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File: 27 KB, 400x265, so.. whatcha theorizing about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6364379 No.6364379 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this dude so popular?
He's just some cryptostalinist talking about Starbucks.

>> No.6364388


I have no reason to believe Zizek is a real human being.

He must be a performance art project.

>> No.6364393

Lack of alternatives.

Who do you know who is a public intellectual these days who is at all interesting?

When nobody runs for office, don't be surprised if someone worthless gets in.

>> No.6364398

because he's entertaining

the "truth" is irrelevant, he's like garbage TV for people who like philosophy

>> No.6364407
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wait you think he's a fucking stalinist? What the fuck is a crypto-stalinist?

>> No.6364420


Mostly it's fucking popularizers of science ( who also bring with them New Atheism and libertarianism for some reason ) like DeGrasse Tyson, Kaku and Nye.

>> No.6364430
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>> No.6364431
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>implying being a Stalinist is bad
Zizek will free us all.

>> No.6364435

Will there ever be a show as based as Firing Line?

Imagine a show based around intellectual discussion of history, philosophy, literature, and politics today.


>> No.6364437

he's not talking about starbucks, he's talking about ideology

now start eating from that trash can

>> No.6364445

>anything but entertainment-focused

>> No.6364446

you should drop the trip friend


>> No.6364452

Dude have you ever seen left-wing intellectuals speaking. Even if they're great writers they usually have the same cadence, the same sad rhythm of speech and their discourse if full of tip-toeing around delicate issues and paying lip service to any identity-based movement that might be listening and in the end they usually just end up talking about the enviroment, Allende and Palestine.

And then comes Zizek on the exact same circles making rape jokes and talking about shit that we can relate to directly, not only because of his analysis of culture but also because how critical he is of left-wing movements in general.

He's refreshing. I don't deny that he would probably be well-known based only on his literary work, but his public persona is a big part of it.

>> No.6364454
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>> No.6364460

Yeah it's sad honestly. When I think of TV today I think of Ancient Aliens on the History Channel, the scientism-promoting religion-bashing Cosmos remake, garbage political shows, shit entertainment, etc. I'd hope shows like Firing Line would come back but I don't think it ever will. Now we just have people like Zizek around.

>> No.6364464
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It's ironic because his pop communism is exactly the only thing that could sell in this day and age.

>> No.6364469

Don't act like TV had some golden age of academia

>> No.6364470

I really like how you try to conjure enough authority to attack Zizek by mentioning Firing Line.

>> No.6364476


No. How about you make a trip?

>> No.6364478

I'm not saying it had a golden age of academia. I'm saying the programming at one point was a lot better.

I'm not attacking Zizek, I'm saying the exact opposite.

>> No.6364483

Tv will show you a documentary about how Big Foot started WWII and then switch to some cunt cientist talking about skepticism and reason is this ideology or what

>> No.6364484

>I'm not saying it had a golden age
>but it used to be really good

>> No.6364502

Let's argue about semantics on the Internet. That will get us far.

>> No.6364512
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Why does he dress like a handicapped twelve year old?

Would it hurt to wear a tie and jacket? Fuck.

>> No.6364513

I've never seen anyone admit they were wrong on the internet

>> No.6364517

Because he doesn't have to? Dressing nice give people a sense of authority that your ideas can't convey by themselves is what scientologists and libertarians do

>> No.6364518

Because he is the Socrates (or Diogenes, for that matter) of our time. (aka the homeless philosopher)

>> No.6364521


>Dressing nice give people a sense of authority that your ideas can't convey by themselves is what scientologists and libertarians do

Holy fuck, this is a mad precision truth bomb.

>> No.6364525


>> No.6364526


I've done it a few times.

>> No.6364532


>only Scientologists and libertarians dress nice

How about every high functioning adult over the age of 25.

>> No.6364537


>> No.6364540


I earn 80 bucks an hour in a hoodie.

As soon as someone values a suit and 'dressing sharp' I avoid them like the plague.

>> No.6364543


Yeah, if I see someone wear a suit casually, outside of necessity it's someone you shouldn't associate with.

>> No.6364546


this isn't American Psycho or Wall Street you pretentious teenage cunt

>> No.6364547
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>tfw Zizek has more sex and friends than you

>> No.6364553
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Not so fast

>> No.6364558
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Well gee anon I'm really sorry to hear that.


God forbid someone enjoys wearing a necktie


It wasn't always just wall street that required a respectable outfit.

