethics from John Green, just by the mere randomness of mental association.

>> No.6393808
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>> No.6393833
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we can all have out particular waifus, anon, but forehead-tan is the board's waifu.

>> No.6394012

Uh, that's not what we're talking about, retard. We're talking about college undergrads and the adults who read it.

>> No.6394263

Yes, I am implying the opposite. Or to make it clearer, you can only draw out shallow shit from bad books. Randomness doesn't mean you got something from a book, it means you thought of something.

>> No.6394312

Read the OP more closely, it's about a girl who wants to go to university, not one already at university. Thus, she's most likely a teenager.

>> No.6394389

What's the point of these endless straw man threads? They're just idiotic sexism with nothing to back them up. "Oh, high school girls read crappy books aimed at them!" Gosh, next they'll be listening to dumb top 40 music and wearing the same clothes their friends do, and we all know that no academic minds could ever come from that kind of behaviour... except they do. All the fucking time. Plenty of people discover a passion for literature (or any other specific field) at university: it's part of the institution's mandate. Would you pompous assclowns say "Oh, that tramp doesn't even know what a clavicle is, and she's almost 18! She could never become a doctor!" or "that dumb bitch thinks she could be a psychologist someday, but she hasn't even read William James yet! What a poser."
Is this really all about making yourselves feel smug and superior to the girls who didn't notice you in high school? Are you that pathetic?

>> No.6394414

late talker detected

>> No.6394416

stop bumping threads you don't care about, go search for a decent one in the catalog and bump that in return.

>> No.6394428

So counterarguments and reprimandations aren't allowed on your board? That's just part of discussion, buddy.

>> No.6394435

which one?

>> No.6394441

Well if you read it more closely she actually says she wants to go to Univerity. Which makes it sound like she has a cute lisp or she can't handle 5 syllable words. Thus, she's most likely underage meaning The fault in our stars is reasonably advanced reading for her. Also the whole story becomes slightly pedo, which is always good.

>> No.6394457

I'm not "bumping," I'm responding. You know, the only reason this web site (and its threads) exists? OP asked a question, I gave my response. It's pretty simple.

>> No.6394458

>be andrew marvell
>have written some very good, dark poems about a figure called "the mower"
>be good friends with milton, whom i consider an absolute bawler, a primo poet
>letter arrives from him one day
>nearly unreadable
>looks like it was written by john donne's retarded offspring
>decipher "hi marvell, come over to my house"
>the rest is just random references to scripture
>go to milton's crib
>nigga turned blind
>he asks me to help him get his new work down
>epic long poem about the fall of man
>agree to help
>much excitement ensues
>get out quill and ink, only the most finely crafted paper
>here we go
>my genius friend begins his epic
>"the title... paradife loft"
>look at him
>his blind eyes going all over the place
>my year long friend has clearly lost his mind
>mfw this is gonna be a 10.000 line epic about a loft
>mfw the main character's name is retarded

>> No.6394466

In my experience, the only non-shallow thoughts that bad books trigger in my head are the consequence of previous reading experience having created pathways of thought that somehow link to the plot of the book. For example, I might be reading some romantic bestseller and thinking about how it reflects Bauman's theory of liquid love. Of course, there's no intention from the bestseller to trigger that thought, and in fact many times the thought is triggered by my active dislike for the ideas it does try to put forth.

In the cases where pop authors actually try to appropriate serious literature or philosophy (like John Green does), all they do is dumb it down, turn it into an aphorism, and ruin it. Every kid that has read TFioS has derived ideas about Shakespeare and classical tragedy from it, sure, but are they correct? Not really.

>> No.6394476

>bad books
>correct ideas
>serious literature
>pop authors

Not leaving much semantic content here. We get it, you don't like books you don't like. Your hilarious analysis of what usefulness they might have is duly noted.

>> No.6394524

>b8ing this poorly

>> No.6394536
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>Paradife Loft

>> No.6394542

I don't mean correct ideas in some moral way or anything, but just read Green's definition of hamartia and tell me it isn't incorrect. He's completely reductionist and idiotic. As for the other things, are you implying that there's no such thing as pop culture, and that authors of literary fiction have the same intent as hacks who write for money? Allow me to have a good chuckle then.

>> No.6394570


>> No.6395143

Too much sand in your vagina sir, I think you felt represented by this guy hahahahahahaha poor guy

>> No.6395293

OP is 100% correct tbh. I went to one of the top ten universities in the UK to study a non-lit-related subject. I'm a casual reader at best, but I was still better-read than the vast majority of literature and languages students I met.

