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6378550 No.6378550 [Reply] [Original]

How accessible is this book? Can I just right in without much philosophy experience?

>> No.6378555

Eh, I didn't find it super readbable. He doesn't make much of an effort to be super clear.

>> No.6378930

Understood most of it, unclear on the spirit stuff, which apparently can be mended by reading Hegel.

>> No.6378934

accessibility is a spook

>> No.6378938

Creative nothings more like

>> No.6378940

No it isn't.

>> No.6378964
File: 510 KB, 1380x1887, Ego and.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it a translation issue?

>> No.6378969

>mfw I'm literally interacting with a girl right now

>> No.6378995
File: 2.21 MB, 1799x984, 45345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are all women on this board anon. they don't call it "Litizens of Lesbos" for nothing

>> No.6379001

D-does that mean I can be a girl?

>> No.6379020
File: 369 KB, 771x768, Le_Bain_Turc,_by_Jean_Auguste_Dominique_Ingres,_from_C2RMF_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want sister, there are a few of us posting under feminine greek names. we welcome you into the sisterhood

>> No.6379027

Neat. How did you decide on your name?

>> No.6379032


You really are an arsehole.

>> No.6379052
File: 46 KB, 600x255, 2-g60-a4-1910-1_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6379074
File: 49 KB, 340x365, sicile43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was inspired when I learned of the daughter of Gaia who volcanos were named after

>> No.6379104

I choose this name. Is that ok?

>> No.6379144
File: 205 KB, 458x768, circe_offering_the_cup_to_ulysses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marvelous my dear

>> No.6379172
File: 150 KB, 613x541, Tilla Durieux als Circe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be pronouncing it in the Greek (Kirké) or Latin? (Sirsay)

>> No.6379180

Hmm, Greek I suppose since I took the name from The Odyssey. Either is fine though—how you internally pronouce things is up to you. Haha...

>> No.6379207

It was trippy finding out the original titan god of the ocean was named Okeanos

>> No.6379272
File: 235 KB, 2000x1994, 2000px-Origins_of_English_PieChart.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a surprisingly large amount of our words come from them (some filtered through latin)


>> No.6379298

It is although it will be fairly dry and the references and humor will be lost.

>> No.6379302

Somewhat, it's really hard to sort of get his conception of the creative nothing and the unique unless you well-understand german idealism and dialectics.

When he says "ataraxia" or "tranquility", he's directly referring to Sextus Empiricus, when he says "get out of my sun", diogenes, he references the greeks in other ways too, but these don't have significant impact on the whole of the work

>> No.6379311

the two most important philosophical trends are pyrrhonian skepticism, and then understanding what was significant about the change from kant to the german idealists, e.g. how they argued against kant and why. Stirner himself mocks the "thing in itself", or the "thing that is not a thing", placing him squarely in the idealist camp of the time, and so I'd suggest you read the wikipedia/SEP articles on Sextus Empiricus and German idealism if you want what I feel is the most necessary framework to understanding Stirner

>> No.6379313

Read the book before posting.

>mfw butterballs reposts an image i used a few weeks ago for a translation recommendation

>> No.6379379

not your thread

>> No.6379397

>How accessible is this book?
Very. You're supposed to skim it in an hour then mercilessly refer to any concept as a "spooky" on a Thai Lakorn appreciation forum.

Then you watch a video of Zizek on youtube and alternate between "spooky" and "pure ideology"; the latter usually reserved for anything you disagree with.

>> No.6379405

>being this angry that your beliefs are made-up and we call you on it

>> No.6379409

>Not realizing your inflatable "spooky" meme is a semantic construct used inside a framework for the illusion of escaping it.

>> No.6379415

>implying i have to be logically consistent or unhypocritical

is being ignorant your speciality or are you a well-rounded faggot?

you're not interesting or convincing

>> No.6379425

now THIS is pure spookology

>> No.6379443

>>implying i have to be logically consistent or unhypocritical

>being this angry that your beliefs are made-up and we call you on it