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/lit/ - Literature

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6392374 No.6392374 [Reply] [Original]

what's the plot of your magnum opus?

the one you haven't written yet because your skills aren't up to par?

>> No.6392379

But anon, my masterpiece is already self-published :^)

>> No.6392382

I post pictures of overly made up women on English language Japanese manga imageboards alongside poorly lettered insults to elicit disproportionate responses from others.

I've written one today, it wasn't very successful.

>> No.6392383

one of my ideas centers on a sales agent who learns how to emotionally manipulate his customers before he breaks ties with the shady group of multimedia institutions he does work for

another involves an international syndicate of person-to-person radio operators with convoluted ties to terrestrial and satellite broadcasting networks mapping out an undernet of global communication on the sly. an academic conspiracy complicates the network's regular broadcast and leads to government and cultic interference

>> No.6392388

>what's the plot of your magnum opus?

I'm writing a shitty self-help book. It starts with a very rigid structure and pertinent anecdotes, and slowly the anecdotes descend into a chaotic novel with the self-help framework abandoned. It's thematically consistent, but structurally bizarre.

>> No.6392400

A book where God is the good guy and Lucifer is the bad guy.

>> No.6392407

a man spends money

>> No.6392510

cool, mind if we see it?

>> No.6392551

it's cliched but it's suppose to be about how ai cannot be destructive

that anything they do that might be considered destructive has a superior layer that makes it a positive

in such a way that the total sum is always positive

>> No.6392588

I have no idea but it will have good prose or I'm not a faggot

/pol/ the book?
sounds good

but anon, ultron will destroy humanity for the greater good of the world
old theme

>> No.6392618

It is about a farmer out for a walk on a country road. It is autumn and the golden leaves are just beginning their crinkly descent. As he walks he muses on his life and how it was passed onto him by the generations of farmers that begat him. He arrives at an intersection and is run over. The car and its driver are undamaged except for a slight hole in its fuel tank.

>> No.6392632

Also, the farmer would be cast as tom

>> No.6392658

It's about a radical feminist takeover in the US which basically follows the trajectory of the French Revolution. Mostly I just want an excuse to write a scene where they use guillotines to publicly castrate men instead of cutting off their heads.

>> No.6392659

It is supposed to be this huge story with about 15 main characters and quite a bit of mindfuck thrown in for good measure, but I have no clue if I have what it takes to actually write it.

>> No.6392679

A woman has to travel to the past to stop the apocalypse. She learns that her past self is the one that inadvertently caused it and has to find a way to escape from the cycle.

>> No.6392749

i'm not telling you, because you're going to steal that shit

>> No.6392753

Nobody is ever going to read your shit apart from your parents and the occasional friend you inflict your inevitably self-published drivel on.

>> No.6392768

nice try, but you're not going to steal my shit

>> No.6392779

I don't need your shit, I have my algorithm.

"Philip M. Parker has over 200,000 novels listed on Amazon.com, having developed an algorithm to gather publicly available data and compile it into book form."

>> No.6392791

>tfw no shit meme rap gf

>> No.6392935

Magnum opuses don't have plots, my dear friend.

>> No.6392963

Going to rewrite finnegan's wake with punny references to tv shows instead of historical intertextuality

>> No.6393207
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Please don't.

>> No.6393217

>use guillotines to publicly castrate men instead of cutting off their heads.

this turns me on.

>> No.6393223

how is it going?

>> No.6393233

>science fiction story where a drug which bonds people psychically with memory sharing escapes into nature
>the narrator is on Mars looking for his brother and lost love but they've been eaten by psychic fungus

>> No.6393264

>thought provoking

>> No.6393309

it's about a shoeshiner who really likes shoes and then he finally saves up enough money to buy a pair of decent italian leather shoes and then he gets obsessed about keeping them clean and he goes mad and then he loses the pair and then he returns to shoe shining and finds happiness again but then dies. it turns out he did not love shoes but loved shining shoes. it teaches a valuable lesson about love and is a critique of late capitalism mixed with a bit of erotica.

>> No.6393328

Post-apocalyptic graphic novel where the difference between the top and bottom of society is so extremely large that a handful of rulers might as well be Greek gods, able to smite and metamorphose random savages living on the ground.

Nothing too groundbreaking. It just needs to be amusing, maybe even fun to draw. A parody of dystopia.

