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/lit/ - Literature

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6345318 No.6345318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the book that will convince me to go low inhibition and approach girls (even though I live in the UK)?

Don't say models by mark Manson.

Should I just read the stranger and then talk to a girl within 30 seconds afterwards?

>> No.6345332

Don't talk to girls just to talk to girls

>> No.6345342

post the original comic

>> No.6345350
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this is literature

>> No.6345351


I'm on mobile but its in the op in r9k eight now. It's not as funny as the above one tho.

Help me guys. I have brought a lot of kek to lit over the past year so I do feel like I am owed some advice.

>> No.6345364

The ego and his own by Max Stirner

>> No.6345380


I've tried reading it three times in English but its too boring. I know the gist though.

>> No.6345397

>late 20's is the endgame
>tfw early 30's and a virgin.
It's just time to give up, isn't it?

>> No.6345402

You know what to do now.

>> No.6345411

OP here. I'm 23 and almoat finished uni. Done nothing with anyone except escorts. Never even flirted with girls.

>> No.6345441

you just gotta write that novel anon then you'll be drowning in audience pussy

>> No.6345463

I'm a 26 year old kissless virgin. I've recently read both Stirner and Camus.

I haven't really applied them to my life though. It's like a block. I can see them looking in the window of my mind, they're knocking, desperate to help me. But I can't be asked to open the door.

>> No.6345486


stop being a beta

>> No.6345487

i guess this is supposed to make fun of mras but instead just demonstrates how easily women have it?

>> No.6345492

But flirting is even fun in itself, why don't you just try to do it for shit and jiggles. If it works cool and if not you're just doing it to play around and say naughty things.

>> No.6345497
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>even though I live in the UK
do women there not like being approached?

>> No.6345526


This is dumb because it supposed that everyone gets equal amounts of pleasure from the same activities. You could replace sex with any pleasure seeking activity and it would be no less retarded.

>> No.6345531

how is this possible? please provide a detail of your experiences. did you not try?

>> No.6345533

flirting is awful. Always rejected. Impossible to do with strangers.
>tfw dozens of close female friends, no relationship prospects, spend all my time reading

>> No.6345536

im 25 so not quite 30 but in the same boat as a kissless virgin and who knows i just might make it to 30. i just never had much of a social life and am in bad shape so i dont attract women. not terribly bad but enough to be unattractive i guess.

>> No.6345542

Just get fucking drunk you idiot

>> No.6345546

I can't even tell when I'm flirting with a girl much less when she's flirting with me. Also, when I go up to a girl with the intention of flirting I get too anxious.

Also, no amount of reading has helped me with this. I don't think it ever will.

>> No.6345547

yeah, the poor guy had to wait 10 years to finish all that beer. it was a clearly unfair task for him.

>> No.6345553

OP here I have no friends. Also i have Arab genes so online dating is not an option

>> No.6345560

I'm convinced there is some immaterial property some men have that makes then able to exist in society with little alienation or discomfort. Some people get it and others don't.

>> No.6345563

you have to take for granted they'll hate you. if you suffer when flirting doesn't work it's only because you have some weird idea that it will work and be enough.
you flirt just to be playful, even with friends if you want and avoid the ones who have a relationship so you're not being a jerk to the bf. then, if someone tolerated the flirting, you get serious and bring up stuff you care about and try to make a connection.
it's human interaction, not an assembly line dumbasses.

>> No.6345567
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I'm almost 22 and I don't really think I've met a woman in real life who I ever really felt interested in pursuing. Why is this?

>> No.6345570

21 here. I feel like that sometimes, but I think it's just covering up my fear of rejection

>> No.6345572

Is flirting just banter but with women? Or do you have to inject sexual comments about her in to it?

>> No.6345576

Man how often to you wack it?
You could just have a low sex drive

>> No.6345584

why don't you lift and fix the bad shape? you could change your life, not only your body but the levels of vitamins promoting neural and hormonal growth and completely reconfigure your self-conceptions and your confidence.
I was ready to be sympathetic but you have noone to blame but yourself

>> No.6345592

If I'm alone, like once or twice a day. I don't generally have that privilege though so it's more like 3-4 times a week

>> No.6345594

probably true. two years ago i ate well and worked out for a couple months and lost a lot of weight and gained strength then i sort of got depressed and stopped. i've recently started again though.

wasnt look for sympathy just responded to a question of how someone could be in that situation. i guess its pretty rare so people might find it odd but its seems a pretty simple combination of lack of social life and physical unattractiveness.

>> No.6345598

>Also, when I go up to a girl with the intention of flirting I get too anxious.
literally this.my mind is REKT approaching someone I have a crush on, even if we work together/have classes together of some sort. I have so many gorgeous female friends, but if I have a crush on someone I literally can't even speak to them and have to avoid them (currently doing this with a few ppl in my life frog.png)

>> No.6345609

it is the 'british girls are fugly' maymay

>> No.6345611


No I just dont even know if approaching girls is a thing unless you're at a party/ club / bar / social gathering

>> No.6345612

Read Cities of the Red Night, WS Burroughs

Fuck a lot of dudes in bathhouses.

And fuck off to >>>/adv/

>> No.6345617

>you have to take for granted they'll hate you
say that again?
>if you suffer when flirting doesn't work it's only because you have some weird idea that it will work and be enough.
yes, and? I do think it'll be enough to get them to start talking to me and start being interested in me
>you flirt just to be playful, even with friends if you want and avoid the ones who have a relationship so you're not being a jerk to the bf
I flirt with all my female friends, don't give af about their boyfriends.
appreciate your attempt at help tho

>> No.6345619


I want to know the answer to this too

>> No.6345620

>why don't you lift and fix the bad shape? you could change your life, not only your body but the levels of vitamins promoting neural and hormonal growth and completely reconfigure your self-conceptions and your confidence.
Different anon here, would you be willing to share some knowledge on how to do that? Or answer a few other questions I have?

>> No.6345630

just take for granted she'll find you unatractive and a bit offputting, and everything that happens will be better than expected.
also, i don't know what you consider as flirting. just smile and be nice while telling her she's hot shit; try to be sincere, but don't make a big deal about it.

you're gay or trans. deal with your issues. if you sincerely have no issues (and I don't give a fuck about you, be sincere to yourself) then try to take advantage of the extra time and do something with your life.

not banter, not sexual
being overly nice while not sexual

crushes are for teens. it's just hormones being extra attentive. go and fuck it up so you can move on. if you avoid it you only make it worse for yourself while getting the same result.
ask out, be pathetic, be embarassed, get rejected or have a lousy date, and find someone else.

