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/lit/ - Literature

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6339333 No.6339333 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit think of reading while stoned? i like how into my own thoughts i get but reading also takes 50% longer to comprehend if i'm really high.

>weed and literature thread

>> No.6339342

I can't read while high. I get distracted too easily and find myself reading the same page over and over because my thoughts wander after a couple of sentences. Wish I could, though.

>> No.6339348
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Expect posts about how weed is awful.

I enjoy reading while stoned sometimes but depends on the book and also the weed to be honest.

Usually I just read sober. I'm a boring man that way.

>> No.6339357

I don't get to smoke often; live with parents and paranoid.

The one time I've read while high, it made House of Leaves really, really creepy, and I ahd to sleep with a light on

>> No.6339372
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that's how i get sometimes, but i like how my thoughts wander when i'm reading stoned, almost makes the whole experience worthwhile despite a lack of "progress."

what's a good and bad high read?

lol dude

>> No.6339417

Weed was never a different reading experience for me, but heroin and oxycontin were, when I could focus enough to read. Usually I'd read a page and put my head down to nod for a few minutes and I'd really insert my consciousness into the story and experience an empathy overload, then I'd shake it off and repeat the process. I used to edge myself to tears doing this by rereading emotional passages. What weed is to a false sense of intellectualism, opiates are to a false sense of emotional connection, and now I haven't cried in years because drugs are bad

>> No.6339418
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I either get very very very interested in each sentence and have the need to copy some and deconstruct them and use them in another context, or I can't focus at all and need to watch youtube like a piece of shit.

>> No.6339420

>hurr weed
hello, degenerates. Please go back to reddit, where you belong.

>> No.6339429
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are you me?

>> No.6339442

yeah but my thoughts wander to irrelevant places. Usually to people I know and what kind of relationships I currently have. Or I get a song in my head and start playing guitar or listening to music instead. I've come to accept that if I get high I can't do any serious reading for the next 2 hours.

>> No.6339445
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No, we're very normal stereotypes.

>> No.6339461

I get super anxious, paranoid, and delusional while stoned. I think that the constant fear of getting caught gradually tainted smoking for me.

With that said, the last time I smoked was crazy, but in a cool way (wasn't cool at the time).

It was the 4th of July and I was with my mom's side of the family so ~10-12 people total. We were shooting off fireworks which were fairly abrasive to me at the time. So, I decided to go inside. On my way, I felt as if fireworks symbolized conflict and I felt as if I were running from it.

As I reached the backdoor, my grandma opened the door and complained about the fireworks. At this point, I went full solipsism; I realized that my grandma was symbolic of my abrasive "party-pooper" side and my mother represented my anxiety, fear of pain, etc. After realizing this and after making the fireworks-conflict connection, I hyped myself up to go back out. I got back down to the fire and just couldn't stay. When you combine 10-12 people with the fear of being caught stoned, anxiety and paranoia skyrocket. Also, my brain wasn't filtering the information that It usually filters; I was around about 10 people and started feeling overwhelmed by the information that they all exuded (hair, clothes, tone of voice, posture, shoes, etc.).

After this happened, I headed back up stairs. At this point, I had the strangest feeling ever. I felt like a mouse in a maze that suddenly looked up and out of its maze at the scientists studying it. I felt like my grandma's house was this large maze and I felt like I was being tested to see how I would handle the pot (the highs preceding the one I'm talking about now were a similarly anxious/paranoid). I also had the epiphany that all of life is an experiment.

In hindsight, I'm really happy that the delusion of me being experimented on by omnipotent scientists didn't stick. If it had, I would have been untreatable in a psychiatric ward because everything they could do to help me would feed into the delusion.

Unfortunately, my memory of the high has faded quite a bit. I wish I remembered it better because it was insane.

>> No.6339467

>I wish I remembered it better because it was insane.
No, it wasn't. It just seems that way because you retained the feelings instead of what happened. Probably you walked around a bit with a meh face, no one cared and you had to run to your room to laughout loud.

