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/lit/ - Literature

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6372730 No.6372730 [Reply] [Original]

Pretend you aren't a misogonist for a second; this poetry book came out yesterday, and looks ok, author was wtf'd today. Takes a while to get to her:


>> No.6372737

>Pretend you aren't a misogonist for a second
>hen in a vixen den

>> No.6372752

Suit yourself dickhead, I listened to the interview, and she read a great poem at the end of it. Fuck you.

>> No.6372817

in this particular situation you are the one who should calm down.

>> No.6372835

Is it that time of the month sweetheart?

>> No.6372841

I am calm, just making sure you know you're wrong and a dipshit.

>> No.6372873
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>> No.6372949

This is pretty good honestly

About the Body

In the shower,
her body dies like a spider’s.
The blooming flower
seeds a cemetery.
A pill lodges in the inner pocket of her flesh coat.
Her breasts were the gifts of ghosts.
Dark tarps of success.

Her mouth dribbles over
onto the bathroom floor.
Pollock blood.

The body is removed off the red carpet,
put in a black bag,
taken to the Mother’s screams
for identification.

The Country says good things
about the body.

They print the best photos;
the least bones, the most peach.

Candles are lit in the glint
of every glam. Every magazine stand
does the Southern Belle curtsy
in her post-box office bomb honor.

The autopsy finds an easy answer.
They say good things about the body.

How bold her eyes were, bigger than Hepburn’s.
The way she could turn into her camera close-up
like life depended on her.

-Amber Tamblyn
(For Brittany Murphy)

>> No.6373082

It's not. It's edgy garbage.
It's what a primary school childs idea of what a poem is, without the kid having ever read one.

>> No.6373119

>I am a girl, just making sure you know that I'm a girl
fixed :^)

>> No.6373121


really good poem

>> No.6373216

Irrelevant in any case. What's you point, turd?

>> No.6373225

I'm a man btw

>> No.6373226

It's okay. Imagery could be better, it's pretty straight forward like someone is dictating a telegram.

She didn't need the (For Brittany Murphy), kind of fucks the whole thing up.

>> No.6373228


not so great

>> No.6373234

>What's you point, turd?
None at all. That is my first post in the thread; I am not the previous posters

I couldn't care at all about this thread, but when I saw that response it spoke to me. All I did is take her words and turn them into what they actually told people

No negative connotation, just fact, turd

>> No.6373237
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>Pretend you aren't a misogonist for a second

>> No.6373241

Christ sake, I'm op and male.

Its describing BM's actual death scene.

I like she spent 6 years on the book, did a ton of research, shows commitment.

>> No.6373249

>spend 6 years working on a book
>its shit

Wow what a waste.

>> No.6373255

>I haven't read it but I have a hunch

>> No.6373256

Pardon, all anons look alike to me.

Have a pleasant evening, turd.

>> No.6373269


>I like she spent 6 years on the book, did a ton of research, shows commitment.

which really has nothing to do with the actual contents and just shows youre really invested in the ideology behind whatever the fuck neurosis drove you to make this shit thread

but that was already apparent since you came in flinging misogyny accusations

don't tell me. more female friends than straight male friends, got laid less than three times in your life thus far.

>> No.6373275

I hate it, but then I also hate every single poem that doesn't have regular meter, so I'm a bad judge.

>> No.6373279

>no meter
>shit imagery
>no subtlety
>"pretty good"

>> No.6373284

Hey hey hey. Chill the fuck out.
There are active misogynists on this board and we all know it. Getting all crampy and pissy over a word only makes it seem we've found one of the malcontents.

>> No.6373287

>people major in English to be able to write like this

>> No.6373292

Completely wrong about me again. Its not your day.

>> No.6373298

Hey fakebutterfuck, trapbutterfuck didn't make women seem as dumb as you are now.

>> No.6373303

can we have a serious discussion about how butterfly's pictures are incredibly obviously screengrabs of a camwhore

>> No.6373312

No, the suspension of disbelief is a cornerstone of the romantic according to ST Coleridge. You can write her more sonnets.

>> No.6373314

>introduce a female poem to /lit/ as good
>no surprises when most hate it

Yeah, its old school and clear, but so what.

>> No.6373328

So because a woman wrote it we aren't allowed to dislike it?

If you presented this poem, without indicating that a woman wrote it, people would still call it edgy with babby imagery and no deeper meaning whatsoever.

If we disliked the poem without knowing the gender of the author are we all still misogynists?

>> No.6373341

Are condescension and hatred really the same thing?

>> No.6373350

But still mentioned by you people?

>> No.6373352


You can't figure out where the apostrophes go or the question marks and the only reason you're even POSTING this poem is because it's by a girl. What makes you any different to the people you're whining about?

>> No.6373361


>"Old school"

No regular meter, some slant/perfect rhyme but sloppily managed, no apparent syllable management.

The narrative situation is clear. The theme is clear. The tone isn't. It shifts between being punchy, almost contemptuous about her and the people regarding her, to reverent (spider to flower.) Try to dissociate yourself from what she says her poems are about and actually read this. Her metaphors also don't seem to have any clear reason other then decoration. Her breasts were given to her by ghosts? What? They're "tarps?" Pollock blood? The glint of glam?

>> No.6373362

>getting baited by the feminist shills

>poem gets called out on being as simple and derivative as a 5 year old's fingerpainting
>"it's old school"!

>> No.6373363


so what's your actual point apart from misogyny accusations exactly

>> No.6373421
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It doesn't have to be complicated or even or whatever. Its still a good poem!

Suspending misogyny - did anyone get that that was tongue in cheek!? Everyone critical in this thread isn't qualified to judge poetry.

>> No.6373451

>oprah gif
Looks like tumblr is here to say.

Enjoy your feminist shillfest, /lit/.

>> No.6373456

Bitch, please. One little post and you're scared now?

That you should chill the fuck out, whether you have a misogynist side to hide or not.
How much more gotta be a in a single post?

>> No.6373587

>Its describing BM's actual death scene.

So? Does she need to spell it out for people? It actually hurts the poem for artistic value. I'd rather project femininity onto it. But no,


>> No.6373596

Oprah is kind of kawaii in that gif

>> No.6373605

>Bitch, please. One little post and you're scared now?
No just commenting on how every other butters managed to sound unlike a 14 y/o boy but you seem to have trouble with that itt. It's like you're retconning butter's lesbianism

>> No.6373779

I guess you have preconceived notions of me.
And how does that rather logical post about spotting misogynists sound like a 14 year old boy?

>> No.6374224

b/c only a 14 y/o boy would be new enough to think we're not all qt lesbians whenever you post. it's one of the rules of the internet like delicious cake and traps. by "misogynists" do you mean "pillow fights over nietzsche's critique of orthography"?