>> No.6345633

Lifting weights is not any sort of mental panacea. I would know.

You should do it but ONLY expect long term physical gains

>> No.6345638

>ask out, be pathetic, be embarassed, get rejected or have a lousy date, and find someone else.
and what happens when you develop a reputation as lover boy?

>> No.6345659

working out is the biggest anti-depressant you can do. the high is definitely similar to opium
>inb4 it's not
do it again, literally don't stop until you're in great shape. stop eating sugar, it's fucking poisonous and ruins your mood and energy levels. replace soda with soda water, it's got that same amaze bite.

>> No.6345668

>you're gay or trans.
I'm not trans(although of course I wish I was the little girl), though I am bisexual. I have been aware of this for many years, I am completely ok with it, but the same disinterest goes for guys. It might be due to insecurity or I just don't meet enough people.

>> No.6345671

wasn't asking for advice, friend.
>crushes are for teens. it's just hormones being extra attentive. go and fuck it up so you can move on. if you avoid it you only make it worse for yourself while getting the same result.
>ask out, be pathetic, be embarassed, get rejected or have a lousy date, and find someone else.
she has bf

>> No.6345682

I could try, since this has basically degenerated into an /adv/ thread. As for that greentext, literally just start lifting, learn what to lift, do it properly (see the fit sticky) and start eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and proteins. stop eating things with added sugar (everything), fruit should be your only source of sugar, and eat plenty of it for energy.

>> No.6345684

then girls will go to you or you'll have a thick enough skin to not care. who the fuck even has a reputation? what is this? highschool? just don't try shit at work or any very small group and you'll be okay. best case scenario women will come to you, worst case you have to get a new hobby to meet people. you won't be lonelier.

>> No.6345703
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For God's sake, masturbate if you're so sexually frustrated. All you who go to escorts are paying $200 an hour for something that should cost the price of a poot of hand lotion.

>> No.6345726

>What is the book that will convince me to go low inhibition and approach girls (even though I live in the UK)?

The solution is called alcohol. It literally lowers inihibition and makes you more talkative/approaching. You should try it.

>> No.6345729

>who the fuck even has a reputation? what is this? highschool?
most of the time it's at work though, where you do have an environment. And if it's not, girls are biologically hardwired to be repulsed by men who talk to them on the street.

>> No.6345731


>Also, no amount of reading has helped me with this. I don't think it ever will.

Reading helps, but it's no substitute to actual practice. You learn some details that you would otherwise miss, but the main act comes from you manning the fuck up.

>> No.6345735


I know this will be taken as bait, but Mark Manson is probably the most /lit/-compatible PUA. His prose is quite good.

>> No.6345749


He's bluepilled / won't tell it as it is.

Where is the part where he says that women can get bfs / sex on tap?

>> No.6345762
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lil' pepe

>> No.6345765

>she has bf
then move on anyway, you're failing to see that that was the point.

>work or the street
okay, that's your problem.
do some activity, go get teached a craft, get a group hobby, join a club. work is highschool, avoid daiting there.

>> No.6345766

>Where is the part where he says that women can get bfs / sex on tap?
why do you need to know about how easy it is for women to get some? this is irrelevant to your situation, and crying about it as an injustice, regardless of everything, makes you look like a butthurt beta. Improve yourself and be a more attractive man.

>> No.6345768

>what is this? highschool? just don't try shit at work or any very small group and you'll be okay.
well, no, it's uni. and having constant classes over long periods of time makes you end up with a reputation regardless. also, if one isn't supposed to try this in small groups, where is this viable?

>> No.6345773

>then move on anyway
it's not that I "care" per say but work in the same office and see each other multiple times a week and each encounter, each eye-contact reminds me that women are capable, despite everything I've made of my life, to see me as a spastic faggot.
>tfw powerless

>> No.6345780


Teehee, men live life on easy mode. They can ask out who they want. Women have to wait to be approached.

>> No.6345791

Well obviously I can learn things from reading. I meant it won't help because the knowledge is useless unless I apply it, and I don't think any book will magically make me nut up

>> No.6345798

you try with outsiders to your group, people you don't talk to. and wait long enough to not look desperate.
just try to be a happy person, for fucks sake, be nice and make them feel nice and you're in.

as soon as you dedicate time to someone else you'll see how pointless was caring about someone that isn't part of your life and is just another generic human being. it's all the same, everyone is shit, just find some shit that's okay with being with you and see how it goes.
all women are ugly when looked close enough.

>> No.6345821

He is from the UK.
He has tried alcohol.

>> No.6345829

>being overly nice while not sexual

Jesus Christ no wonder people here don't get laid.

>> No.6345836
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>not going full celibate and living in the desert

>> No.6345840

I read My twisted world by Rodger Elliot and it turned me into a supreme gentleman, you might want to look into that

>> No.6345874

well, that's depressing

>> No.6345884

What kind of wizard powers have you gotten?

>> No.6345897

Play-rejection is part of flirtation, you idiot.

>> No.6345904

>apostrophe after a number that isn't possessive


>> No.6345910

>wait long enough to not look desperate
relative to what anon? first meeting them? but doesn't that contradict the whole "just ask her" idea?
>just try to be a happy person, for fucks sake, be nice and make them feel nice and you're in.
can it work if I just fake it until I'm legitimately happy?

>> No.6345920
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>> No.6345926
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>> No.6345927

come on, you know what I meant.if you say sexual this people will think you're telling me to grab her breast to day hi.

>> No.6345931


I'm a manlet, 5'5, and an ectomorph, small bone frame, so even after lifting for 5 months i haven't got bulky and still look like a child (but now with some muscles).

I live in western society for fuck sake, and i'm white, i should be living the fucking dream ;_;

>> No.6345939

Read AC Swinburne

>> No.6345953

if I am happy living this life, why should I change?

