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File: 27 KB, 598x407, BewkblfCQAADkSD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6385262 No.6385262 [Reply] [Original]

Hate him all you want, but The Gurm is right on the money about this Hugos shit

>I am against all these proposals. If indeed I am at Spokane, and if I can get myself up in time for the business meeting, I will vote against every one of them.

>Most of them, frankly, suck. And the mere fact that so many people are discussing them makes me think that the Puppies won. They started this whole thing by saying the Hugo Awards were rigged to exclude them. That is completely untrue, as I believe I demonstrated conclusively in my last post. So what is happening now? The people on MY SIDE, the trufans and SMOFs and good guys, are having an endless circle jerk trying to come up with a foolproof way to RIG THE HUGOS AND EXCLUDE THEM. God DAMN, people. You are proving them right.

>I hate what the Puppies did. It was based on false premises, and though it was not illegal, it was mean-spirited and unsportsmanlike. So how about we do NOT prove them right by rigging the rules against Sad Puppies 4? How about we try to be better than that? There is nothing wrong with the Hugo rules. If we want to defeat the Puppies, all we need to do is outvote them. Get in our own nominations. This year, the Puppies emptied the kennels and got out their vote, and we didn't. Fandom danced the usual, "oh, too busy to nominate, I will just vote on the final ballot," and for that complacency, we got blindsided. We lost. They kicked our fannish asses, and now we have the ballot they gave us. If we don't want that to happen again, we need to get out our OWN vote.

>> No.6385267

What's he talking about. What's are the Hugos.

>> No.6385287

>good guys
>sad puppies

I don't know what any of these words mean. Somehow, I don't think I want anyone to explain them to me either.

>> No.6385298
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Just some dog's dinner

>> No.6385299

This guy, you guys, anyone who cares about this is literally wasting their life. Meanwhile the wage gap is bigger than ever. Faggot consumers.

>> No.6385375

>we buy vitamin-enriched meat for pet dogs while people starve

Why is modern resource allocation so bizarre?

>> No.6385438

What the sad puppies ended up doing was demonstrating to people who only barely gave a shit about the Hugo's how worthless they are as a metric of any sort of quality. Until now I had no clue that people paid to vote or that they have actual fanfiction categories.

The true winners in this whole situation are the people who run the thing, as they now have two groups of illiterate retards buying $40 votes to outdo the other retards.

>> No.6385443

>'good guys'

>> No.6385473

i dont actually disagree with anything here, i know nothing about the hugos, but what gets me more than anything else is one, how the writing here is only a few levels of editing removed from the calibre of a youtube comment, and two, that he has and still uses livejournal

is this well known? have i been living under a rock? does gaben post in a xanga too?

>> No.6385482

A few people have tried to live off "monkey chow," which in theory should have the same nutrients people need to survive, but they couldn't take it

>> No.6385493

>and two, that he has and still uses livejournal
Anon, like every author has one, it's the hipster author thing to do.

>> No.6385497
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Hey, is it true that the XKCD guy won a Hugo?

>> No.6385499
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i'm as confused as you are

>> No.6385504

Nominated for "best fan artist" in 2011 and 2012, won for best graphic story in 2014 for this


Which, hey, it's kind of cool, and the other nominees weren't too impressive

>> No.6385531

There's somethign like that for a videoclip for Johnny Cash. Anyone can do a manual rotoscopy of a single frame and then it plays jumping from one to another, people vote their favorites to make the automatized play.

>> No.6385536

Brianna Wu's husband has won four hugos

>> No.6385546

It's a little toy rocket that goes in your butt.

>> No.6385555
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>> No.6385575

...Who the fuck is Brianna Wu? I swear to God if this is some kind of /co/ or /v/ or /x/ bullshit I can't even take it anymore. We shouldn't be having "celebrity" wars in literature.

All of this Hugo stuff just reminds me why the world of fandom in general is just bollocks. GURM is right of course, but that does nothing to change the fact that he still wrote a fucking op-ed about two opposing sides of a debate about voting for shitty genre books.

>> No.6385620


basically the Hugo awards are getting derailed by lobbying and agendas.

it seems that GRRM is doing everything but writing winds of winter.

>> No.6385621

Brianna Wu is just some batshit insane transexual with rich parents who has Twitter meltdowns over nothing and likes screaming about being a feminist leader and great game designer despite only using his parents money to make 1 shitty phone game.

