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/lit/ - Literature

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6374478 No.6374478 [Reply] [Original]

Do things like this actually happen in literature classes?

>> No.6374489
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Making up lies like in your pic is a way of showing solidarity to the tumblr community. The same way respectible african american brothers and sisters name their children in a way that shows solidarity to the black community.

>> No.6374493

Can I save?

>> No.6374507

I once incessantly referred to Catholics as "Cathaholics" in my year 12 history class and the teacher only found it mildly irritating

>> No.6374527

I got some dirty looks for using the phrase "negro spiritual" once, that's about it.

>> No.6374538

In 7th grade wenlearned about Buddhism in history class and some shitlord started yelling 'BUDDHA BUDDHA BUDDHA BUDDHA ROCKIN EVERYWHERE'
The teacher was crazy and didn't do anything so he kept doing it every day for the rest of the month

>> No.6374539

I got attacked by a group of niggers on my way home from school for saying nigger when reading that book.

>> No.6374543
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>> No.6374544

good, pussy ass white fucboi

>> No.6374546

I won, though. There's a reason no nigger has ever won a strongman competition.

>> No.6374553

sure you did lmao
bet you unsheathed your katana on them

>> No.6374562

No, I just punched one in the nose and they all backed off.

>> No.6374570

Fucking racist shit

>> No.6374625
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This troll

This idiot falling for it

>> No.6374641


When we read To Kill a Mockingbird in grade 10, the teacher gave this really big speech about how she's talked to other teachers about this book and apparently in other schools, people acted even more racist while studying the book and people made fun of black kids even more, so if anyone has any problems with this book we didn't have to read it and we could all work on something else.

>> No.6375043

>be in high school
>English teacher wants us to read "Fences" out loud
>Fences is filled with nigger this and nigger that
>she decrees that we'll say N or N Word instead

BONO: Troy, you ought to stop that lying!
TROY: I ain’t lying! The [N] had a watermelon this big....

Crisis averted.

>> No.6375064

>coin the word "nigger"
>refuse to use the word "nigger"
Kek, humans.

>> No.6375072

Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.6375088

What shit schools did you niggers go to?

When reading books with racial slurs, we were mature enough to understand the difference between reading a book and actual racism.

I bet you all went to disgusting private schools

>> No.6375103

They all went to the Tumblr Institute of Kekology.

>> No.6375105

things like this are proof that americans are all retarded

>> No.6375122

We may be retarded, but we know how to make a bomb.
So shut yer hore mouth

>> No.6376363

Ok seriously, Am I the only black person(or person in general) that gets annoyed with people trying to white wash our books and pretend that history never happened? All of this in an attempt to make whites feel better about themselves. I for one am more inclined to call white people and others who support censoring as racist than for any other overt racism. It's even more terrible when they try to convince black kids that reading such things should make them feel uncomfortable as an excuse.
Sounds like all the people in your school were covert racists. No point is trying to keep it secret it's probably for the best that they started making you guys read it. I went to a school with mostly Whites and Asians and we read such books with not much problem.>>6375088 and it was a private school.

>> No.6376451

Absolutely, you're the only one.

Now close the tab and browse imgur some more.

>> No.6376508
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I remember.
>super politically correct highschool teacher.
>Insisted we called her Kathy in a lazy effort to relate to the troublesome kids.
>1 hour powerpoint on why we couldn't say nigger, or "n****r" as she wrote it.
>Not a single minority in the entire WASPY town.
>One kid said nigger while reading Huck Finn.
>Got detention.
School is becoming ridiculous in this country. Honestly, by watering down the book I think it has the opposite effect on kids. You're only gonna make them want to say NIGGER even more. By reducing the potency of the material, we're disrespecting the author's we're taking the time to learn about, and creating a generation of censorship-loving passively prejudiced kids.

I went to public school and they still did this shit.

It's okay to be retarded as long as everyone's feelings are intact!

Tell your teacher to catho-lick your balls.

