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File: 826 KB, 1024x768, Desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6342735 No.6342735 [Reply] [Original]

How can people live life without feeling an overwhelming sense of mystery and joy? Even simply seeing is something that should inspire us all with wonder, much less thinking. Have you ever took a look around your room and attempted to just remove your thoughts and ideas for just a moment, and strain to look at things as they are? Have you ever just let the drops of water fall off of you after washing and watched how they all went in the same direction and fell right off of your hands? Have you ever lay down on the grass and look at the clouds move or felt the wind? How people can have the nerve to claim that they're bored or that they're sad while they still can experience the universe is beyond me.

>> No.6342792

Either you're fifteen or some stunted man-child equivalent thereof. Please, for our sake and your own, keep your inane navel gazing to your shitty journal where it belongs.

>> No.6342796

>Either you're fifteen or some stunted man-child equivalent thereof. Please, for our sake and your own, keep your inane navel gazing to your shitty journal where it belongs.
I could say the same to you.

>> No.6342803

jesus christ

>> No.6342808

I don't see a problem with OP's post.

>> No.6342809

>jesus christ
How can one poster be so teen? I think you have school tomorrow, you should probably get to sleep.

>> No.6342815

>Either you're fifteen or some stunted man-child equivalent thereof. Please, for our sake and your own, keep your inane navel gazing to your shitty journal where it belongs.
Before you call me teen, why don't you tell me what's wrong with my post. Have you never stopped and been awed by the world around?

>> No.6342817
File: 48 KB, 440x664, 1422748012664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking rekt him m8

>> No.6342818

I know exactly what you mean OP, but that's simply not a state of mind that can be maintained indefinitely

or maybe it can with drugs but I know jack shit about those so idk

>> No.6342821



>> No.6342840

This will probably sound idiotic, but the other day, I was walking my dog and I stared at the moon for half an hour, I think.
Obviously, everyone knows the Moon is an orb that orbits the Earth. But for the first time I actually just watched it, and came to grips with the fact that there is a massive sphere levitating in our sky, suspended by gravity. It just floats around us on a day to day basis in three dimensions, not as a hollow disk sliding around the flat sky, but as an actual object.

The difference between knowing of something, and being actively aware of it's characterizations and existence. Right fucking now, it's some immense length below me, silently gliding along.

>> No.6342848

Sounds like someone has a lot of free time and is coping with his boredom and/or sadness by thinking that way.

>> No.6342905


>> No.6342955

It's really funny that I came across this post and really funny that you chose that picture.

I've had this intense desire lately to get out and see nature more. I spend so much time cooped up in my house. My dad and I have taken trips to many national parks like Arches, Yosemite, Bryce Canyon, etc. (ones in the California/Arizona/Utah are) and I've always found them very "meh." Now, though, I really want to go back and, I hope, experience that awe that I know my dad experiences whenever we go.

I suggested we take a trip to Yosemite this summer and he was ecstatic. We're going to try and get in shape enough to hike to the top of Half Dome.

>> No.6343055

I agree with you and I was thinking the same thing when I got off work and noticed moon overhead; I felt a sense of pity for those around me keeping their noses either fixed to the ground or the grindstone. Boredom ceases to exist when the beauty around us is acknowledged and continually appreciated. Don't let the negativity of others affect you.

>> No.6343087

basically this

>> No.6343134

i agree with you op. to look at the miracle of life and deny the divinity we are is blindness

>> No.6343141

the positive and negative pragmatists are both right

>> No.6343211
File: 1.91 MB, 1536x2304, DSC_1015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent about 4 months traveling through the back-country of Southern Utah and Arizona. Now I live in Burlington Vermont where the sky is mostly grey and there are few stars. What I gained out there was exactly what you are talking about. A sense of wonder. It is one of the most powerful weapons we can wield when fighting for our own happiness. Coming from the Northeast, I was in utter shock seeing the vast expanse of universe over my head as I lay in the desert on my sleeping pad, dumbfounded by the view above me. It spoke to me like a god and I miss those stars so much.
I took this photo while traveling through the Navajo reservation near Rainbow bridge, using a 30-second trigger release on my shitty old beatup field camera. It doesn't do justice to the real thing. Keep your sense of wonder OP, it's one of the most powerful things you posses.

Travel kills cynicism and ignorance, and expands the worldview. Ignore the naysayers in this thread. They haven't lived.
I'm glad that not everyone on this board is a cynical asshole.

Exactly what I'd expect a 15 year old to say. You don't get out much do you?

