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6355957 No.6355957 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: retitle a book and others guess it

>> No.6355970

The Long Walk

>> No.6356082

The Archaic Food Preservation Method Delivery Person Orgasms

>> No.6356093

Two Fat Dumps

>> No.6356117

A Boring Man Dreams about Cumming in His Friends' Mouths and Vaginas, then is Dumped and Cucked.

>> No.6356119

Spice & Worms.

>> No.6356128

A human organ that pumps blood that is filled with pure evil ideologies

>> No.6356134


The Iceman Cometh


Heart of Darkness?

>> No.6356137
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Colourless tsukuru tazaki?

Such a garbage book

>> No.6356138

While brightly coloured birds combust by the riverside.

>> No.6356142

Recursive Military Loopholes & Other Tales of Madness

>> No.6356144

Unlimited Jokes

>> No.6356146
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>> No.6356158

Potato Nigger Fucks A Bike

>> No.6356160

Babby's First Introductory Cynicism Guidebook

>> No.6356161

Catch 22?

>> No.6356164

Third Policeman?

>> No.6356174

I thought it was a comfy read but there wasn't much to it.

>> No.6356176


The Stranger, using a loose definition of cynicism i guess

heres another:
Everyone is Baked in Crime-Ridden 60s LA

>> No.6356201

Shared Load

>> No.6356216
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Lord of the Rings

Inherent Vice

The History of Greek Trapcards

>> No.6356221

9.81m/s2's metereological phenomenon

>> No.6356224

Easy as fuck, bretheren

>> No.6356232 [DELETED] 

Drunk wand walking around war torn Italy

>> No.6356236


average acceleration due to gravity on the Earth's surface hailstorm

and another:
The Plight of a Narcissist with Terrible Moral Choices in St Petersburg

>> No.6356237

Conspiracy against the Human Race?
Haven't read it, though, so I'm just guessing.

"Rich Italian faggots spend their time telling gay stories while the Plague wrecks their hometown"

>> No.6356245

Keep guessing.

>> No.6356246

Crime and Punishment?

Drunk and wandering around war torn italy

>> No.6356257

beats me


i'll try a harder one:
The Most Interesting Renaissance Man You'll Ever Meet Gets Fucked Up in Four European Cities

>> No.6356287

That sounds like the plot for an Assassin's Creed game. A good one, even

>> No.6356292


>> No.6356295

Farewell to Arms?

>> No.6356300


>> No.6356304

Italian here, easy, decameron or however it's called in English

>> No.6356309
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i thought people would say that so i added 'four european cities' to specify, Candide also arguably got fucked up in South America

>> No.6356313

Corretto. Thought it'd be too easy.

>> No.6356425

Civil Centers That Your Eyes Cannot Find

>> No.6356431

The 22nd Letter.

>> No.6356434

Photon Particles During Late Summer

>> No.6356438

Invisible Cities
Lights in August

>> No.6356440

Richard M. Hall Phallus

>> No.6356441

My Life Sucks, Cucking is The Way to Be Loved

>> No.6356443

You bet

>> No.6356446


Trying to come up with some harder ones.

>> No.6356455

pork over grain product

>> No.6356467

Biographic Stories of a drunken lying Bully

>> No.6356505

Angsty boy rapes his sister phoebe

>> No.6356516

Fourth Crusade Gump

>> No.6356518

The Lost Weekend?

>> No.6356533

I never understood this meme.

Does it stem from people confusing H. Caulfield with Judge Holden from Blood Meridian? You know, raping children?

>> No.6356535

Nope, sorry.

>> No.6356539

Fuck Time, Fuck Gender

>> No.6356550

Histoire de la sexualité?

>> No.6356556

Nope. Good guess though

>> No.6356557

Brown People and nipple-sucking

>> No.6356568

lives of paralysis and anguish

>> No.6356576


>> No.6356589

Sexual Escapades in a Courtroom.

>> No.6356592

Love in the time of cholera

>> No.6356596

The Trial

>> No.6356598


Famous history channel show meets antarctic exploration

>> No.6356607


>> No.6356609


>> No.6356629

Guess it was too easy.

