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6374498 No.6374498 [Reply] [Original]

Who /organized/ here

I need some literature, preferably of Marxian orientation, that BTFOs identity politics. Not the idea of identity-oriented issues per se, just their absolutely unproportional prevalence today.

>> No.6374501

>wants Marxist books
>expects them not to be in support of SJW topics like identity politics


>> No.6374506

Coming from someone whose understanding of Marx is probably limited by the wikipedia summary of Sowell's book that means a lot

>> No.6374515

>please give me books that reafirm my opinions
Kek, pussy fuccboi.

>> No.6374517

Start with Wages for Housework and the autonomist theory of labour power and reproductive labours. Johnson-Forrest ought to be useful here too, along with CLR James, on Race.

Basically, you're going to have to step away from the two chaps in your image.

>> No.6374526

mainstream politics is always going to be shit. who cares if its identity politics or not

>> No.6374607
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Marxism enables SJWs

Even the communists who distance then self from the modern liberals obsesses over super structure rather than the base of society.
The best thing would be to combat Marxism on all fronts.

Here is an /organized/ list for you OP

>> No.6374614

hey you're the faggot who didn't know what death of the author was

go back to /pol/ until you've finished your high school reading list

>> No.6374617

Soft left reaffirms everyones right to think whatever they want.

Marxism is hard left. It's evidence based.

>> No.6374622

go back to reddit

>> No.6374639

you are a proto-Marxist yourself
>m-muh degeneracy!
>s-stop doing things I dislike!

>> No.6374640

I've been on /lit/ since, what, 2011 now? I fucking hate marxists, but mostly because LTV is outdated, falling rate of profit is mathematically indefensible since the 60s, and there's no viable alternative to the market for decreasing global poverty. Other than that, I, like everyone else who's picked up more than the Communist Manifesto, recognize the intellectual contribution of the radical left and don't consider fringe social justice types in talking about the marxist tradition.

And Evola is as stupid as the golden dawn shit he's pulling from, but I never actually expected you to read someone good on that list like Junger or Schmitt

>> No.6374695
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>evidence based

>> No.6374700
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>literally the opposite of marxism
>some how proto marxist

>> No.6374744

Where was this test?
I did it some time ago, but i don't remember its website

>> No.6374750


>> No.6374756

The path of an impressionable child

>> No.6374768
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Green square is for impressionable children

>> No.6374774

I was commenting on being influenced around by /pol/, not the merit of the positions themselves

Any of them could be impressionable children, depending on how they arrive at their respective conclusions

>> No.6374776


>> No.6374779

You wish to impose your own feelings on other peoples private property.

The same basic concept as the Marxists.

>> No.6374788

walter benn michaels' book "the trouble with diversity"

>> No.6374810

>I was commenting on being influenced around by /pol/, not the merit of the positions themselves

/pol/ is libertarian and national socialism.

>You wish to impose your own feelings on other peoples private property.
>The same basic concept as the Marxists.
more like the same concept as anyone who isn't your blend of libertarian/ancap etc.

>> No.6374815

All the freedom haters are proto-Marxists

>> No.6374821

>All the freedom haters are proto-Marxists
ok glenn beck

>> No.6374826

Thank you for this very intelligent comment.

>> No.6374828

you're welcome

>> No.6374844

Isn't National Socialism even more "stop liking what I don't like" than Marxism?

>> No.6374872

>Isn't National Socialism even more "stop liking what I don't like" than Marxism?

No thats marxism

>> No.6374880

Everything I don't like is "degeneracy"

>> No.6374897

Shut up you filthy degenerate.

>> No.6375032

>Everything I don't like is "degeneracy"
you're a moron

>> No.6375093

just fuck off

either you're a teenager who's embarrassing himself raving about the first non-popular text he took interest in, in which case drop the flair, it's bad enough already, or your a grown adult who has the unfortunate combination of misunderstandings, illiteracy, and cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking to find Julius Evola an actual compelling scholarly figure.

>> No.6375101

Nice try at shirking the need to construct a rational argument with a wikipedia link, but that's a disambiguation page. More specifically, though, "degeneracy" is anything that you fear makes society different from how /pol/ told you to want it to be.

>> No.6375176

Yay honey! Wreck those butts, just save some fight for me

>> No.6375184


The only moron here is you Evola

>> No.6375204

Can we put the beds together this time? I know your staff can reach, but I want to hold you tonight, Evola dearie.

