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File: 14 KB, 150x211, sartre3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6347602 No.6347602 [Reply] [Original]

ITT thinkers for plebs

>> No.6347606
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Hi guys

>> No.6347609
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ITT plebs for thinkers

>> No.6347611

>reading being and nothingness
Haha okay this guy

>> No.6348394

I couldn't get myself to finish The Alchemist.

>> No.6348408

is that Billy Joel?

>> No.6348420

My friend has been ranting and raving about it, but I have my reservations. Is it, well, basically drivel?

>> No.6348491
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>> No.6348496
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>> No.6348504
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not at all
sartre was good and plebs hardly get into his philosophy at all (leaving aside divulgative conferences and novels)

not a thinker

not a thinker


okay in general
feynman was a good physicist, but a bit ignorant about everything else

>> No.6348506
File: 632 KB, 1464x1986, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he is, at least in my university

>> No.6348510
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>> No.6348521
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>> No.6348524
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>> No.6348552
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>> No.6348586

No real thinker is for plebs. There is only pleb thinkers which should not be qualified as "thinker".

>> No.6348590


>> No.6348596
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>> No.6348599

>popular things are bad because they are popular

/lit/ has more angst than a high school freshman lockerroom.

Can you smell that?

>> No.6348602
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>> No.6348618


>> No.6348621
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>plebism: the thread

>> No.6348630

Why is Camus pleb? I've seen people shun him a few times around /lit/ and always wondered. I've read La peste and l'Étranger and enjoyed both, although they weren't life changing.

>> No.6348644

Damn right, pleb means "the populace, the common people"

>> No.6348655

He isn't pleb. People just know he is well liked so they need to be an asshole and bring everyone down to an equal insecure level. He is one of the most culturally significant writers of the 20th century.

>> No.6348656
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>> No.6348662

I'm not sure, but he's not the kind of guy I kept on reading after getting more cultivated. It may be mostly that, while not being bad, his ideas are simplistic and ends up being use as an excuse to just accept life as it is to the people who like him. Since there's no truth to be found in the world, theres no problem with living the middle class life; which to me, if not necessarely boring, as to be positively justified. Hence why so many politicians seem to like him imo

>> No.6348667

Mostly because absurdism is retarded.

>> No.6348694

Thinkers for plebs:

Benjamin (but not Adorno)
The list goes on.

Here are some thinkers who attract plebs but aren't for plebs:

Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.6348706


>> No.6348714
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>> No.6348721
File: 13 KB, 207x207, plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree on Nietzche, most of the people who said they like him probably don't understand what the fuck he's saying

>tfw i can't help but like Zizek, i just love him so much, he's so nice

>> No.6348726

I agree.
>OMG more than 1000 reviews for this book on goodreads fucking pleb shit

>> No.6348727

we get it, you hate continental thinkers. great meme, nerd.

>> No.6348742

half of that second list is continental thinkers though.

>Nozick pleb
>Rawls not pleb
see Nozick criticisms of Rawl's "A theory of justice"

>> No.6348749

Not really. They just attract more plebs because plebs need entertainment. Analytic philosophers are too scholarly for plebs and demand more time and energy than they are willing or able to expend.

>> No.6348752

>implying plebs read what they praise
>implying there are not plebs who would read it just to differentiate themselves from other plebs
>implying they would get shit
>implying reading something is enough to get it

>> No.6348754

>see Nozick criticisms of Rawl's "A theory of justice"

I have. That's why I included him on the thinkers-for-plebs list.

>> No.6348756

you dont talk shit bout feynnie okay ?

>> No.6348757
File: 38 KB, 500x357, Justin-Bieber-Oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be analytic philosopher
>be describing reality
>whoops, my maths
>my logics
>mfw logic is a poor representation of reality

>> No.6348758
File: 27 KB, 500x501, twiggy50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you not like Emerson?

>> No.6348759

So Karl Marx was an analytic?

>> No.6348770

>mfw people who haven't taken advanced mathematics classes don't realize mathematics is the language of the universe
>mfw they still make comments on the limitations of mathematics

shiggy diggy do

>> No.6348776

This. If you're bad at mathematics, please stop pretending you know anything about philosophy. You're a hopeless commoner.

>> No.6348778

woah, those analytics are pretty hot in a boyish way.

>> No.6348779

what? Nozick points out a central contradiction in Rawl's theory that is undeniable. It undermines Rawl's call for just outcomes over just processes.

>> No.6348781
File: 66 KB, 800x480, cia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT thinkers FOR YOU

>> No.6348784
File: 80 KB, 470x413, Riddler_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always preferred the Riddler

>> No.6348870
File: 367 KB, 2197x1463, Sir-Isaac-Newton-HD-Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

math is the language of the universe?
>mfw quantum physics, earth physics and astrophysics aren't compatible
find the links or ditch the maths, nerd!

>> No.6348881


>> No.6348884

>mfw proofs are math-based

>> No.6348886

>mathematics is the language of the universe
Even ultraplebs like you have heard about Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem. 'The language of the universe' cannot be self-contradictory.