>> No.6385623
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>those god damn puppies just wouldn't leave us progressives alone to perpetuate our cultural marxist agenda, they ruined everything


good to see that genre fiction is no better than video games

>> No.6385648

What Grrm is saying about the hugos also works as commentary on why the dems got the president but not congress, which relates to this issue.

>> No.6385660
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>> No.6385667

For what? Is he a writer or something?

>> No.6385673
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Holy fuck, it's Duddits.

>> No.6385745


Not that he gives a damn, of course, but it is worth noting that McCarthy has been admonished by certain critics for his lack of female characters. So, perhaps we are not quite so elevated above the petty trenches of SJWs and Neckbeards as we think.

>> No.6385754

Hugo voter here. Though for the past ten years or so I question why. (Same goes for attending San Diego Comiccon past 2010)

The +100 or so votes that came in for nominations kind of disprove the idea that sad puppies brought swells of outsiders in to bolster their ranks.

Plus the yearly lack of Baen nominatons (and abundance of Tor) is troubling. the lack of Hugos would indicate a lack of quality for the publishing house, yet it seems to do fine in a small market. So if the books suck, how are they staying afloat?

I'm cool with Torgensen, definitely not a particular fan of Correia and how I feel on Vox needs not be said, but god damn if the shrill harpies lying through their teeth and calling for their heads has seriously made me consider voting for Sad Puppies nominees out of fucking spite.

Either it's the Tor clique or its general sci-fi. if it's the latter, controversial opinions and political disagreements don't bar someone from participation.

>> No.6385764

McCarthy is literary pantheon though

but it seems cultural marxism isn't contained in the gender studies anymore, but has started spilling from that insulated field ever since clickbait websites got staffed with san fran graduates.

>> No.6385772

Also that dinosaur shit was a fucking travesty.

that was the closest I've come to dropping my membership.

>> No.6385777
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Leftist media is just pic related with gender segregation addendum, right?

Hipster Skelter

>> No.6385820

what dinosaur shit?

>> No.6385836

Last year's short story Hugo winner was a piece of dreck called "if you were a dinosaur, my love"

Look it up if you want, but it's as bad as it sounds.

The fact that it even made the nominations pretty much soured the ballot for me, and I like to think I'm pretty open minded.

>> No.6385846


can't be worse than crichton though he didn't win a hugo

>> No.6385854
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>A T-Rex, even a small one, would never have to stand against five blustering men soaked in gin and malice. A T-Rex would bare its fangs and they would cower. They’d hide beneath the tables instead of knocking them over. They’d grasp each other for comfort instead of seizing the pool cues with which they beat you, calling you a fag, a towel-head, a shemale, a sissy, a spic, every epithet they could think of, regardless of whether it had anything to do with you or not, shouting and shouting as you slid to the floor in the slick of your own blood.

>If you were a dinosaur, my love, I’d teach you the scents of those men. I’d lead you to them quietly, oh so quietly. Still, they would see you. They’d run. Your nostrils would flare as you inhaled the night and then, with the suddenness of a predator, you’d strike. I’d watch as you decanted their lives—the flood of red; the spill of glistening, coiled things—and I’d laugh, laugh, laugh.

I apologize to Michael Crichton estate

>> No.6385858

>McCarthy is literary pantheon though
McCarthy is middlebrow shite, they even make stupid movies for teenagers out of his books.

>> No.6385863

>five blustering men soaked in gin

What kind of homophobe drinks gin?

>> No.6385864


I just read the dinosaur story, that shit went full retard. if that's all it takes to win a Hugo, I could probably do it.

I assume it won because of the SJW content.

>> No.6385867

Well, at least xe shaved xer eyebrows.

>> No.6385880

blood meridian is a timeless study in violence and irreverence

in my top five, firmly.

>> No.6385889

>blood meridian is a timeless study in violence and irreverence
'Study in violence'? Topkek.
>in my top five, firmly.
Let's talk about this again when you grow up.

>> No.6385901
File: 131 KB, 1086x618, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, at least video games still have Japanese industry. Guess you better start translating.

It still amazes me how transparent cultural marxism is.

>> No.6385920

shut up fagtron

>> No.6385927


Yeah, fagtron, shut up.