>> No.6393349

I read other self-help books and condense their information into "new" ebooks I can sell for 99 cents. I've written about 400.

>> No.6393350

You ever read Lord of Light by Zelazny? Same idea but with the Hindu pantheon. Would've made a great graphic novel, you should check it out

>> No.6393370

For the most part, this. Mine is about a man who's writing about his recently deceased brother.

>> No.6393383

That does sound pretty baller. I'll go look it up, thanks.

>> No.6393398

This isn't very original, but it's a good idea nonetheless. I'd definitely check this out.

>> No.6393399

it's about an hermit isolating himself in a cabin innawoods where he thinks about his childhood and why he got so emotionally fucked up while he does menial tasks like cleaning his guns or binding flies for fly fishing

these menial tasks will be described in great, boring detail

maybe some suicide thoughts as well

>> No.6393407

medieval high fantasy, focusing mostly on dwarves
what has /tg/ done to me

>> No.6393484

We really need to stop procrastinating.

>> No.6393509

awful idea. Please tell me that you've at least cleaned a gun or tied a fly

>> No.6393551

>Please tell me that you've at least cleaned a gun or tied a fly

of course i have, i've been in the army for a year and i grew up nearby a river with lots of salmons

>> No.6393571

two lonely men killing orphans

>> No.6393579

I ain't tellin u

One is a dystopian novel and the other is a novel about a couple in South America. All I'm going to say though.

>> No.6393604

A series of short stories thematically linked and each with a disabled character being central to the plot. One blind, one deaf, one mute, one with no legs, one with all of the above.

It will be the greatest book in history.

>> No.6393618

I'd much rather listen to Mount Eerie's Dawn album. But you could listen to it for inspiration.

>> No.6393637

i'm actually norwegian, so making the protag name-drop phil and especially the dawn album will fit well

>> No.6393649

Ooh. A feminist 12 Monkeys...

>> No.6393661

>12 monkeys
>not La Jetée
you don't belong here, mate.

>> No.6393893

Not magnum opus but short story idea that I'd like to hear you guy's opinion on, it's called Avery's Lover.

Basically it's about a narcissist named Avery who is opposed with creating an image of himself, it is his only occupation, going out to public places and trying to create the illusion of a perfectly artful man to impress women of course, though he isn't interested in sex; he's an artist, really.

Anyway, he ends up purchasing a book of Romantic era poetry even though he doesn't read poetry since he thinks that having the book is in keeping with his character, and he ends up memorising one of the poems in order to recite it out the docks.

(By the way, forgot to mention, early in the story he goes to a tattoo artist friend of his and sees another, very good looking man and a real Romantic, getting a tattoo of his beloved's name on his chest, and so in a moment of self-conscious declaration, Avery get's his own name tattooed on his chest)

Anyway, Avery goes out onto the docks and while reciting his poem (and having the scrap of the poem in his pocket) and striking a pose amid the very impressive looking storm waves, he gets washed away out to sea.

He wakes up with amnesia, not knowing who he is. The first thing he finds is the poem in his pocket and since his self is so empty, he clings to that, finding his own existence precarious, and makes himself into a paltry, shell of a Romantic. When he looks in the mirror and finds the name Avery written on his chest he assumes that to be the name of his true love and goes out on a quest to find her.

>> No.6393901

*obsessed, not opposed

>> No.6393905

18th century stuff, step your game up

>> No.6393911

All of my unwritten works are pretty mediocre so I guess it's still somewhere out there.

>> No.6393942

>stealing plots
Nigga, do you even write?

>time travel
Why do people still do this crap?

Sounds fun.

Muh literature.

>> No.6394059

Lonely college guy meets a misterious girl that turns out to be a mermaid disguised in human form. Or maybe a figment of his autistic imagination trying to explain why the relationship lasted so little.

Magical realism. Do not steel pl0x.

>> No.6394154
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somewhere related: all of my dreams always involve some kind of evil conspiracy. Any /x/ fags here who knows what that has to mean?

