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6374487 No.6374487 [Reply] [Original]

Sci-Fi, sci-fi books.
Are there any sci-fi books that are so far into the future they're alien?
If they have aliens or not i don't care, i just must find a book where the future is so distant and strange it would be alien to 21st century humans.

>> No.6374523

Book of the New Sun and the whole series are the mistaken alien books I've read.

>> No.6374532
File: 29 KB, 312x475, lem solaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. It's not exactly what you're after, but I think it gets to the point you're after. The novel addresses the idea that an alien entity could be so different and so unknowing that there is no way for humanity to comprehend it or it us.

>> No.6374541

This works too! I'm also interested in this, thank you.

>> No.6374557

Rendezvous with Rama?
The whole concept is very futuristic and unlike anything else.

>> No.6374577

Seconding Solaris, one of the greatest novels ever written.

I'd also recommend "The Shadow of the Torturer" by Gene Wolfe. The characters have their otherness too them because of just how far in the future it is set. I'd also recommend his short story "The Ziggurat."

>> No.6374717

I will read all of these, thank you.

>> No.6375179
File: 17 KB, 294x475, Under_the_Skin_Faber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a very good book, Michel Faber's Under The Skin. maybe you heard that last summer, they made the movie adaptation from this book. lead role was Scarlett Johansonn.
i was readed first book, thats why i hate the movie. it's come to me disgustingly boring. whatever.
book is about the girl named Isserley, she is an alien, she driving all day with her car around the Scotia road and hunting bodied and handsome man hitchhikers.
i do not talking about more, cause that would be spoiler. but i recommended.
sorry for bad english.

>> No.6375195
File: 39 KB, 211x325, A_Fire_Upon_the_Deep.bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Fire Upon The Deep.

The galaxy is divided into different zones of thought, where different laws of physics operate and allow different kinds of intelligence to exist.

>> No.6375199

>Hated the movie
>Movie contains one of the most aesthetically appealing females to ever exist naked.
Nigga you gay.

>> No.6375209

OP still lurking so keep on posting!

thank you

>> No.6376882

Revelation Space did this well.

>> No.6377033

I actually recommend reading A Deepness In The Sky before you read A Fire Upon The Deep.

It's a prequel and it gives some major insights into one of the main characters motivations and origins. It really changes the way you think about the book and I think that A Deepness In The Sky is a good book in it's own right.

That one involves space spiders and the concept of "Focus" which is essentially the concept of inducing highly concentrated autism onto people to turn them into highly focused specialists. It's pretty much the only concept in a book that ever made my skin crawl.

After those two, make sure you read the third one too. The Children Of The Sky. That and A Fire Upon The Deep have telepathic modular space wolves.

Seriously though I recommend you look up the term "Space Opera" It might help you find what you're looking for.