>> No.6385949

>It still amazes me how transparent cultural marxism is.
It still amazes you that you see what you expect to find everywhere you look?

>> No.6385951
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>> No.6385958

Well, how stereotypical it is and how well-entrenched they are. I thought that video games in the west fell easily because there are no good critics/educated people in the field but now I see that genre fiction got 'appropriated' well before feels realz crowd turned its eye towards pixellated tits.

>> No.6385987

what am I reading? I know what The Hugos are but what the fuck are puppies!?

>> No.6386006
File: 66 KB, 294x297, Imagen 79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see it as well entrenched because you have such a vague idea of what this enemy is that you can easily connect it with any attitude you don't like. There is no cultural marxism and marx was very in favor of the bourgeois and its practices since he aw then as inherently revolutionary. Further on marxism takes in consideration multiple cultures as reference to make an ideal road that all classes could (and should) take, some intended cultural standard isn't a thing in any of his writings and doesn't correlate with any attempt of implementation (Russia, China, Cuba or Vietnam never shared any cultural characteristics, for example).
Cultural Marxism is an american tv buzzword that can only be sustained by people who take marxism as some boogieman that shall never be even checked in case it infects you or something.

>> No.6386031
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nice projection fagtron

no wonder you cultural marxists love freudian bullshit.

don't you find it tedious when you try to discuss with me by first telling me what I think and then debating it as if I said it in earnest?

What the fuck, you people are a cult trying to bait race/gender war. And most of your kind come from rentier capitalist background, idle minds are devil's playground.

>> No.6386061

why the fuck would he reply to you seriously about your conspiracy theories in videogames while we are in a literature board.
stay on the subject or fuck off nobody is interested ilistening to your propaganda.

>> No.6386085

>conspiracy theories in videogames

look at the twitter screenshot i posted
woman in question is also a winner of an award given by a society she is a vice president in

>nobody is interested
stop hating individualism, marxist
speaking to universal mind is a disease

>> No.6386118

I answered sincerely because I don't have some persecution complex. If you don't want to be answered just don't post, otherwise don't get mad that people do as they wish.

>> No.6386121

>persecution complex

there it is, psychoanalisis outta wazoo again. what is it with you people? reverse scientology?

>> No.6386137

>reverse scientology?
keking irl, you're killing me!

>> No.6386142

>She was probably male, to judge from the angular mazelike patterns quilting her shirt. I wasn’t entirely certain. It wouldn’t have mattered, if I had been in Radch space. Radchaai don’t care much about gender, and the language they speak—my own first language—doesn’t mark gender in any way. The language we were speaking now did, and I could make trouble for myself if I used the wrong forms.

This is a genuine, totally real, unedited excerpt from a book that not only was nominated, but WON a Hugo. The awards being rigged is the best case scenario. The alternative is that the voters think this is a work that genuinely deserves praise.

>> No.6386145


memetics isn't good for your mind.

>> No.6386149

>I don't have this
>why are you saying I have that?!
great show

>> No.6386157

Okay, I think this was a cry for help.

>> No.6386164

Why is it so weird to imagine a race from another planet getting mad when you called some dude a gal?
I know, I know. It depends a lot in context. As I read it he could be saying that if it looks like a woman he would had fucked it, like a sailor would; and the worrying that he could be calling someone a faggot when surrounded of his people (or someone's wife a dude, which wouldn't be too cool either)

>> No.6386166

this is bioware tier writing

so when did SJW domination start and which books/stories won the awards due to agenda pushing?

>> No.6386387

Hugo/WorldCon member from earlier here

I don't mind if a book chock-full of uberprogressivisms wins, if it's a good book. I'm pretty fucking liberal.

The problem I have is twofold
1. Objectively poor literature is winning over entries with better prose, flow, and cohesion.
2. Only superprogressive pieces are winning.

I looked back over some of the past years just now, and there's some real shit there. All these "[X] dig Time Lords" were seriously nomination-worthy? I knew Whovians were a cancerous fandom but if that doesn't prove the Hugos are slanted, what will?

>> No.6386408
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Are you really surprised that pic related fantasizes about solving problems by eating them?

>> No.6386739

*Why is Oligarchal Capitalism so bizarre?