>> No.6343347

I was cowboy camping on the summit of Mount Abraham. It was kinda cloudy so there weren't a lot of stars, but the moon was out and the only sound was the softly howling wind. So I was perched on this small patch of bare rock (the summit of Mt Abe is pretty small), looking down across this huge, dark vista, where the most visible things are the "shadows" of the mountains and the tiny specks of yellow light where other people were (hopefully) cozily sleeping or otherwise doing pleasant things, and it was supremely cozy. Something about the combination of wilderness and the tiny specks of humanity was beautiful.
no homo

>> No.6343424

Just as the universe is organized in patterns of immense emptiness and clustered brilliance, matter, and intrigue - so are our lives. We exist in a timeline which, compared to a star is a tiny blip in time. We may live to be a hundred years of age, but our lives are very similar to space. There are periods of immense stress, wonder, and joy. Between those periods lie the mundane grind of boring day to day life, like doing the dishes or hating your job. On the other hand, some people live their whole lives inside their own mind, reliving one moment that stuck with them while the world passes them by. While I agree that this reality is indeed full of splendor, one simply cannot go through life like a wide eyed child all the time. The 'real world' and hard truths will always creep back into your consciousness. The brain itself is organized to constantly accept the information around it and ignore what is not important...such as getting used to a smell. Ever left your house on a week long trip, then returned and been like 'wow, this is what my house smells like.' Your brain is constantly doing that to everything, life simply loses it's wonder. Experience is dynamic. Life is change, that includes the balance from stressed to relaxed, from wondrous to inane.

>> No.6343943

>Travel kills cynicism and ignorance, and expands the worldview. Ignore the naysayers in this thread. They haven't lived.
It indeed does. but I noticed that every time I come back from a far camping trip, I get a really desolate and mopish feeling that lasts for at least a week. I don't think I can handle too much traveling because of exactly the reasons you mention

>> No.6344069


>> No.6344071

underage fag detected

>> No.6344408

fedorafag won't suffice anymore, we need a new label for people as special as you

>> No.6344445

>How can people live life without feeling an overwhelming sense of mystery and joy?
a) Their brain is such and such that the phenomenal result of their synapses firing is not "an overwhelming sense of mystery and joy".
b) There's nothing intrinsically valuable or interesting about the universe or anything in it.

>> No.6344454

Came here to post something like this.

>> No.6344479

see >>6344408

>> No.6344500

You should come up with something better than a reference to a collection of images featuring males wearing hats when someone doesn't agree with your ill-advised Pollyanna Weltanschauung.

>> No.6344501

the cancer of this world

>> No.6344507

>How can people live life without feeling an overwhelming sense of mystery and joy?

Because I'm a narcissistic and arrogant asshole that always sees the cynical end to everything, and has realized that whatever you do in this life it only has fleeting value.

>> No.6344523
File: 67 KB, 606x496, distain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People ITT who claim that life has no value or substance should stick to their beliefs by killing themselves. If life is so horrible and meaningless why don't you just end it and do everyone else a favor?

>nothing intrinsically valuable or interesting about the universe or anything in it

How do you place value on a feeling, or the beliefs of other people? Are you really this disconnected from the world?

But that's just your belief. That doesn't necessarily make it true.

>> No.6344533

>But that's just your belief. That doesn't necessarily make it true.

I'm pretty sure that there is nothing in this life that has intrinsic value.

>> No.6344538

>If life is so horrible
You're the first person ITT that typed in "horrible".
>and meaningless
I'm bearing witness to your hilarious non sequiturs.
>why don't you just end it and do everyone else a favor?
You think everyone here is a lonely sack of shit like you just because they've managed to discard teleological bullshit from their reality?


>> No.6344871

Yeah, but who gives a shit? Experienced value is what matters, and at least for me it feels much more significant when I see it as dependant on myself and not a quality inherent in the world. Value is a feeling, not an illusion, and ridding myself of the "fact/falsehood" dichotomy that people who say "no objective value means subjective value is delusion" has made me experience meaningful moments more often. (Not the guy you're replying to btw)

>> No.6345082
File: 632 KB, 570x765, 1378499530394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow good job you convinced me you're old and mature!

>> No.6345089

I know what you mean, OP. Unfortunately that source of inspiration doesn't last very long, you wear it out fairly quickly if you keep thinking about it.


Here's a song about it

>> No.6345092

You are the reason we can't have nice things and mankind's enemy. Please kill yourself.

>> No.6345171

ITT: Paulo Coelho samefags hard.

>> No.6345354


>> No.6345955


>> No.6347159

>I am very smart

>> No.6347766

I can't because I view the universe as arbitrary. Even uif something is beautiful it is that way because of how my mind perceived, beauty is not objective and does not exist outside of the perspective of perception.