>> No.6356770

Cather in the rye

>> No.6356786

ill clarify, ancient aliens meets antarctic expedition

>> No.6356794

The Opium Addict and the Whore Wife

>> No.6356815

How to be the King of Assholes in the 16th Century: A Guide

>> No.6356831

High class, upstanding citizen coats a whore's vagina in cheese then shoves a large disgusting sewer rat up there.

>> No.6356840

Neverending Joshing?

>> No.6356843

American Crazyman?
Its a Lovecraft work right? I forgot the title

>> No.6356852
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>American Crazyman?

>> No.6356853

Sammy Scalphunter and the Big Guy 4U

>> No.6356854

The Trrragedy of Macbeth

>> No.6356855

The Prince?

>> No.6356866

It's Not Even A Real Goddamn Frog

We have a winner
Good guess though

>> No.6356869


Notre-Dame de Paris

>> No.6356874

No. It's a woman protagonist.

>> No.6356884

Eternal Kek?

>> No.6356893


Forever 'avin a giggle?

>> No.6356897

Anything by Bukowski

>> No.6356908

The Year of Our Slavery in Oceania.

The Trapper in the Fields

Moby Cock

>> No.6356911

Madame Bovary?

>> No.6356917

Celsius 233

>> No.6356923


>> No.6356928

Dank Memes

>> No.6356931

Lord of the Flies?

>> No.6356968

Did you imagine his sister as being really attractive? I did

>> No.6356975

>what the FUCK is going on
>seriously, what is happening

>> No.6356985

Long list of men who died in the Trojan war, how they died, where they are from, and who their fathers were.

>> No.6357003

Fear and Loathing in Prague

>> No.6357013

Georgie the Tard Wrangler

>> No.6357017


Fahrenheit 911

>> No.6357019


>> No.6357027

bottomless hokey pokeys?

>> No.6357063


>> No.6357066

Finnegans Wake?

Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.6357068

Finnegans wake

>> No.6357069

Laughing out loud in the attic

>> No.6357072


>> No.6357090

Anything by Henry Miller.

>> No.6357100

Tropic of Cancer worth the read?

>> No.6357102

House of Leaves?

>> No.6357106

No, that's pure shit. Some random jew ranting about pointless issues.

>> No.6357125

So, not worth it because...

>> No.6357143

Yeah. Its just a book about a middle aged American trying to hustle a meager living while working as little as possible. And he likes to rant and philosophize a bit. He has a way with words.

>> No.6357148

Retarded and Disturbed Family Transports Precious Load

>> No.6357149

Ten-four, good buddy.

>> No.6357151

He was a wino not a junkie.

>> No.6357159

Ulysses or infinite meme

>> No.6357182

Two lads doing nothing, the play

>> No.6357184

As I Lay Dying

>> No.6357213

Goddamn, Check Out These Trees

>> No.6357265

Nope. Think non-Anglo lit

>> No.6357275

Getting Drunk and Fly Fishing: A Memoir

>> No.6357283

Boundless Banter

>> No.6357554

The Church of Anti-theism

No, it's not God Delusion or anything similar by Dawkins/Hitchens/etc.

>> No.6357563

Waiting for Godot

>> No.6357732

Drugs, Suicide and Tennis: A Novel

>> No.6357733

The Recognitions?

>> No.6357880

Infinite Jest.

>> No.6357958

Sagacious Fluid Tissue

Negative Integer

Interrogate the Skin Flakes

Contingent Upon The Subject's Consideration As Male

Dallas On Wheels very tough and possibly not fair

The Allotment of Severe Maltreatment

Periodically A Big Idea

>> No.6357966


Of Mice And Men

>> No.6358558

epic meme ya got there
>implying he did

>> No.6358591

Ham on Rye

Feline babyholder

>> No.6358642

Of Mice And Men
Alternatively, Joyce's Love letters to his wife.

>> No.6358679

So It Goes: The Novel

>> No.6358684

Obviously The Republic

>> No.6358686

The Picture of Dorian Gray?

>> No.6358693

cat's cradle

>> No.6358695


>> No.6358698

I saw on my Facebook feed the other day that the father of one of my childhood friends got this tattooed on his ankle. The photo was captioned: "Guess who my favorite author is." This person is in his 50's or 60's. This is the kind of thing I'd expect from a 19 year old.