>> No.6386775
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It's not. It exploits the weakest people to make them do extra work or justify it self.
>It's cool to vote for this people because they talk about female rights
>This company is giving me the chance of being exploited even though I like cocks, they are such nice guys.
>Bill Gates may have a monopoly and help the state control everything I do, but he gives 0,01% of his billions of dollars to some charities (that push a teaching system that will give him more money), so it's cool that he gets tax reductions.
The US has no real left wing, just people pointing at each other and blaiming them for non issues like less male oriented science fiction or some price that never was worth shit going to authors they never heard of instead of going to authors they never heard of.

>> No.6386824

>If we want to defeat the Puppies, all we need to do is outvote them. Get in our own nominations. This year, the Puppies emptied the kennels and got out their vote, and we didn't. Fandom danced the usual, "oh, too busy to nominate, I will just vote on the final ballot," and for that complacency, we got blindsided. We lost. They kicked our fannish asses, and now we have the ballot they gave us. If we don't want that to happen again, we need to get out our OWN vote.

He's advocating more of the same tactics. This shit has become a circus and I'm actually pretty convinced that the Sad Puppies have performed a genius stroke of political exposition. They're just baiting all these leftist snowflakes into proving their point....it's glorious.

>> No.6386848

>tfw this has effectively turned the hugos into a two party system.

>> No.6386897

how ideological are sad puppies? because wanting agenda-driven cultural marxism driven from influencing genre fiction isn't exactly an ideological stance. more of a manifesto.

>> No.6386924
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Its hard to believe he and Zizek are the same age, GRRM looks like 20 years older than him.

>> No.6386940

Very. They're basically the exact same thing as SJWs, except they're traditionalists. One of the guys they voted for doesn't think women should be able to vote.

>> No.6386949




>le cultural marxism


>> No.6387068

The guys behind sad puppies? Yes. Ideological, mostly middle right or leaning conservative (not sure about Hoyt) .

The people they nominated? All over the spectrum both ethnic or political. Even a couple pinko commies if I remember correctly.

>> No.6387076

>cultural marxism meme

Oh dear...

>> No.6387094
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>> No.6387192

We should gather all the science fiction fans and the male gamers and the female gamers and all the sjw tumblrites and all the muh feelings 'journalists' and all the slactivists... Get them all together in the desert, get some video cameras, then give everybody weapons...then send in the Air Force to carpet bomb the desert....then bury the survivors.

>> No.6387219


>cultural Marxist agenda

Every time I see this. Hear this. I want to stab my eyes. Will you people ever, ever, just shut the fuck up. You care about no one in particular, yet apparently you're doing this because you have sympathies for others? What sympathies do you even have. I want to vomit my innards and organs out every time I see this. Please stop.

>> No.6387229

>You care about no one in particular, yet apparently you're doing this because you have sympathies for others? What sympathies do you even have.
what are you ranting about?

>> No.6387245



>> No.6387254

aay lmao'd

>> No.6387264

The Hugos havent ever been good. Its a fucking fan award. Its literally the Kids Choice Awards of literature. Caring about the Hugos in ANY way whatsoever is about the most embarrassing thing you can do as a reader of genre, or a reader of anything.

>> No.6387272

take your pills
you're going barmy

>> No.6387282


>taking cultural Marxist Jew pharmaceuticals

Do you want me to die?

>> No.6387290
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>Progressives have a circlejerk smearing people not in their cool club
>Snubbed people form blocs and have now overcome the cool people club
>Divas shitting themselves because their little boys club is now being diversified and they don't like it
>Smears, accusations of bigotry and petty drama everywhere

There's a reason people look down on drama queen "artsy" types, they fail to grow out of the highschool clique phase. To think suggesting everyone in the political spectrum deserves a chance to have their material evaluated on merit means you're a racist/sexist/poopyhead is depressing. At the risk of sounding like a fedora-wearer, I really thought we'd be above this kind of tribal bullshit in 2015.

>> No.6387303

Men colluding to maintain WAGE GAP, women raped every day by WORLDWIDE PATRIARCHY. Rape culture lovers fostering anti-woman sentiments across campuses just to HATE WOMEN. Harassment and death threats from far-right MRA mysoginists. Subscribe and donate to my patreon!

You can substitute MRA for JEWS and see how nutty these people are.

