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/lit/ - Literature

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6362096 No.6362096 [Reply] [Original]

Law student here
looking for some law related literature to complement studies and stuff like that, food for the brain, huh?
so like, books like L'etranger, The Trial, Crime and Punishment and stuff would be appreciated

>> No.6362171

What kind of law are you pursuing?

>> No.6362173

Bleak House

>> No.6362176

uhm first year here, so I guess the essentials, like anything that is relatable to law and that I can namedrop to a professor and make him smile in recognition

>> No.6362178
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you are asking for books to impress your professor

>> No.6362180
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You're going to look like a retard and nobody will be impressed.

>> No.6362181

lol, drop out and get a $200 a week job. You're going nowhere.

>> No.6362182

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6362188

its mainly for self improvement, really. I just like to stand out from the rest of the droolers from my class when i chat with my teachers on those 5 mins after class

>> No.6362192

you're being really dumb

Read nonfiction instead. Philosophy and history. Again, the books I recommend will depend on the field of law you hope you practice in.

>> No.6362194

>its mainly for self improvement, really. I just like to stand out from the rest of the droolers from my class when i chat with my teachers on those 5 mins after class

God, you're fucking pathetic. See

>> No.6362196

the recognition part is just for reference on the kinds of books

>> No.6362199

we already get assigned with non-fiction for classes, I just would like my doses of fiction to be kinda of related to law

>> No.6362201

Law students are always clueless, don't even pretend to be surprised /lit/.

>> No.6362202

if you are this insecure why dont you discuss the material or read ahead in the textbook and talk about that with him instead?

>hey by the way ive read brothers karamazov and your lecture reminded me of this scene...

jesus i dont even want to imagine that conversation

>> No.6362205

>we already get assigned with non-fiction for classes
Come on, son.

>> No.6362211

"Intruder in the Dust".

>> No.6362215

k, forget the bit about the conversation with teachers, its not like i fucking do that every fucking class I have, it was just for a reference on what kind of book i want
do you guys really have to be all uptight like this? just give me the names of the books

>> No.6362217



>> No.6362218

If you are at a law school filled with droolers, you probably shouldn't be wasting your time there (and God help you if you aren't there on a full ride). Anyway, at least in my experience law professors want you to engage them in the material and ideas they just tried to teach you about, not feed them some fiction-related tangent. Read some essays on the topic of the day before class in addition to the assigned reading or think about an applicable current event if you want to impress them.

But really, if you're not at a T14 or a strong regional then you're boned anyway and figuring out what fiction to read is one of the least of your problems.

>> No.6362220

I liked all the books you mentioned and also enjoyed In Cold Blood so maybe try that.

>> No.6362221

the world is not muhrica, and i just want some fiction that is related to law in some way

>> No.6362226

Jesus Christ, if that's all you want then just google "law and literature syllabus" and take your damn pic. Then reflect on how your inability to think of this on your own may bode very poorly for your future career.

>> No.6362227

rly appreciated :)
what do you guys think of Melville's other stuff? (other than moby dick). I've been thinking of Bartleby, as its a short read

>> No.6362228

Discipline and Punish by Foucault so you stop being so naive

>> No.6362229

Read histories of great cases. Ask your teachers for recommendations instead of autistically namedropping shit. Try to find a legal history of the case of Martin Guerre.

Bartleby's funny, but hardly law related. I'd read it.

>> No.6362238

Njáls saga
Billy Budd
The Merchant of Venice
A Pure Theory of Law - Kelsen
Hart-Fuller Debate
The Force of Law - Bourdieu
The Federalist Papers
On Revolution - Arendt
Eichmann In Jerusalem - Arendt
The Affair: The Case of Alfred Dreyfus - Bredin

>> No.6362251

>Eichmann In Jerusalem - Arendt


>> No.6362260

It's probably one of the worst books on the case from a legal point of view. It goes beyond and above the court trial, and other authors have focused more on the precedent use of Universal Jurisdiction, and the many other legal issues of the case.
But it's entertaining and well worth it.

>> No.6362271

thank you :)
not much about law to be found anywhere on 4chan, nice job

>> No.6362274

Yeah, I would hardly put in the political section. This is a bad word for it, but it's more like a thinkpiece.

>> No.6362355

No problem.
Law is a very specified field, but it's present in a lot of the major political works, and in a lot of sociology.
There are also some great novels with legal themes, and a lot of courtroom dramas, which have little jurisprudence in them, but they can still be fun.
I'll recommend reading law reviews - it's heavy stuff, but find a subject that interest you and read into it. Being precocious is a good thing in Law School.

>> No.6362389
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yeah, my idea here was to use fiction as a gateway to try and spark some interest in law, which I'll be studying for the next 5 years and possibly working with for the rest of my life.
I guess I came out as a fucking autist in the thread when really I was just trying to specify what kind of book i wanted.
here in not-USA is kinda hard to have this kind of feedback in classroom, so thx

>> No.6362392

>Being precocious is a good thing in Law School
Far too sweeping of a statement. If you can be precocious without rubbing your professors and fellow students the wrong way, then great, but if not then keep it under control.

>> No.6362458

>Far too sweeping of a statement. If you can be precocious without rubbing your professors and fellow students the wrong way, then great, but if not then keep it under control.
I guess you are right.
I was thinking of the academic readings. Reading a few extra judgements outside of the curriculum, and looking at the footnotes and reading articles gives a broader perspective on the law and the subject.
I don't think this rubs the professors or fellow students since the seminars, lectures and texts are focused on the curriculum, and unless you are an asshole you'll stay focused, and on point, during class.