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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 500x373, 1426616306182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6331038 No.6331038 [Reply] [Original]

no corn

>> No.6331051
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>> No.6331053
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>> No.6331062

Heil Hitler

>> No.6331065

It's not good. There are just so many small details that feel wrong.

>> No.6331091

He always has those weird issues. The stairs overlapping the window don't look right, it's hard to tell where the ground in front of the stairs stops and the wall next to it starts, the roof in the background looks vertical, and all kinds of small things that are just weird (the trees are blocking the stairs!). And I'm just now noticing that the lower leftmost window makes no sense w/r/t perspective. His work is the gift that keeps on giving, you can just look at them for like fifteen minutes and notice new oddities.

>> No.6331093

Maybe he would have been better if he got the chance to go to art school.

>> No.6331096

>bad perspective
wow, how proto-cubist. so ahead of his time

>> No.6331100

That one is clearly a throwaway he did 15 things on and intentionally didn't care about

>> No.6331180
File: 257 KB, 516x526, ylyl starter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6331188

nice triple dubs btw

>> No.6331203

Maybe if his ruler didn't have 90 degree bends in it he wouldn't have had those problems.

>> No.6331374
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>> No.6331387

fuck op, that image seems like a funny joke but it triggered me because that's how i write when chicks text me, now i need a safe space but where do you go to get away from yourself?

>> No.6331479
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>> No.6331503

get drunk, pass out, run til you pass out, pass out til you wake up, then pass out again, then take LSD so you can learn to cope with yourself and move past your egocentricities.

>> No.6331550
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>Hitler in charge of perspective
literally how do you fuck that up? fourth graders can figure it out.

>> No.6331553 [DELETED] 

actually i'm having a panic attack because i met the chick i texted shit like that to at work and now i think it's a setup to get me fired because my work is fucking great and some kind of ethics violation is the only way they can get rid of me...i feel like i'm in one of those super paranoid lsd trips but i havent done acid in years ... damn

>> No.6331682

Nobody else noticed that thing you did. But I noticed that thing you did, anon. Cheers.

>> No.6331881

He was kind of mentally sick. Which should be obvious from the rest of the story.

>> No.6331887

>someone does something bad

honestly go back to reddit

>> No.6331930

The joke is that most of the pseudointellectual dimwits who would say this is "bad art" would turn around and gush all over Rothko and Pollock.

>> No.6331932

It's objectively bad art because Hitler is trying to realistically represent a scene and fails. By his own metric his work is bad.

>> No.6331947

You don't know what Hitler was attempting to paint. By Hitler's own metric, early Renaissance paintings are among the best works of art ever executed, yet many of those have perspective and anatomical issues.

But that won't stop the pseudointellectual dimwits with an axe to grind to suddenly become supreme art critics in the case of Hitler, meanwhile stumble over themselves to defend dadaist and abstract expressionist garbage from any criticism.

>> No.6331959

>You don't know what Hitler was attempting to paint.

Uhh I mean to me he's drawing a staircase to the open door of a house. Dunno what it looks like to you.

>early Renaissance paintings are among the best works of art ever executed, yet many of those have perspective and anatomical issues

They were painting in a different way to 19th century realists. There was a development in technique. You're comparing apples to oranges.

>But that won't stop the pseudointellectual dimwits with an axe to grind to suddenly become supreme art critics in the case of Hitler, meanwhile stumble over themselves to defend dadaist and abstract expressionist garbage from any criticism.

The pure ressentiment of a philistine.

>> No.6332002

It looks like a watercolor hastily executed because he had short deadlines to meet. Unlike you, he had to work for living or otherwise starve. So given those restraints, his lack of formal training, and the medium he was working with, his work is by no means terrible.

>The pure ressentiment of a philistine.

Coming from a pseudointellectual dimwit, I'll wear the accusation of "philistine" like a badge of honor.

>> No.6332009

>It looks like a watercolor hastily executed because he had short deadlines to meet. Unlike you, he had to work for living or otherwise starve. So given those restraints, his lack of formal training, and the medium he was working with, his work is by no means terrible.

Waa waa waa >muh feelings

If your work is bad, it's bad. Stop with the special pleading.

>> No.6332014

Except your opinion isn't fact, which is why Rothko and Pollock are so well beloved despite their working looking like kindergarten finger paintings.

