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6359714 No.6359714 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite authors that are not cis white males

>> No.6359720


>> No.6359723
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>> No.6359728
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>> No.6359736
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>> No.6359740
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>> No.6359744

Borges is Argentine, which means he's white

>> No.6359745
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>> No.6359746

Tao Lin

>> No.6359747
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I enjoyed kitchen

>> No.6359750


>> No.6359754
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Has anyone read any Eileen Chang? Would you recommend?

>> No.6359756

I was talking about the whole "Sect of the Phoenix" thing ..

>> No.6359762

Almost all of my favorite authors are not cis white males.

Tove Jansson
Barbara Comyns
Leonora Carrington
Olga Tokarczuk
Pu Songling
Yasunari Kawabata
Kenji MIyazawa
Kyoka Izumi
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Akiko Yosano

You should try out Minae Mizumura.

>> No.6359764
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Murasaki Shikibu

>> No.6359766
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>not reading based Ondaatje

It's like you don't even want feels.

>> No.6359768

Another nice cover from nyrb

English though.

>The pope is a black man.

>> No.6359775
File: 2.44 MB, 1701x2034, GabrielGarciaMarquez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He hasn't even been dead a year yet

>> No.6359790

Genji studies is best studies.

Did you see the new Shirane book coming out from CUP later this year? Looks like it's going to be a milestone of a resource.

>> No.6359791
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You've only seen him under favourable light

>> No.6359804
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Carson McCullers

>> No.6359817
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A whole thread of them from back in the day.

>> No.6359823
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>> No.6359839

So cute~<3

All her books sound so sad, but I must get one someday.

>> No.6359843

Why do you always objectify women, butterfly?

>> No.6359850
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The Bell of Amherst

>> No.6359885
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I ain't dead yet.

>> No.6360019

most sickening cover and title, oddly enough, it is not suprising from you

>> No.6360048


>> No.6360892
File: 135 KB, 1000x679, franz-kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undisputed best coming through

>> No.6360903

Race is not dichotomous. He's clearly some kind of Mexican.

>> No.6360904
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Bonus points because she wrote about lesbians

>> No.6360909
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Is Kolsti white?

>> No.6360943
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>> No.6360963
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>mfw no Baldwin

>> No.6360975

Ann Beattie
Richard Chiem
Rebecca Curtis
Lydia Davis
Elizabeth Ellen
Miranda July
Tao Lin
Bobbie Ann Mason
Lorrie Moore
Mary Robison
Murakami (the good one)
Joy Williams

>> No.6360987

who is Kolsti? isn't it just a made up name for the novel?

>> No.6361136

Kafka was definitely white

>> No.6361153

He's the 2002 LeBron James of literature. He hasn't accomplished anything yet but his talent means he's a sure thing to be a great novelist soon. He wrote several great poems, a few political essays, and has released around a dozen or so excerpts from his novel. He also did the foreword to the Kolsti novel.

>> No.6361160
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>> No.6361221

Sickening? Cover and title?
It's a picture I got from Femister.

>He's clearly some kind of Mexican.
Or did you mean the Pope?
Is this bait? They both have no Mexican in them.

>> No.6361249

>not sickening

>> No.6361257

we ghostbusters now

>> No.6361262

Mexican=anything "Latin American"

>> No.6361276

He did the foreword to a novel about himself?

>> No.6361281

I see.
A degenerate.

Are you/is he of the opinion that Spain and Portugal aren't "white"?

>> No.6361316

All the great female writers were Catholic. Catholicism is literally the most empowering religion for women.

>> No.6361328

I can't think of a one.

>> No.6361336

Race is all a social construct anyway, bruh. Besides, white is based on purity while every other race is based on proportion. It's the reason when a black guy fucks a white girl and makes a mixed kid it's white genocide and not black genocide, or why nobody calls Obama America's first half black president.

>> No.6361343

Because you can't think.

I bet you'd hate Flannery O'Connor just because you were told she was a staunch Catholic.

You have no thoughts, get your boring ass back to tumblr.

>> No.6361349

>Race is all a social construct anyway, bruh.
No it's not, you dumb cuck

>> No.6361351

Kill yourself

>> No.6361365

Ethnic groups are real. But the idea that Greeks are less white than Scots and Turks are less white than Swedes while Argentines and Mexicans are the same thing and Egyptians are more similar to Zulus than Italians and the word "Asian" means Aryan Indians have more in common with Koreans than Persians is more linguistic than biological.