>> No.6394158

lil sumpin imma werkn on

There's a larger context to the story, because it takes place in the same universe as another story I'm writing about a mans life at sea. The "scrimshaw" stories are a collection of erotic horror sex stories that gets passed around the ship supposedly based on former shipmates, writer unknown. The book is about an old German confection box from the 15th century said to contain twelve magic medicines based on real remedies of the time. So the crew gets hold of the box somehow in their journeys and men try the candies from 500 years ago. Each candy brings forth a different siren, that fulfills the mans sexual desires, but then also fucks him up in a bunch of surreal dreamlike nightmares. The present day crew read the accounts and between vignettes they muse on what they would have done, wonder how things are possible, who lived to tell the tale etc

>> No.6394163

jesus christ that lain scene with the alien really freaked me out

>> No.6394236

You should read The Believing Brain. It has a chapter or two about conspiracies. I'd recommend at least downloading the PDF and reading that.

>> No.6394264

It is a dark and extravagant work of entropic dissolution set amid the collapse and subsequent occupation of the failed Nazi empire, A nachtwanderung through the internal and the external, the nominal and the phenomenal, the physical and the metaphysical, the lucid and the the hallucinate, the elect and the preterit, achieved through a patchwork of telescoping analogies and variations on theme hinting at the structural collusion of all systems and the collaboration of desire, sensate and insiensate, behind motive and movement - the centerpiece of which shall be the Nazi V-2 rocket and its expansive support structure..

I think I am going to call it, The Great Big Nazi Rocket, or Nazi Rocket: Puppet Master?

>> No.6394296

english teacher rapes her student

the student has the same name I do, the entire book is just an attempt to get my english teacher to rape me, but I got carried away with it. it was originally just supposed to be shitty porn-script smut, but I ended up taking it too seriously.

>> No.6394307
File: 35 KB, 300x464, ThrillingTales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satire set in the golden age of English colonialism, framed in the style adventure serial's from the 40's-50's. Part of the book will follow the rise and fall of the publishing company running these semi-racist adventure serials.

I don't believe I'm improving. It's frustrating. Better spend more time posting frogs to an image board.

>> No.6394318



>> No.6394328

goddamn it
m-mine's better

>> No.6394341


Tampa is completely amazing.

Especially if that sort of thing is your fantasy.

The book opens thus:
>I spent the night before my first day of teaching in an excited loop of hushed masturbation on my side of the mattress, never falling asleep.

>> No.6394358

read asimov

>> No.6394383


>> No.6394384


well time to download the epub

post an excerpt

>> No.6394454

but if she browses /lit/ she'll know I want her to rape me and am telling 4chan about it

thanks for showing interest though

>> No.6394461

No one of any consequence browses 4chan, go ahead and post it.

>> No.6394464


change the name u stupid faggoy

>> No.6394480

A depressed, NEET loser realizes that he can't survive in the real world so he escapes to religion and becomes a monk as a means of coping.

>> No.6394485

A group of children who are the embodiment of the classical elements journey across a distant future world always trying to escape the clutches of an extremely technologically advanced religion that needs them for its plot to alter reality.

>> No.6394486

>these menial tasks will be described in great, boring detail
so literally Walden?

>> No.6394499

This gay guy to a gay reform camp, becomes straight, and is a much better person for it.

>> No.6394500

hey not bad, I'm going to steal this
the getting washed out to sea and then not dying part isn't believable (he gets swallowed by the ocean, doesnt drown, and then wakes up in a new society?) so I'll have to change that

>> No.6394527

The story of a former professional quarterback in the 1960s from the day he retires to the day he dies. Set in either Cleveland or Buffalo.

>> No.6394679

Two vampires fall in love and are hunted by a samurai who has been brought forward in time with occult magic.

>> No.6394703

Nice idea, really, i hope one day u make it.

>> No.6394714

Np, yw

>> No.6394754

An aging psychologist who refurbishes and sells old houses as a hobby. Eventually this aspect of his life takes over because he can't sleep in anything but these empty old houses. He's divorced and his daughter died when she was seven.

>> No.6394901

Two words:

>> No.6394902

>“Have you been to war, Jacob?” Solomon asked.
>“Have you killed?”
>“Father, that’s not a fair question. Wars are fought as a matter of executive decisions. The men who fight them, men such as I, have absolutely no input into the decisions.”

>> No.6394910

>earth gets rekt
>an experimental space colony is the last abode of life
>despite a promising start, the inhabitants fall to infighting and the colony gradually disintegrates
>the book itself follows the conversation of two elderly men inhabiting the last surviving module

Basically they discuss what they did wrong, whether the colony was always doomed, and whether they should hold onto hope regardless. It ends with both of them carrying out some trick to let the other believe life has survived elsewhere.