>> No.6332036
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>> No.6332040
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>> No.6332042
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>> No.6332140
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>> No.6332145

anyone have a version of this thats actually readable?

>> No.6332165

zoom in

>> No.6332171
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>> No.6332181 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6332218

I don't really get this meme.
Did someone post that Caesar's book contained "corn" when it couldn't because of historical reasons and then people made fun of him?
Can someone post a link to the original thread?
Please this has been bothering me.

>> No.6332222

nice meme

>> No.6332271

That's wheat anon. And the meme is about how long winded Caesar is about the campaign's logistics like food provisioning.

>> No.6332303
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>> No.6332311

Wait. I thought this was about something else.
>That's wheat anon
Yes, basically I thought this meme came from an american thinking that the "corn" in the book was mais (Zea Mays) and complaining on /lit/ that this doesn't make sense as that plant is from America, resulting in /lit/ making fun of him.

So it's really about Caesar talking too much about logistics? How did this become such a meme it doesn't even make sense. I mean it's perfectly logical for the De Bello Gallico to be like this.
Did they think Julius Caesar was writing some sort of drama?
>not reading it in the original language
Fucking plebs on /lit/

>> No.6332318

pretty much. he might have done it on purpose though

>> No.6332330

It's both. You were right but that anon described the original picture. I don't know why you are second guessing yourself, or couldn't work it out in full having seen the original pic one time. It's pretty disturbing to know you care so much but couldn't just work out the obvious.

>> No.6332332

>Did they think Julius Caesar was writing some sort of drama?
Yes, I think the point is that people go in expecting an action book and find it's just a "literary" field report for the SPQR.

>> No.6332356

I guess this comes from american students not being forced into translating half of it in high school like us italians

>> No.6332362

at the time Max Stirner was a fairly big deal, mostly because censors chased after him, exagerating his fame
the german authorities were not smart

>> No.6332387

>half of it
Io ho fatto solo qualche pagina allo scientifico.

>> No.6332394
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>> No.6332396
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>> No.6332400



Get a life, dude.

>> No.6332413
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>> No.6332419
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>> No.6332433
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Full disclosure, I made the second thread

>> No.6332451
File: 86 KB, 434x798, 10277450_776750645702383_2234050238122270580_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I sparked a big debate on /lit/ over a shitty pic I found on a facebook page called "fresh memes"

>> No.6332465
File: 1.99 MB, 500x375, 1427601338575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW you don't post the link


>> No.6332527
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>> No.6332588

honestly though the guy didnt seem quite right in the coco nut

>> No.6332596

Does anyone have the picture of the qt booktuber that /lit/ scared away

>> No.6332597

No, scientifico, ma la nostra professoressa di latino ce ne ha fatte fare molte parti

>> No.6332679
File: 48 KB, 770x437, 1416180605953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kierkegaard version incoming. Sad that Stirner couldn't find even something so simple as subjective value in his life. The devaulation of extent systems leaves only the self, which in the case of those who devalue extent systems is so often inconsequential.

I've never met a lover of Stirner who could run 10 miles, never one who could bench press 225, never met one with a job that paid over 90k a year. Knight of faith.

>> No.6332731

i don't think i've met anyone interested in philosophy who could do that... i sure couldn't, not even for all the dank boypussy in the world.

>> No.6332741

are there any consistently posting /lit/ meme pages on facebook

>> No.6332744

it was a pretty risky attempt and it's not so bad, he did what he could without proper training in a country without proper meals

>> No.6332745


I can, but the job isn't what I really want. I'm a bio post grad working at a fancy lab.

>tfw all I want to do is lift, go to church, and write genre fiction.

Hold me /lit/.

>> No.6332770
File: 94 KB, 582x305, 1427061039089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never met a lover of Stirner who could run 10 miles, never one who could bench press 225, never met one with a job that paid over 90k a year.
T-those are spooks a-anyway...

>> No.6332788


How? Isn't physical fitness and validates intelligence components of your self?

Are YOU also a spook?

