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/lit/ - Literature

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6348329 No.6348329 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/, I'm politically retarded, and I was just looking for the best ideologies to get a search on and fill my desire of being not so much of an ignorant. By the principles I have, which are of social equality and absolute freedom of speech, what philosophers, authors, books or ideologies would you recommend me?

>> No.6348332


>> No.6348334

You're first mistake was asking someone else to inform you're political point of view. But if you have no capacity for any personal initiative what so ever I would suggest Stirner

>> No.6348337

Social equality and freedom (which includes freedom of speech) are incompatible. You cannot have both.

>> No.6348343

Hate to be the boring commie, but if you're economically free to do anything yet don't have the means to do so you're no more free than someone lacking economic freedom. As for the freedom of the consumer, the issue is pretty much the same.

>> No.6348346

If you want to stop being ignorant about ideologies, read Stirner.

>> No.6348363
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Read these

>> No.6348370

>caring about plebs

>> No.6348376

>if you're economically free to do anything yet don't have the means to do so you're no more free than someone lacking economic freedom
You have the freedom to gain those means, through saving.

Fuck off tripfagging attention whore

>> No.6348390

>Fuck off tripfagging attention whore
no u

>> No.6348431

anarchism is your best bet
it's the only ideology that plays well with our human nature

>> No.6348447

>thinking ideologies matter

>> No.6348452


Rosa Luxemburg, Vladimir Lenin (pre-Revolution), and Karl Marx.

I'm not a humanist, but Marxist Humanism might interest you.


>> No.6348453

Well, I'm not asking you to inform me what I believe in, but to tell me where I can start with to learn by the simplistic points I have that I presented to you.

>> No.6348462

Going to try that, even though it seems to be a famous meme around this board. Any good work to start as a pleb?

>> No.6348475

Actually, that's what I believed in for a long time, but I got so tired of people telling me it was a childish way of thinking, never telling me any good point, that I decided to start this thread and see what was wrong with my thoughts.

>> No.6348477

The Ego and Its Own by Stirner
Also Stirner's response to criticisms of the aforementioned work.

After that, do whatever. Read them all. Why not? Start at the beginning. Who is the beginning of economic/politicial philosophy? Plato? Just start with the greeks.

It's been my experience that if you just start reading any random person without knowing the context then you can miss out on a lot.

>> No.6348478


>> No.6348488

Thanks, going to check it

>> No.6348495
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For politics, read someone boring like Rorty. Check out his book Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity. Stick mostly to Americans and the British. George Orwell would also be good. Oh, and John N. Gray.

Start here though: https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/s/schopenhauer/arthur/human/chapter2.html

>> No.6348505
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>political ideologies

Just follow the Dao. It's all you need.
Read Tao Te Ching and the Book of Chuang Zu

>> No.6348529 [DELETED] 

Traditionalist Conservatism

Joseph de Maistre

Enjoy the superiority you have over plebs

>> No.6348577

Read Progress and Poverty by Henry George. It's all there.

>> No.6348598


hazlitt, economy in one lesson
milton friedman, free to choose
ayn rand, atlas shrugged
bastiat, the law
f a hayak, the road to serfdom
murrey rothbard, man, economy and state

>> No.6348777


>> No.6349527

Libertarianism, e.g. >>6348598

>> No.6349534

You should die

>> No.6349554

Ideology: Anarchist communism
Authors:Kropotkin and Bakunin

>> No.6349578


>> No.6349583

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler taught me everything I should know about politics.

>> No.6349868

Fuck off, Chesterton.

>> No.6349870

Shut up, nerd.
Not everyone comes to /lit/ to talk about literature.

>> No.6349887
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Keynesian Democratic Socialism
any introductory macroeconomics book
Minsky - John Maynard Keynes
Keynes - General Theory

Anarchism (the leftist kind)
Graeber - Debt
Kropotkin - Mutual Aid
Orwell - Homage to Catalonia
Rocker - Anarcho-syndicalism in Theory and Practice
Le Guin - The Dispossessed

Eventually you will want to read Smith, Mill, and Marx, who are hugely influential to pretty much everyone in this area of thinking.

This is a good rec too, George is unfairly forgotten in both economics and political science circles.

