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/lit/ - Literature

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6346625 No.6346625 [Reply] [Original]

The Episcopal Church considers the Bible to be neither infallible nor inerrant, yet affirms both the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds. Does this mean the core story of Christ (that he was born of a virgin, died for our sins and was risen on the third day) are true, but everything else in the Gospels are up for challenge?

>> No.6346637

It means EVERYTHING is up for challenge but these folk cherry pick what they wanna go at, basically Christianity in a nutshell.

>> No.6346674

Philosophy in a nutshell.

>> No.6346741

I dislike your picture very much.

Insinuating that you can't learn anything from fun reflects poorly on the person who isn't learning, not fun itself.

>> No.6347129
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>> No.6347132

I don't think it's insinuating that you can't learn anything from fun.

>> No.6347149

Ha, I'm actually in a course covering the history of Christian thought and I can't remember what the Nicene and Apostle's creeds explicitly state(shows what a good fucking student I am).

Anyway, is this a modern statement from the Episcopal church? Sounds like theological liberalism. So, with that being said, I would say that they might be affirming Bultmann's de-mythologization of the bible.

You're going to find more information to really answer your question, OP.

>> No.6347156

So Jesus is down if someone pursues fun over asceticism and then catches up with him later on their death bed? What's the point?

>> No.6347157
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>affirming the harrowing of hades

i seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.6347162

You'll have to find more*

Anyway, after thinking about it, I would say the answer is probably no, OP. Disregarding the doctrines of inerrancy and infallibility does not contradict plenary verbal inspiration, it just asserts that, due to the human authorship of the bible, some scientific or historical facts might be wrong. Also, it could be said that they have a liberal interpretation of the bible.

>> No.6347166

>Does this mean the core story of Christ (that he was born of a virgin, died for our sins and was risen on the third day) are true, but everything else in the Gospels are up for challenge?
yes, that is how it is in catholic and orthodox christianity and has always been

only protestants and their crazy cult offsprings believe that the bible is the source of faith (and literally true)

see sola scriptura vs sacred tradition


>> No.6347183


I don't think that's true. Catholics and Protestants uphold the infallibility of scripture.

In fact,

…St. Augustine, in a letter to St. Jerome, has put down a fine axiom, that only Holy Scripture is to be considered inerrant. -- Martin Luther

>> No.6347187

>"I came so far but I have learned nothing"
>Jesus and the "fun" path are mutually exclusive in the comic

Not a very good comic IMO. It implies implications that aren't very good for Christianity.

>> No.6347194

To bring as many souls as possible into fellowship with God.

>> No.6347196

Scripture being inerrant is not the same as Sola Scriptura.

>> No.6347201

>muh traditions

You can't buy your way into Heavan, heretic

>> No.6347203

just remember that when nothing makes sense and things contradict each other that we're dealing with an apocalyptic death cult making shit up as it goes along

>> No.6347208

>Anyway, is this a modern statement from the Episcopal church?

>> No.6347213

Strangely enough, Anglicans and Lutherans are in full communion (at least with the Lutheran Wrodl Federation)

>> No.6347351 [DELETED] 

Sacred Tradition doesn't mean you can cut back on scripture. Sola scriptura means you can cut back on Sacred Tradition, though, it means you do not need Scared Tradition for salvation.

Secondly, inerrant is not the same thing as infallible. Inerrant in Catholicism means the Bible is free of error in regard to salvation, whereas infallible means the Bible cannot be faulted in anyway (science, geography, history, etc.) But Catholics also believe in Sacred Tradition, which means you cannot be saved purely by scripture, there is more to it than that.

Finally, it is important to stress that in Lutheranism, "infallible", contrary to Catholic and most protestant use, does not mean the Bible is right on history and science etc. because no Lutheran church in the Lutheran World Federation, takes most of the Bible literally. They do not identify faultlessness with it being literal.

A final point to stress: unlike in many variants of Protestantism, Lutherans do value sacred tradition, and nearly every church in the Lutheran World Federation has apostolic succession; the key here is that they don't think sacred tradition is required for salvation, but they value it as a custom of the church's culture. Lutherans (at least in the Lutheran World Federation) have bishops who manage their dioceses, and these bishops are ordained in a line of apostolic succession.

>> No.6347355

Sacred Tradition doesn't mean you can cut back on scripture. Sola scriptura means you can cut back on Sacred Tradition, though, it means you do not need Scared Tradition for salvation.