>> No.6332790


>> No.6333150
File: 99 KB, 814x813, littriestowriteascreenplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dubs triples dubs
dubs quads

>> No.6333170
File: 653 KB, 1834x1826, litcadr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will consider our christmas cards humor (did we even do one in 2013 or 13?

not just because they make me smile, but for that feel, since I was literally friendless and wanted to kill myself every day in 2011/12 and the holidays just amplified the sadness. My life has completely turned around since and it was nice to see that the one thing that relieved some of the isolation was talking to anons about books

>> No.6333206

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone...

>> No.6333213
File: 187 KB, 1193x1155, fatips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some fashion tips since I know y'all are hipsters

>> No.6333248

>neon colorS
neon has only one color
what a fucking retard

>> No.6333255

what a bunch of terrible advice

>> No.6333268

it's fucking hilarious, I don't think it's meant to be serious

>> No.6333312

>as long as it is not inside of a week of when you last wore it
...am I supposed to change my outfit?
I always wear a blue polo and blue pants
I literally have a closet full of them, and they all look mostly the same.
I also wear the same blue shoes every day, but I only have one pair.
Every time they break, I get a new identical pair.

>> No.6333332

are you autistic

>> No.6333336

>check 'em

>> No.6333338

Hard to say.

Many people go on /fa/ trying to "cut the bullshit" so to say, but they fail to realize that fashion is entirely bullshit, and worse its perpetually bullshit, nothing lasts; and 'opting out' is the worst possible option.

Best you can do as a fashion pleb is keep semi up to date and not make a fool of yourself.

>> No.6333339

meant to reply to this

>> No.6333357

no, no, it works better as an answer for the whole thread.

>> No.6333358

I might be
Is it a trait of autism?

>> No.6333367

people who care about their fashion are fucking phonies

grey wallmart tees and sweat pants on every occasion

>> No.6333374


>> No.6333578
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>> No.6333584

You might not have understood Leviathan then.

>> No.6333596

>humour thread

>> No.6333618
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>> No.6333882
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, Rome - Verci.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


third frame could also be shoveling / building

but the second frame isn't inaccurate

like the German commander who fully encircled Caesar's army with a numerically superior force, before getting his ass handed to him

or the German armies that hunkered down in a perfect fortification. Caesar's solution? lay siege by building an 18-km wall around their wall to prevent their exit. but what about threats to Caesar's army from without, should they have allies outside of the fortification? simple. build another, 21-km wall around the first wall!

>> No.6333891
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>> No.6334006

The latin word for corn is a blanket term. It's like how we use the word "grain", it can refer to any crop. So when you see corn used in the roman times they're referring to any type of crop.

Btw, Corn is really called "Maize" but we use the blanket term "corn" for it, without most anyone realizing that they do it.

>> No.6334020

>not choclo

>> No.6334028

Yes, I know, that's what I meant.
Also many countries use Mais instead of Maize

>> No.6334047

It wasn't one thread. It was every day for months, not even different pics, the same joke.

>> No.6334048

So was it mainly wheat or barley as well?

>> No.6334076

I dunno, they basically used the word granum to describe whatever was growing locally, and just as a general term for crops.

Corn is the english version of this word. In the u.s. it's used for Maize, but in europe they will still use corn for any crop. So you might see some europeans refer to a what field as a corn field.

>> No.6334079

I didn't get it, explain it to mee!

>> No.6334111

if this is /lit/'s version of YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE your board is full of a bunch of unfunny English majors.

>> No.6334148

>I've never met a lover of Stirner who could run 10 miles
How many egoists have you met in real life, honestly

>> No.6334163

>corn all again

why would you lose if you laugh? I never liked that idea, it's hard enough to be happy in the first place.

>> No.6334167
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>> No.6334178

>Are YOU also a spook?


>> No.6334184
File: 991 KB, 500x281, I Want You To Hit You As Hard As You Can.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unfunny English majors

What in the Christ were you expecting? Published authors? Literary agents?

>> No.6334215

Not him, but hobbyists maybe? It's not like /tv/ is all film criticism majors.

>> No.6334225
File: 36 KB, 607x608, 1425654838977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on brother

>> No.6334237

I used to think this way when I was an angry, misanthropic shut-in.

Now I realise that people who are fashionable are no different really to artists, musicians or writers. By dressing in a pleasing manner they are bringing beauty into the lives of strangers. I rather appreciate it, actually, and wish I wasn't so sartorially ignorant myself.

