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/lit/ - Literature

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6336435 No.6336435 [Reply] [Original]

corn father general

>> No.6336443

Please no corn father

>> No.6336444

I understand where the 'corn' meme came from, but how did it come to be associated with Nabokov?

>> No.6336448
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>> No.6336449

some anon did this pic, don't overthink this shit newfag

>> No.6336451

now this is truly a meme lit can call it's own, shitty meme, but if you stare at it long enough you might exhale a short burst of air out your nostrils as i just did

>> No.6336454

Please no, corn father

>> No.6336455

He called Faulkner's writing corncobby while deriding him

>> No.6336457

"Corncobby chronicles"

>> No.6336458
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"And that my dear friends is why Nabokov is the corn father"

>> No.6336463
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nice autechre trips anon

keep it corncobby

>> No.6336465
File: 279 KB, 1000x1000, Ralph-Lauren-Black-Label-Wool-Cashmere-Trench-Coat-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Faulkner was actually a better writer than Nabokov and Vlad was just too butthurt to admit it

>> No.6336464
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>> No.6336470

if you got a problem with faulkner you can take your defector ass the fuck back to the soviet union. bitch

>> No.6336471
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>> No.6336472
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>> No.6336479
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>> No.6336482
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>> No.6336487

The whole Kolsti phenomenon was the moment I realized that I just don't get postmodernism, and probably never will.

>> No.6336496

by phenomenon you mean three or four anons pushing it because they thought it would be hilarious to force a meme?

>> No.6336503

My impression was that a certain number of /lit/izens were genuinely impressed with his poetry.

>> No.6336504

The whole "Kolsti phenomenom" was just him and two or three others spamming praise and a bunch of turds hopped on the bandwagon because they don't know how to read for themselves.

>> No.6336514

if they did they were idiots and should be ignored. you can't keep caring to distinguish trolling and stupidity all your life, it's trash.

>> No.6336524

Idiots, maybe. His poetry was genuinely bad. It was all gimmick with some memes to make the average 4chan user smile and clap to themselves and say "haha so true, I get that!" Really, the things he wrote about have all been done better and he brought nothing new to the table. To a poetry enthusiast that has never been to 4chan, the poems would look like silly blather.
His prose is better than his poetry by miles, which isn't saying much.

>> No.6336610

Yeah, I agree that his poetry is amusing at best. But I sincerely believe that, given that he's 17 right now, he could be the best prose stylist of his generation. His little prose vignettes are minorly genius. He reminds me of David Foster Wallace but with Kanye's arrogance instead of mountains of bland asthmatic self-deprecation.

>> No.6336618

Other than that one emoji poem when does he ever really make an appeal to 4chan? I'm not saying he's the next Whitman, but where's the memery?

>> No.6336622

Please no corn father!

>> No.6336629

I teach a seventeen year old in a creative writing class that writes better than Kolsti.

>> No.6336639


>> No.6336646

None, sorry.

>> No.6336667

The intro he wrote for Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra is legitimately brilliant.

>> No.6336770

Can someone link me to the best of this Kolsti guy?

>> No.6336912


Also, official /Kolsti/ rankings:
1. Art prose
2. Essays/argumentative prose
3. Poems

>> No.6336917

please no, corn father

>> No.6336942

You've been visited by the Kolstonian Wraith of Postmetamodernism.

You must post "(((((kek)))))" or be cursed to a thousand years of inastucity.

>> No.6336946

please no, corn father

>> No.6337024


Probably referencing Sanctuary.

>The District Attorney returned, stepped into her line of vision. She moved her head; he caught her gaze and held it and lifted the stained corncob before her eyes.
>The room sighed, a long hissing breath.
>"Did you ever see this before?"

>The drummers sat a while longer along the curb before the hotel, Horace among them; the south-bound train ran at one o'clock. "They're going to let him get away with it, are they?" a drummer said. "With that corn cob? What kind of folks have you got here? What does it take to make you folks mad?"
>"He wouldn't a never got to trial, in my town," a second said.
>"To jail, even," a third said. "Who was she?"
>"College girl.Good looker. Didn't you see her?"
>"I saw her. She was some baby. Jeez. I wouldn't have used no cob."

>> No.6337138

You can't have a corn father general thread, OP, you're fucking the meme up. That's not how it's intended to be used, you're disturbing the natural order of the universe.


Please no, corn father.

>> No.6337291

please no, corn father