>> No.6339476

Definitely not. I don't remember the specifics, but I know for a fact that that's not what happened.

I hadn't smoked for a year before then and took a couple big hits so I was pretty out there.

>> No.6339507

plaisant histoire mon frere

>> No.6339521

Listen to audiobooks while high. Much easier.

>> No.6339728

>Usually to people I know and what kind of relationships I currently have
this, last time I red the Brothers Karamasov and I could hear and see Mitia as one of my friends

>> No.6339750

Weed is not for you. When I get high everything unpleasant becomes laughable and droll.

>> No.6339794

Tried it a few times. It was really hard to focus your attention on the whole reading part. It feels like I don't really progress through even if I read a sentence for 10 times already.

>> No.6340459

I only do it with books that are more "story based", books in which the prose is simple and direct. This way I know beautiful prose won't go over my head. Example: GRRM.

>> No.6340468

There are books who get nearly unreadable (two recent examples being A Void and Lost in the Funhouse) and some (like Mason & Dixon and The Man Without Qualities) get so much better that I actually smoked weed to reread some passages I had read while sober

>> No.6340705
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Read anything by Jack Vance while smoking, it's an amazing trip

>> No.6340737

Reading while stoned isn't hard, but my attention drifts now and again.

That said, there is no better feeling than the creative surge you get from writing poetry high in the early hours of the morning. I don't think it improves my creativity, but it certainly loosens up all the inhibitions and anxiety I usually experience when writing sober and well-rested.

>> No.6340747

I get really attentive and drawn into the book when I'm high. I have no problems understanding what I'm reading

>> No.6340750

Haven't really enjoyed getting high since my teens to be honest. It just makes me anxious now, like I forgot something very important.

>> No.6340767

>It just makes me anxious now, like I forgot something very important.
>tfw I smoke for this very reason

Feeling like you've forgotten something is nicer than remembering what it is, because usually whatever it is you've forgotten was probably shite anyway.

>> No.6340784

You sound interesting

>> No.6340789

But I like to face my problems head on and solve them, anon.

>> No.6340801

that's called guilt

>> No.6340804

>I went full solipsism
nooooooo man, if I've learned one thing from weed it's that seeing your experience as a metaphor or a "test" is dumb. Or if it is, the only test is whether or not you can handle existing. That's literally it. Just live life and don't overthink it. But it's a skill surprising little people have.

>> No.6340876

I don't know about reading but if you smoke green crack everyday it will decalcify your pineal gland completely, so I guess that'll help.

>> No.6340879


>> No.6340883

but i have nothing i feel guilty about.

>> No.6341024

Bro just loaded up some marley kush right now, feel fuckin enlightened as fuck

>> No.6341125

green crack is my powerhorse. whenever that shit comes around i store it away for a creativity boost.

>> No.6341382

I like to watch Walker, Texas Ranger reruns while I'm high

>> No.6341400

why smoke weed when you can do dabs?
and no i dont read when im high (& alone) i mostly jst masturbate eat food and play smash bros

>> No.6341522

I started getting really paranoid whenever I smoked weed so I stopped.

I was never able to concentrate on anything other than music and movies.

>> No.6341529

>just loaded up some marley kush right now, feel fuckin enlightened as fuck
Remember: When everything is awesome...nothing is awesome.
captcha: hsion
>dude that's so amazing it's like, everything is in there...

>> No.6341548

>reading sober
>not doing multiple lines of coke, injecting DMT intravenously and then reading
top fucking kek

>> No.6341601

I'm just going drugs general.
>be me
>spend the weekend popping hydrocodone and reading the plague
>finish it feeling isolated but optimistic about my alienation from the world
>have nice opioid after glow
>start reading tai pei
>Was he instructing his brain? Or was he narrating what he saw and felt?
Honestly some of the most emotional reading I've had.

>> No.6341716

I think I'd enjoy reading whilst stoned, but I usually end up watching youtube prank videos, hoping I see someone get punched.

I mean to start reading, I just never quite manage to get to it.