>> No.6364560
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He has a son and married a qt at one point ( al Lacanians his ex's lel ).
Dude jizzed a load in a chick, can you imagine...

>> No.6364567


>God forbid someone enjoys wearing a necktie

Please don't do this casually.

>> No.6364570

Do you guys think >>6364558 first selected a picture of Mad Men but then realised he had made it too easy for us and googled that one for upload instead

>> No.6364575


He has to be an art project. He can't be real

>> No.6364576

Anyone who wears a tie regularly knows how nice it feels to not wear one

>> No.6364577

I wish to tickle his little feet

>> No.6364578

I had little to no exposure to zizek outside of /lit/ (okay well I watches the perverts guide thing too) until today when I decided to watch some of his shit on youtube on acid. Holy shit what a character. I get what he's trying to communicate "but my gott". It's just honestly an endearing mess.

>> No.6364580


>God forbid someone enjoys wearing a necktie

What is enjoyable is wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
Do you hear yourself talk.
The frequency with which I see people barely 20 dressed like they’re heading over to the Links for a few rounds with their fellow hedge-fund managers is too high.

In South Korea I noticed this even more. Young people dressing like they're going to the soiree.
I suspect this is the fashion sense of authoritarian capitalism.

>> No.6364584

You had a talk show which featured authors like Asimov and Wolfe at some point.

>> No.6364594
File: 42 KB, 517x307, mad men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go


I wear a tie casually on Saturdays and Sundays to church events that don't require a tie.


I usually wear a necktie 6 days out of the week and they've never bothered me.

sweatpants and t-shirt may be relaxing and enjoyable but it certainly ignores a tradition that professionals should wear a jacket or suit and tie. I would expect a guy like Zizek to make the effort to put on at least a jacket just like how I would expect William F. Buckley to always wear a suit to a debate.

>> No.6364599

he's popular b/c he entertains people's sensibilities.

>> No.6364600

>but it certainly ignores a tradition that professionals should wear a jacket or suit and tie
my gott the ideology

>> No.6364601

shut up you dumb fucking nerd

no one cares about your Serious Gentleman cosplay


>> No.6364607


You haven't been checking out a lot of philosophers then.
Most don't wear your capitalist shark suit.

>> No.6364610

It's a little "shortcut" to respectability and adulthoot that 20-somethings like to think they're taking

It's to dressing what "classical and jazz" is to "what music do you like?"

>> No.6364614
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>> No.6364615

>Most don't wear your capitalist shark suit.

dude you're on the right side of the argument don't ruin it by sounding 15

>> No.6364625
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>mfw I know a chick who dresses super formal all the time and has that reply to "what music do you like"

>> No.6364626
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Enjoy walking around in sweats looking like manchildren!

>sneakers with a jacket
>black suit jacket with jeans
>A fedora in the year of our lord and savoir 2015

This is just as bad as wearing sweats and a t-shirt just so you know!

>> No.6364635
File: 1.05 MB, 2957x2153, 1282849443301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You really want the world to love and respect you hu?

>> No.6364638

post a picture of you in suit I bet you like just like Don Draper bro

>> No.6364641

>Zizek thread devolves into a dude bragging about his sharp style and the social cred it gives

Well I can't imagine anything more pure ideological.

>> No.6364643

>He's just some cryptostalinist talking about Starbucks.

precisely that reason

He is good at getting his name out there just like Lacan did

>> No.6364644

actually i wear a track suit as i am a member of the russian mob

>> No.6364648


>> No.6364649

They're everywhere. It's too much ideology, some of them go crazy.

>> No.6364650
File: 42 KB, 947x960, 1407710239573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's all over /lit/ and it's clear he's abusing some kind of stimulant. it's sad to watch this bum work himself up.
why are people so lost in this world they both listening to a crazy man

>> No.6364654
File: 15 KB, 250x225, BillBuckley10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Considering I'm average looking at best and have a very limited amount of money to spend on clothing, no I do not look anything like Don Draper. But my clothes fit and I don't mismatch sneakers and mom jeans with suit jackets. And I certainly don't wear fedoras.

>> No.6364655


High Five!

>> No.6364669


>People are not allowed to enjoy jazz

>> No.6364672


Most overrated genre out there.