>> No.6348898

>he hasn't completed the theory of everything (are those pleb scientists still calling it M-theory?) in his free time and decided not to share it with anyone because it will be more impressive if it's found after he dies

The links have been found, dweeb, but I'm not sharing. Find them yourself.

>> No.6348907

>he hasn't refuted Godel's incompleteness theorems while bored in an art history class

>> No.6348911

nice logic bro

>> No.6348924
File: 7 KB, 1024x930, anyrand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You accidentally posted a picture of Sartre instead of Camus

He's the Kurt Vonnegut of French existentialism, you read him when you are a teenager, and maybe posses a lingering fondness for him, but you put him away with the rest of your childish things when you hit your early 20s. If some 30 year old came up to me and started gassing on about The Myth of Sisyphus or The Stranger I'd plebezone them on the spot.

>> No.6348937


>> No.6348971


It takes a special kind of person to achieve Chompskayn plebe levels. Most people just don't have the capacity necessary the plebe on that sort scale. And even when a very tenacious plebe starts to plebeout at elevated levels there are usually checks to keep him from plebing up the whole region/discipline/nation: discreditably among the academy, withdraw of dissemination chains, some sense of self shame.

Chomsky,is probably the wiliest plebe alive, and quite possibly one the wiliest ever.

>> No.6348973
File: 1.98 MB, 1712x2288, Chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6348974

Thinking is for plebs

>> No.6348994

What are your thoughts on Kierkegaard?

>> No.6348997
File: 31 KB, 352x450, le.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like the rest of the continentals

>> No.6349014

What exactly is it that you guys hate so much about them? Is it just because of the edgy high schoolers that love them?

>> No.6349037

>you guys
are you assuming /lit/ doesn't love continentals? it's usually dumb people who have only read their wiki articles or who tried reading them without taking in consideration you have to read previous authors to fully understand their work. the idea of someone coming out of the blue with his own stand alone explanations and definitions appeals to edgy kids who want to seem smart without working too much; which is funny since they ignore that modern analytics are so dependent on previous authors like most continentals.

>> No.6349310

Try living authentically :^)

>> No.6349333

>implying Zapffe isn't better than Schopenhauer in every way

>> No.6349365


Simone de Beauvoir does not belong in the second category. Other than that a solid list.

>> No.6349378


But Karl Popper was objectively correct about most of what he said. By what standards do you call him pleb tier? Do you think his arguments, which are obviously true, are just too simplistic? Too idealistic? I'm trying to see what would cause someone to dispute the objective truths of Karl Popper.

>> No.6349704
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>> No.6350817

That's what makes you a pleb.

>> No.6350967

One eye on the streets

>> No.6350971

>derrida Lacan and Focault in pleb category
>chomsky and marx in deep thinkers category

>> No.6350972


>> No.6351009

eat a dick. these niggas dope af

>> No.6351013

i am an anti-capitalist and i agree completely.

>> No.6351064
File: 247 KB, 1024x818, Qu-Peter Kropotkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A promotional statement.

>> No.6351100

lacan is in the correct category
chomsky isn't

>> No.6351632

Camus is the kind of guy we all want to be.

>fought in the French Resistance
>had more affairs than he could remember
>wrote several critically acclaimed novels and essays
>won Nobel Prize for Literature
>created own personalized brand of existentialism
>had loads of classy photos taken smoking and looking like a total badass
>died an "absurd" death before he hit 50

That's how you fucking do it, fellas.

>> No.6351642

Go to bed, Skinner.

>> No.6351660

the fuck is that suppose to mean

>> No.6351668

It's simplistic tripe, feel good pablum for the masses, formulaic and utterly shallow.

>> No.6351680

I´ll say Nietzsche itself isnt for plebs but his works have the misfortune to be popular with the masses.

>> No.6351690

How can the processes said to be just if the outcomes aren't just, m8?
Anyway Rawls and Nozick both a shit.

>> No.6351758
File: 1.09 MB, 900x720, sub-pleb-scum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6351764

>refuting all forms of utilitarianism

No need for the Utility Monster, just read Anscombe.

>> No.6351772

this picture is so wrong

>> No.6351777
File: 124 KB, 675x825, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>someone spent a serious portion of their life dedicated to making that image

humans were a mistake

>> No.6351827

it's useful for whipping out since this board is so full of wikipedia-educated people who still feel the need to chime in with their opinion

>> No.6352240

universally and merit

>> No.6352271
File: 33 KB, 620x388, alaindebotton_2122204b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this guy shit or legit?

>> No.6352277

He's ugly I know that much

>> No.6352287

And so on...

>> No.6352298


He's a genuine philosopher.

And you will be too if you purchase an item from his clothing line.

>> No.6352300

What kind of childish bullshit am I reading.

>> No.6352316

Thinker might be an overstatement.

>> No.6352338

Totally agreed.

>> No.6352596


Masses? I have never met a normie who knows Nietzsche.