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6387466 No.6387466 [Reply] [Original]

Is writing in first-person pleb?

>> No.6387476

according to oe, yes

>> No.6387492
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Not at all, it's the most challenging thing you can do.
Or are you calling Raymond Carver a pleb? You wanna fight?

>> No.6387506

Lolita stands as a good example.
Also, Sense of an Ending.
Also, The Hour I First Believed.

>> No.6387515

No, you pretty much have to write in the first person these days.

>> No.6387518

>who is dickens

>> No.6387580

I'll smoke you like he smoked his life away, boy

>> No.6387603
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I-is that sexual thing?

>> No.6387618

This is /lit/

We sacrificed sexual pleasure long ago

>> No.6387627

>four pages into writing my first-person narrative novel

I-i'm not gonna make it, /lit/

>> No.6387651
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R-reaching climax while reaching the climax of our respective lectures would be pretty i-interesting...

>> No.6387664


are you a girl?

>> No.6387679
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d-define girl

>> No.6387687


Yes. The average person lacks the empathy needed to understand someone from the outside. They'll only get it if they imagine it's happening to them, instead of someone else.

>> No.6387699


are you feminine? like androgenius

>> No.6387701

You really think it's easier to write as a character than writing as yourself?

>> No.6387704
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I really like your standards.
you're not gonna hook up through /lit/, though, I'm sorry

>> No.6387716
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oh my god

>> No.6387718


pls be in south america

>> No.6387724
File: 1.80 MB, 282x257, fumrrogers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using danbooru tag style for your image names
it's as if you didn't want to find them

>> No.6387727


>not using Large Icons to see them as thumbnails

>> No.6387732


I'm talking about from the perspective of the reader

>> No.6387739
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A first person narrator can hide more information than a third person narrator, since it's his internal dialogue he doesn't explain stuff to himself. The reader has to fill the gaps. It sounds as if you just read pleb stuff yourself, I already mentioned Carver but you really should give him a try:

oh, you know me from another thread

>> No.6387744

Christ, suicide is reserved for short bus, now I'm rethinking it.

>> No.6387751

it's not pleb but doing it well is very hard

>> No.6387833


>> No.6387839
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>> No.6387869

Notes from the Underground

>> No.6387888

Not every first-person novel is written by a pleb, but _every_ novel written by a pleb is written in first-person.

I dare you to prove me wrong.

>> No.6387895

Most YA is in third person, cheap pulp stories are usually t.p. too.

>> No.6387927

Other way around, buddy. Not every pleb novel is first-person, but every first-person novel is pleb.

>> No.6388544


>> No.6388546

>what is Moby Dick
>what is Pale Fire and Lolita
>what is The Sound and the Fury

The list goes on my friend.

>> No.6388548


he's also the only person who ever pulled off second person

>> No.6388591

>Is writing in first-person pleb?
ofc, royal we or nothing

but the americans cannot grasp the level of their mediocry

>> No.6388611
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What coffee/caffeine really does?

Caffeine reduces gray matter brain bloodflow by 50%. Caffeine makes you overwork on anything and disrupts resting and protein synthesis. Caffeine causes extreme anxiety, reducing actual work per time. Caffeine is a legal drug that causes mild psychosis and general superficial thought. Caffeine makes you horny and weak. Caffeine makes you undereat forever, as long as you take it. Caffeine was banned in Germany. Caffeine seems to work the opposite way of alcohol, and since alcohol is Christ's blood, coffee must be the Devil's shit.