>> No.6387305

>Do you want me to die?
I'm thinking

>> No.6387319


I might be biased but I'd rather see people shitting on men's rights activists than dumb shit manic nationalists. I've seen them on the internet enough at tho point it's all old as hell. Plus at least some of what the "batshit leftists" say is grounded in theory. I can't say the same for people who think cultural Marxism is a Jewish plot to destroy everything moral and good and Nazi worship.

Also the fact men's rights activists aren't a fucking ethnicity

>> No.6387380
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The wage gap has been proven false, and these "batshit leftists" keep parroting it as if it's a sexist issue rather than women flocking to humanities majors instead of underwater welding or STEM. The whole fake rape accusation shit with that one fraternity and everyone glosses over it because it "raises awareness" is insane, what happens if someone you date doesn't like you and decides to ruin your life? These people will destroy you and smile because you're just a means to an end for them, and the media will run their sob story. That kind of shit is disgusting.

As far as the MRA thing, they're basically the male version of feminists, but since we're still living with supposed "gender roles," everyone has to assume women are always victims and discount the men complaining because of phantom privilege. It's blatantly unfair, and you're expected to shut up and accept their dogma without complaining. It's the modern Catholic Church and it's censure across media, accept the faith or be labeled a heretic/bigot.

I just want to be left alone and have my work evaluated on merit, is that so wrong?

>> No.6387414
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Not sure about Hoyt?
The banner on her blog reads:
Plotting to take over the world and leave it ruthlessly alone.

In other words- Don't tread on me.

>> No.6387427

So... Libertarian?

>> No.6387489

More or less.

>> No.6387510

>I just want to be left alone and have my work evaluated on merit
You realize that racial blindness is racism, right?


>> No.6387645

the triumvirate of shit taste, alongside Sherlock and Supernatural fans

>> No.6387673

He doesn't even look that tasty.

>> No.6387680

The Lego Movie is nominated for a Hugo this year.

>> No.6387705

Hi Brian

>> No.6387706
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>Reading Castle of Days
>mfw Gene Wolfe talks about how great of a show Dr. Who is
He wrote that in the 80s to be fair, but come on.

>> No.6387745

>Two wrongs make a right
Glad to see conservatives once again prove themselves to have the thought processes of whiny children

>> No.6387752

What qualifies as science fiction (and I guess fantasy now) to the Hugos is baffling. The Yiddish Policemen's Union won a few years back, and it's less science fiction than infinite jest.

It's written by a bisexual jew though, which is what really counts.

>> No.6388020
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OK, what the hell is "cultural Marxism?" I see this thrown around, and all I can guess is that it's some vague set of ideals that some people advance. What makes it different from other sets of ideals other people advance?

And isn't the whole "these ideals descend from Marxists" thing just a giant genetic fallacy?

>> No.6388041



>> No.6388054


>> No.6388078
File: 85 KB, 143x279, 1422758344434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It advocates for the idea that multiculturalism and political correctness are products of critical theory, which originated with the Frankfurt School.

Isn't political correctness supposed to be an insult instead of an actual school of thought? Hasn't there always been a sort of "political correctness," aka a range of political opinion considered acceptable? Isn't claiming your insulting phrase is an ideology like claiming dickheads are an ethnicity?

Also, somebody please spoonfeed me about critical theory, Wikipedia just gives me stuff about analyzing and changing society, which seems pretty fucking broad.

>> No.6388090

Fuck, I never realized all the references to "Frankfurt School" on this site were about cultural marxism.

>> No.6388236

Original name was John

>> No.6388249
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The RR stands for Really Round.

>> No.6388258

Is anyone else starting to think that GRRM just ISN'T WRITING The Winds of Winter any more? I think the knowledge that the show is going to spoil the books has put him off the series permanently.

>> No.6388264

>The Lego Movie is nominated for a Hugo this year.
The Lego Movie was very good. (Of course, why the fuck the Hugos are giving out movie awards is another question.)

>> No.6388268
File: 66 KB, 952x865, respected awards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the fuck the Hugos are giving out movie awards is another question.
You know they award fanfiction and fanart too, right?

>> No.6388375


>Lindy West said that female rape victims will probably be less likely to report sexual assaults for fear of being questioned by "some teenage 4Channer."
>prosecuting libel is unfair to women
>implying the primary victims aren't the young men who have had their lives made a living hell by a lying woman

Jesus. It would be funny if it weren't so terrifying. I hope that woman goes to jail.