>> No.6394994

Is "Two words:" describing itself?

>> No.6395014

Elderly Nip has three great grandsons. A fag, a drunk and a coward.
He goes to America and hires a chinaman to run bizarre errands for him, all centered around finding the family sword his finest son took with him to China during WW2.

>> No.6395055

Makes you think, doesn't it?

>> No.6395072


So would you call it a manquake? Quakesquatch?

>> No.6395076

Murder Quake

>> No.6395089


What about making it an anagram of murder quake.

Quark Demure
Quaked Re Rum
Quake Rude Mr

How about calling it The Duke

>> No.6395103

Opus Formerly Known as Murder Quake

>> No.6395150

I just imagine the characters, the plot doesn't matter

>> No.6395201
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It's a political intrigue in a skyworld where colonial groups of human have to slice up the clouds mounted on dangerous kites so they can have rain and sunshine.

The book narrates the political intrigue behind the development of commercial relationships and the early rise of religion, endorsed by wanderers, adventurers and cartographers.

Themes are the discovery of new lands, the intrinsic poetry of the universe and the endless sacrifices men must endure to preserve his society.

it's almost finished

>> No.6395355

A man finds himself increasingly losing control of the only things which give his life purpose. His wife no longer loves him and is having an affair with another man. The marriage grows weaker every day, and he fears his young daughter will grow up with a stranger for a father.

When he is at his lowest level, he meets a pioneering psychoanalyst who offers him the chance to try out a radical new machine. The machine allows its users to create a virtual reality that looks and feels exactly like the real world, but exists only in the mind of its user. In this world, the protagonist can do whatever he wants without worrying about the consequences. As he becomes increasingly reliant on the machine and his virtual lifestyle more and more immoral and depraved, he begins to question the nature of reality and the true purpose of existence.

>> No.6395423

An analisys of the emperor Eliogabalus as a proto-hero of the 20th century exsistential novel

>> No.6395429
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>reading for plot

>> No.6395449

It's gonna be called Heaven Unfound

>> No.6395467

Would you say Moby Dick, The Odyssey, Don Quixote, Brother Karamazov don't have plots?

>> No.6395478


What do you read for then
CAPTCHA: urnew

>> No.6395484

>muh Pynchon rip off

Fuck off, at least think of something original.

>> No.6395498

This is nice, Vian explored similar themes in Red Grass

>> No.6395533

The plot of Clerks, but it's as if Marquez and Nabokov had their writing styles stolen.

>> No.6395536

the irony!!!!!!

>> No.6395576


I didn't think anyone would catch it ;)
Take this gold, intelligent sir, and an upgoat

>> No.6395746

A man steals the Mona Lisa, paints a McDonald's in the background, and replaces it.

The story isn't about him though, and he never appears in the novel. The narrative follows an aging guard who works at the Louvre, before, during, and after the painting's theft.

>> No.6395788

should i get lipstick like that

>> No.6395794


unless tacky is your thing

>> No.6395829

> knowing what gold is

>> No.6395831

A group of wealthy New York socialites are trapped in a penthouse ballroom during the worst snowstorm in American history.

>> No.6395962

>pretending you don't read for plot
ah, the first week on /lit/

>> No.6396050

A young engineer goes on a journey to support the colonization of twelve new planets on the other side of known space. Fighting the elements of the new worlds, the dangers of space travel, ancient beings, and even his own mentor to complete his mission, the engineer learns a terrible truth that will seal his fate

>> No.6396060

sounds like a bunuel film

>> No.6396093

A space ship comes back from checking out some stupid rocks on Mars, then sees Earth is fucking gone. The crew of 100 people then go insane and eventually kill themselves or reenact Salo.

>> No.6396098

A sadistic billionaire creates a garden of Eden on a Greek island and then progressively mindbreaks a disgraced Japanese Idol, a pretentious adolescent /lit/fag, and a paraplegic girl who he suckers into it

>mfw when I finished it last week

>> No.6396118

A film critic whose obsession with cinema completely dominates his life. Most of the novel consists of his vivid descriptions and analyses of films.

>> No.6396121

In a fictional land a 13 year old aryan boy finds himself in a sprawling mega tripoli infested my pedophiles, techno zombies, child prostitutes and run by a 600 pound man known as Masterplan, a sadistic man ferried around by a raindeer team of inappropriately dressed children that's the keeper of a teenage girl held against her will to be an electronic deity to the masses. Finished it years ago.