Secondly, inerrant is not the same thing as infallible. Inerrant in Catholicism means the Bible is free of error in regard to salvation, whereas infallible means the Bible cannot be faulted in anyway (science, geography, history, etc.); Catholics believe the Bible is inerrant, but not infallible. But Catholics also believe in Sacred Tradition, which means you cannot be saved purely by scripture, there is more to it than that.

Thirdly it is important to stress that in Lutheranism, "infallible", contrary to Catholic and most protestant use, does not mean the Bible is right on history and science etc. because no Lutheran church in the Lutheran World Federation, takes most of the Bible literally. They do not identify faultlessness with it being literal.

Fourthly, sola scriptura means the Bible contains everything you need for salvation, it does NOT mean everything in the Bible is necessary for salvation.

A final point to stress: unlike in many variants of Protestantism, Lutherans do value sacred tradition, and nearly every church in the Lutheran World Federation has apostolic succession; the key here is that they don't think sacred tradition is required for salvation, but they value it as a custom of the church's culture. Lutherans (at least in the Lutheran World Federation) have bishops who manage their dioceses, and these bishops are ordained in a line of apostolic succession.

>> No.6347366

>This thread.

>> No.6347371


You guys are huge faggots.

>> No.6347374

So, is fun the journey or the destination?

>> No.6347399 [DELETED] 

>imon Baron-Cohen, who proposed the mindblindness theory of autism, told me that “sometimes I meet people with autism who are religious, but their motivation is driven more by the rules (the system) in theology rather than the anthropomorphizing.”


>> No.6347406
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>The Episcopal Church

>> No.6347410
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>Simon Baron-Cohen, who proposed the mindblindness theory of autism, told me that “sometimes I meet people with autism who are religious, but their motivation is driven more by the rules (the system) in theology rather than the anthropomorphizing.”


>> No.6347411
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>> No.6347412

Nothing in this material world is 'infallible' or 'inerrant' (except God), you moron. 'Absolute truths' are a logical fallacy.

>> No.6347432

Can't you just ask an Episcopal priest in your area? Seems like it would be a better answer than what you'd get on 4chan.

It implies Christ is the literary path. "Fun" here is used to mean the genre path.

KJV is the best translation though, at least one must admit that.

All they shall speak and say unto thee,
Art thou also become weak as we?
art thou become like unto us?
Thy pomp is brought down to the grave,
and the noise of thy viols:
the worm is spread under thee,
and the worms cover thee.
How art thou fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
how art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations!

>> No.6347467
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>KJV is the best translation though


>> No.6347474

What if I just take the words of Jesus to be perfectly true, and consider the rest of the Bible to be on the same level as the writings of St. Augstine or C.S. Lewis?

>> No.6347481

It's absolutely true that you seem like a huge faggot to me

>> No.6347482

That's basically what Episcopalians do; They're super liberal protestants, but with Catholic traditions. Some even have High Mass in Latin

>> No.6347487


εεε... τι?

>> No.6347492

Mah nigga.

>> No.6347508

Ah, OK. In the context of literature and /lit/, it's a fine comic.

>> No.6347511

KJV is certainly not the most literally accurate version available, but that's a ridiculous exaggeration. It's not like Golding's Metamorphoses, or Pope's Iliad, it actually strives to be faithful.

>> No.6347537

that's everybody in a nutshell my fedora clad friend

>> No.6347612

I've been talking about OP's comic the entire time. I haven't been connecting it to the KJV or anything like that, just critiquing the comic on its own.

>> No.6347618
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>? not ;

>> No.6347800

What a cute comic, I want to bro down with Jesus now. What church should I pick?

>> No.6347812
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Hellenismos and Episcopal are the only two acceptable options on /lit/

>> No.6347816

remember that in a few minutes somebody will come along and dismiss you as a 'fedora', possibly this anon >>6347537

>> No.6347818
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Postmodern sex worship and secular humanism are the only two acceptable options on /lit/

>> No.6347824

I think you mean the only two acceptable options OFF /lit/

>> No.6347827

last I checked the vast, vast majority of the world is religious

>> No.6347828

Not the demographic people who post on /lit come from.

>> No.6347837

*tips it*

>> No.6347853

>implying the episcopal church gives a shit about consistency

>> No.6348025

>That took a while.

