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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 340 KB, 1240x1748, April30 Cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
631827 No.631827 [Reply] [Original]

I've made a lite version of issue for which is at a fraction of the size of the original. There is also some artwork which is not in the original.


In addition, you will notice that at the end of each story and poem, there is a link to a discussion page dedicated to it. This is on a forum, but you do not need to register to post - just hit reply and you can post as a guest. We are still working on getting a comment system set up on our site. Try to be critical! Please don't just say that you like or hate it, but give specific reasons why.

>> No.631833

inb4 shitstorm

>> No.631834

I see y'all have a forum now.

Brace for rage

>> No.631847

Forum is entirely anonymous. You can't register if you want to. It will be serving as a temporary measure until we can get a proper comment system set up.

>> No.631855


Oh, alright then.

Carry on.

>> No.631857

Lol. Look at my post in another thread at the same minute.


Pretty unlikely for /lit/

>> No.631869
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>> No.631876
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Is this supposed to happen?

>> No.631877

If you guys have your own forum now, what's the point of being on /lit/? Stay in your little corner of the internet and stop pestering us.

>> No.631882 [DELETED] 


>> No.631884

Self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.631885


>> No.631889

One of the poems looks like its been replaced. Mason swapped for Darrin.

>> No.631896

So, you have your own forum, you're not associated with 4chan in anyway (it's not the Chan Zine anyhow), you have your own cabal of moderators... how is this not just spam for an amateur zine site?

>> No.631899


It's a /lit/ zine. It's right on the cover.

>> No.631900


>> No.631908

No it isn't. Some of the userbase overlaps, but you've developed the project into it's own separate thing, like the other -chans and AnonTalk. You have your own moderators, your own IRC, your own community.

>> No.631909

So it's basically a separate textboard? How is this not spamming?

>> No.631917

No you don't, and you're an obvious troll for trying to argue for such a stupid misconception.
The writers are from 4chan, and they're writing for 4chan readers. You can ask all of the writers to go to the forum, but you can't ask all of the readers. The user bases are the same, not overlapping.

>> No.631918


But it's meant for /lit/ to enjoy. The other shit just came out of a need to organize (and yeah, I know 4chan and organization are oil and water).

>> No.631920


I have to say the cover picture is stupid and pretentious.

>> No.631924

It does not mean what you think it means.

>> No.631925

/lit/'s favorite word

>> No.631928


>> No.631929


/tv/'s too.

>> No.631943


>pretentiousness - the quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth)

Pretty sure that's the word I want to use, broskis.

>> No.631944

>The writers are from 4chan, and they're writing for 4chan readers
No it isn't. The zine's been spammed on a shit ton of other forums. It's clearly not just a 4chan thing anymore.


Along with all the lit boards of all the various -chans.


>obvious troll
Herp derp, someone disagrees with me and doesn't like my zine. Must be a troll.

>> No.631951

Meant for? Maybe, in the beginning, but now it's developed into it's own thing. It isn't /lit/, it's a subgroup of /lit/ that branched off into it's own site and community.

>> No.631957

>zine detective!

Dude, I gues you and I have different definitions of "spam".

Stop being butt hurt.

>> No.631959


Zine writer here.... I'm not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.631961


You should feel like a cheap whore.

>> No.631963
File: 8 KB, 245x245, proleface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mispelled your name in the forum avatar

might wanna fix that

>> No.631965

Rick_D... from Hostile Intent?

>> No.631981

quite likely. He mentioned experience in mod work

>> No.631992


It depends on how you define spam. If you define spam as:
>a canned meat product made largely from pork
Then you would be correct.
However, in this context, spam means:
>an unsolicited electronic message sent repeatedly, advertising a site or a service
And you are completely fucking wrong. You have your own site, forums, wiki and IRC. You've been trying to get people from a bunch of other websites to join up. This is not a /lit/ pet project anymore, it's your own circle jerk of amateur writers.

>> No.632000

Was intentional, actually, since that's the way I read it.

>> No.632004

I'm ambivalent about this but...

>> No.632005

>blah blah blah

Bro. It's a couple forum posts of people, not even the editors, but random contributors selfpromoting off of 4chan. Deal with it.

I suppose I fail to see the part where it's doing harm to you, or is worse than half the nonsense on /lit/.

Hide the thread if you find it that odious.