>> No.6388405

I'm guessing winds of winter will come out in 2018.

I doubt he'll finish dream of spring.

>> No.6388416


Even if a cultural marxist conspiracy existed I'd be 100% for it.


It is statistic fact that most rape victims do not come forward with their stories because they would rather not relive. That goes for both male and female rape victims. The only reason your targeting female rape victims on this is because of ideological bias (That also happens to be incorrect), when men very much do get raped.

You cannot claim that women lie more about rape than men, because they are both even. The myth that women lie about rape is preposterous and only acts to ignore the male victims of rape as if only women get raped.

>> No.6388444

Ah hahahaha wage gap

>> No.6388447

Lego movie was pretty phenomenal though

>> No.6388469

He has written more on this issue than he has written TWOW. Fuck this guy. First he sold out to HBO, and now he's not even writing anymore, just trying to live off his celebrity status.

>> No.6388629
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SPs/RPs keep making that point, that the recent nominations of poor works to the exclusion of their preferred ones (their own, in the case of SP/RP authors) proves that the Hugos are controlled by political conspiracy. They claim that the Hugos favor one type of sff, and that type is bad, and doesn't reflect the tastes of the majority of readers, unlike the type they favor, which is good, like sff used to be, like their sff is, and the reason their sff doesn't get recognized is because of extra-literary reasons.

Personally, I remain unconvinced that there's any difference in quality, let alone a suspicious one, between the SP/RP-approved works and Hugo-nominated works. In fact, I agree with GRRM that there's not a substantial difference between these "types" even - you mention the lack of Baen nominations and abundance of Tor, but that doesn't mean much when nominated Tor works include books by Brandon Sanderson, Orson Scott Card, and this year, Kevin J Anderson, the top bill on the SP slate? Looking at Best Novel awards, I also have to disagree that there's a lack or abundance of either. Tor certainly recurs more often but never dominates, not in nominations and certainly not in wins. I count about one year where there was a majority of Tor nominations for Best Novel, 3/5. The winner that year was a Tor book, written by Vernor Vinge, a libertarian. Actually, there was another year with 3/5 Tor nominations, 1988, with Orson Scott Card, Gene Wolfe and Greg Bear. The winner was a Bantam Spectra book.

And Baen's Hugo presence has never been comparable to Tor's. Tor's been nominated regularly since they first showed up with Ender's Game in 1986 - in its first few years it was carried by Card novels. Baen, pops up in '91 with Lois Bujold's The Vor Game, and then gets a nomination in basically whenever she lets them publish one of her books: '95, '97, '00. This is actually about as frequent as Tor until '00, when Baen Books disappears from the Best Novel category for ten years, until they again publish a Bujold book in '11. Since then, the frequency of Baen nominations has actually been higher than ever, with a nomination in '11, '13 and '14. '14 marks both the first time Baen gets two books in a row and the first male Baen nominee: Larry Correia.

>> No.6388632
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A positive interpretation is that the would-be conservative leanings of Baen are and are growing more welcome than ever, and conservative male authors at that. A negative interpretation is that the only condition the SJW conspiracy would accept rightwing Baen books is if they were written by women. In either case, if Tor and Baen stand are to be used as symbols of liberal and conservative, it sort of takes the wind out of the argument that Hugo leanings have swung away from the latter in recent years.

But of course, that's a false premise. But so is, I suspect, the populistic appeal of the puppies who posit, what, anybody who supports and approves of Hugo results for the last however many years? as an ivory tower minority, and anybody who likes what they like as a vast, real world majority -- and so is the claim that the winners and nominees of the past leaned one way, and now they leaned another way, and that where that's true it's not a result of general societal changes, but a conspiracy.

I think that it's not even the case that one type of literature is less popular than it was before. I think the case with these puppies is that they're coming up with a bunch of excuses to justify that their work, right now, is not considered very good.

>> No.6388650

I can see the point there there was a bunch of non sci fi garbage being put up like "The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere" by John Chu (gay man brings his partner home) and "If you were a Dinosaur my Dear". And I see the complaints about John Scalzi being a faggot.

Nonetheless, its the puppies who fucked up the awards. Larry Correia was driven by politics, not by a desire to improve things.

>> No.6388652


>> No.6388662

MRA's arent a real thing outside the internet though. Retarded as they are, they have no power over anyone.