>> No.6345954

>relative to what
to how things look around you, it's not a golden rule it's trying to see how people react. the point of this is being with people, so try to be with them and see what happens with them.
>fake it till you make it
drop that crap. you are happy some times, things make you happy. think about a great book, or a funny thread, or pot, or your garden, or whatever the fuck makes you happy and act thinking about that.
booohooo i'm never happy because i don't fuck. no one fucks all the time, no one is happy just because sex.

>complaining about weed and just mentioning aderal
>television makes you a cuck
>your tiny hands are a product of society
>bikes are gay
>tv isn't about manly men
that reeks of desperation, man

>> No.6345962
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>that reeks of desperation, man

Did it touch a nerve?

>> No.6345964

Now replace sex with books, and switch genders.

>> No.6345991

>lol UMAD
>i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.6345996

no, no, keep the genders, put a book in lil' Pepe's head, change her sex dialogue for "but I've barely finished Critique of Pure Reasson", and his final dialogue to "I'll never forgive your past! 350 books?! 5 at once!"

>> No.6346015

26 year old virgin from the UK here. From what I can tell, the best thing to have are good friends. They will encourage you and when you do things together, you will likely meet girls and you can go from there. I have no idea how you would get those friends though.

>> No.6346021
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>> No.6346024

>I live in western society for fuck sake, and i'm white, i should be living the fucking dream

lel, this is what you get for believing white privilege bs

>> No.6346068

I got rejected by a girl yesterday, or today, can't be sure.

>> No.6346072

>Instead of pursuing autodidactism like a normal, intellectual male, I browse /lit/ for whatever arbitrary reason

>> No.6346081

you fail to notice that the video is funny for us but at the moment it was very funny. if people had laughed and loved it he wouldn't had posted it. it's funny because he made an ass of himself, like the time he spent 30 minutes saying random things about Japan out of context or like you're doing now.

>> No.6346087

*wastes youthful curiosity*

>> No.6346088

Underrated post: women are not aliens. Also, nothing is worse than the uber autismal shut-in who makes a fool of himself by randomly approaching chicks and starting up a conversation when it is unwarranted.

Meet people the normal way: by talking with people you meet at work, school, clubs, or parties.

>> No.6346128

>Underrated post: women are not aliens.
Yeah, they're succubi. Completely unrelated.

>> No.6346133
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>but I doubt from there!

>> No.6346162

>ask out, be pathetic, be embarrassed, get rejected or have a lousy date, and find someone else

This is actually the best advice in this thread.
(as an example of the worst that could happen)

>> No.6346169

>the point of this is being with people, so try to be with them and see what happens with them.
Ok, so what percent of the time could something "happen"? Just being around people can't lead to any legitimate outcome, that doesn't make sense. I'm missing a catalyst here, and I've always relied on catalysts to get anything done (mostly working together on a project of some sort). What can I do to get anywhere outside of this, without coming off as a creep?
>booohooo i'm never happy because i don't fuck. no one fucks all the time, no one is happy just because sex.
My bad, I gave the connotation this was specifically for sex. No, it's a general problem with me getting anything that resembles a social life. I've pretended to be somebody else in public for the past few years. Trying to change that.

>> No.6346173

or you pick up a horrible reputation. each rejection isn't necessarily independent of all others.

>> No.6346186

so what does one do to actually find interests? I'm not in terrible shape (normal BMI, but that doesn't mean jack shit), but I find that if somebody asks me what I do for fun I freeze up. I end up relying on /pol/ tier humor to get by, but in the process I don't actually make any friends or develop a social life.

>> No.6346188

How does that have ANYTHING to do with your situation.

If you feel like she treats you as disposable in her life, walk away.

>> No.6346202

I still prefer a "but I haven't read the greeks yet!" or something in those lines. But I'm happy to leave it to whoever does the edit.

>> No.6346220

You can't pick a reputation out of doing one thing once. And if that were the case you'd already have the reputation of not being able to talk to girls; so it evens out for a while.

no percentage of time things happen, all the fucking time things are happening around you. pay attention to others isntead of being a demanding selfcentered piece of shit. listen to them, ask them things, talk, try to learn other thing.
it's not "about them" it's not "about you" it's being part of a society, and you are part of one no matter how much you run.

join clubs, learn stuff, talk with strangers

>> No.6346221

who needs girls. just listen to belle and sebastian and cry

>> No.6346231


What clubs I can join?

>> No.6346246

You're all a bunch of pathetic faggots, so let me break this shit down for you retards:

You're a man who likes hot chicks. Your ideal mate is probably at least an 8 or 9/10, and since you all frequent /lit/, you'd probably go apeshit if she actually had something intelligent to say about literature. You'd love to meet someone who's interesting, smart, but also cool and casual enough to talk about pokemon or whatever the fuck you nerds love to talk about. Most guys want something like this.

Here's the thing: women do too, you fucking morons. Women want hot, smart, charming guys. They don't go for 'normal' guys, because normal guys are chubby, dumb and boring. Exactly the same reason why most of you would never consider that quiet girl who sits at the back of the class wearing dumpy clothes and talks about watching Criminal Minds on Netflix.

So quit blaming women and having pity parties. Work out. Find hobbies (I box, along with reading and writing). Go outside. Read more Lit and get involved with your local lit scene, because English classes/Poetry readings/book launches, whatever, are filled with cool girls who have something to say about literature.

Stop wearing that fucking fedora/trenchcoat combo, you look like the biggest of all tools. Spend some amount of money on clothes that fit you and look good -- if you're fat, wearing a baggy-ass T-shirt isn't fooling anyone. If you have a goatee or a beard and you don't look like George fucking Clooney, shave that shit off and take a fucking shower, because you probably smell like shit too.

If you're not getting laid, it's because you are lame and boring, not because women are whores who just want to bang Chad the Linebacker.

>> No.6346247

anime, atheism, world of warcraft, bronies

>> No.6346253

>still fapping alone

>> No.6346258

Well said Chad

>> No.6346264

It's my community service before I go to the bar and date rape those cute English girls

>> No.6346290

Also, let me continue, you autistic faggots, because there's something else that's really important that you all do that pisses ME off in real life, let alone any woman you want touching your needle dick:

Yes. You're smart. You love literature and you love analyzing texts. You've read fucking Heidegger and got an A+ on your term paper and sucked off your professor during your Goethe class to learn every drop of knowledge he could give. That gives you the right to be proud of yourself for accomplishing cool shit.