>> No.6349997

Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom

Karl Popper's Open Society and its Enemies

Oakshotte's Rationalism in Politics

Liberal democracy best ideology

>> No.6350005

>Orwell - Homage to Catalonia
What's funny is I always find both conservatives and liberals recommending Homage to Catalonia.

Must be one of those political Rorschach tests, your reading all colored by your priors.

>> No.6350092

certainly both leftists and conservatives like to claim Orwell, and both claims have some legitimacy depending on the framing. He self-identified as a democratic socialist, though.

>> No.6350417

Nah tats 1984, buddy.
homage to catalonia is as socialist as it gets. Dont see why a conservative would agree with that

>> No.6350484

It conforms to the horseshoe theory - both the fascists and the soviets are the bad guys, and anarchist Barcelona dissapears, which depending on your political view is a great tragedy or an example of leftist naivety.

>> No.6350515

it's because Orwell was a socialist (Trotskyite actually) and so attracts some in the far-left, and sympathizers in the moderate left (liberals), while also being a critic on Stalinism, and authoritarianism. This "freedom-loving" aspect of him attracts libertarians and conservatives. He was also not Jewish.

>> No.6350634

The Revolutionary Science of Leading Light Communism


>> No.6350700
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In order (and stripped from a Political Theory syllabus w/ some alterations)


Republic (Plato)

Politics (Aristotle)

Leviathan* (Hobbes)

Second Treatise of Government (Locke)

Utilitarianism (Mill)

Marx, Selected Essays (esp. 'The Jewish Question** & On German Ideology') (Marx)


After Marx, there's plenty of interesting political theory going on. You may like Foucault (Discipline and Punish is a good read), or you may like other writers as well. This is simply a rather solid historical basis for moving forward with your studies. Also if you're doing self-study be aware that you may want to look for academic commentary on these works, which you can usually find by looking at readers companion guides and the like.

* Leviathan is not useful in its entirety, but various parts of it are. Check w/ a companion guide book to determine what to read, but in general, if its about human nature, the state of nature, or the foundations of a government, read it.

** The Jewish Question sounds anti-semetic in nature, though it is not. The 'question' it refers to is the possibility of extending full rights to Jews in Germany ~1880's. The essay essentially discusses what 'enfranchisement' by a government means at a fundamental level.

>> No.6350710


Also just look up a comparative politics textbook with good reviews on amazon or something. Political theory is great but do pair it with some direct real-world examples.

>> No.6350721
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>> No.6350768

Aristotle wasn't the best at differentiating between inequality and difference. Two individuals might be different, 'unequal', but that by no means justifies stuff like slavery and class privilege.

>> No.6350780


I think it's fair to say Aristotle has a lot of pro's; he's one of the best and most influential philosophers in the western tradition, but he WAS generally in favor of slavery and a woman's subservience to the man on a teleological basis.

Consider the introductory books of the politics, for instance. You could abstract his view and read it as "those who are skillful and commanding should command, those who cannot command should be commanded", but he, and the Greeks, were all for enslaving the thracians, guals, and other barbarians they came across.

>> No.6350811

Why would you seek out ideology when Marx proved all ideology to be objectively false?

>> No.6350857

>social equality
I don't think this is what OP's looking for. Neo-liberal doctrine does not reinforce any form of social-equality, only legalized political "equality" in the form of equal legal treatment supposedly to be gurenteed towards everyone regardless of social background.

>> No.6350862

>implying OP would have gotten a suitable answer on /pol/

>> No.6351063

Leviathan was such a difficult read.

>> No.6351069

Anarchism is nice. I love the writings of Tiqqun and The Invisible Committee

>> No.6351074

0/10, way too obvious.

>> No.6351166

Evola fanboys are mongoloids.

>> No.6351472

pure daoism is asinine. synthesised daoist-buddist-confucianism is the way to go

>> No.6351476

>Not everyone comes to /lit/ to talk about literature.
>not everyone comes to the literature board to talk about literature

err... there is a board for literature, and a board for politics. they are not the same

>> No.6351481
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>By the principles I have, which are of social equality and absolute freedom of speech

>> No.6351484
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Read The Tropical by Havanna Marx

>> No.6351868

Read Alexander Berkman's ABC of Anarchism

>> No.6353503

The cringe is real.