>> No.6388680

They're in an oddly symbiotic relationship with feminist 'journalists'. Nobody would read writers like Jessica Valenti if there wasn't a comments section where they can rage post. Those rage-posts generate clicks which generate advertising revenue. Which makes it profitable to post feminist columns despite their lack of popularity.

>> No.6388683 [DELETED] 

>all these /pol/ scumbags
> "waaaah we white males are being marginalized in science fiction, instead of writing something and adding to it lets just crash the system of rewarding artistic merit instead"

why cant you just fucking die? seriously there's like 5 of you tops, please just die fucking please.

>> No.6388687

they are both the same meme-system. Sexed for more effective spread.


>> No.6388689

>seriously there's like 5 of you tops
but they won an election.

>> No.6388698



>> No.6388749

>implying the system rewarded artistic merit

All it rewarded was bad agitprop.

>> No.6388857



good goy

>> No.6388859

>game of thrones

top plebs

>> No.6389328


You are literally fucking retarded.

>> No.6389362

the retarded need love too

>> No.6389435

>It is statistic fact
It is impossible to include those unknowns in a study you retard. How can an adult believe this horseshit?

>> No.6389445


Incorrect. Most people do not go forward with rape cases until much later, and the explanation is pretty much consensus in regards to reaction to trauma.

>> No.6389457

How can you know whether someone has rape trauma IF THAT PERSON HAS NOT COME FORWARD. This huge subset of unknowable unknowns completely prevents any meaningful statistical evaluation of the subject. How can you not comprehend the underlying issue here? How can you be that stupid? Jesus Christ there are voting adults who can't grasp this, holy shit my Internet PTSD just triggered.

>> No.6389467

>How can you know whether someone has rape trauma

Because they were raped.

>> No.6389478

Please be trolling, my schedule doesn't allow me to be this #triggered right now.

>> No.6389479

how can you believe in any statistics? the most idiotic remnant of failed positivism, right there with anthropological criminology.

>> No.6389490

I've been raped. It's not that bad, actually.

>> No.6389496


Are you referring to people as trolls in the year 2015


Then it was consensual and not rape.

>> No.6389534

The point is, you only know about one's trauma if that person makes himself visible to you. If that person doesn't come forward it doesn't fucking exist in researchers eyes and the researcher can't include it in a study

You retards equivocate a bad experience with trauma, those are not the same. Some people get over trauma after having experienced horrific shit for fucks sake, "self-pity safe space hugboxes" are an invention of the last few decades. The human race wouldn't survive if trauma was actually as prominent as you loons claim. In fact EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US IN THIS THREAD IS A RESULT OF A RAPE DOWN THEIR GENEALOGICAL LINE. Every. Single. One. Of. You. Fuckers.

>> No.6389543


>You retards equivocate a bad experience with trauma

Because the majority of people who come forward as rape victims suffer serious trauma, it can be assumed this is the a universal case.


I don't really care?

>> No.6389548

This topic does not deserve discussion on a literature board.

>> No.6389562

>Because the majority of people who come forward as rape victims suffer serious trauma, it can be assumed this is the a universal case.

And apparently those who don't come forward neutralize that trauma. As had untold millions of our ancestors to date. How can you not get this?

> I don't really care?

Don't act anally when others don't give a fuck about your pet grievance, then. I am totally ambivalent about you/your loved ones getting raped to death, frankly, just saying. Wouldn't drop a tear. Deal with it.

>> No.6389578
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>> No.6389588

> I don't really care?
Remember this, you hypocritical fool? Whole one post above.

You felt compelled to share what you don't care about, I followed the drill. You reap what you sow, no need to get offender like a little bitch.

>> No.6389593
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>I am totally ambivalent about you/your loved ones getting raped to death, frankly, just saying. Wouldn't drop a tear. Deal with it.

>> No.6389600

That it? Well, I hope you learned your lesson, twink.

>> No.6389605
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>> No.6389607
File: 7 KB, 224x224, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw two pedantic posters keep bumping this shit thread

>> No.6389612

>Don't act anally when others don't give a fuck about your pet grievance

You only had one job. Keep believing your bogus "statistics", retard.

>> No.6389615

twink isn't an insult you foolish gay

>> No.6390580

>buy a book because its supposed to be good because it won a hugo
>hate it with every fiber of my being

oh thanks