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/lit/ - Literature

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6367373 No.6367373 [Reply] [Original]

>She reads YA novels

B-but at least she reads, right...?

>> No.6367376

YA novel fans that call themselves "readers" or "literature fans" are like girls that play candy crush and call themselves "gamers"

It's posturing, and worse if she didn't read at all.

>> No.6367390


>> No.6367429

>It's posturing, and worse if she didn't read at all.
this. I'd rather she be into science or technology or anything else cool than read YA. I'd rather she was a typical instagram facebook vapid cloudhead than read YA.

>> No.6367449

Nice deathgrips use

>> No.6367554

I just let her read whatever she wants.

>> No.6367563


The benefits of reading are independent of content.

>> No.6367577



Chemistry means far more than any of this fringe bullshit. If you have genuine chemistry then don't find reasons to talk yourself out of it.

>> No.6367608
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>> No.6367622


better than magazines or not reading.

>> No.6367665


Quite the angler, you is.

>> No.6367732

worse than if

>> No.6367814

Books don't really care whether they're about culinary or electroencephalography. Their job is to articulate things in sequence, read enough of them, and you'll notice your thoughts become sequential as well. I called this a benefit, but heh, that's the /lit/ bias anyways

>> No.6367883
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>YA novel fans that call themselves "readers" or "literature fans" are like girls that play candy crush and call themselves "gamers"

You mean they pretend to be bigger losers than they are?

>> No.6367897


>that one angsty shitposter who tries to convince himself that he's a normal

why do you do this to yourself

>> No.6367979

>that one angsty shitposter who thinks 4Chan is a seekrit club for damaged outcasts

why do you do this to the internet

>> No.6368005


it's no secret club, but you are no well-adjusted normal either

keep on keepin on, fellow angster

>> No.6368018

I actually prefer a girl that doesn't read at all to some half smart bitch that thinks Camus is a philosopher.

If you want happiness with a woman it's best to secretly think of her like a cute silly pet.

Kind of like a cat you can fuck.

>> No.6368030

>always off
goddamn trailer park boys is the trashiest show of all time but it sure is funny

>> No.6368093

>the kind of cat you can fuck
So like all cats?

>> No.6368099
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Is this a Regan thread?

>> No.6368152
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>> No.6368465
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If you read anything--ANY FUCKING THING--it's much better than not reading. It's impossible to not get some benefit from a habit of reading (vocabulary, spelling, logical thought, trivia, cultural orientation, whatever).

>> No.6368489

Why are Fleming's Bond books so fucking great?

>> No.6368743

underrated post

>> No.6368748
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or a Reagan thread!

>> No.6368806


>> No.6368853

Is she attractive, feminine and agreeable? All you need to worry about when it comes to a sexual/romantic relationship anon, who cares how smart she is. If you want to talk about literature talk to one of your friends.

>> No.6368894

>I'd rather she was a typical instagram facebook vapid cloudhead than read YA.
I agree with the first part, but come now. It's not that bad. I'd date some insecure cutie who reads YA and then proceed to break heart after telling her she isn't smart enough for me. Plus it is easy to impress them. Low-hanging fruit.

>> No.6369092

Eh...you got tonnes of dumb people who read Plato, Nietzsche or Kafka just to be able to pose as enlightened cunts. Personally, if she's atleast a bit smart and fun to be around with and just happens to read the YA in order to blow off some steam, whatever. I've met girls like that.

>> No.6369294

My sister reads YA but also reads stuff like Marxist philosophy and greek myths. I dont know what to think

>> No.6369306

how old is she?
is she hot?
can i have her number?
can i haaaave it?

>> No.6369309

As long as she doesn't read /lit/, you're good to go.

>> No.6369311


>also reads stuff like Marxist philosophy


>> No.6369325

comparing video games to literature is absolutely ridiculous

all video games are just wastes of time, not matter whether its candy crush or skyrim or whatever you /v/ faggots like to talk about

>> No.6369346

My older brother got me into Marx

>> No.6369352

Videogames are no more a waste of time than movies and most literature.

>> No.6369364

>I dont know what to think
I'd be proud.

Get her some Kropotkin for her birthday.

>> No.6369376

They engage your brain, especially if they are challenging they help problem solving, decision making, multitasking, eyesight, help with attention disorders if used properly, not counting the obvious reaction time practice

>> No.6369388
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Is it OK to read YA once in awhile? I very occasionally read light novels which are basically weeaboo YA.

It's also difficult to determine where lowbrow sci-fi/fantasy ends and YA begins.

>> No.6369393

It's a free country, ain't it?

>> No.6369396


So it's like sport without any actual improvement to your fitness index.

Got it.

>> No.6369399

>YA, Marxist Philosophy, Greek Myths
Your sister resolved her childhood want to be a fairy tale princess into an interest in reading schlocky self-serving material which fulfills that interest in what on the surface appears to be a more "adult" set of interests. Your sister is a well-versed pleb, but a pleb nonetheless.