>> No.6375339


>> No.6375363

It doesn't enable SJWism. If they're not actively against it (like Zizek, who simply doesn't want to deal with retarded women on twitter even though his whole Lacanian position means women can't ever express what they want which makes feminists rage) then they just think it's a necessary but stupid fad and eventually people will abandon niche identity politics for a wider identification with the proletariat.

>> No.6376637

>Marxism is hard left. It's evidence based.
This is too general of a statement.
It is perhaps more of an ideology taken up in response to evidence being presented. Marxism is still nothing more than an ideology, as it rarely sees controlled practice, not to mention the conditions that must be met for full marxism based ideologies to take root are rarely ever met.

>> No.6376646

>He read Manifesto
Seriously no. You have no capacity to comment if you think Manifesto is the clarifying and summarising work.

As far as the falling rate of profit, the extension of the length and intensity of the working day since the 1970s through the destruction of the welfare system combined (a new enclosure, a primitive reaccumulation) with the primitive accumulation of the Chinese proletariat should have more than offset any OCC based rate of profit decline.

Further, Marx only discusses the tendency of the rate of profit to decline with any certainty within 7 year "means of production" business cycles.

>LTV is outdated
And your response is obviously to propose a value-price proxy and utilitarianism? Who, sir, is outdated now?

>> No.6376667

Identity politics is replacing collective sense of identity based on material social relations (I'm a labourer, therefore working class) with individualistic sense of identity based on sexuality, race, etc

It's not based on the objective "social relations of material production" that Marxism and socialism is based on, it's based on individuals and their identities and has it's roots in the post-class liberal left in American academia in the 1980's, not the /pol/ bogeyman the Frankfurt School (which wasn't liberal, wasn't identity politics, was actually quite socially conservative in outlook especially people like Adorno).

>> No.6376777

>Identity politics is replacing collective sense of identity based on material social relations (I'm a labourer, therefore working class) with individualistic sense of identity based on sexuality, race, etc

Good but shallow.

Woman, Queer, Black are all produced as the material negations of Man, Straight, White.

In the case of the first two, the purpose of the oppressive relation is not superstructural, but material. Women and queers are simply paid less, and forced more into unpaid reproductive labour. "Heteronormativity" and the deepening of "patriarchy" were the correlatives of kicking the women and children out of the mines. No wage: no rights, forced into the house hold. Queer bashing is bashing the possibility of men occupying the reproductive role in the household.

Despite the superstructural latex coating on top of church homophobia and anti-aboritionism by governments, it is the material relation inside the class that needs to be solved. Men workers need to do more gardening, dishes and childcare to help structure proletarian identity.

Thankfully for us, capitalism is moving to force women and children back into the factories, and this is resulting in a wage flattening, and a movement of this "reproductive" problem into the situation of a "productive" problem. Which is where we get to "white"ness.

Most of you horrible little fuckshites are aware of Whiteness from a US perspective, where its toxicity is used to reproduce a hierarchised working class in the factory to prevent solidarity. You should start considering, instead, British, South African or Canadian whitenesses as your problematic. These show clearly that "colour" however it is produced in a particular society, is about disciplining productive workers.

The wildcat cross class work in Seattle or Detroit in the 1960s in Air and Auto ought to be the first stop.

"Identity" politics is simultaneously an ideological offensive by "progressive" liberals to prevent the discovery of the wage's role in these specific oppressions, and an attempt by the oppressed workers themselves to voice themselves as positive subjects. It is just a shame that they try and voice themselves as positive individual subjects constructed by their individuating oppression—exactly the same as saying "I'm a labourer, therefore working class," is to say, "I'm seen as black, therefore I'm wonderful."

"We offer our labour for sale to live, therefore, we will abolish that."

>> No.6376868

Identity Politics is in the cultural logic of (late) capitalism.

Political correctness and identity politics is just capitalism trying to prepare itself for a non-gendered and ethnically diverse workforce.
Reproducing the means of production, making sure that the system can cope with the ethnic, gender, sexual, religous, (ie not directly economic) changes that society is undergoing so that capital can be accumulated in the future.

>> No.6378121

Ur such an edgy little shit kid i hope u cring at how u think this was funny/cool in 5 years