You know what that doesn't give you? The right to be a pedantic asshole about your knowledge. If you're one of those condescending, "Oh, you haven't read Being and Nothingness yet?" fuckwads, it's no surprise no one is jumping on your dick.

Bring your love of literature to the table. Talk about what makes you read and why you love it so much. The last thing anyone, especially the literary community, needs is some douchebag wielding his knowledge like a broomstick in a fucking chemistry lab. No one likes to feel stupid, especially when you're ostensibly trying to impress them, so cut that elitist shit out.

Do it here on /lit/ where it's funny, not in real life where you're just being a cunt.

>> No.6346294
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>/lit/ is against economic liberalism because it leds to concentration of resources to the wealthy, pauperization at the middle-class and misery to the poorest
>/lit/ is for sexual liberalism, even though it leds to concentration of women at the harems of alpha males, pauperization of beta males options and celibacy for omega males

Why such hypocrisy, is it because charismatic intellectuals and Marxist student union leader types tend to be Chads like this guy? >>6346246

>> No.6346313

Chad here. The funniest thing is that I was literally exactly like these pathetic faggots ten years ago, then I realized, hey, women like banging hot, smart dudes, so if I became a hot, smart dude, my chances would increase.

Then I did and they did.

What you guys don't realize is that you all read. You're already a step up on most boring-ass nobodies.

>> No.6346321
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But if everybody is competing there won't be no way how can everybody win. Someone will have to lose. Even if I begin to improve myself today, I wouldn't be able to compete with someone who began 10 years ago, or someone who never had to make any effort because they were born alpha males.

Saying "lol step up your ass" is like asking a jobless guy during a time of structural unemployment to just make more effort into getting a job, ignoring the context, and the context of the post-sexual revolution market is of inevitable inequality and pauperization.

>> No.6346323

>not live fapping through skype with your best friends
>not talking about your day while you fap

>> No.6346324


>you can become hot

>> No.6346331

Because sex is not a limited fabricated resource. The people who want each woman to be a single man chosen in her teens are the ones trying to turn sex into a limited resource.

>> No.6346342

>implying you can't get ripped
>implying you can't get plastic surgery

>> No.6346344

That's just rhetoric to save your communist ass.

>> No.6346345

Buy a escort

>> No.6346348


Sorry i meant

>you can become taller

>> No.6346354

oh in that case just be yourself anon :)

>> No.6346356
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I'm 22. I've been going bald since I was 16. My nose is crooked in two different places, and I used to shower once a week. I'm 150 pounds, I look like a skeleton, and there is a massive mole the size of a dime on my cheek.
I've had sex four times, two of those times, with very beautiful women.

Why you entitled manchildern seem to think women should just lay down at your feet for sex is beyond me. Go to a bar, and learn to talk.

>> No.6346358

But that's exactly the thing. Most people are lazy and not competing. This is defeatism at its finest and is the mindkiller way more than fear could ever be.

It's like saying Joyce and Woolf already exist, so why bother writing?

The difference between an economic analogy and the "sexual marketplace" reality is that you can essentially give yourself the perfect job. That job is the perfection of the self.

Yeah it's hard. Real fuckin hard. Nothing is easy in life, but if you want to fuck hot girls and have a good time, you need to put in the work.

Did you start by reading fucking Ulysses? No, you started with the fucking Noddy books or Curious George and then fucked off to Dragonlance Fantasy-ville with a stay in I Fucking Love Bradbury town. Then you read real literature and it bloomed from there.

It's all about the journey, so fucking start it and stop making excuses.

You can, actually. I mean, not everyone is going to look like Brad Pitt but I guarantee if you come down to a reasonable weight, weight lift to get some definition, take care of your appearance (don't need to be a dandy, just get things that fit that aren't Dragonball Z Tees), you'll start noticing that women don't immediately back off.

It's not about being The Hottest Person, it's about being the most attractive in a given, real life situation. Hell, not even the most attractive. Just like you'd fuck a 6, women do too, especially if you seem interesting and can make them laugh.

>> No.6346359
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You seem to confuse a functionally never ending natural resource (human interaction) with a fabricated controlled resource (money). The comparison is meaningless.

And a lot of women are more open to not gorgeous men than you assume, if anything they tend to be afraid and uncomfortable around too beautiful men. The internet exagerates how exclusive most women consider themselves, for example I'm 1,9m and I have nothing against short guys. I even find it cute.

>> No.6346377

The fuckin truth, right here.

>> No.6346397

I gave up at 19

>> No.6346401

>a escort

>> No.6346408

I'm not interested in fucking women. I'm only interested in fucking my fantasy of a woman (no particular woman mind you, but it is a singular woman).

Real women are just radically insufficient compared to my fantasy. I am not going to tell this to the woman I fuck and who bears my children.

>> No.6346410

>he thinks he will gain invisible coolness points if he gets laid
>he thinks that when he dies it will have mattered at all.

>> No.6346421

When both react in the exact same way to the same circumstances, the comparison is not meaningless.

Again, I am not talking rhetoric here, I am not discussing the nature of sex or the nature of money. I am merely saying that there is an increase in the inequality in the access to sex as sexual freedom increases, for reasons analogue to the increase in economic inequality in the free market. When there is an open competition for resources (and in a limited lifetime, human interaction is a limited resource) those who have greater ability or privilege will concentrate it, to the detriment of the majority. The best example of this happening is in early human societies, where we evolved into harem societies. As the sexual revolution erodes every single norm that used to regulate human sexuality we will return to that.


PS: I don't listen to what women say they like, I watch what they do. They don't tolerate beta males in real life, neither do they find submissiveness and meakness "cute", only it is a thug feigning something for sympathy.

>> No.6346422

>he isn't gonna be buried with all the women he fucked through his life when he dies
i some times forget you guys have such shitty religions

>> No.6346429

Is that some Lacanian kanjo bonjo?

>> No.6346430

I'm Lacan your ideas.

>> No.6346434

Some people are too dumb to ever read Ulysses, no matter how much they force themselves, and too people are not tailored for becoming the kind of aggressive and dominant alpha males that women demand nowadays.

By the way, I don't want to "fuck hot girls", that's promiscuous and degenerate.

