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6357325 No.6357325 [Reply] [Original]

Has a book ever made you cry?

>> No.6357353

Literally every word of Ulysses moved me to tears

>> No.6357415

I can only cry through the manipulation of sad music.

>> No.6357442

this film was so shit

i fucking hate misery porn

>> No.6357461

No. The Nibelungenlied made me a bit teary-eyed though.

>> No.6357465


You should check out Happy Go Lucky, then.

>> No.6357474

Atlas Shrugged after I dropped that piece of shit on my foot.

>> No.6357723

I swear to god if no one suggests me a book that'll make me cry I'll read John Green's whole oeuvre and shitpost about them constantly, cluttering up this board with threads and avatar posting reaction pics of him in nonrelated threads

>> No.6357736

Exactly what does a book making you cry do for you?

>> No.6357751

>allowing a book to make you cry

Holy moly... Are you all faggots?

Weak pieces of shit.

>> No.6357758

If a book is really good I always get a little sad when I finish it. The characters continue their lives in the world the author created, but I'll never see it.

>> No.6357764

It's a powerful experience that I wish to derive from reading. I'm interested in investing a deep emotional connection with a character or situation enough to make my body physically react to their tragedies or uprisings.

>> No.6359002

The Road, Of Mice and Men.

>> No.6359044

Yes, when I finished the hunger games

>> No.6359046
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All Quiet on the Western Front is making me sad right now. I'm only halfway done with it but when the MC sees his mom... oh damn.

>> No.6359050

Infinite Jest made me cry a lot.

>> No.6359062

every time one of his buddies died I died a little too

>> No.6359378

I read The Death of Ivan Ilych two days ago and, after sitting in the chair for about ten minutes after just thinking about it, I started fucking bawling.

Book was unreal.

>> No.6359405
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Heidegger called it an example of being-towards-death. It might have even been an inspiration for the idea.

>> No.6359600

Brokeback Mountain. God, I wish this weren't the case because it's so unbelievably pleb.

>> No.6359671

It would be better to just pick out a few popular books and go through them until one catches you.

>> No.6360084
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>> No.6360162
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The Unbearable Lightness of Being

>tfw Karenin
>twf our lives are like a draft without an artwork
>Einmal ist Keinmal
>Es muss sein

>> No.6360250


Same here. Althou the ending of A Farewell to Arms did imply that i was going to cry, but i didnt.

>> No.6360275

I can't stress enough how shit this movie is

>> No.6360284

One time my brother hit me squarely on the head with an atlas and I cried because it hurt
serious answer: of mice and men.

>> No.6360343 [DELETED] 

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I cried when Harry died and met Dumbledore in 9 3/4. I also cried when Molly defended his children from the bad guys.

God, HP was such a great series.

>> No.6360346

The Winter of our Discontent made me sad.

>> No.6360354
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Of Mice and Men made me sad when I read it in high school. I watched the film recently at the age of 25 and I teared up.

>> No.6360374

Of Mice and Men, The Brothers Karamazov Ilyusha's funeral scene, The Age of Innocence, Wuthering Heights

>> No.6360442

White Nights
The Death of Ivan Illych
Netochka Nezvanova
Don Quixote
The Narrow Road to the Deep North
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Norwegian Wood
No Longer Human
The Dead

Made me sad. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't.

>> No.6360447

What part of Kokoro made you cry? I just read it for the first time about a month ago.

>> No.6360455

>the dead
Is this the one I read that has zombies or is it some patrician tier book?

>> No.6360467

I had the exact same reaction.

>> No.6360469

It's the last and longest short story in Dubliners by James Joyce. It's known for its ending.

>> No.6360505

Stoner made me cry. When he tells how he should have loved Edith more.

>> No.6360516
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>Don Quixote

also, John William's Stoner

>> No.6360524

The chapters afterK's death detailing Sensei's guilt got me. The second half of the book was very sad overall.

>> No.6360741

Yeah, he writes a chapter explaining how it's cheap to cry and feel sad at situations when you're manipulated and expected to be sad and cry, and then ends the book in the most corny and maudlin scene possible. I did tear up a bit.

>> No.6360826

I thought they didn't allow 12 year olds on 4chan?

>> No.6360854

>crying literally 265,000 times

>> No.6360895

The original story of the Elephant Man as written by his physician.
Infinite Jest moved me deeply, but it was too funny to cause actual tears.
To Kill a Mockingbird.
Catcher in the Rye.
Flowers for Algernon.

>> No.6360961

The Iliad
King Lear
The Dead

>> No.6360991

what was it in the Iliad?

>> No.6361006

Less Than Zero almost made me cry after reading it and thinking more about it.

I am not trying to be edgy, but lots of it felt very real. And I am not rich or anything like that.

