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6360534 No.6360534 [Reply] [Original]

I come with a request.
I want to start reading philosophy, but before I start with the authors that interest me, I'd like a list of books that will give me a 'core' knowledge on the subject.
Yes I'm literally asking how to start with the Greeks.

pic unrelated

>> No.6360539
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>> No.6360543

That's what I needed, thanks.
This isn't on the sticky, is it? I'm pretty sure I checked sometime.
By the way, I'm not talking solely for Greeks, same question applies for modern philosophy.

>> No.6360547
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I will post those i have.

>> No.6360555
File: 2.64 MB, 1858x1354, nofedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go OP, I cut out the fedora-tipping crap for you

>> No.6360558
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Why not read an overview first? Just so you know the key philosophers / their most important ideas. Then you can go and read the original works.

>> No.6360560
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>reading biased opinions
>not forming your own

>> No.6360561
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>> No.6360563
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JIDF detected

>> No.6360564

Just read what interests you, and look stuff up if you need to.

http://plato.stanford.edu/ is a great resource.

>> No.6360566
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>> No.6360571

is this list serious? What a fucking shit-ass list

>emphasizing feuerbach over stirner, bauer
>fichte not having twice the space of schelling
>where the fuck is hegel

>> No.6360574
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>> No.6360580
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>> No.6360582
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>> No.6360583

Good list. Waiting on the next four

>> No.6360585
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>> No.6360593


>> No.6360596
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>> No.6360597

Muh part 6 D':

>> No.6360626
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now go read or something faggot

>> No.6360939
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Start with the greeks

>> No.6360969
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Can't say if this chart is accurate (I don't read), but I might as well post it.

>> No.6361013

>no evola or Guenon

what a load of trash

>> No.6361256

man, is it really necessary to read the iliad and the odysse before getting into philosophy?

>> No.6361332
File: 24 KB, 260x321, 51Wwy4OaKnL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own this, and it's great. I starts with the pre-Socratics, and goes all the way to the postmodernists. It also discusses the eras and personalities surrounding the philosophy, so you get a sense of a historical progression, rather than isolated ideas with no larger context. The author is a good writer too, and presents it like a story narrative rather than a textbook.

>> No.6361341

You are NOT going to get through all of the original source material. A person can spend their whole life studying one philosopher. I'm not saying it's not worth reading, but most people will need supplemental analyses to efficiently process everything they've read.

>> No.6361683

You really should read them though

>> No.6361696

No, it's a meme

>> No.6361722

I like how Lyotard is still, and will foreever remain, shrink-wrapped and 100% unread.

>> No.6361738
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signpost reads: exit level

>> No.6361743

Not necessary for philosophy, but it is for literature and being patrish

>> No.6363497

ok, thank you, I hoping you are not trolling haha

>> No.6363506

Check this for more answers maybe

>> No.6365087

Anyone who answers no this has not read philosophy. Achilles and Odysseus are extensively referenced in philosophy if not directly but indirectlly through other people who idolized them.

>> No.6365885


>> No.6365898

Anthony Kenny - Brief History of Western Philosophy

After this you can look into thinkers that interest you, or start with the Greeks if you're a true patrician.

>> No.6365912

protagoras is the only worth mentioning philosopher in antiquity

plato has few good observations but its not worth to read a book for few phrases

>> No.6365926

rofl, such poor choices

>summa theologica

That book is pure shit, do you understand?

fucking pleb stop spamming thsi hsit

>> No.6365930

fuck off

>> No.6365933

you are part of the problem,
there's never development past post-modern if everyone has to start with the same shit which has been irrelevant for 200 years

>> No.6365945

Copleston's History of Philosophy (9 volumes)

Since you probably won't read everything, I particularly recommend the volumes on medieval philosophy (2 & 3) since lots of writers are very ignorant on this period and it's often jumped over like it isn't an amazingly rich and complex period for philosophy.

>> No.6365964


maybe if you read kitchen philosophy

>> No.6365969

You won't understand a thing of Philosophy if you don't have a BA or MA in Mathematics.

>> No.6366060

Resist the memes OP. Lots of posters showing themselves up for their lack of knowledge, if anything.

Begin by reading a comprehensive introduction to philosophy. Best way to do this is to read something like Anthony Kenny's history of western phil. After that you might start picking and choosing according to which discipline or issue intrigues you the most.
Also, pick up an intro to logic textbook.

>> No.6366078

like >>6366060 said, intro to philosophy/history of philosophy 'textbook' is not at all that bad

>> No.6366093

Best recc in this thread

>> No.6368486

Those Hong translations of Kierkegaard are exquisite. For ultimate knowledge they should be bought alongside Kierkegaard's journals. There are a lot of references to it in the Hong translations.

>> No.6368486,1 [INTERNAL] 


I also have this book and would recommend.