>> No.6346442

Ulysses isn't hard to read, just hard to make out a coherent plot. Being able to take what you want from it is one of the best parts of the book

>> No.6346443

>I live in western society for fuck sake, and i'm white, i should be living the fucking dream ;_;
kek. I read an article last week where a now successful and married technology dude dreamed and researched and seriously considered chemically castrating himself until he was almost 30 because he was so bad at talking to women. Male privilege!!!

>> No.6346452

Closely inspect your actions in retrospect, you'll find my claims to be true.

>> No.6346467

>What is the book that will convince me to go low inhibition and approach girls (even though I live in the UK)?
A Confederacy of Dunces will teach you the errors of wanting to be a perverted dilettante and you'll realize that all you need is to study religion and brign the revolution.

>> No.6346469

You pussies are just making it harder for yourselves.

Assume we lived in the 1600's or whatever. Do you really think that ugly, boring, smelly dudes were getting just as much, or more pussy as the hot elite? Just because everyone is fucking more doesn't mean certain people are being left by the wayside, because these people are already getting left by the wayside in any arrangement barring Arranged Marriages.

Stop reaching for excuses and make yourself into a desirable human.

I don't believe that. I believe with training and, more importantly, interest in the subject matter, you can work someone up. Literature isn't a byzantine magic that only a chosen few can comprehend.

Fine, don't fuck hot girls. The abstract of this conversation is desirability. If you want to be desired by the opposite sex, you must first become desirable.

If you're not interested in that at all, why are you even posting?

>> No.6346475

literature is for fags and it's retarded. enjoy getting a papercut while reading a library copy of ulysses then getting aids from a dried cumstain left on the book by another literature faggot.

>> No.6346481

>that quiet girl who sits at the back of the class wearing dumpy clothes and talks about watching Criminal Minds on Netflix.

>> No.6346482

This thread inspired me to check out Manson's site for the first time in years.

Man, this guy has his shit together. What the fuck is a guy this classy doing as a self-help faggot? He could easily be a novelist or something.


>> No.6346490

How do you find clubs and fun/interesting things to do? Particularly that you can go to on your own and not seem like a tragedy?

>> No.6346497

I'm a short, scrawny and effete young man. I doubt I'll ever charm a woman.

>> No.6346503
File: 65 KB, 640x480, fotos-del-dia-6-enero-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because these people are already getting left by the wayside in any arrangement barring Arranged Marriages

Good thing for them that most marriages back then were arranged marriages. And guess what, they were healthier and more loving than modern marriages which fall apart after seven years.

>If you want to be desired by the opposite sex, you must first become desirable.

What you are basically saying is that to become "desirable" you must become another person, completely denying who you truly are, changing your entire personality, traits and even desires. How can't you see how humiliating this is?

>> No.6346504

>Meet people the normal way: by talking with people you meet at work, school, clubs, or parties.
then get villified when you're rejected for having feelings for someone in our increasingly feminist everything-is-assault-microaggressive society

>> No.6346513

>If you're not getting laid, it's because you're not Chad the Linebacker, not because women are whores who just want to bang Chad the Linebacker

>> No.6346516
File: 140 KB, 590x562, 1406497278069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are not aliens, but they are different from men in their desires and expectations. For example, few men would mind if an uber autismal shut-in made a fool of herself by randomly approaching him. Most of us would find it cute.

>talking with people you meet at work, school, clubs, or parties

I do that and have no problem making male colleagues and acquaintances, even friends, it's just that this is not enough for females. They demand you to be aggressive, violent and dominant, to show your high place in the hierarchy of an social group by constantly displaying social status through verbal or non-verbal means of intimidation.

I'm not cut out to that.

>> No.6346521

>Women are not aliens, but they are different from men in their desires and expectations. For example, few men would mind if an uber autismal shut-in made a fool of herself by randomly approaching him. Most of us would find it cute.
you're delusional

>> No.6346526

Ok, all 3 of those were me, so let's see:
>You can't pick a reputation out of doing one thing once. And if that were the case you'd already have the reputation of not being able to talk to girls; so it evens out for a while.
You wouldn't have a reputation either way if you did nothing, so there's that. But if one constantly tries to get girls, then yes, they would build a miserable reputation.
>pay attention to others isntead of being a demanding selfcentered piece of shit. listen to them, ask them things, talk, try to learn other thing.
Ok, so does this require any background knowledge of sorts? Say somebody liked climbing mountains, it's only a matter of time until one runs out of generic questions.
>join clubs, learn stuff, talk with strangers
At what point does one look desperate and begin to deter future friendships?

>> No.6346531

>I live in England

it can't be that difficult to woo a bucktoothed sow in floral prints

>> No.6346538


>I've had sex four times

top lel

>> No.6346539

Whatever, even if it not most, even if it's only me, at least one male think that, while the number of females who do is zero.

>> No.6346540
File: 55 KB, 600x388, Dodson-vs-Dillashaw-TUF14_2626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are you? Everything depends on your age range, but I'm heavily involved in university culture (I work at the school and hang around in the campus pub, go to lit events, etc). Clubs are boring and not really great places to shack up, at least for me. Make friends and hang out with them, because women are literally everywhere and meeting more people, male or female, will give you access to more.

Pic related is John Dodson. He's the gooniest, most autistic, awkward guy I've seen. He's a huge nerd and has a really shrill voice that's really annoying to listen to.

He's also the #1 contender for the flyweight belt and is fucking a super hot ring-girl and basically has the best life. I think he's a fucking brony too.

The point is, if you're doing something awesome enough, don't look like shit, and presumably know how to not act like a queer, you can do just fine.

>> No.6346544



straight to the gulag with this one

>> No.6346546

>Most of us would find it cute.
For me, at least, it would depend on how physically attractive she is. If she was a hambeast I would be repulsed. I'm sure most women found Ryan Gosling cute in Drive.

>> No.6346553

>150 pounds
>skeleton(probably TALL)
>badass scar
>boxers nose
stop pretending these are bad things.

>> No.6346554

Bro just work to build yourself into someone you respect and try talking to people. It's not a big deal

>> No.6346555


>most of us would find it cute

I agree with your basic sentiment but speak for yourself on this one

quasi-frequent approaches from unattractive women are not pleasant

>> No.6346578
File: 91 KB, 601x790, Benny-Lynch-v-Phil-Milligan-December-19th-1935-copy1-e1344722648595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'll become fly weight champion then.


>> No.6346579

>i have never heard a man make fun of an ugly women
you must live isolated of both men and women.

