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6362755 No.6362755 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that there are hundreds upon hundreds of alpha as fuck mathematicians out there who could steal your bitch simply by mentioning their profession and pouring water on her hand.

>> No.6362771

i have personally cucked over 300 humanities majors via sensitive dependence upon initial conditions

>> No.6362785
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I am not the biggest fan of bestiality, but whatever floats their boat.

>> No.6362787

Why do all of the mathematicians I know have a nervous laugh tic?

>> No.6362793

too much TBBT

>> No.6362809

probably their research is in some beta math subject like numerial solutions to differential equations or number theory. mathematical logicians, chaos theorists, people in dynamical systems more model theory or something like that tend to naturally dominate any room they enter simply by their air of intelligence and the not false impression that they have been thoroughly initiated into the deeper mysteries of reality by the mazelike wanderings of their scholary paths. they give off an aura similar to what would have been seen by the mystic warrior king of an earlier era.

>> No.6362845

If Jeff Goldblum is your posterboy, there is nothing to worry about.

>> No.6362848


Could you imagine getting cuckd by a STEM nerd. How embarrassing.

>> No.6362851


>> No.6362854

god damn is owen wilson attractive

>> No.6362857

It's the other way round.

STEM majors are the ones with long-term girlfriends who tolerate them only because of the money they earn
Humanities majors are the deadbeat drifters who cuck the STEMlord autist because their girlfriend is seduced by their skill in the fields of aestheticism and romance

>> No.6362866

But is the same true for women in STEM stealing the men of women in humanities?

>> No.6362868

What STEM major gets cucked the most, do you think?

>> No.6362869

Comp sci.

>> No.6362871



>> No.6362873

I've always found Laura Dern really unattractive. If those are the kind of women mathematicians go for then I don't think I'll have to worry.

>> No.6362879

>earning money

this is a clear giveaway that the stem majors you're talking about are in the BETA areas of stem research. if you meet an alpha as fuck poverty stricken logician, weary with darkened eyes from contemplating the foundations of human thought and reasoning deriving complex metaphysical insights therein, but also giving off a MISUNDERSTANDABLE aura of intellectual superiority you will instantly and instinctually pull your girl more closely to your side and try to make your way away from the area. this is just a fact of reality.

>> No.6362886

>Mathematician with time to spend talking to women
You are doing it wrong.

>> No.6362904

Why would a logician waste time with girl?

Reason is a far better mistress.

>> No.6362923
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>Not relying on your confidence and self assurance to realize that you don't need a bitch and that violating pure virgins during one night stands is the only way to go

Enjoy my sloppy seconds math nerds

>> No.6362943

>loner humanities major with abnormal sexual behavior, a preference for shallowness in human interaction, and poor morals

What a surprise

>> No.6362994
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>being surprised at human baseness
>not gaming the system to your own hedonistic advantage
>not enjoying what life gives you while simultaneously developing your intellectual capacity

I went to a sheltered private school too man. Shit's weird once you leave.

>> No.6363008

i went to a public hs before i dropped out then went undergrad at a big state u. to be fair most people to most people probably have the same attitude you have for some period when they are between like 14 and 21. but it's generally something you are pulled out of by life.

>> No.6363034
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We are all mathematicians

>> No.6363037


what are you some kind of social psychologist?

>> No.6363121

Mathematics is a humanity at all good Universities that have maintained any element of the trivium and quadrivium.

>> No.6363614

Alpha... mathematicians.
Never met one. Arts majors get laid. Nerds don't, until they can impress with income.

>> No.6364492

Too bad I've transcended the cravings for pussy and human relationships.

>> No.6364545

You really are a deluded individual.

>> No.6365205

Model theorists pull models bro. People do math Ph.Ds for a fucking reason and the other posts ITT will make it abundandtly what that reason is: unrestrained alpha spirit

>> No.6365211


oh wow

>> No.6365222

Looks like you've transcended the good / bad dichotomy.

>> No.6366489

Bump for discussion

>> No.6366504


STEM majors make money, thus STEM majors have the money to sustain a relationship, ergo STEM majors are the ones getting cucked because they have the long term financial support for marriage.

They get cucked because STEM majors are boring

Thread Over.

>> No.6366813

see >>6362879 and

>> No.6366830

arent the humanities more or less dead in american academia? It is all about shitting on white men and indoctrination of ideals and dogma?