>> No.6361369

Actually it is. There's a lot of genetic variation within the category of "race", making racial lines pretty arbitrary distinctions. Compare an Ethiopian and Rhodesian. Or an Indian and Chinese. Or a Swede and an Italian. They're in the same race, but they look different, have different cultures and have different genes.

>> No.6361375

There is more genetic variation within racial groups than between them. Also both you and >>6361365
are conflating ethnicity and race, and it's important to differentiate between them.

>> No.6361380

I'm not conflating ethnicity and race. I'm saying the idea that some ethnic groups are white and some are black and some are asian is stupid.

>> No.6361384

No, I'm saying that the wide variation between ethnic groups of the same race, show what a useless distinction "race" is.

>> No.6361387

Seconded. Sei Shonagon is another worthy addition to the SJW canon.

>> No.6361394

I'm not sure which of you is which but I was referring to
>They're in the same race, but ... have different cultures ...
for the second one, and I think I was just missing the point the other guy was making.

seems we all agree though

>> No.6361400
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good taste, have a happy easter my friend

>> No.6361416

>are conflating ethnicity and race, and it's important to differentiate between them
what is the difference then ?

>> No.6361421
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Flannery O'Connor

>> No.6361430

The question, then, is whether or not Obama and Kolsti are the same amount of white?

>> No.6361434

You're confused. Austen, Brontes, Eliot, Dickinson, Woolf: not catholics.

>> No.6361446
File: 8 KB, 286x289, eliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the confused one my friend, T.S. Eliot was not a woman, just a very effeminate man.

>> No.6361449

Race is purportedly a biological classification of humans based on phenotypic and genetic similarities.

Ethnicity is more cultural, describing people who feel a sense of connection and of being a group.

>> No.6361451

that only because, besides ED, they had the misfortune of being born british

>> No.6361479

>Race is all a social construct anyway, bruh.
Oh, I know.

I thought, Jane Austen, no. Emily Dickenson, no. Ursula K Le Guin, no. Tove Jansson, no. Simone de Beauvoir, ah no. Carson McCullers, no. Mary Wollstonecraft, no. Sylvia Plath? I don't think so. Patricia Highsmith, no.
Even thought of Marguerite Yourcenar.
Hannah Arendt, obviously not. Susan Sontag, no.

Don't know Flannery that well
How about Simone Weil? Not Catholic.

>> No.6361518

He's great. Far off chance but are you English and have done an English Lit A-level?

>> No.6361543

falling for butterfly b8 but
sylvia's mother was catholic but converted to the other side in college apparently
du bea's parents were catholic

>> No.6361553

who is this? an author?

>> No.6361625

Religion is also a social construct, there is no reason to dislike Catholic authors as much as any other label.

>> No.6361630

Samuel R.Delaney
Flannery O'Connor

Boom I've got woman, black, and gay I win.

>> No.6361700

No transsexual, no disabled, no otherkins. Sorry, but you're three short of bingo.

>> No.6361715

Are there even any major otherkin writers? That's not fair. And Delaney was nuts, he was institutionalized, that counts as disabled right?

>> No.6361756

mental illness doesn't exist

>> No.6361775

Pablo Neruda
Octavio Paz
Flabbery O'Connor
Zora Neil Hurston

>> No.6361795

Thanks, it will take a bit to go through them all

>> No.6361805

>mental illness doesn't exist
is that what the voices tell you?

>> No.6361901

It's very sappy and cloyingly romantic but the metaphorical language is pretty good for a translation imo. Go for it

>> No.6361908


>> No.6361951

Didn't say I disliked. I just couldn't think of any. And that anon seems to have been thinking of only one.

Well how many books did their mothers write?

European natives are pretty much "white"
But you're probably one of those people that wont include Italians or Finns. Stupid /pol/ meme.

>> No.6362053

She looks Jewish but also sexually attractive.

>> No.6362240

Sigrid Undset


>> No.6363081
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Jewesses are the pearl of the Orient

This guy

>> No.6363086
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>> No.6363093
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No Commentary

>> No.6363222

She is Persian