>> No.6346591


>Make friends and hang out with them

This is so fucking hard damnit, i would get so much pussy if i weren't such an avoidant fucker

I already lost my cause in uni though, all my classmates have their groups and shit, i'm currently looking for some workshop or clubs outside of uni or i will end alone another year, again

>> No.6346597

>but I find that if somebody asks me what I do for fun I freeze up
Jesus Christ. What are your interests? Are you interested in /pol/? Say you're passionate about politics. Are you genuinely interested in lit since you're here? Talk about your fav authors and how they've influenced your life. Women are attracted to guys who are passionate about something, and I can tell you've never had the nerve to say what you really do for fun and therefore have been subtly rejected by merit of sheepishness, not by the particular interests you hold. Fucking own it. Even if it's world of warcraft, speak passionately and intelligently about it.

Also seems Eliot Rodger that I have to explain this but: seeking out attractive girls should not EVER be the goal if you're friendless. Build your social life up first with whoever you can get, make more and more friends, then gradually weed out the one's who don't do as much for you. Pussy will inevitably come naturally when you're a likable guy who's confident and has a social life.
You could move to a new city and start fresh, post a craigslist ad saying you're new to town and wanna meet some friends. You could use social media sites that are specifically geared towards meeting people (not facebook). Attend small shows, sit by yourself on bar stools, make an effort because your genetic expression rapidly alters when you experience chronic social isolation. I had it and it was awful, and I don't want you to an hero

>> No.6346609


>your genetic expression rapidly alters when you experience chronic social isolation.

all of my feels

>> No.6346610

>You can't pick a reputation out of doing one thing once
You must be attractive. Women slap the label "CREEP", tantamount to social-leprosy, onto a guy who hits on them faster than the speed of light

>> No.6346617

>At what point does one look desperate and begin to deter future friendships?
when you cry and grab people by the collar asking them to love you. anything bellow that is at best funny and everyone will forget it when they get back to their office because this isn't highschool and people have their own lives to care about.

>> No.6346619

Dodson's dope as fuck

>> No.6346620

>Read more Lit and get involved with your local lit scene, because English classes/Poetry readings/book launches, whatever, are filled with cool girls who have something to say about literature.
you're saying I should shill my way into a bunch of dumb SJW's club so I can infiltrate it and fuck the hot one? Not bad anon, not bad at all

>> No.6346627

>Stop wearing that fucking fedora/trenchcoat combo
there are 22 million users on this site, please throw your retarded stereotypes in a ditch
>Your ideal mate is probably at least an 8 or 9/10
No actually, I do not care if she is in the top 10 or 20th percentile of women/stop projecting

>> No.6346639

>How old are you?
26. I graduated university a long time ago and your advice of "make friends and hang out with them" makes me feel really shit because none of my friends ever do anything and that's my problem. I'd love to start meeting people but you never meet a person on their own at a club or event because they always go with friends but all mine ever do is play video games.

>> No.6346641

>The right to be a pedantic asshole about your knowledge
There's a reason this board is self described e/lit/ists. 4chan functions on a language of abuse. I would wager 95% of people are not aggressive or autistic with their opinions IRL
> "Oh, you haven't read Being and Nothingness yet?"
I've never in my life met anyone who exhibited these characteristics

>> No.6346654

>I can tell you've never had the nerve to say what you really do for fun and therefore have been subtly rejected by merit of sheepishness, not by the particular interests you hold.
Holy shit I think you just nailed it.
>seeking out attractive girls should not EVER be the goal if you're friendless
Noted. All I want is somebody who I know will be there when I need them, and for them to know I'd do the same.
>make an effort because your genetic expression rapidly alters when you experience chronic social isolation.
This is interesting, I'll have to take a look into this.
>I had it and it was awful, and I don't want you to an hero
Thank you anon. One final question, if you don't mind. What does one do if he or she picks up a set of interests that opens them up to more isolation than friends? Is it better than nothing at all? I'm scared that if I commit to something, I'll get judged for it, and this would set back my attempts to break social isolation.

>> No.6346657

Who is this guy?

>> No.6346667

>What you are basically saying is that to become "desirable" you must become another person, completely denying who you truly are, changing your entire personality, traits and even desires. How can't you see how humiliating this is?
It's the game of society. Play it or your kids won't, because you won't procreate.

>> No.6346676

>completely denying who you truly are, changing your entire personality, traits and even desires

Why cling to something that doesn't benefit you?

>> No.6346677

no you should try to find places where you can feel happy and relaxed. 4chan isn't the only human interaction you need.
>> "Oh, you haven't read Being and Nothingness yet?"
>I've never in my life met anyone who exhibited these characteristics
I would laugh a lot, and it probably would be more "with him" than "at him"

>> No.6346681
File: 47 KB, 642x663, class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want me to kill myself, why do you tell me that my entire life has been worthless and that I could easily have found friends and female companions if I just tried? That just makes me feel more miserable, One of the reasons I like "Red Pill" philosophy is not because I actually believe it, but because it brings me comfort.

Your optimistic feel good bullshit is just more despairing for gus like us.

>> No.6346685

Because I like it? Actually, I like who I am and I don't want to change, specially not for females.

>> No.6346686

Just go to whatever internet social dating webpage and you will see reality

From the 100% of users, 80% are men and 20% are woman

From those 20% of women, 70% are over 35 women with kids and single, the other 30% are dykes searching for other women

this is reality, men get lonely much more easier than the common girl

>> No.6346687

So whats the problem? Good for you

>> No.6346700

I won't even bother replying to the arranged marriage thing, because that would be a shitshow for everyone involved, see: India.

Be honest with yourself. If what you truly are, deep in your heart, is exactly what you are right now, then you're right -- don't change. It's more authentic to live exactly how you want to live and let the consequences fall as they may. I have a nagging suspicion that you're probably not living a perfect life and are probably not perfectly happy with every part of yourself.

I actually am not advocating changing personality at all, mostly outward appearance. Personality only needs to change if you're a cunt, but most people aren't. The only thing close to a personality change I recommended is to get out of your comfort zone, meet people and get hobbies. If you consider this a drastic personality change then I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

There's a lot of PC bullshit in the world, but really, the majority of people are pretty chill and not overtly aggressive and sensitive.