>> No.6395299

>not knowing old s typesets


>> No.6395882


Pound sign wrecked.

>> No.6396329

>the Perks of Being a Wallflower
It's a good book. I know...every other white bitch and their bleeding rag has sopped up the leftover reputation of this book had. It's still a good book. Don't ever watch the movie.

>> No.6396342

I agree with you, but I've met a lot of university students and adults who do what OP's describing. It's kind of like when people tell me they listen to "all kinds of music" or "everything but country." That's code for you don't listen to music. "I mostly read John Green's novels" means you probably aren't all that interested in literature. I agree that way too many people are smug about it around here, but I also kind of understand some of the rage. However, /lit/ could stand to step outside itself a little.

>> No.6396372

You forgot one

> people only like this because it's a "classic"

>> No.6396417


>> No.6396433

Well played my man

>> No.6396437

I'm dying with silent laughter in a library right now.

>> No.6396467

>Don't ever watch the movie
I saw the movie and it was one of the worst things I saw. Emma Watson's a good actress, but Daniel Radcliffe in Kill Your Darlings did a much better American accent.

I'd consider reading the book if it's actually redeemable, but considering I'm reading Camus's Sisyphus book and Sartre's Nausea right now, it wouldn't exactly be on the top of my list.

>> No.6396522

That's the joke…

>> No.6396535


Well, mocha is chocolate-y coffee, and caramel is caramel, so it's kind of self-explanatory…

I don't work at a Starbucks; I study philosophy in college (hoping to be a professor someday), but I've ordered both those drinks at some point.

>> No.6396537

I'm new to this board, who's Forehead-tan?

>> No.6396539

I was going to say something about how girls wouldn't go to university 30 years ago, and then I realized that 30 years ago was 1985.

Time flies.

>> No.6396560


Yeah, it's this. It's not that these kinds of people aren't capable of being great in the future; it's just that they're kind of cringeworthy in a way they don't realize right NOW.

I'm from /mu/ and I can understand it in terms of music as well. I played this black girl some Gil Scott-Heron, and she thought he was bad. Like, he wrote The Revolution Is Not Televised, basically invented hip-hop…he's about one of the greatest voices for YOUR RACE in America and you think it's bad because it doesn't have butt-shaking beats to it like Beyonce? It's kind of irritating when you come across that sort of thing. I'm assuming OP's talking about the literary equivalent of that.

>> No.6396580

Rory from Gillmore Girls. She was ridiculously patrician for a teenager, reeding more than most anons will read in their life before getting to college. She also had excellent film taste, was into experimental music, was beloved by all teachers in Yale to the point of them being openly friendly with her and had grandparents with very heavy high class connections while her mother taught her working class morals. The perfect girl in every way.

>> No.6396589

It's no different than people who become engineers because they liked playing with legos and model train sets and "building things" and always had "a knack" for math and science courses and watched pop sci television and got told they were smart by parents and teachers and "never quite fit in" and called themselves a "nerd."

It's been the case for a while that young people think their "passions" map directly to a career, because THE FUCKING BOOMERS or whoever else has been raising their children to "folloow their passions" or whatever.

>> No.6396593
File: 90 KB, 438x260, Imagen 72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loved it, special mention to the containers ".printingpress" and ".faircopy" a clear touch of genius.

>> No.6396597

mfw you can only start once, and these kids didn't start with the greeks

>> No.6396622
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Well done

>> No.6396627

Literature departments were always filled with tasteless people. Before YA and low brown literature, those same girls just read and reurgiaged tired opinions of Dosty, Goethe and Balzac. And it was even worse than nowadays, because a YA fan might learn to apprecitiate modern literature, whereas no way in hell could Canonkiddy deviate from long, moralistic novels which can be read and interpret only in the correct way.

>> No.6396648

Where should they go then?

>> No.6396651

Young females buy more books than any other demographic, therefore pandering to them is the best way to make money when writing books.

>> No.6396654

>It's no different than people who become engineers because they liked playing with legos and model train sets and "building things" and always had "a knack" for math and science courses and watched pop sci television and got told they were smart by parents and teachers and "never quite fit in" and called themselves a "nerd."

Except in this case, they're middle school age at most.

>> No.6396673

I know you are trying to be witty, but you are unintentionally correct and only outing yourself as a pleb. What pride is there in being well versed in dealing with shallow women?

>> No.6396677

>I talked to the professor of that class later and he told me that he's been seeing that happen for the past 4 or 5 years.

You won't know true horror until you have a had a professor that was that GoT and LOTR guy.

>> No.6396682

> Judging people shallow based on the public listing of their favorite books
Were you not taught to behave like a decent human? Or are you an insecure teen?