>> No.6376544
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>Covering The Merchant of Venice for English class
>Our main essay is about why Shylock is a relatable character and how Shakespeare wasn't being racist

>> No.6376545
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The 21st century, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.6376569

its really time to end mass secondary education

>> No.6376617

When we were learning about the Vietnam war in my school one guy jumped onto his table, put his tie on his head, screaming 'FUCKING GOOKS' and making machine gun sounds

>> No.6376622


>> No.6376628

It is pretty unbelievable that they would be kicked out, but you can't say for sure.
Plus high schools are typically immature and want to curse out loud every chance they got. Even in gifted classes kids would argue over who was reading pages with curse words when we would read aloud.

>> No.6376629

I went to school in Ireland, we had a uniform to wear to school, a necktie was a part of the uniform

>> No.6376759


This is amusing


I was in gifted classes in public school. They were hella relaxed and the students' behavior legendarily immature. There were quite a few really well read juvenile delinquents in my gifted program. At least three of the Gifted students wouldn't show up for days at a time on account of being suspended for getting in fights, threatening classmates or faculty, vandalizing property or pranking someone, etc. but would come back from their suspension enthusiastically talking about classic literature.

>> No.6376796

2015: When rebellious teenage girls become nagging 1920s puritans about your use of language, and no one notices the similarity

>> No.6376799

You know you can screenshot /pol/at literally any time and get better material than you would ever get on tumblr, correct?

>> No.6376815

i don't get your tripfag gimmick? how meta even are you

is the joke that you are not even parodying banal 2010 4chan leftists bombastically but being banal in your parody of their banality?

>> No.6376819


I'm doing anal

>> No.6376928

The closest I ever got was when I had to do an oral report on Martin Luther for a history class.

Later in life he had severe hemorrhoids, I made the mistake of mentioning this fact and my teacher told me to explain to the rest of the class what hemorrhoids were because it was in eighth grade and he knew that I was the only one who knew what that actually meant.

So, yea, I told the rest of the class about Martin Luther's 95 theses, and then I told them about how he spewed liquid fire out of his ass before he died. Good times.

As far as actual literature and stuff is concerned, they stopped having us read anything that wasn't Shakespeare out loud after eighth grade. Mostly because it's a huge fucking waste of time when most people can read faster than they can talk and people like me would just end up reading the book in a day and sleeping through the class if they did that.

Anyone else have to sit through the retard who couldn't read words when they took five minutes to get through one passage or Shakespeare? I'm not sure if I've ever wanted to stab anyone more than when I had to listen to Hamlet's famous soliloquy in slow motion...

>> No.6376977
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Believe it or not, my shitty small town school in the middle of buttfuck nowhere was really mature in approaching this.

>Teacher explains the presence of the N word in Huck Finn
>Says that it's inappropriate and rude to say but that in the interest of literature and understanding the entire context of the novel, it was ok to say when reading it from the book
>reads out loud and comes upon a phrase, 'that damn nigger,'
>she says it loudly and expressively, because that's how the character was supposed to say it
>only black kid in the entire school pops his head in immediately after and goes, "what did you just say?"
>cue extreme teacher embarrassment but he saw we were reading Finn and laughed and left

I miss Mrs Rhodes. She was hot too.

>> No.6377013

Once in my 9th grade english class, we were reading A Raisin in the Sun aloud, and I skipped over "nigger" because I'm was afraid the black kids would bother me about it. The teacher made me say it (without saying it herself) and the black kids still bothered me.

>> No.6377085

Only people making things a matter of race are SJW's. Ferguson, for example, you take race out of the equation and no one gives a shit.

It's SJW's trying to make themselves feel better.

I really don't understand it. I hate niggers, fags, and jews. However, I'm not going to scream around a bunch of jigaboos, limp wristed ass wranglers, or sheckelsteinbergs the exact slurs I just said.

I keep my thoughts to myself except for online. I was called a racist(which I am, obviously) once because I had road rage at some nigger going 45mph in a 55mph zone. I yelled at him and told him to "Speed the fuck up, shitbag!". All I said.

My now ex said that was racist.

That shit is fucking annoying and stupid, the only person making it racist was her SJW commie ass.