I don't think the real Jesus would make snide remarks like that.

>> No.6348065

>tfw I became ironically Christian to compensate for my edgy atheist period
>tfw I now don't know whether my belief is ironic or sincere


>> No.6348094

I'm so glad I'm not this much of a useless moron. What in the actual fuck is even wrong with you people. You'd better be a teenager if you're this god damn retarded.

>> No.6348100

>jesus won't have fun with you
wow ok

>> No.6348108

>Episcopal Church

Isnt that just what the yanks call the Church of England? I've always thought it was weird that they kicked out their overlords, but kept the faith.

Are americans just to stupid to think up their own religions that don't involve rolling around on the floor shrieking like an eppy, or mucking about with deadly snakes?

You should all be mormons really - thats yyour indigenous religion.

>> No.6348114

You have transcended the ironic/sincere dichotomy, my brother.

>> No.6348120

I'm neither an American nor a European but I've lived most of my life as an Apatheist. So, I'm apparently in need of a lightning bolt. Don't know/understand what started that meme, though.

>> No.6348122

God isn't material you fucking goon.

>> No.6348126

Ironic or not it is not really distinguishable in the actual world if you act upon your beliefs.

>> No.6348808

As someone who was raised Episcopalian, this thread is hilarious

>you can be the biggest stoner/faggot/gambler/sinner and still go to heaven as long as you tell Jesus he's totally radical
>Catholics are buttmad haters cuz their mass is long and boring and they have to confess all the time
>can chill with atheists and pagans and legitimately tell them they're still probably going to heaven unless they eat baby feet or something
>the whole church is so conflicted as to what scripture means that you can basically make shit up on the fly without ever reading the Bible and yell "muh interpretation" when people debate you

objectively the best religion

>> No.6348846

Don't Anglican churches exist in a lot of countries that gained independence from Britain? Desmond Tutu is Anglican, isn't he?

I've been to an Episcopal Mass and it seemed the same as Catholic to me, except they allow people who aren't in the church to receive the Eucharist. Of course it was Anglo-Catholic Episcopal, so that might have something to do with it.

>> No.6348865

In my experience it depends on which church you go to. Catholic mass tends to have more latin and spanish in it (I live in Texas) and it's like 45 minutes longer than my church's service.

And I'd never heard it called mass in my life until I went to a Catholic school. Oh yeah and we let women be priests cuz we aren't sexists fucks

>> No.6348871

It's not like the CoE was a new religion, m8. It's just Catholicism without Papal supremacy, same as the Episcopal Church is CoE without Monarch supremacy.

Mormons don't have apostolic succession.

>> No.6348894

The one I went to did High Mass in Latin, but they did Low Mass in English earlier in the morning, which is considerably shorter. They did have women priests though. But I haven't been to a lot Catholic or Episcopal masses, so I'm not an expert. I'm Lutheran, though, so I'm obviously much more on board with Episcopalians. Not sure why Lutherans get shit on so much by Papists though (for doctrine, I can understand their historical beef), we have a lot more tradition than most protestants in the U.S. and we're not fundamentalists, sola scriptura doesn't mean we take literally.

>> No.6348921

I don't entirely remember how that compares to Episcopalian beliefs but I vaguely remember my mom telling me that y'all are all assholes and are going to hell

>> No.6348947

Well, she probably wouldn't say that today. The ELCA and the Episcopal Church are in full communion since 2000, we can even ordain bishops for each other.

>> No.6348977


Don't you put words in my mee maw's mouth you Lutheran blasphemer scum.

>> No.6348984

But didn't the boy in the picture learn the price of carnal desires? Didn't he learn a bit about where true fulfillment comes from?

>> No.6349004
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Why does Jeebers need a tent? Was he just sitting there, ignoring everything else and everyone else, waiting for one little cunt to come back? If so, he's slacking off on the job. My guess is that since such professional distractions often accompany sexual desire, he's basically banging the kid.

>> No.6349006
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ELCA is a fucking joke, they allow practicing gays to be bishops. Pretty much every Lutheran denomination in the LWF is a joke. It comes as no surprise most of them are in communion with Anglicans.

>> No.6349017

>raping kids
>over analyzing a harmless comic
"For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God"
Do some self examining bro.

>> No.6349025

>Pretty much every Lutheran denomination in the LWF is a joke

>> No.6349028


But why the tent, brah?

