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6342315 No.6342315 [Reply] [Original]

Why is STEM(science especially) still being so heavily emphasized long after the fact that truth itself has not only been put into question, but annulled, and proven to be equal to religious belief?

A scientism-ist will argue that water boils at 100°, which is verifiable, and falsifiable, and can be reproduce(predictive power). But at the level of the quantum foam, water boiling at 100° is no different from-- lets say-- a duck; which renders the whole thing ultimately meaningless.

>> No.6342322


Might as well claim Poe's law.

>> No.6342324

But your not living in the Quantum Scale.

>> No.6342330

>But at the level of the quantum foam, water boiling at 100° is no different from-- lets say-- a duck
Go ahead and show me your complete models of boiling water and a duck at the level of quantum foam and maybe I'll believe you

>> No.6342335


But it's all foam.

>> No.6342341

>it's all atoms
We've been over this Parmenides, go to bed.

>> No.6342344

Stop trying to make /lit/ out to be anti-STEM. Scientism is fucking stupid, but not nearly as stupid as anti-science.

>> No.6342354

What if physical is actually metaphysical in itself?

>> No.6342355

It's not equal to religous belief because equality is a jewish conspiracy.

>> No.6342368

If truth doesn't real how can we know that STEM is heavily emphasized?

>> No.6342373

>long after the fact that truth itself has not only been put into question, but annulled

It's a FACT that truth has been annulled? Nice contradiction.

>> No.6342385
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>Continental Philosophy

>> No.6342409

Jesus, it's like listening to a bunch of fucking fifteen year olds.

>> No.6342421
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>Insular philosophy

>> No.6342511


Does poe's law exist

>> No.6342530

There are zero STEM research/educational programs in the world and no existent STEM industry. Prove me wrong, while keeping in mind that the notion of truth has been annulled.

>> No.6342567


>> No.6342583

I'm religious and even I think your post is full of shit.

>> No.6342604
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This water can be boiled. With the duck and the foam in it.
Your argument doesn't GOAT

>> No.6342616
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>> No.6342659


>> No.6342674

What? Continental philosophers are much bigger normalfag than analytics. Continentals are all about being flaneurs and looking at society and sexuality. Analytics coop themselves up for twenty years to see if 1+1 is really 2 after all.

>> No.6342713

they're all autists

>> No.6343354

Read Marx's fragment on the machines in Grundriesse.

>> No.6344304


Utilizing your postmodern sociological degree on Mongolian queer studies to deconstruct truth

>> No.6344351

You've proved yourself wrong. I'm also wrong. We're in a circle of wrong. Want a blow job?

>> No.6344359

Science isn't meaningless it's the work of satan.

>> No.6344360

This. Ever notice that most scientists are atheists?

>> No.6344392
File: 44 KB, 406x422, pepe and putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophag attempts to into science

>> No.6344413
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>false flagging this hard


>> No.6344434


This shit might as well be real.
If science is western white male narrative, physics treatises are rape manuals, and hetero-sex as rape is the real deal coming out of University Soc-Science consensus.