>> No.6396145

>Mr Rude Quake

>> No.6396148
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My nigga

>> No.6396182

namedrop that shit

>> No.6396361


I don't want to, but I really like it. Fuck you for thinking of something good.

>> No.6396392
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>open thread
>open notepad
I'll never be stuck when penning my next kindle hit again!

>> No.6396396
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I'm surprisingly aware of this feel

>> No.6396644
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it's OK bros we just have to become Tao lin level and then we can do it

>> No.6396652


what a terrible description

what's the secret?

>> No.6397180


interesting idea. truly.

>> No.6397181


stay pleb with this boomer mentality.

>> No.6397184


fuck lol. they would possibly die from the pain and blood losss.

>> No.6397188

>teaches a valuable lesson about love and is a critique of late capitalism mixed with a bit of erotica.


sounds like fucking awful book.

>> No.6397189


horrible idea.

>> No.6397203

Which one is the murderer?

>> No.6397847

6/10 Would read

>> No.6398460

All humans on Earth, around the year 2599, start to incarnate when they die. This, combined with FTL space travel and space colonisation causes various sociopolitical constructs to collapse eventually. About a thousand years later, a female mercenary who has incarnated many times, is one of the rare few who still has memories of what Earth and was like before recieving the gift. Most people who live through so many lifetimes go mad and become heavily amnesiac, reducing their experiences to nothing. This mercenary though, who is disillusioned with all the violence and grotesque acts of the new way of life, finds herself when she rediscovers the richness of what human cultures used to be.

>> No.6398483


oh Lord is this the gas station faggots autismo manifesto

>> No.6398490

Cut off the tip of their dick
>off with their head

>> No.6398530

A reptilian in a zoo becomes ever more convinced his entire world is controlled by humans. It's exactly as bad as you'd think, but writing from the POV of a lizard is fucking hard you know.

>> No.6398547

el ángel exterminador

>> No.6398559

My experience of being human.

>> No.6398657
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A young video games and japanese culture enthusiast/shut-in unexpectedly inherits a great deal of wealth.

After realizing that this will forever change his life, he assembles a uh... rag-tag team of misfits, weaboos, furries, and whatever other deprived internet subculture enthusiasts he can find. A small group of journalists and drug dealers can always be found in tow as well.

The group plots a course of cringe-inducing destruction, travelling across the US, attending conventions and holding orgies, until they reach LA, where they hop on a plane to Japan. After an acid-soaked, barely-remembered weekend, our protagonist finds himself walking the streets alone.

He looks into a shop window and sees that the people consuming manga and anime are really just people. Japan isn't the promised land. He unsheathes his katana and throws it into a public fountain, then falls into despair.

>> No.6398682

>travelling across the US
>NEETs socializing with each other IRL
So like magical realism?

>> No.6398709

I'd read it

>> No.6398717

Then he cheats on his wife with her brother?

>> No.6398828

I hope this is b8

>> No.6398925


I kinda hope it's not. I'd read that.

>> No.6398967

something something sleep paralysis
i hope u like it

>> No.6398984

Very related:


Follow your dreams kid.

>> No.6399060

A guy loses his legs after a tragic accident. He struggles with life, and doesn't know whether to go on. He gets robot legs and discovers a passion for running. He starts competing and goes to the Olympics. He finds a girlfriend. He enjoys spending time with her. One day he gets bored of her, and devises a plan to get her killed, because hes to shy to tell her how he really feels. The plan backfires and he goes to jail. He has time to reflect in jail and decides that hes a homosexual and that is why he was unhappy.

>> No.6399098


>> No.6399101



>> No.6399116

I think that's based on a real story, saw a crime show with that plot

>> No.6399119

This is a parody, right?

>> No.6399159
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>When he looks in the mirror and finds the name Avery written on his chest he assumes that to be the name of his true love and goes out on a quest to find her.

>> No.6399172

You might like Chronic City

>> No.6399179

Ha. Just cause you can make a plot doesn't mean you can finish a novel, or make a good one.

>> No.6399213

Have any of you guys worked out a story, all the scenes?

I don't know how you'd sustain interest in a lot of these ideas.