>> No.6396685

I agree that /lit/ has a problem but don't pretend that most of these people grow out of this. This is usually were they stay. Just like how most of /lit/ will continue to be butthurt about it far into the future.

>> No.6396719

How else am I suppose to judge them? Its not like I think they are bad people, just that I don't want to talk about literature with them. Of course this is the internet and not the situation itself. Its probable that something would be said in the course of the conversation that would give reason for their favorite book being trash by my own standards and thus my opinion of them wouldn't be "shallow". But if all that was spoken, awkwardly as it may be, was "hey anon, my favorite book is X by John Green," then I would not want to talk about books with them. And if our only talking point is literature, then I would attempt some form of socially acceptable departure.

Odds are this doesn't happen because its not the internet. But right now I'm on the internet so I'm going to be a rude little shit and know that I am right for doing so.

>> No.6396730

You just described my gf
Though, she also reads Dumas, Wilde, Dickens, Lafaye, Hemmingway...

>> No.6396739

If its any consolation, my favorite "literary" work (taking an expanded view of literary here) is the Shigurui manga. And I'm pursuing a PhD in philosophy.

>> No.6396743

You are not meant to judge people instantly when you meet them...

>> No.6396752

>You won't know true horror until you have a had a professor that was that GoT and LOTR guy.
GoT and LOTR are diametrically opposite, people who like one don't like the other. Try for a more authentic approach next time.

>> No.6396779

>people who like one don't like the other.

Not necessarily. I've enjoyed (at least the on-screen renditions) of both of them. I think "USUALLY don't like the other" would make for a better, more believable premise—except then your objection wouldn't run any more. So too bad for you, it seems.

>> No.6396789

But people do, anyway. Having some basic knowledge of psychology would help you know this.

Those judgments, of course, are not entirely accurate, but they do help people maintain a perspective of the world around them.

>> No.6396823 [DELETED] 


>see someone suspect dude walking up to you
>threat assessment alarm bells ringing
>suppress said alarm bells because you don't want to "judge people instantly"
>get rolled or robbed because you wanted to be a politically correct snowflake and choose not to "judge people instantly"

join us in the real world m8. sometimes judging people instantly is not only practical but advised.

>> No.6396828


>see some suspect dude walking up to you
>threat assessment alarm bells ringing
>suppress said alarm bells because you don't want to "judge people instantly"
>get rolled or robbed because you wanted to be a politically correct snowflake and choose not to "judge people instantly"

join us in the real world m8. sometimes judging people instantly is not only practical but advised.

>> No.6396849

> I've enjoyed (at least the on-screen renditions) of both of them.
I.e., you haven't actually read the books, you're just a 'fan' because you watched some shitty film adaptations? Fuck off.

>> No.6396907

I don't want to sound like one of the "at least they're reading something" crowd, but if there's something you gotta give women credit for its that a lot of them read pretty voraciously, even if it's derivative shlock like OP described.

The thing is, that's your average pleb girl. Ask the average pleb dude if he reads and you will likely get a derisive laugh, or maybe if you're lucky they watched GoT and tried to read the books.

Either way, I think trying to discuss literature with people is pretty overrated anyway. If you disagree, look where you are right now.

>> No.6396922

Women have always been vapid cunts, OP.

>> No.6396996
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every time

>> No.6397589

>going to a university where the girls on the literature course aren't all attractive, intelligent and mostly well-read

£9000 in the fucking trash

>> No.6397594

I liked Perks of Being a Wallflower

>> No.6397622

When this kind of thing happens to me, I let the pleb inside of me do the talk. I play along, since the "patrician" attitude within me would be too much autistic. I think it is better to talk about anything than to not talk at all.

You could try to do some kind of admonishing, but, in the end, the will to read literary fiction has to come from themselves.

>> No.6397629


>> No.6397645


back to the lad bible, samefag

>> No.6397657

that one hit too close to home for me tbh

>> No.6397676

Oh, horseshit. Millions of people have read both series and enjoyed both. I know dozens myself. How the hell could you appreciate what Martin is doing without having read Tolkien?

>> No.6397749

In fairness one of the main points of TFIOS as I see it is that characters are wrong ALL THE TIME. Green's said this himself.
Characters use words slightly incorrectly, are slightly wrong about things. This is intentional.

>> No.6397769

It's annoying.

>> No.6397775

Yeah, because that's how pretentious teenagers think. It's realistic, and relatable if your a teenager, but I can see how it would get annoying.

>> No.6397904

You're the one saying fans of LoTR can't like GRRM?