>> No.6358700

Slaying Bitches and Talking to my Lawyer

>> No.6358715

A Kid in Wall Street

>> No.6358717

American Psycho

>> No.6358718

American Psycho?

>> No.6358747

The Wacky Abortion Doctor and Other Stories

>> No.6358753

My Aunt is Crazy Hobo

>> No.6358757

Slaughterhouse 5?

>> No.6358771
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American Dubsman

>> No.6358778


It's been some time since I read it, but when does he talk to his lawyer?

Bright Lights, Big City

>> No.6358780

>Bright Lights, Big City

No, Wall Street = money.

>> No.6358788

at the end, when his psychosis comes to climax, he calls and confesses everything to his lawyer's voicemail.
Then the lawyer thinks he's joking when he sees him the next day.

>> No.6358789


He mentions talking to his lawyer somewhere in the middle of the book (Although I think he just mentions his lawyer, there isn't a scene or anything). He calls his lawyer near the end of the book and confesses everything he does.

Then there's that scene in the club where he confronts his lawyer about the call, and the lawyer thinks it was some big joke, and keeps calling Patrick a different name.

>> No.6358792


I remember the scene but the other person turned up in my mind as a shrink. Still, though. As much time's spent talking to that cop.

>> No.6358803

Infinite Jest.


>> No.6358839


Oh nice. Didn't even think of that.

>> No.6358845

Toppest lels?

>> No.6358853
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Kids read too much Nietzsche and then ice a fool

>> No.6358866


The Secret History? Probably not, can't remember a Nitch angle.

>> No.6358868

At the Mountains of Madness.

>> No.6359077

the luminaries?

>> No.6359085

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.6359091

Anything by Hemingway?

>> No.6359105


>> No.6359107


>> No.6359111

Naked Lunch?

>> No.6359128

Sadboyz 1847

>> No.6359134


>> No.6359137

The Unpleasant Voyage

>> No.6359140

Humans Are The Strongest

4th Dimensional Psychic Builders

Society In The Future: The Slippery Slope Argument

>> No.6359145

The niggers & the crazy man

>> No.6359153
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>> No.6359170

The Movie Was Better

>> No.6359179


Fight Club

>> No.6359204

One flew over the cuckoo's nest?

>> No.6359218
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>> No.6359239



>> No.6359266
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>This is the kind of thing I'd expect from a 19 year old.


>> No.6359273

Lord of the Rings

>> No.6359274


De Civitate Dei

>> No.6359355


The Shining

>> No.6359423

Mudslime woman talks and talks and talks and some how doesn't get murdered.

>> No.6359438


the sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.6359458

A Thousand Splendid Suns

>> No.6359466

People Told Me It Would Be Amusing but from Now on I'd Rather Not

>> No.6359475


bartleby or a supposedly fun thing...

>> No.6359490

A Piece of Obvious Satire that Everyone Takes Seriously

>> No.6359499


the prince

>> No.6359512


120 Days of Sodom

>> No.6359513


>> No.6359522

Holy Fuck What
This is Fucked Up but I Have a Boner Somehow

>> No.6359538


gravity's rainbow

>> No.6359539

you got it

>> No.6359605

Holy shit, really?
I had to rack my brain to come up with that because I couldn't think of any books with a muslim woman protagonist.

>> No.6359632


Oh I thought you were memeing. I was going for 1001 Nights. I didn't know that was an actual book.

>> No.6359658

I now know how to do all the things in Microsoft Word.

Or it could be:
Style Over Substance

>> No.6359680

I've written this book 10 times and nobody has noticed!

>> No.6359735

"Ok so it's historical but there's just this DOG that TALKS"

>> No.6359769

Anything by Haruki Murakami or Stephen King.

>> No.6359773

House of Leaves.

>> No.6359781

Everything sucks! Humanity was a mistake! A No-Nonsense Guide to Being a Cynical Faggot.

>> No.6359785

Being an Author Turns You Into a Pedophile That Will Die of Cholera

>> No.6359793

Electroconvulsive Therapy Reminds Me of Capital Punishment

>> No.6359940

A Clockwork Orange?

>> No.6359948

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.6359963

Death in Venice?

>> No.6359969

Fantasy Jesus Fights Feminist Bitches and The Essence of All Evil

>> No.6359982


>> No.6359985

You got it.

Boarding School, War, and Homosexual Undertones.