>> No.6366839

>implying all Stemfags aren't all giant autists

>> No.6366859

No, at least in my area it's pretty much entirely the same as it used to be, just much, much better. Area of study is primarily Asian studies but I'm getting a religious studies and art history minor too, both are also not yet filled with retards.

>> No.6366887

What do you learn? Superstudy techniques and how to sleep in the library?

>> No.6367397

for real kekd

>> No.6367697
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STEM is literally the cuck life, it is the incarnation of /r9k/ mentality of "working hard on a degree that MATTERS" so they'll get a reasonable safe pay check and "she'll see."

OP, have you met any STEMfags? The humanities/liberal ares are the literal opposite of STEM fuccbois.

Or was I not supposed to take the bait?

>> No.6367783

I study physics because I like it.
Fuck you.

>> No.6367812

lol dude have you met any english majors

>> No.6367821


we don't talk about them here

>> No.6367871

>Think STEM only applies to I.T. and Engineering faggots
Geology, nigga. I spend my days exploring caves and my nights fucking biology bitches and consuming copious amounts of alcohol.
>safe paycheck
Holy shit, not even close.

>> No.6367877

Are medical degrees considered STEM?

>> No.6367886

Thanks for tripping so I can filter

>> No.6368040
File: 63 KB, 600x600, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw english majors think that scientists actually make money

>> No.6368042

good luck getting all of us

>> No.6368047

good luck thinking people care about you

>> No.6368098


>> No.6368102

cute bitch

>> No.6368151

As long as you're not studying CS or programming or some shit, then STEM isn't too bad.

>programmers and CS degrees are barely a step above trade schools and are basically the equivalent of a community college associates

Nah, a little bit better than STEM.

>> No.6368158

I'm both a STEM and Humanities student. I hate both of them.

STEM students, mathematics students particularly are pretentious as fuck thinking very highly of themselves, believing they are smarter than everyone else and usually being absolutely ignorant about anything that doesn't involve their field. I hate these pretentious fucks.

Humanities students believe STEM students are autistic as fuck without ever getting to know most of them. They know a lot about different subjects but most of their knowledge outside their field is superficial. Most of them think they will sound smarter making used of an erudite vernacular irrespective of necessity (Oppenheimer et al.). I hate these pretentious fucks.

All of them are retarded. Probably because of their age.

On women: Few and ugly women in stem with the exception of biology students. Lots in humanities, the best ones are in psychology classes.
Female humanities undergrands rarely date stem students (medicine aside) because they see them as autistic fucks. Female stem undergrads seem to date humanities students but only for a short time, rarely the relationship develops for more than a few months.

I hate all of you.

>> No.6368248

>not knowing anything about CS

OK, yeah if you're to college for an IT degree I can see the criticism. But not CS.

It's not my fault the major is polluted with people who probably go to /mlp/. Hopefully they get weeded out.

>> No.6368264

Did you cultivate an interest in one or were you always interested or competent in both?

>> No.6368421

Do you even hate good NEET boys?

>> No.6368430

My first interest was mathematics, but I took a year off of highschool and since I had a lot of free time I started to spend all the time reading fiction at first, then I got bored and I bought some of Nietzsche's books after reading often about him and watching documentaries of his life.
Similar thing with maths. My first interest was physics but my math was poor, I started to study math on my own when I had my year off and I grew more interested in mathematics than physics.

I'm competent in none. Being far behind my peers right now (probably I would have done better if I were only studying one career, or I had any social skills at all since people often study together) I'm may become a drop out in one of the careers (I set to myself to drop math if I don't pass the upcoming exams (but again, I've told this two times already...)).

>> No.6368478

I came here to post this.

Everyone is terrible.

>> No.6368492

Here's the important question: How much do fine arts majors get laid

>> No.6368573


To be honest you sound more petty and disagreeable to be around than all of them combined.

>> No.6368588

Read what I said and guess, retard.

>> No.6368624

This nigger is on to something, for some reason biology is filled with tons of attractive grills. Most of my 4th year biology classes the women outnumbered the men. Unfortunately for anyone going into biology this means biology is getting saturated as fuck

>> No.6368629 [DELETED] 

I have no idea, there is no such thing as Fine Arts in my country. Literature aside, arts career are in different buildings to which I've never gone. Probably that's why I like them more.

I'm aware that I'm an horrible person, I have noticed and I thank you for the reminder.