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/lit/ - Literature

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6383300 No.6383300 [Reply] [Original]

>He doesn't read footnotes

>> No.6383320

the one that started it all

>> No.6383324
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>infinite meme has literally hundreds of pages of footnotes

>> No.6383327
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>His Infinite Waifu isn't Kate Gompert

>> No.6383337
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>reading Penguin Modern Classic copy of Dubliners
>T/N: Catholic Priests wear different clothes at different times of the year :^)

Jesus Christ, do they expect people who want to read about turn of the century Ireland to not know a thing about Catholicism.

>that's not how you spell Avril

>> No.6383355
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dubs mean that this thread will once again stay on the front page for 11 days

>> No.6383358
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>> No.6383359
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>> No.6383360

frig off

>> No.6383367

>he doesn't want the jest to continue

>> No.6383369

just picked up Ada or Ardor. the vintage edition has footnotes, but not in the text itself so I am going through, marking down all 270 endnotes. "Infinite Jest-ing it"

>> No.6383372
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>being a milftard
>not going gay for based Mario

>> No.6383376
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>he didn't break his Jest cherry in 07-10

>> No.6383394

bumping this thread every chance i get, dubs wills it

>> No.6383399
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Age ain't nothing but a number. Avril's just a highschool cheerleader on the inside.

>> No.6383430

does anybody have a link to an archived version of the original jest thread masterpiece?

>> No.6383435

>dfw wallace is blessed with dubs
let the jest continue!

>> No.6383437


I loved that thread.

>> No.6383446

>dfw wallace
>David Foster Wallace wallace

>> No.6383765

Pale king or ij ? Which is best?

>> No.6383776

The complete one.

>> No.6383789

>ATM machine
Automated Teller Machine machine

>> No.6383811
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>start with the greeks

>> No.6383814

point me to the original thread

>> No.6384169

the jest continues

>> No.6384441
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>mfw when people are ignorant w/r/t to footnotes

>> No.6384458
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and buttso dick feaster walrus [1] (he had just been smoking two whole marijuanas; he was high right at this very instant (note that he was jumping all over plateaus and other such abstractions, and has one mentioned his father the unfriendly janitor was a football man?)) found himself sniffing idly, each sniff perfect but anxiety-inducing

[1] well memed, my friends(:

>> No.6384874
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hello front page!

>> No.6384901

Pale King because I actually finished it :^)

>> No.6384921
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You say John Green, I say DFW

You say Stephen King, I say HP. Lovecraft

You say JK Rowling, I say Frank Herbert

You say EL James, I say Thomas Pynchon

You say Veronica Roth, I say Albert Camus.
And but so 95% (ninety-five) of teens these days read the same crappy YA over and over again. If you're one of the 5%(five) who still reads real patrician literature, thumb this up, then copy & paste it to at least five threads. Don't let the spirit of PoMo die!

>> No.6384980

Needs more actual PoMo authors

>> No.6385013

Ripip in pieces

>> No.6385023


Don't let the spirit of literature die*

>> No.6385058
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>dfw pontificating

>> No.6385096

>tfw you love IF but fear these threads are turning people off it

>> No.6385200
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>dfw people on the internet are posting pictures from that awful interview I did in 2003

>> No.6386597
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>when they don't edit it out

>> No.6387623


let the jest continue

>> No.6387689
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>> No.6387697

besides all the memes though, saint daivd was great

>> No.6387707
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Does anyone have the source of DFW's attack on 'Gamers'?

>> No.6387713

i don't think this is a real thing, probably some dumb copypasta, like the one where franzen claimed that he put in the ebonics chapter to get racists to stop reading infinite jest

>> No.6387726
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I've never been interested in picking up one of his books, but if Professor Poopyface gets me dubs, I will reconsider.

>> No.6387733

come on man
just look at all the dubs in this thread
but seriously dfw is really good. If you aren't sure whether or not you like him though you probably shouldn't read infinite jest first since you have to work through it a bit just because of its length. I would recommend reading some short stories like good old neon

>> No.6387734

Kill yourself then read Infinite Jest -> Broom of the System -> Popular Short Stories Essays -> The Pale King -> Everything DFW penned you haven't read
Then go back and re-read Infinite Jest and find out how DFW was molested by his tennis coach

>> No.6387735

and yet again the followers of DFW are blessed with dubs

>> No.6387738
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>> No.6387740

why read broom of the system before The Pale king. TPK is better and broom isn't related to it or anything.

>> No.6387747

Because it's a complete work that ends like an incomplete one. It lets you get over the Pale King's incompleteness and appreciate the novel more.

>> No.6387754

>Why read

/lit/ - literature

>> No.6387757

I never understood why people disliked Broom of the System so much, I found it more enjoyable than IJ as a whole even if it wasn't as profound.

>> No.6387766

>not finishing the entire sentence because you don't like finishing books but instead just post about them
/lit/- literature

>> No.6387771

Broom of the System was so much cruder compared to IJ. It's Franzen tier.

>> No.6387773

It's a retarded sentence and I would be my check you're the sort of asshate who, say, wants to know what book he should read to "get to" gravity's rainbow so you can "beat" pynchon or whatever retarded shit obviously plagues this board. Also what a fucking pathetic attempt at NOU you've made here. Consider suicide

>> No.6387783

Fuck off namefag. I'll leveling up my Hibernian stats so I can beat Ulyesses on the first go.

>> No.6387792

what the fuck are you talking about? I said that there is no point to reading broom of the system first because the hat pale king isn't something that has to be lead into or anything, it is just something you should read. I literally said the exact opposite of what you're saying i said.

>> No.6387806

I guess because you followed up by saying TPK is better making it seem like you basically saying "why bother reading his first novel". I'm sorry for misdirecting my hot opinions.

>> No.6388917

stupid frog poster

>> No.6390219



>> No.6390879
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who /this is water/ here?

>> No.6390995

damn dfw was cool looking. Except for that interview of course

>> No.6391060


>> No.6391109

Let the jest continue

>> No.6391963


>> No.6391970
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>he didn't read the Pale King because he thinks its "incomplete"

>> No.6391971

jest to death!

>> No.6391975

>he doesn't think the pale king is his best work

>> No.6392094

humbly /r/-ing a working download of The Pale King audiobook.

>> No.6392101
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>> No.6392124

A (nonfiction) writer often must deal with the problem of variety in his audience. Some know much more than others. Some are in his academic circles: they are very familiar with relevant literature and are asking some of the same questions.

Others are students or laypersons.

It seems to me that footnotes serve the function of addressing this problem. Most of the time, when I investigate detailed arguments in footnotes, I find that they are addressing a concern I did not and could not have because I lacked the expertise. They're often a waste of time. I only hit the footnotes on sticky sentences I'm unclear on or suspect have oversimplified something.

>> No.6392174
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>> No.6393265

The jest never ends

>> No.6393321
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