>> No.6359988

Brisk Examinations of Ugly Fellows

>> No.6359990

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.6359991


>> No.6360021


young törleß

>> No.6360024


A Seperate Piece. Great book actually

>> No.6360028

Gravity rainbow

>> No.6360050

This is [Insert ideology that you dislike] ON STERIODS: The book

>> No.6360116

Ding ding. You got it.

>> No.6360351


>> No.6360380

Cider House Rules?

>> No.6360381


>> No.6360388


>> No.6360390

I Jus' Wanna Get Out of Oran

>> No.6360392

Love-powered nazi zombies, also weed, conspiracies and a massive tentacle monster.

>> No.6360393

The Plague?

>> No.6360411


2) less than zero

>> No.6360415


2) rye catcher boys

3) finding nemo

>> No.6360430


>> No.6360445

The Gaver

>> No.6360652

>English Academics Pick Apart a Beloved Children's Character
>Nigga Dindu Nuffin, Scout
>M-muh Lovely Ludwig Van
>Tweens Be Like
>Bitch Be Pleb But I Just Want to Fuuug; Douche Be Douche, So No

You mean that shitty band? :^)

>> No.6360832

The Longest Day in Irish History
How I learned to stop worrying about whether I'd end up in Heaven, Hell or Purgatory and just enjoy life.
Super Mario: The Novel
The Exiled Astronomer, his Geordie and the Guy Who Likes to Destroy Maps.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Latin American Edition.

>> No.6361302



>> No.6362381

The first might be The Tao of Pooh.

>> No.6362385

Divine Comedy
dunno on the rest

>> No.6362396

ramblings of the superconscious

>> No.6362412

Life Without Limbs (A Vanishing Self)

>> No.6362428

Yorick's greatest adventure

>> No.6362434

A Beautiful Solipsist

>> No.6362435

Last one is OHYoS

>> No.6362604

>Nigga Dindu Nuffin, Scout
To Kill A Mockingbird

>M-muh Lovely Ludwig Van
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.6362751

>tfw you spent a solid two minutes putting together ones you thought were good and only one person even tries

>> No.6362775

Flying rapist goes to the big city to get his wings fixed

>> No.6362779

19th Century Neckbeard.

>> No.6362789


Notes From Underground

>> No.6362792

Black man and trans guy walk through the snow

>> No.6362797

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.6362798

aww I hoped it wouldn't be that easy

>> No.6362850
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That's right

>> No.6362852

Frodo and the ring

>> No.6362968

Soldiers sitting around and waiting [SPOILER]in space[/spoiler]

>> No.6362971

I have jury duty but I'm high on LSD

>> No.6362975


>> No.6363281


>> No.6364781

Man, fuck computers.

>> No.6364802

Photos and Commentary on the 1971 Mint 400 Off Road Rally.

>> No.6364804

The Trial

>> No.6364815

A Good Man is Hard to Find.

>> No.6364817


Tai Pei

>> No.6364818

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.6364820


>> No.6364823

my dad was weird and then I left and now my life is a desert nightmare until the dead bear dance

>> No.6364830

High School Can be Pretty Fun but Maybe Don't do Acid.

>> No.6364866

Good guess. The Pooh Perplex.

Yas and yas

>> No.6364884

Dune: The Butlerian Jihad

>> No.6364902


No. Soz.

>> No.6364919

Stop Liking What I Don't Like: Stories, Poems, and Letters

millions of copies in print

>> No.6364922

Man, I Just Realized I Really Fucked My Life Up; Sure Wish I Didn't Have Cancer. Oh Well.

>> No.6365089

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Here's another: The Proof is in the Pigeon Pie

>> No.6365092


>> No.6365108


>> No.6365174

You want plot? Let me give you metaphisics: a novel of incest

>> No.6365181

From Hell?

>> No.6365191

best fuckin name ever

>> No.6365318

>replacing each word with a synonym
stupid, unfunny, uncreative, clearly not the point of the thread

>> No.6365392

The Chronicles of Gargantua and Pantagruel?

>> No.6365417

Mason & Dixon.

>> No.6365455

>ineptly summarising the plot

There've been like five funny examples ITT and it's far less creative than the alternative.

>> No.6365496

this one is hard, maybe something by pynchon?