>> No.632015

All this shitstorming about the forum when there is not a single post on it. Yeah, these guys really have their own community.

>> No.632019

Some of them were editors. Especially the posts on other -chan sites.

Also, this is 4chan. You should have learned by now, that if anon doesn't like something, he'll complain about it, and he won't stop complaining. It's entertaining, either way.

>> No.632022

The forum was created a few hours ago bro. The IRC already has it's own community.

>> No.632027


>> No.632034

You mean the IRC consisting of about 10 regular users that is quiet 99% of the time? I wouldn't call that a community.

>> No.632036


>> No.632038

ITT: Meta

>> No.632040

>10 regular users
Considering the size of /lit/, as one of the slowest boards on 4chan, I'd consider it to be one. And they also have about 20 something on and off users.

>> No.632048

Oh noes! A community!

>> No.632049


>> No.632053

20 nonregular users? Nope
The 10 is about it. I would know, I'm in there 24/7.

>> No.632056

normal text and lower case makes me right


>> No.632058

>>632034 You mean the IRC consisting of about 10 regular users that is quiet 99% of the time?

Maybe if you all weren't here at /lit/ keeping your advertisement threads plastered on the front page, your IRC would be a little more active.

>> No.632066

I mean, are the Zine people really surprised at all the hostility? It's like that Chanology bullshit. Once you start forging any organized group with a goal, on a website that's main focus is the lack of it, people will complain, and for good reason.

>> No.632067


maybe if you did something constructive with your life rather than bitch and moan you wouldn't be such a miserable, worthless piece of shit

>> No.632072
File: 66 KB, 432x713, miley-cyrus-reality-show..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people seem to be shitstorming because they're creating a feedback system. It's an answer to the fact that the ZWG threads are often cluttered with moans about aesthetics and not substance.

Perhaps the main opposition comes from the notion that the zine should promptly leave /lit/ because they have their own wiki/forums.

>> No.632074


Maybe if we were all reading, we wouldn't be having such shitty threads? .....nah.

>> No.632078

>saying this derp on 4chan
You do realize that 4chan primarily IS bitching and moaning about things we don't like? Has your internet cherry not been popped yet?

>you did something constructive with your life
while post on an anonymous imageboard known for pedophilia.


>> No.632082

u mad?

>> No.632086


Just because you are a pedophile, it doesn't mean everybody is one.

>> No.632095


How do you know he posts on 12chan?

>> No.632097

I actually like the cover this time, my only praise.

>> No.632108

>that the zine should promptly leave /lit/ because they have their own wiki/forums.
That's been the biggest problem from day one. You have your own IRC, moderators, site, etc. Totally separate from glorious overlord Moot and his board. If it had been an anonymous effort, without any leader or editing cabal, primarily based on /lit/ with a separate site just as a backup for stories, no one would be complaining. Chanology has left a bad taste on most anon's mouth. Any attempt at organizing separately, without completely anonymity, will be, and has been met with great animosity.

>> No.632111


Hey, yeah. Which version is the real version?

>> No.632116

Sure is samefag in here. 4chan's been blocked in certain countries, for allegedly contained cheese pizza, even though it isn't as valid as it used to be, the association's still there.

>> No.632117

This isn't /b/, moron, way to show off your sleazy heritage. It's /lit/, we can act like adults here. It's ok.

>> No.632119

>implying the majority of 4channers didn't begin as /b/tards

>> No.632126

This is even worse than the last thread. 100% drama this time, nothing constructive.

>> No.632129

>implying we can't grow up and make a better board in /lit/

>> No.632131

If you were even close enough to chanology to form a negative opinion, you need to gtfo.

>> No.632134

>to form a negative opinion, you need to gtfo
Has anyone on 4chan not heard of Chanology?

>> No.632138

>It's /lit/, we can act like adults here
>homework threads every single day
>Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye and 1984 every single day
>implying the /lit/ demographic is any different from any of the other boards

>> No.632141

>samefagging it up and implying others are samefagging

>> No.632142
File: 37 KB, 400x400, shrug..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it had been an anonymous effort, without any leader or editing cabal, primarily based on /lit/ with a separate site just as a backup for stories, no one would be complaining.
>without any leader or editing cabal
4chan operates via moot and the mods. It's not contradictory to have the zine being run by staff. The staff has organized the zine, made it presentable, and not really implemented much restrictions.