>> No.6341938

When I used to smoke, I always did my best to do mentally stimulating stuff. It was difficult at times because friends were more interested in playing 2K14 or watching basketball. I like basketball, but holy fuck it gets repetitive.

>> No.6342177

I did dabs once and got really fucked up.

>> No.6342247


I bowl and read finnegans wake out loud.

I find it extremely endjoying.

>> No.6342313

bunch of pussies right here. Learn to handle your highs, it's a skill not a fucking inherent trait.

>> No.6342338

an easy fucking skill too

>> No.6342345

How do you control the urge not to go jack off instead?

>> No.6342352

>spend money on a substance that intoxicates you and then spend your time trying to fight off the effects so you can function as if you were sober

>> No.6342362

After smoking for over 10 years, reading heavily while high for the first 7 or 8 of them and then losing that concentration, I'm gonna say bullshit. Just like how weed cured my social anxiety and then years later brought it back. Everybody handles it differently, man

>> No.6342366

>drugs affect everyone in the same way

>> No.6342379

acting sober > being sober

>> No.6342398

No, you brought it back, weed had nothing to do with that
oh yeah i forgot, some of us aren't human.

>> No.6342453

>advising people to learn to manage a high they dislike just so they can be not sober

Not everyone shares your strange style of substance abuse, friend.

>> No.6342481

>oh yeah i forgot, some of us aren't human.
>all humans react to every substance identically

you're pretty naive for a junky.

>> No.6342533
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you're a baby

>> No.6342546

>look at me guys, I'm a professional stoner
>lrn2dab faggts xD

If you had any sort of intellectual skill you wouldn't need to get high to observe your thoughts and feelings in the first place

>> No.6342550

>intellectual skill

having a fun time jerking yourself off there?

>> No.6342564

Take some personal responsibility for your anxiety problems instead of calling out silly little boogeymen like "weed".

>> No.6342577

Wow. First reply and you're already effectively conceding.

Just keep smoking your dope, kiddo. Discourse clearly isn't your thing

>> No.6342591

Mom I'm not wasting my life smoking weed in your basement I'm cultivating skills.

>> No.6342618

you're right, I'll leave the enlightened discourse to the brilliant minds of 4chan.

truly i have disturbed this sites intellectual climate

>> No.6342625

>implying i don't work while high

i can do it because I have self control

>> No.6342635
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I tried reading on shroom but the shroom didn't like me and I got severely scatterbrained and couldn't hold onto a thought longer than half a minute.

>> No.6342639

>Blaming your failure to produce a point on the condition of the rest of the website
>Using the same point to justify your further inability to debate your side

>> No.6342648

wow you can go to mcdonalds and clean shit off the floor while you smoke a plant that makes you slightly tired? thats an impressive set of skills you got man. You probably shouldn't tell people about it I bet the professional weed smokers who get paid for sitting on their ass and smoking weed will have you taken out because you're better at smoking weed than them.

I bet you're the kind of faggot whose entire life revolves around talking about getting high. I wish they would legalize weed just so you had that much less to talk about.

>> No.6342664

>implying you made a point in the first place and it wasn't just a shitpost

you literally just proved my point. doing anything, ranging from scrubbing the god damn floors to reading a fucking book, is super easy while high and even more fun.

those who can't handle their high are weak-minded. not saying being able to handle your high makes you "strong-minded" but if you cant handle a "plant that makes you slightly tired" while you read than you're objectivity a PUSSY

>> No.6342665

Dat nigga got so high he ended up in Morrowind

>> No.6342671

wow man, it seems like there are a lot of spooks in your mind. you should read Stirner

>> No.6342682

it's obvious all humans don't react identically, but this isn't because of some mystical genetic predisposition but because of little baby boy's lacking any sort of willpower.

>> No.6342687

That's the look of a man who has night vision.


>> No.6343151
File: 188 KB, 400x435, tumblr_ll6uzzc6f61qcyc5do1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading certain philosophy texts high with a pot of coffee is great. the thc+caffine buzz makes the arguments so much more relatable and enjoyable to digest.