>> No.6377097


The black kids in my school used to bully me by trying to get me to say that word in front of them

I knew it was a trap

>> No.6377105

I'll bet you limp dicked betas never even told the faculty that they were bullying you.

>> No.6377130

But I was put into the retard high school english class. Even though I yelled at my guidance councilor, she said I had to stay.
Long story short is that we got a new book each month and the teacher would read it, or have some of us read it. It took a month to get through one book because the teacher kept on having to explain it to the retards. I read it in one night then slept through the rest of class the next day. The teacher didn't even care. She knew I read it all.

>> No.6377136
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>> No.6377140

>I was put into the retard high school english class

Well that explains why you're on /lit/

>> No.6377160

That was not my fault. The class system fucked up and I was put there by accident.
I didn't get out until I went to the principal myself to ask that I get out of there.

>> No.6377207

I told my 12th grade English teacher (in front of the class) that poetry was inherently worthless.

I wasn't even that much of an edgelord, not sure why I decided to be a complete dickhead that day though.

>> No.6377221

Wasn't really bullying for me, they just called me racist and acted like I was offending them.

>> No.6377241

For me it was just a small public school that did it. With a few exceptions they put the retards together with the geniuses and had everyone work together to figure everything out, I think it helped keep everyone grounded to be honest. They only separated us out in the last couple years when we could decide what classes to take. Even then they pushed the idiots to be all that they could be by shipping them out to get technical certifications and such while the rest of us studied college level course work.

100 students in the class and 97 of us showed up for graduation. It was nice.

>> No.6377281

He more than likely thought you were just an idiot.

>> No.6377377
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>> No.6377383
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>> No.6377388
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>> No.6377415
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>relating to a filthy jew

>> No.6377422

Alright, I was down for the other two you posted, but this one's just fucking retarded. Why haven't the medical communities picked up on it? How is it that magical, miraculous Anon somehow knows?

The answer is simple; Anon's a fucking idiot and needs to go out and meet some people.

>> No.6377435

People shuddered when I said "many black people are descendents of slaves in America." I don't remember the context, but it's like holy fuck how indoctrinated do you have to be to feel at unease if someone says the words black and slave in the same sentence.

>> No.6377439

Who knew Bacon's art would make such great reaction faces?

>> No.6377447

What is /pol/ doing here anyway?

>> No.6377452
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he would be proud of his legacy

>> No.6377495

nothing wrong with this, the pay gap is a myth


>> No.6377567

>Infects a fetus and makes it more likely to be male
He knows sex is determined in fertilization, right?

>> No.6377580

politically correct police state it truly is...

>> No.6377700

>Only people making things a matter of race are SJW's.
>I hate niggers, fags, and jews.

are you real

>> No.6377727

Is everybody just ignoring the part where she says they had to read out the whole book in class?
I mean, who does that

>> No.6377968

You guys are serious or is this just sarcasm? Are you actually black? I can't agree with you either way for being for it; good job wiping out history.

>> No.6377982

no he isn't in touch with reality. That's why I just ignored him.

>> No.6378087

>politically correct police state it truly is...
But he got kicked out for not saying nigger...

Can you read or do you just see what conforms to your beliefs?

>> No.6378107

Tfw no hot english teacher to suck u off while reading you Great Gatsby

>> No.6378419

The pay gap is just a neoliberal myth/intentional misunderstanding created to divide the working class and benefit rich women

>> No.6378443

>Am I the only black

>> No.6378459

Hes rite tho

>> No.6378464

It's like the picture is saying but when it's the other way is how a literature class is, ayy.

>> No.6378468

It's all yours friend!

>> No.6378490

"Respectable african american brother Jim" Top kek

>> No.6378514

We read Huck Finn in high school and got to opt out of reading the n word if we wanted. Being irreverent about it like that person in the OP might not have been tolerated but we were encouraged to just skip the word entirely to say negro instead since it's dated. We also had to discuss it as a class and agree that everyone was okay with reading it.

>> No.6378751


Why do morons on /lit/ misuse the word neoliberal?


>> No.6378771

brilliant pepe