And why do you think Jeebers needs you to defend him? Isn't he like basically god or something? It's like me wading into a fight to save Mike Tyson.

>> No.6349032


Yep, now you're just a gigantic faggot

>> No.6349046

Most of the dominating members have female bishops.

>> No.6349060



>> No.6349067

Wait, is that why there's so much Lutheran hate on 4chan? Really?

>> No.6349070

Women can't lead Christ's Church, that's pretty explicit for any Christian who puts faith before politics.

>> No.6349072

Why not?

>> No.6349074


People on 4chan hate atheists based on a hat, what did you expect?

>> No.6349075

Hey! HEY! Mike did nothing wrong! Don't you dare say shit about the poor guy!

>> No.6349078
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Yeah, I suppose.

>> No.6349081
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>mostly atheist
keep projecting mate

>> No.6349082


Who says?

>> No.6349083


Lutherans are bro-tier Protestants, they're very traditional, they don't do Christian rock shit, and their clergy wears vestments.and they use wine for communion instead of grape juice like most protestants. But they're also very tolerant. For some reason, 4chan thinks of all the crazy denominations are from Luther, but they aren't, they come more from Puritans who were Calvinists.

>> No.6349087
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oops, misread your post, *untips hat*

>> No.6349090
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Sacred Tradition

>> No.6349102

>Sacred Tradition

meaningless words then? OK.

>> No.6349105

>Some guy a long time ago said so
Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.6349106

Oh, and "sola scriptura" doesn't mean anything except that all the means of salvation can found within the Bible. It doesn't mean the Bible is infallible, it doesn't mean you have to take it literally, it doesn't mean you accept it all as true for salvation, it just means that nothing imposed IN ADDITION to what the Bible says is required for salvation. That doesn't mean things like tradition aren't good to have, and that apostolic clergy isn't important for interpreting the Bible. It just means the Church cannot tack on rules for salvation on top of what is in the Bible, such as the idea that not all your sins will be forgiven if you don't pay indulgence for them before passing on, in which case you have to spend time in purgatory.

>> No.6349109


>I don't know

>> No.6349113


More like "it's true because some guy said so a long time ago"

>> No.6349116


>> No.6349117

The clergy is Christ's vicarious representation on Earth. Christ was a man. For the clergy to be female distorts their purpose as Christ's vicarious representatives.

>> No.6349121


thanks for proving that religious people are sexist traditionalist morons with peabrains and backwater logic

kill yourselves

>> No.6349123

I'm CoE, but as far as I'm concerned anything in the Bible that is not is not a direct quote of Jesus is open to interpretation.

>> No.6349129

That's like saying the President can't be black because in order to govern he must share a race with the founding fathers

>> No.6349132


Your troll's breaking down under your lack of knowledge. It's always best to troll about things you know a little bit about.

>> No.6349141

Fuck off

>> No.6349149
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>some who argue for the ordination of women insist that His sex is irrelevant, that a woman can act in the person of Christ as well as a man can.
>This is a misunderstanding of Catholic teaching on the differences between men and women, which the Church insists are irreducible; men and women, by their natures, are suited to different, yet complementary, roles and functions.

>men and women, by their natures, are suited to different, yet complementary, roles and functions.
Sure is Aristotelean in here today

>> No.6349155


You fuck off you uneducated shitlord.

>> No.6349158
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Settle down boys

>> No.6349329

The office of President is not the vicarious voice of the Founding Fathers. Americanism is a heresy anyway.


>> No.6349498
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>> No.6349505

No, it just means the episcopal church is wishy-washy incarnate and makes up whatever they want.

>> No.6349511


>my little pony
>actually pulling the sour grapes bullshit again

And again you demonstrate the feminist tier tactics of contemporary Christianity

>> No.6349513
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>implying the Episcopal Church isn't guided by the Holy Spirit

>> No.6349523

Guided by popular social trends*

>> No.6349524
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that would actually be a good implication

give Mark 3:29 a spin before you repeat what you just posted ever again in your life

>> No.6349539

Whereas indulgences were about the Holy Spirit?

>> No.6349560
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>Personification of anything that actually requires you to think, learn, or even question and enjoy the world around you
>rational and reformed adult
>Bless me father, for I have sinned...
I bet you would watch the entertainment just like anyone else