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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 689 KB, 2033x1347, Nietz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6392706 No.6392706 [Reply] [Original]

Why was he so clever?

Why was he so wise?

Why did he write such good books?

>> No.6392713


>> No.6392717


LOL, I am literally 6000 feet beyond man and time, faggot. Maybe if you read some Nietz you would ascend to such heights.

>> No.6392726


When he said he was clever, he was joking.

When he said he was wise, it was devil's advocate.

When he said all his other stuff, it was just Zarathustra speaking.

>> No.6392735


6000 isn't a very large number. Someday soon you'll be 6 feet beyond all man. How is that any better?

>> No.6392744


Well I mean I'm not on the moon or something. There are limits to what any one man can do.

>> No.6392757


Theoretically, but my point is that you're unlikely ahead of 'all men'. There are very skilled, highly trained atheletes going to some of the best schools on the planet. Many of them will make vast sums of money, or do something important before they die. They are likely faster and stronger than you, have a better track record for humanitarianism and if they are note intrinsically more intelligent than you, their work product would be evidence of such.

You're a fly on the wall, and so am I. I'm going to contribute to the greatness of humanity before I die, but it won't be pretty. And Chad? His girlfriend is probably an English, Philosophy, Psych or foreign language major.

>> No.6392769

>I'm going to contribute to the greatness of humanity before I die, but it won't be pretty.


>> No.6392782
File: 74 KB, 640x360, 1339363938492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to save up every penny I have, and build and will it to a charity to build a Library for the Philadelphia school for the deaf. The hard of hearing/deaf children that attend there have trouble learning to read, as they don't associate squiggles on a page with the concept of sound, because they don't understand sound.

Increased reading proficiency in this target group would promote their education and utility to society. Build a rocket. Live one more day. What Nietzche ignores is the possibility of objective success over the death state imposed by time, which is really only possible by the transcendence of all previous limiting states. Species usually are what transcend limiting states most noticeably, local food sustainability, motor conduction along a path, transfer of meaningful information. The transcendence of all constructed states would imply the transcendence of the structure of the universe, which renders moot Nietzche's abyss.

Humanity is closest to it, but if we fall to dust, the roaches might do it in another hundred million years or maybe the cephalopods. The name of the species matters not so much as the achievement.

I plan to contribute by building a library.

>> No.6392793


Deaf people read normally you retard.

>> No.6392819
File: 297 KB, 600x814, Eastwooddissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone 'reads' normally. It's who has trouble learning to read. I'm seeking to help kids with a disability overcome some of it's implications. If you don't think that hard of hearing/deaf children have a harder time learning to read, I can drum up some good ole facts and statistics for you. We could go dialectics if you're feeling Hegelian today. I don't know, maybe because its a system that I've already devoted my life to, learned sign language for and busted my ass in helping serve, you could just take my word for it.

Where do you want to go with this?

>> No.6392951

He was a fedorafag, he wasn't any of those things. Back to reddit with you

>> No.6392986


>> No.6393010



This isn't /b/ you awkward adolescent, lol.

>> No.6393037

Because the only thing he knows is that he knows nothing.

>> No.6393656

I like you

Pls be female

>> No.6393670

Wouldn't Nietzsche's overman represent this kind of transcendence?

>> No.6393748

was he really those things or is it possible everyone who came before him was dumb?

>> No.6393815


>> No.6395446

Ecce homo. Yes, he was all of those things and a raging faggot. The gay science made that clear.

But seriously, he begins Ecce Homo by saying that maybe he was lying all along. Isn't that a way of writing that is liberating us of constraints like "self", "subject", "soul", "cogito"? Maybe not so much soul, but Nietzsche had nothing against soul as concept (outside of thinking substance or religious tool for persecution I mean). Didn't God lie to Abraham, not to deceive, but to teach? When atheists applaud Hitchens saying that he would not follow such a God they are no different than Christians. Maybe some texts are meant to be deceiving if they are to teach what they want to teach and can do it in no other way. Thoughts?

>> No.6395462

are you 20 years old or somthing. muh ubermensch

>> No.6395589

nope, what he means dude is that building a library doesn't actually mean anything for deaf people than everyone else. Deaf people are not mother fucking magic gnomes with magical reasoning powers, please go burn yourself in a fire and then think before you shit post again. tyvm ~Adidas Nikey

lol even she has standards. tl;dr be dateable irl with other people and you'll find an even better whore.

>> No.6395628
File: 567 KB, 783x876, 1428223452001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your Nietzsche canon.

>> No.6395637


>that pic

pleb jokes aside i'd bet cash that guy has some legit mental imbalance.

>> No.6395646
File: 215 KB, 960x2692, 1428432789001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's nice, but can you give me an essential canon to Nietzsche?

>> No.6395662


>that pic

/pol/ jokes aside i'd really like to experience estonia first hand.

>> No.6395667


His mustache looks like a little piece of poop in this pic

>> No.6395695

no god

>> No.6395698

Most people on welfare/homeless have mental issues.