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File: 372 KB, 904x678, eagles and hobbits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
633437 No.633437 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't the Eagles carry Frodo and the One Ring into Mordor and drop the Ring in Mount Doom?

>> No.633441

Becus egals dont real

>> No.633445

Why didn't the One Ring carry the Eagles and Mordor into Mount Doom and drop Frodo in the Ring?

>> No.633449

because the Ring doesn't have any wings to flap, therefore can't cause any life, and therefore can't fly, much less hold hold a giant eagle and a hobbit.

>> No.633455

Got a better question for you; why could the One Ring only be destroyed by the fires of Mount Doom?

I fucking hate "magical macguffin is invincible except to X" shit, it's gay.

>> No.633458

Why didn't J.R.R. Tolkien carry Harry and the Horn of Valere into the Ministry of Love and wake Cthulhu in Galt's Gulch?

>> No.633466

because those don't exist in the middle earth universe. Giant eagles that fly people around, however, do.

>> No.633473



>> No.633490

I lol'd so hard

>> No.633521

Well would you enjoy the story if it was that easy? I rationalize it like this: Sauron has all his spies (crows, Who knows what else) which would see him in the sky and the Nazgul would have easily taken them out of the sky with their dragon dudes.

>> No.633525

hide in the clouds, motherfucker

>> No.633530

Gandalf shoots Gatsby

>> No.633536

Why didn't George Bush just make up some bogus report about weapons of mass destruction in order to get the worlds approval before invading Iraq?

>> No.633540

One does not simply fly into Mordor.

>> No.633541


>> No.633584

You're complaining about something magical in a fantasy setting?

Are you stupid or just an asshole?

>> No.633605
File: 46 KB, 320x480, Don+Henley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

''Hop on my back Frodo!'' shouted Don Henley, flapping his powerful wings, ''we're going to get you to Mount Doom in no time, so Take It Easy!''

>> No.633623

Wouldn't the eye on the tower just shoot them down?

>> No.633648

I think bc it was forged in the fires of Orodruin, amiright?

>> No.633655
File: 43 KB, 360x277, 1268008008262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lawd.

>> No.633665
File: 40 KB, 434x461, harold_pinter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all participating in a troll thread. This is posted on a daily basis and while I'll be ignoring it from this point on I wanted to let you know. No input to this thread, myself included, is of any merit or worth.

>> No.633669

No. It would stare them down.

>> No.633675

Hey look there's Pidgeot

>> No.633676

You have just become the troll trolling the trolls trolling trolls. :/

>> No.633717


>> No.633721 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1266190729221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauron is gonna have a Heartbreak Tonight

>> No.633792

Because they would've been noticed.

And most importantly the eagles don't give a shit unless a boss like Gandalf or his friends are in danger of losing their lives.

>> No.634323

No, it's just that MacGuffin's that are indestructible is a peev of mine. Especially annoys me when it's something they need to destroy, as it's OOOH INVULNERABLE EXCEPT TO X, which ticks me off because it's a poorly veiled and often unexplained reason to force a party of adventurers to go through a series of perils rather than just smash the damn thing between some rocks. If it was at least somehow justified I'd be somewhat pacified, but this "it was made there, so it must be destroyed there" doesn't make any fucking sense. How in the fuck is Mt Doom anything special aside from being the domain of Sauron? Is it an especially hot volcano? Is it MAGICAL? To me, it's a weak plot device, and it annoys me.

>> No.634336

It's the only active volcano within walking distance. Now fuck off.

>> No.634364

Thanks, glad to know you're all super tolerant of other people's opinions.

>> No.634369
File: 180 KB, 428x510, 1268604313402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.634434


this guys got it. There's not reason why the Eagles wouldn't have done it. They flew the silly dwarves around in the Hobbit, they certainly would have helped out in this respect. you just have to justify it for yourself. Its fucking LOTR, who are we to question it? and for those of you who think LOTR is anything but infallible you have to go away.