>> No.6369406


>if used properly

eternal lol

are you in wilful denial over the kinds of people that you're defending here?

>> No.6369414

There is nothing wrong with reading YA, or NA, whatever that means exactly. I put a YA novella in between serious novels and works of philosophy I read so I don't get more depressed than I already am thanks to my upbringing and lifestyle.

>> No.6369444


>I put a YA novella in between serious novels and works of philosophy I read

What an act of courage.

>> No.6370163

Without any of the meathead retards that like sport too.

>> No.6370254
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This made me laugh. And then very sad.

>> No.6370294

but anon, everything is a waste of time.

>> No.6370313

I thought you died of AIDS.

>> No.6370326

stop justifying your shitty childrens activity
that's like saying playing monopoly is going to help me become a better real estate agent

>> No.6370604

but what if shes not into chemistry?

>> No.6370688


What a terrible analogy

>> No.6370696

>mfw this is exactly like a girl in my class
She even said she doesn't date guys that don't read. My sides.

>> No.6370961

who cares if she read.
You love her in despite of her flaws? she loves you back?

>> No.6371028

nah m8 that's a false analogy

>> No.6371039

playing monopoly is great for becoming a better monopoly player

>> No.6371047

>John and Shelley are my friend, they know what my people for
MC Ride lives the literary lifestyle

>> No.6371051

Why is there an assumption that they are pretending to be readers? Just becuase you perceive YA to be of lesser quality, doesn't make someone a poser. By definition, the fact she is reading makes her a reader. You seem to be getting confused with girls who Instagram/tweet everything whilst not actually doing it/joining in.

>> No.6371053
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>she reads Murakami

>> No.6371065

he didn't compare them on that level, he was just talking about posers who happen to exist in both video games and lit circles. Calm it you puritan fuck.

>> No.6371066


AIDS only made me better

>> No.6371069

I once saw a guy purposefully put his book the wrong way up in his blazer pocket so that people would know he was reading sartre.

Reading's for fucking dweebs

>> No.6371085


Shiiiiiiiiit is she cute? I'd rather she reads Murakami than fucking Collins or Green.

>> No.6371101

Wait, so you're role playing Foucault? I though it was just a name, like we used to have a trip named Truman Capote who never tried to imitate the original. I'll try to imagine you as real life Foucault from now on.

>> No.6371102

If you were a kid, playing Monopoly would be very useful basics for getting a sense of how real estate works.

>> No.6371115

Niggers I read The Young Prince at least once a year and it's a children's book.

Come at me.

>> No.6371116

A solid 7.5/10, at least there's worse reads

>> No.6371304

At least your boyfriend doesn't browse /lit/ and reads really depressing shit all day. Are you reading this, Dan?

>> No.6371935

OP, I think it's much worse if you don't read at all, especially when people take pride in not reading. I never understood that.

>> No.6371942


No, it's just the name of my trip. :P

>> No.6371945

Ryu or Haruki? If Ryu, she's into some kinky fun times. If Haruki, she's a 50 year old maths teacher.

>> No.6371957

My girlfriend is smart, cultured, witty, good-humored, reads Schopenhauer and Proust in her spare time, put down 50 shades of grey in disgust and is good in bed. We hooked up over a discussion about the book of the new sun. Oh and her IQ is >140.

All my female friends are pretty much like that. Maybe you should stop being such a pleb and patrician women will flock to you.

>> No.6371962


>Implying people like this exist in enough numbers to flock to anyone

Haha goood yoke

>> No.6371974

If everyone around you is dumb, you're dumb too.

>> No.6371977

post her nudes or she doesn't exist

>> No.6371980

Developing someone's taste is also a thing. She's open to reading YA so start to subtly recommend her books that take her closer to what you consider better.

>> No.6372019

top lel

i bet your hoes don't even read sade

>> No.6372028

Die male scum

>> No.6372029

I'm working on that

>implying I'd stoop so low as to post pictures of anyone I know on a Pakistani street art board created by a Malaysian immigrant

>> No.6372051

>I'm working on that
start them on dr phil in the bedroom and work your way up from that through justine and juliette respectively

>> No.6372157
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>Implying there's anyone around me :^)

On a serious note people of intelligence are hard to come by, especially if you live in certain regions or cities.

>> No.6372175

Everyone always says you should settle because 99.9% of women are plebs but fuck that, go out there and try as hard as you can to find one that could even slightly rival you on an intellectual level

>> No.6372180

If all women around you are plebs you are pleb too

>> No.6372266
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They know your wife's neck's my cure

>> No.6372283


Is that a good version of Dracula? I'd like to know before I go out of my way to purchase it since its kind of a pain in the dick after the new version they released.

>> No.6372305

>paying money for public domain works


>> No.6372325

>she fucks niggers

b-but at least she's sexually active, right...?