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6333683 No.6333683 [Reply] [Original]

Is happiness even possible? It seems like no matter what anyone does in life they are always met with some sad emptiness at the end.

>> No.6333687

Read this trail of posts, anon. >>6333207

>> No.6333701
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>> No.6333702

Yes, you have to over come it and find the inherent beauty in nature and in the things and people around you. Life is shitty, anon, but also absurd and beautiful. Hang in there, Anon.

And don't fall into the trap of lies that is religion.

>> No.6333707

Happiness isn't the purpose of life.

>> No.6333709

Good rec

>> No.6333715
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>> No.6333741

>Is happiness even possible?
Yes, of course. That's like asking if thirst can be quenched.
>It seems like no matter what anyone does in life they are always met with some sad emptiness at the end.
The emptiness at the beginning will meet you again at the end, yes. Is it sad?
I think it's sad to live a sad life

>> No.6333756

Is sadness even possible? It seems no matter what anyone does in life they are always met with some happiness at some point.

>> No.6333761

Of course it is. I think the more appropriate question is whether sadness is possible, because it is always met with happy fulfillment in the end.

>> No.6333793

as a temporary state, rather than a permanent one, yes. same with all other emotions. ideally the time you spend in happy states will exceed the time you spend in sad ones, but that's easier said than done.

>> No.6333816

>not knowing happiness is a spook