>> No.6364677
File: 1.73 MB, 331x255, 54232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a sharp serious dresser
>grow up you guys
>Mad Men
>Buckley Jr.

you're such a fucking cartoon you should have your own nickelodeon show

>> No.6364678

I hope to see you around bro

>> No.6364679


Yea, if you buy the shit jazz on the starbucks counter. Miles Davis, Buddy Rich, Joe Pass... these guys all had talent. Nothing overrated about them, they earned their place in the spotlight.

every day lit amazes me

>> No.6364683

>/fa/ ruins yet another thread
Thanks, faggots

>> No.6364690
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>not going to a private school that still teaches young men how to dress
>not learning the double Windsor knot at the age of 5

I'm sorry anon


I've never been on /fa/. No interest in skinny jeans or overpriced fad clothing.

>> No.6364692


How much pussy does a sharp suit land you?

>> No.6364697


Very little, I don't dress well in an attempt to get women. I do it out of tradition.

>> No.6364699

He just blew both of those kids the fuck out in the first minute.

Holy shit.

>> No.6364706
File: 354 KB, 804x1086, buckley-cigar_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you're dealing with the king....

>> No.6364708

This backpedaling
>Why doesn't this guy wear a tie?
>Ties aren't only for these groups of dorks
>what am I not allowed to like ties? What if I like them?

Zizek doesn't need to wear a tie and nothing about his position would suggest that a capitalist monkey suit is the kind of thing he would put any value in to.

>> No.6364710

you are so fucking desperate to fit in

>> No.6364731
File: 11 KB, 300x250, edmund-burke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing wrong with wearing something nice anon. Come join the tradition of wearing a good fitting tailored suit with a nice necktie.

>> No.6365121
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>> No.6365184

>tfw Buckley lost his marbles and his balls the moment he got rekt by Noam Chomsky

>> No.6365202


youtube is where you learn your facts and form your opinions

>> No.6365242

Whenever left-wingers disagree with a position they use that condescending under-breath laugh tactic, you know the one that tacks on an ever so slight ad-hominem attack, it's unbearable once you notice it.

It's as if their entire reason to speak is to feel morally superior about their position by shaming those who disagree - suggesting to others there is no way you should be friends with those who disagree. If they really cared about misinformation more than emotional friendship they would be spending every moment trying to convince anyone of the better idea with clear positive knowledge against the worst of it.

>> No.6365258

Citations needed.

>> No.6365370

Chomsky any time he mentions the actions of the US pre-2000.

>> No.6365383


Fuuck i hate when people wear jeans and a suit/sport jacket. Like what are you doing?

Comedians are the most frequent offenders.

>> No.6365388


I'd add John Coltrane to that list if I was you.

Seriously though, Miles Davis is GOAT. I'm not a big fan of big band though, and not a big fan of the jazz pop songs with ultra cheesy lyrics. I'm much more a fan of the expressions of the saxophone and trumpet.

>> No.6365497

is "crypto Stalinist" the new "cultural marxist"?

>> No.6365602

Holy shit, BEE just seems so uncomfortable, I almost feel sorry for him.

>> No.6365626

Ain't nothing wrong with enjoying divinely inspired and innately beautiful music

>> No.6365638

Except what people are taking issue to is these answers are so insufferably vague as to be nothing beyond vapid posturing.

>> No.6365683

You clearly don't understand if you think he's a crypto stalinist talking about starbucks

Because Zizek has trouble associating himself with his symbolic identity (professor).

Zizek with his pop culture jokes sublates the notion of what a intellectual should be (smart but dull and boring) and invigorates his speech with pedagogical jokes and is therefore serious serious and funny at the same time.


Most likely arranged by Jacques Alain-Miller no doubt

When Zizek jokes about being an Stalinist he is actually undermining what the media seriously think's he is (a crypto-Stalinist). Instead of fully denying he is an actual crypto-Stalinist Zizek mockingly plays the role of one .

Everyone should watch this nice Zizek lecture which which deals with Zizek's relation to the media


>> No.6365686

Guys, this guy is clearly trolling. Anyone who actually cares this much knows how pleb the double windsor knot is. If you need to tie a double windsor for a hefty knot, your tie isn't very good quality. Duke of Windsor never tied a double windsor.

>> No.6365692

Off topic, but:
Watch you're precious buckley get absolutely schooled by a far smarter human being:


>> No.6365705

> it's clear he's abusing some kind of stimulant
Definitely coke, and so on. *sniff*

>> No.6365728

Half windsor is best knot.

>> No.6365957
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Because that would be a bourgeois thing to do.