>> No.6399285

>implying it's supposed to be interesting
>implying torturing the reader with masturbation metaphors isn't the goal

>> No.6399363

The first person narrative of a blind man who believe everyone else is secretly blind and that colors are a myth

>> No.6399367

im trying to write graphic novel about life of a butterfly, but im not very good drawer, but hoping for best

>> No.6399431

It's about a twenty-something depressed artist. He has issues connecting with people because he sees through all the social niceties of everyday life, and thusly seems to be rude/arrogant. One day while he's taking pictures next to a book store, he meets a girl who tries to save him from his cynicism. Partly autobiographical.

>> No.6399474

Why does she do that?

>> No.6399605
File: 14 KB, 275x325, renaisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The life story, from birth to death, of an Italian master-of-disguise (yes it is a reference to the movie) traveling throughout Renaissance Europe, the Levant, and the Middle East in order to win the affections of the (now) Duchess Desideria Diamante, whom he fell in love with as a young age at Carnival. Themes would include: identity, the forms of love, fate and destiny, and gender.

I would be kind of a whimsical, quixotic, picaresque style novel with elements of tragedy and farce. A loveable but multi-faceted cast of central characters, exotic and fantastical locales, and a mostly light plot that gradually builds to a titanic conclusion. I have a great portion of the plot planned out at this point, but I just haven't done the requisite research to make the setting believable. Some day.

Would really like to call it "The Master of Disguise" but...the movie.

Would /lit/ read?

>> No.6399760


Man, honestly that sounds like something I'd really enjoy if written right but are you sure you can write it right? Do the idea justice?

Also fuck that name. Fuck that name with all my heart.

>> No.6399779

The Assburgers Chronicles?

>> No.6399791

Sounds rather cliche but also like a good read if you can make the setting authentic and the characters unique and interesting. Just don't be lazy with the title, please.

>> No.6399796

It's an archeology of the discourses of psychology, but I've published it.

>> No.6399871

I had originally thought my idea (>>6395355) would be better as a screenplay, so I planned it pretty carefully and made a list of about 35 ordered scenes. Trying to sustain interest was the main difficulty though, and part of the reason why I decided to switch and try to write it in novel form instead.

>> No.6399878

A book about myself, obviously.

>> No.6399907

jesus christ you must be joking.
that is literally one of the worst ideas ive ever read.
its basically a shitty memento

>> No.6399949

44 year old accountant accidentally falls with his pants down into his 6 year old nephew with hilarious slapstick consequences

>> No.6399984

old guy with dementia in a nursing home repeats the first paragraph which beautifully describes a nurse wiping his shit smeared anus for 200 pages until he finally falls asleep

>> No.6399991


Who is that semen demon?

>> No.6400011

Yeah, I know that the premise is totally cliche, but I feel like if it's written well and self-aware and the setting is put together well it could be a good read. But who knows if I'll ever be able to achieve that level of writing.

I'm not interested in him actually consummating his love for the Duchess, but in portraying the pitfalls of selfless love and the different types of love (love between friends, love of family, sexual love, religious faith etc.) that he encounters along the way.

He's basically gonna get his ass rejected and cucked when she finds out this crazy guy has been following her all over the world and die in a tower in Dalmatia hallucinating that he's the Pope. .

Kind of like Don Quixote/Count of Monte Cristo/ Gargantua and Pantagruel/Love in the Time of Cholera liberally sprinkled with magical realism

>> No.6400028


Heck's teeth, this is so obviously an exercise in self-flattery. Sorry, but thinking you see through the niceties is arrogance. The niceties are just ways we avoid being dicks to each other. Only a petulant child gets wound up about just not being a dick. This is just a book about how you think you deserve a magic girlfriend for being clever. Please rethink.

>> No.6400074

Right now? I have know clue if I could do the idea justice. I would definitely not undertake it as my first novel and would want to be a scholar of the Renaissance before even touching it. But it's a magnum opus, a big idea which I love to write one day and write it well.

It would probably also have to be really long, as many picaresque novels tend to be. So no clue. But some day, we'll see.

And yeah, the title will probably be some kind of listing of his many titles and disguises---but that might come off as either masturbatory or a throwback to the picaresque classics

>> No.6400082


I think you should call it 'Ye House'.

>> No.6400426

I'll try to put it all in one sentence:

A man finds God/his deceased daughter as a ghost that only manifests itself in the internet, which in the book is presented as this digital, surreal Louis Carroll-esque world.