I'm not saying be Chad. I'm saying be the best version of you that you can be. Yes, that includes keeping up your appearance. Read the Greeks.

Men and women differ, sure, but again, it isn't to such a distinct degree. Women want to fuck, they want to have great conversation and they want to be interested just as much as men do. This is not a gender divide.

And again, you're overstating and oversimplifying women by saying this. This attitude, in turn, only makes it more difficult for you because you believe the game to be rigged before you even play. It isn't.

Women don't like meek men, sure, but being an arrogant douche only gets you so far. It's about being assertive and confident. Think Don Draper and not Chad the Linebacker.

>> No.6346717

would you assholes post your bs on the right board for once

>> No.6346730

i've never watched mad men but judging by the people who think "don draper" is cool i can tell that his character is a fagget

>> No.6346732

I'm just not attractive to women apparently. It might be because I like topics that women do not understand nor have any interest in, such as politics and philosophy.

What I've gathered over my 26 year lifespan is that females want 2 things in life: Someone who is fun to be with, and is mysterious to them in some way, i.e unpredictable.

So I guess I lucked out by not being fun at all, and being coldly calculating in every action I take in life.

>> No.6346734

>but all mine ever do is play video games.
Convince them to do normal things like see live music and drink at a bar.

>> No.6346735

So you'd rather wallow in self pity than attempt to change things?

>> No.6346738

>So you'd rather wallow in self pity than attempt to change things?

Not him, but don't underestimate the delicious darkness of misery.

>> No.6346745

>What does one do if he or she picks up a set of interests that opens them up to more isolation than friends?
what set of interests would this be? I'm mainly interested in /lit/ and I have a fulfilling social group and get laid sometimes, with much effort, although I don't actually discuss lit with most of them. We do have music in common though. What are your main interests? Tell me at least 3.
>I'm scared that if I commit to something, I'll get judged for it, and this would set back my attempts to break social isolation.
you're being vague, what are you referring to

>> No.6346749

>I like topics that women do not understand nor have any interest in, such as politics and philosophy.
If you have two X chromosomes you just can't into philosophy. It's science.

Go to your fucking containment board you needy fuck

>> No.6346753

I've been calling people faggots this entire time and you get butthurt about 'queer'? Jesus, at least be consistent.

haha that's not what I meant and you know it. Be interesting, have hobbies that are cool, don't look like shit.

This should literally be every human's mantra.

It is, actually, especially as you age. I'm 30 now and meeting people my age is difficult. I recommend doing things that are explicitly social. I'm a server, for instance, so I get the chance to meet tons of new people every shift. Then I go home and sperg to myself about Keats and write shitty short stories.

This is another True Post.

I love the shit out of Dodson and I really hope he kills DJ, but DJ is cool as shit too. Flyweight fucking owns.

Did you see baby pettis get kicked in the butt lollllllllllllllllll

Basically. I go to the most liberal university in Canada and lit groups aren't populated with uber SJWs. I mean they're definitely SJW-lites, but I'm not saying crash a women's studies seminar.

Stereotypes have the tendency to be true, however. I'm making fun of a strawman because, hopefully, you all know that being a neckbeard fedora is already a Bad Thing™.

Yeah, I totally know what you mean. One of the hardest things I went through (recently, in fact!) was ditching all the shitty people I knew in my life, because I wanted something greater. I took up Swing dancing on a lark, and it was fun as fuck.

Protip to you and anyone else who cares about being interesting: Join a dance club, literally any. They ALL need leads, because it's mostly women who go and seek them out. I'm not saying you'll instantly be drowning in cooch, but it's a damn fine feather in your cap if you know how to actually dance and not do the stupid drunk-white-person-in-club-thing.

Also, it's fun as fuck, especially Swing.

I agree with you, but I have met people who definitely tried to dickwave with their brain. I think most people DO leave it on lit, but I have met a few that don't.

I started with 'you faggots' because a) we are on a comedy board and b) tough love seemed to be in order. I actually completely empathize with you and everyone like you because, as I said, I was one of you.

The problem IS the solution though, and it's not easy. It's like Sartre said: you're condemned to be free, and you're condemned to know that it's actually really easy to turn your life around. The hardest part is just putting in the first step, then the rest of the work.

All that starts it off though is the realization that you can live exactly as you want, at any time. That shit is terrifying, but also extremely liberating.

Don't be afraid to be who you want to be, because the only person getting the shit end of that thought process is you.

Then good. Keep being exactly what you want to be. This is a serious, non-troll post.

>> No.6346755

>If you have two X chromosomes you just can't into philosophy. It's science.

It's not that they CAN'T do it you fucking butthurt faggot.

It's that the majority of them that I have met through the course of my life have more interest in make-up and the newest TV show than they have about the fact that ISIS is currently annihilating civilians in Iraq. Or any gazillion number of other issues that I could mention.

>Go to your fucking containment board you needy fuck

Wanting to meet people who share my interests makes me "needy" now.

How about you cut your own throat cunt?

>> No.6346763

Don Draper is a lot of things, not necessarily cool. He does, however, have a personality that women find appealing: commanding, yet quiet. Confident, yet not a braggart.

They also like to get fucked, so looking attractive helps.

I think at this point I need to tell you all that the most important thing to keep in mind, if nothing else, is that women are just like you in pretty much every conceivable way. Thinking of them literally as an Other isn't helping you at all, and is actively hurting your chances.

Literally treat them like a normal person and they'll respond in kind. If you walk around on eggshells like an autistic spaz, they'll also react in kind.

>> No.6346784

Eh why bother. Nobody loves me and neither do I. Relationships are prohibitively expensive and far too taxing on actual fun things.

>> No.6346786

>I think at this point I need to tell you all that the most important thing to keep in mind, if nothing else, is that women are just like you in pretty much every conceivable way.

Seems like casuistry to me. Even my brother is not even remotely like me in any conceivable way apart from being a primate mammal.