I mean God knows, we all prefer to look at a woman who knows how to dress and put on makeup than encounter a female neckbeard.

>> No.6334240

holy fuck, that is the actual only funny thing i've seen on lit ever. lmfao.

>> No.6334254

Why doesn't someone just cut this image down to the OP and the DFW post? All the stuff in the middle sucks.

>> No.6334263

Are you a fucking idiot?

>> No.6334274


Barrier to entry's like a million times lower. And /tv/ has a lot of current/former/aspiring film students, for sure.

>> No.6334286

those windows.
the hight of that door.
those stairs.

good color and texture, bad form. he should have just joined some avant garde school that didn't need a ruler to be interesting

>> No.6334294

>people who are fashionable are no different really to artists, musicians or writers

nice bait

>> No.6334300

>Barrier to entry's like a million times lower.

>implying /lit/'s not peppered with fantasy and YA threads
>implying HG Welles is more difficult than Orson Welles

>> No.6334301

true shit my dude, i didn't dig fashion until i did an art degree

>> No.6334309

I have no disdain for fashion, but the relationship of a good looking person with good style with the general public is not at all the same as a great song, great painting, etc. Simply because of the fact that we have genitals.

>> No.6334330

>HG Welles

Did you know Wells (nb correct spelling) actually joked about the difference between the spelling of their names in an interview? No, you didn't. So shut up, you fucking pleb, and listen to one of your betters correct you for the nth time in your miserable existence: Any old fucking body can write words down on a page. Literally. The barrier to entry is "Knows how to physically represent words via text" - that's it. If you can do that, you can try your hand at the writing game. What do you think the barrier to entry is for: being a director; being a producer; being an actor; being a boom operator; being a focus puller; being a gaffer; being a DP/cinematographer; being an Op; being a costume designer and need I go on?

Just to subtitle for the hard of the thinking - in each named case, as in many, many others, the answer is "Way the fuck higher." The barrier to entry for all of those jobs is, when compared to the barrier to entry for a writer, way the fuck higher. Got that?

>> No.6334388
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any body of average health can run 10 miles, it's a matter of whether or not you really want to run 10 miles

stirnerists still can't run 10 miles because they're too busy eating glue

>> No.6335376

>By dressing in a pleasing manner they are bringing beauty into the lives of strangers
only to strangers who care about fashion themselves. People who wear track suits are certainly not being blessed with "beauty" when you walk by with your sick fit peacoat and fedora atop your hitler youth haircut

>> No.6335409

History major.
Don't insult my intelligence.

>> No.6335486
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>> No.6335506

Oh shit boys, we got a history major here! This guy is probably pulling down 6 figures and banging supermodels, don't fuck with him!

>> No.6335520
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>> No.6335542
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This is exactly why ya'll cant have nice things

>> No.6335550

Oh fuck son, EVERYONE LOOK OUT this guy is pulling in the fat bitches and liven large. Everyone get out of his way! Oh jeez, don't bring up anything, he has SO many opinions he will out wit us all.

>> No.6335584

>stem fag makes sarcastic joke about humanity student not getting girls
have you seen the ratio in humanities classes?

>> No.6335596

I liked this one quite a bit.

>> No.6335688

I thought it was the funniest thing i've read in a while.

>> No.6335689


In which case the ego can't be anything but a spook.

>> No.6335725


>> No.6335752

please rate

The Man and his Frog

The navy morn jackets thy window,
By 4am the man curtains his show,
'Another day I cannot go on'
'Well see my friend that's where youre wrong!'
'Have I lost my mind, it cannot be true!?'
'No dear fellow I, pepe, am talking to you!'
'What business have you, frog so smug?'
'Burdened fool, I offer you an escape nay drug'
'Well speak whimsical frog and prove your word!'
'5 deep breaths and you'd content by the third!'
Without haste the sad man wore the magical mask
Thy accepted death, nay fear of pepes farce
And so on the third gulp, death ofcourse he meant
he found no nitrous oxide, but instead pepe's excrement
'No dear wojak, you're too dear a friend to me'

thanks you

>> No.6335771

ruler = führer
nazi salute
which didn't exist at the time
it's a mistranslation joke
making fun of autists who think corncobby means straight
whereas it meant gay
get it yet?