>> No.6361064


God damn this book wrecked my shit

>> No.6361210


>> No.6361245

The Great Gatsby
From whom the bell tolls

>> No.6361263

The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Don Quixote
The Tree of Science - Pio Baroja

>> No.6361272

cry evrytim

>> No.6361278


>>6357442 is me
and i have seen about 45 minutes of happy go lucky and it is maybe the most insufferable film i have ever seen

mike leigh is a fucking hack and all of his films are shit

>> No.6361284

Madame Bovary's ending left me with a mixture of anger and sadness. I think I didn't cry, but I was close.

>> No.6361297

100 years of solitude
Angelitos Empantanados - Andrés Caicedo (Don't know if it haves a translation)
On heroes and thombs - Sabato (Brutal)

>> No.6361298

Stoner. Those feels.

>> No.6361335

Not a book but the end of King Lear and Hamlet made me almost tear up. I didn't know tragedy could be so beautiful.

>> No.6361731

I almost cried during that paragraph prior to the poopy-eating in Gravity's Rainbow.
Also in East of Eden when [spoilers]Cal's brother dies[/spoilers]

>> No.6361744

Flowers for Algernon
The whole damn book god and then the end ;_;

>> No.6361891

I don't think I can cry.

Did I get stronger or am I broken /lit/?

>> No.6361900

>My poor fool is hang'd

>> No.6361915

You're blase. Probably you're in a very fixed routine and don't have many drastically new experiences to help alter your perception.

>> No.6361924

Then you wouldn't be here.

>> No.6361971

My 8 year old self would like to admit that it cried during White Fang.

>> No.6362859

That line is so haunting.

>> No.6362877
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Pic related. Made me break down crying for like 15 minutes. some harrowing, soul destroying shit, made me seriously reconsider my ideas about war and first nations people.

>> No.6362889
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when he gets Sensei's letter and realizes what it is

>> No.6362900

Which part of one hundred years of solitude? I can't even recall any sad parts other than Pieros death

>> No.6362963
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Finished this recently, it was lovely and brought out a lot of emotion in me.

>> No.6362977


I thought it was depressing and thoroughly unenjoyable.

>> No.6363940

Tale of Two Cities made me cry like a baby.

>that self-righteus self-loathing

>> No.6364755

thats what makes it good

>> No.6364779

To those of you who cry, do you cry often irl? I've cried maybe once or twice since after 16

>> No.6364782

I used to cry occasionally but that stopped once I got into Stirner

>> No.6364786

>tfw I want to cry but can't

>> No.6364787

I cry at least once every two weeks, as a 22 year old male. But I also have poor sleeping habits which leave me in a fragile mental state most days.

>> No.6364843

Naked is pretty good.

>> No.6364847
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>> No.6364852

Inb4 that must be why you are the way you are today huhuhuhu

>> No.6364864


>> No.6364880
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be cry

>> No.6364911

no, but i came pretty close with Stoner

>> No.6364916


a few nights a week, when no one's around

not being ironic either, i'm overly sensitive

>> No.6364965

I like to cry on the stairs.

I sit on my staircase, usually a third of the way up, and start sobbing. Nice gentle sobs woven with the occasional sniffle. To an outsider, the sobbing probably sounds like the ordinary weep for lost youth, mortality, existential unease, but it's not.

Around then that I usually catch a glimpse of my legs in the hallway mirror, and the sight of me sat there, sobbing, pathetic, made official by my reflection, is the catalyst. I really go for it. I bury my face in the palms of both hands and break out into a real cry. The deep loud wails, the sharp, high-pitched intake of breath between them, the staggered moan that escapes in three or four stages. The tears slide down my forearms.

Now, it's around this time that Mother will appear from the lounge wearing her unavoidable expression of maternal hurt, and she'll apologize for saying that I need to get a job. We then embrace. I downgrade to a sob, and check to see that her eyes are glistening slightly, the same way I do every time this happens. Then I return to the safety of my room, curl up in bed with my laptop and masturbate, and wait for Mother to tell me that dinner is ready.

>> No.6364971 [DELETED] 


The last time I've cried was 16. That was a decade ago. It's more worrying at this point than any bullshit faux manly point of pride. I really wish I could, at least to know that I still can.

>> No.6364973

I have no idea why, but it was Crime and Punishment

>> No.6364977

The ending of The Master and Margarita really got to me for some reason.

>> No.6365144

Patroclus, the death of Hector, just the whole tragic ending. There were some very affective lines in there, for example, when describing Helen's abandonment and desolation

>> No.6365162


>> No.6365170

the redemptive, catholic, component makes it not so miserable though. or weren't you paying attention

>> No.6365173

Has a book ever made LOL?

OP pic related

>> No.6365553

Excellent. Just excellent.