>> No.6346792

I wasn't saying that at all actually, sometimes we fall into these things. I'm going to tell you right now you'll get nowhere if you reflexively wallow in pity or think in this direction so easily. Grow thicker skin, faggot. If you have indeed try, you're going to need to try harder.
Also "red pill" is a relatively scattered ideology because of those who have adopted it, like feminism.
>this is reality, men get lonely much more easier than the common girl
boo hoo. change your life or keep bitching. pick one.
kek. you are right, but you can change that. it's called applied charisma. start being fun. learn to be funny. stop giving a fuck what other people think of you. Intelligence is absolutely something you can use to your advantage. Also you act like being fun is genetic. Spoilerit'snot. Start being impulsive, do some drugs, flip an intellectual discussion into extremely lowbrow humor and get un-serious
/adv/ is full of young kids and /b/tards. /lit/ has wisdom. sorry for the occasional feels thread but sometimes it's necessary
>It's about being assertive and confident
>It's about being assertive and confident
>It's about being assertive and confident
>It's about being assertive and confident
>It's about being assert

>> No.6346799

>kek. you are right, but you can change that. it's called applied charisma. start being fun. learn to be funny. stop giving a fuck what other people think of you. Intelligence is absolutely something you can use to your advantage. Also you act like being fun is genetic. Spoilerit'snot. Start being impulsive, do some drugs, flip an intellectual discussion into extremely lowbrow humor and get un-serious
how to become the ultimate faggot: a tutorial
aside from the advice to be impulsive which is pretty good

>> No.6346800

What's actually fun and can't be done with a gf?

>> No.6346816
File: 32 KB, 300x300, 1322634170251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ISIS is currently annihilating civilians in Iraq.
>implying this is relevant to your life
If you're gonna talk about politics IRL talk about domestic issues or things that directly effect you or that other people will care about
>Relationships are prohibitively expensive and far too taxing on actual fun things.
Sounds like you've got the alien schema of a true beta. Women actually don't expect you to pay for things. Not ever. You ask to split the check, you don't buy them gifts other than their birthday and you laugh in their face and ask them if they also want your credit card when they ask you to pay for anything. If you don't do this or you have to you're a snivelling beta. Relationships cost nothing.

>> No.6346825

How is any of that advice bad? What is bad about it?

>> No.6346829

How to be an alpha male: a complete guide

Step one: Get an A in real analysis
Step two: Listen to The Replacements alone in your dorm room and realize that no problem in life worth solving has a solution
Step three: Megapost on 4chan for three hours

>> No.6346837

>>implying this is relevant to your life

It absolutely is. There are a lot of refugees here

>> No.6346841

Yes, this is the life I've been living for 27 years now, I think that I if try to change that late it will make all of my previous experiences worthless so I'd rather keep up the path I've walked until now.

>> No.6346854

your experiences are already worthless, you've got literally nothing to lose

>> No.6346872

Alright, lets say: Political discussion (socially left fiscally right), Techolo/g/y (building a battlestation for example), and Movies (primarily suspenseful horror, ie Alien 1972). I guess my fear is I go out and meet somebody, tell them I enjoyed the original Alien, and then have an immediate response of "what a pretentious faggot".

>> No.6346882

>195 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.6346924


This is why you don't get laid.

But seriously, don't be obtuse, you know what I mean.

Well you're in luck because literally zero people would say this, but even if someone did just brush it off and be like "if it's pretentious to love an amazingly crafted movie then sure I guess so" and then proceed to not care and talk to everyone else about how cool Alien is.

>> No.6346925

Well it seems weird that you'd define your interests in film with 'the movie alien', knowwhat I'm sayn? It would make more sense, if someone asked you about films what themes/human qualities you extracted from them, or maybe even the technical aspects of a certain genre/era of film.
Battlestation and time spent on the computer I'm going to have to say you'll have to get creative if you want to talk about that successfully but I'm sure it could be done.
Your political views shouldn't be majorly relevant, even if you feel strongly about them. You should be able to know enough to keep up with current events and talk about the most interesting shit happening in the world. YOUR beliefs aren't super-relevant so much as how generalizable they are to the person you're talking to and how you can make them interested in the conversation, knowwhatI'm sayn?
Most people aren't mean IRL like they are on 4chan. They are almost never going to think you're pretentious unless you act pretentious. Also you need to stand up strait and not fidget, ever, body language influences 50% of people's perceptions of you and you can use this to your advantage.

Also while you're listening to my advice, read this: https://heartiste.wordpress.com/the-sixteen-commandments-of-poon/
Don't listen to the detractors or roissy's /pol/ style ramblings, but this list is full of platinum advice. The main thing to take is to genuinely value yourself and not care, this will in turn lead to women liking you

>> No.6346928

I have a lot of friends (straight male ones while we're at that) and I can tell you with certainity that none of them even fit 80% of that list (most that do are thanks to the weed, chuck taylors or bikes, probably the tight jeans too, I don't know)

>> No.6346953


me too. After 10 or 12 rejections I just said fuck it.

>> No.6346976

Ahh, I sortof anticipated somebody would ask "what's your favorite movie anon?" in general conversation. But you make valid points, anon. Would it be best to keep a sort of general purpose-introducing-oneself-to-other-people set of hobbies that fit in better? If so, what would these generally entail for most people?

I see, so just don't give a fuck about pretentious assholes. But where does not caring blur into general apathy, where even if I'm freely expressing myself, I don't actually get anywhere? Just keep trying until it works?

>> No.6346977

>The main thing to take is to genuinely value yourself and not care

But this just led to me not caring about engaging with 95% of most women. I developed my interests and reading to such a point that the only people with which discussing them isn't painful are grad students and other neutered young men toiling away in coffeeshops and sparsely furnished bedrooms.

>> No.6346979

Dude, humanities girls love androginous guy

>> No.6346988

I have actually changed the time of a class because there were two uber-autistic shut ins who were sort of creeping me out after I once showed my /co/ powerlevel.

One of them actually called me during a stint my gf had without facebook thinking we had broken up

>> No.6347025

I think you're just overthinking it now. Just chill out. Start being confident in yourself. Everyone else is a narcissist, why don't you deserve to be? You've got cool hobbies, you read!

>> No.6347036
File: 83 KB, 186x280, look away blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can vouch for that

>> No.6347047


i had hot chicks approach me, and sometimes i even call them, but they always expect me to act like a hip-hop douche kind of of guy, and it's like listen lady when you gave me your number i was reading a fucking book, did you expect i was going to meet up with you and suddenly act like a guido or something?

>> No.6347077

Chad here, with my last post:

Remember that you guys all have a leg up. Women LOVE poetry. They love good books. They love literature. You all read it.

Make the fucking connection already.