>> No.6400447

This is weak bait, please, no more.

>> No.6400693


>> No.6400698

a meta fiction write with green arrows

>> No.6401434

Sometimes I wish the south had successfully seceded so I would not have to be in the same country as the southern states.

>> No.6401446

really mks u thnk about wats going on 2day rite?

>> No.6401536
File: 401 KB, 570x408, 5_2.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be nice if he confused worlds and did something heinous in the real one. Or forgot which world he was in and couldn't go back to the other. Or the worlds bleed into each other; ie he does something bad in one and in the other it faintly happened.

>> No.6401547

Why not set it in contemporary times. Thackery wouldn't have set it in 1500

>> No.6401744

That would be an interesting dynamic and could be fascinating, definitely. But I don't think it would work in the case of my idea

>> No.6402043

A great empire that formed not too long ago under the influence of a religion that may or may not parallell Islam has reached a secluded region of the world, where there's a little coastal town that they are now annexing. Annexing means absorbing and forcing to assimilate, and to do so, the empire means to kill the princess of the town, who the townsfolk see as the new Messiah of their own fate as she is the offspring of a virgin birth. To protect the faith, the princess, and his own interests, a thief with a heart of gold steals her away, and they flee together into the wild dunes of the land "Harabah."

>> No.6402044

*faith, not fate

sry lol

>> No.6402065

It has no real plot. It's about the everyday life of people in a post-apocalyptic village. Their culture, religion, customs, social life, etc.

>> No.6402071

is that blah of /fa/ fame?

>> No.6402198


>> No.6402294

Thanks, those are exactly the sorts of plot elements I want to introduce, I'm just having a bit of trouble working them in at the moment.

>> No.6402343

I want to make a video game dealing with determinism with a splash of Old Testament.

Effectively God creates free will and loses his omniscience and becomes mortal. He does this by placing certain stones around his creation. You start with a cutscene of your characters life and discover you were cursed to ruin your people. In an effort to escape he seeks the stones and once he finds them the camera is controlled by you for the rest of the game, with no UI or anything else.

I know it sounds cheesy. I have a clear idea for the combat system and the art style though.

>> No.6402359

Would buy and read.

>> No.6402377

A young doctor struggles with the question of whether he is truly depressed or simply wants to be depressed because it would make him feel like less of a failure for being a foreveralone dickwad (i.e. it would medicalise his problems and absolve him of responsibility). He ruminates on our odd fluctuating sense of time, on his mediocre childhood and the guilt it has left him with, and the question of whether he can ever be sure of what kind of person he is (he suspects he is an unlikeable bore, but can't judge objectively). He goes on a couple of bad dates over a period of two years and often thinks about how he would kill himself if he had the guts.

Over time he slowly realises that he has just made bad decisions in life, and really shouldn't have become a doctor and should have put more effort into the relationships he regrets having fucked up. He slowly develops a stoic approach to his life, and with the help of antidepressants is able to stop worrying and just work, while knowing that life is shit and probably always will be.

Mostly autobiographical, and a lot of it would just be about the weirdness of life in a hospital and the various moral ambiguities it presents. And yes I know The House of God already did it, but ya know what, fuck it.

>> No.6402409

I's like Fate/Stay Night, but the "servants" are actually living personifications of various concepts. Everything from birds to fish, fire, the moon, war, music, etc; are all represented. Ostensibly they all have the same level of power, but some of them have jurisdictions over others, and many of them aren't suited to fighting at all. The main character ends up meeting and contracting the entity of Fungi, who, while not hugely powerful, is a surprisingly decent combatant.

Aside from that, I don't really have much of a plot. I've started writing my first real (different) book, and It's looking like this idea is pretty infeasible. I've heard the "perfect" ideas of most writers who are actually successful never see the light of day anyway, so I'm not too worried.

>> No.6402424

It's Kitty Pryde yah

>> No.6402626


do you have any game programming experience at all lmao

>> No.6402660

Kitty visits /fa/?

>> No.6402661


Nah, it's mostly navel-gazing and clumsy anti-consumerist allegory.

>> No.6402828

nice premise

>> No.6403152

like theres this dog and he barks a lot and it angers and old man then he kills the dov then feels horrible about it or something

>> No.6403163
File: 2 KB, 120x117, 1416772217580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing for plot