You know you're insane if you actually believe that right? Every individual on this planet has an infinitely different perspective from every other person.

Even so, it could be possible but I think you'd be hard-pressed to find any studies/stats to back that up. Please refrain from thinking before thinking.

Be the observer to your mind and you can squash incorrect thinking as it happens, make a habit of it, you'll thank me later.


>> No.6397923

>i'm a patrician because i read some books that were recommended to me

hell yeah

>> No.6397931

Since the beginning of time

>> No.6397946

Tbh op the world is shit.

You have to deal with her being a pleb until she really loves you. Then do a couple book club type thing of a book that is on the line between YA shit and respectable shit.
I used The stranger for that.
Then you have to slowly convert her. Like a Jewish women with pressuring parents.
You can't be mean or force her you have to bait and switch it. It takes a lot of time.

Also if she has other interests you can overlap those.

>> No.6397949

I kinda see the reasons why they are different, but they do overlap.

GoT just seems like LOTR lite.

>> No.6398011

I'm not going to read the rest of this thread but

bitter virgins BTFO

>> No.6398120

How? Hell, how are they even close? Even the setting is nothing alike.

>> No.6398145

probably books nobody remembers now because they were shit tier and the hype died after several years, thankfully

>> No.6398163

Also YA lit was never as popular or respected as it is now. The biggest YA book in the 70s was flowers in the attic, and it's claim to fame was incest.

>> No.6398170


>being on guard around suspicious characters is the same as dismissing people because of the books they enjoy

Keep trying.

>> No.6398191

so that is the point of life?

>> No.6398197


Not bad anon, not bad.

>> No.6398659

The idea of /lit/ considering itself as some sort of group of elite patricians compared to the filthy pleb masses is absolutely fucking hilarious.

>> No.6398767
File: 205 KB, 1128x644, sophie-turner-maisie-willaims-fanedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait.. is there something else /lit/ does? You just summed up its entire mandate.
On an unrelated note, this is some decent crazed-fan photoshop right here.

>> No.6399482

Is there a list of her favourite works? Both in literature and music, as well as films

>> No.6400125


>> No.6400226

lawd look at all dis samefaggery from indignant anon

>> No.6400245

You understand that the dude has been edited OUT of the picture on the left, and not IN to the picture on the right, don't you?

At first I thought it was the other way around, and I thought "wow, that shoop on the right sure is good!" but of course it's obvious when you look at the left picture that it's actually a fairly poor shop.

>> No.6400258

Oh boy, I better reply for the up-votes. Everyone else seems to be complementing you.

>> No.6400271
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>plebs who ask "what kind of books do you like" don't even realize that they're plebs
it's a real shame

>> No.6400295

Why are there so many replies? This is such a standard, shitty comment.
Go back to leddit, faggots

>> No.6400304

Women actually read more books than men on average

Just as people generally watch movies to be entertained rather than pursue them for intellectual stimulation so does the average reader reads for entertainment and women comprise the greater percent of readers

>> No.6400325

>all this misogyny made me put the book down!

Rage internally everytiem

>> No.6400327

men who don't read are basically women. and women who read are basically teenagers.

>> No.6400334

>high school girl

So they put out more and have more piercings. Mentally, they're about the same.

>> No.6400337

and you're just above it all you cool caustic observer

>> No.6400345

Can I make fake red andesine at home too?

>> No.6400348


You're partly guilty, too.

>> No.6400644
File: 396 KB, 460x518, artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, with a diffusion treatment

even untreated labradorite is cooler than "muh red andesine" though so i don't recommend it

>> No.6400678

But it's not good artwork. Look at the stupidly out of perspective window in the bottom left quadrant. Hitler wasn't a good painter! He was a "first year art student" painter. It's like, if some serial killer in the future had a deviant art account, would people 100 years from now look at his drawings of SANIC and say "wow, he just wanted to go fast, but society wouldn't let him, so he killed jews instead?"

>> No.6402229
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i like your comparison.

>> No.6402248

That's a study guide

>> No.6402262
File: 312 KB, 1165x1192, foucault is sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude just chill out about all that. my girlfriend likes horror & fantasy novels, is an art major getting her teaching certificate, is very punk and seemingly a nymphomaniac, is very hot and is very in to social just issues

please send help

>> No.6402264

into*, social justice*

>> No.6402412

Left girls left shoulder is too obvious.

>> No.6402468
File: 22 KB, 542x428, 1403475435175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are tonnes of patrician girls on Goodreads. They're out there.

Why do you guys do this crawling in my skin tier shit all the time.

>> No.6402705


>Not Paradiſe Loſt

>> No.6403571

Paradife Loft