It's an understandable position for most channers, but the zine would have collapsed by now without a staff in place.

But hey, if anyone wants to still showcase their writing in a non-ZWG manner, they could make a thread in /lit/. Might be derided as fan-fiction or largely ignored by a community wishing to talk about books by actual authors, but still. That, and one could always create their own zine...

>> No.632143

>metasamefag samefagging it up
>what if there's only two people posting in this thread?
>what if there's only one?

>> No.632144


I tried asking for criticism in the last thread, but the only people still posting were fuckers that didn't even read the damn thing.

>> No.632147

If you find there is so much to complain about, why are you still here? Good riddance...

>> No.632150
File: 59 KB, 400x400, captain morgan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Have No Socks needed some editing, but the topic was amusing and I hope Death submits more work.

That better?

>> No.632153

>Might be derided as fan-fiction or largely ignored by a community wishing to talk about books by actual authors
>implying Zine threads are any more constructive
The Zine's usually taken as a whole. Any criticism is typically directed at the entire zine, which is one of it's major problems. At best, you'll get a tier list.

>> No.632156

well good job exposing yourself as a samefag.
i was certain that i was not, as the post you just replied to was the second post i have made in this thread.
you aren't very smart, are you?

>> No.632157

>implying I'm not here for the 10% of /lit/ that is good
inb4 implying that /lit/ is good

>> No.632160

I'm certain that I'm not either, as I've only posted once in this thread, and my reply was a generic response to greentext and claims of samefagging. I don't even care about the zine.

>> No.632163
File: 333 KB, 702x1024, blown kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is why the staff created a forum for anonymous feedback... and that's why there's this shitstorm going on. That, and the question of authority. But like I said earlier, if anyone has a problem with ZWG, they can start their own project showcasing /lit/'s writing.

Instead of posting on Gaia Online forums, perhaps the zine should be promoted on other 4chan boards. /x/ is solid territory, I'm sure /r9k/ has some writers willing to put forth some of their material.

>> No.632165

Couldn't all the writers be anonymous? It would also help hide the fact that half of it's been written by the same people, like the poetry section.

>> No.632166


How about we just not showcase any boards writing, because it's all shit.

>> No.632171

"Just like You" by M.R. is in the large version.

"Those Warm City Nights" by Darin is in the lite version.

What's up with that?

>> No.632174

The other boards already have their own projects going on. I think a lot of animosity comes from how different (I hesitate to use the word pretentious) /lit/'s approach to collaboration has been.

>> No.632181

Also, what's up with having two versions? Does this mean two 200+ threads of drama/lack of criticism each week? Because this really needs to stay in one thread.

>> No.632189
File: 51 KB, 300x400, smile02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Couldn't all the writers be anonymous?
A novel idea, but not a practical one. The main beef is this: if Mary Jo writes a story about vampires in Boise that gets published somewhere in a literature magazine several months from now, she'd like to point specifically and say "Hey, this is my work. Someone stole it and profited from it. I would like compensation." No one wants their work stolen.

A gentleman in the early days of /lit/ said that his fan-fiction he wrote was edited by some douche and re-run in a magazine, albeit with some words replaced. He called into the magazine to let them know, he proved it, and they blacklisted the douche. Problem solved, and everything went over okay.

There will be haters who say that anyone writing for the zine won't be good enough to get published. This may be true, but forced anonymity would take away that comfort in the event that someone's work does get stolen.

>> No.632197

It only has to be superficially anonymous. As long as the author has the original email correspondence, everything should be alright if anyone decides to steal his work. And that's a very, very big if.

>> No.632205
File: 64 KB, 300x321, peace guise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People want feedback to help improve their writing. Shitty writing will remain shitty writing in the absence of criticism.

I don't really browse these boards you speak of. Care to give an example how /lit/'s approach is wildly different?

One version is for those who want to have sexy zines that look nice printed out. The other is for those who just want minimalistic styles and an emphasis on the actual substance. Lite SHOULD be how the zine is, but those in power prefer graphics and two columned formats and whatnot.

>> No.632217

Basically, it's mainly been an anonymous, whoever-wants-to-contribute-can approach, usually with some site (imageboard, Youtube account, forum etc) serving as a collection of memorable contributions. None of it's centralized as much as /lit/ is, or on a monthly release basis like the Zine. It's much more liberating, I think.

>> No.632222
File: 40 KB, 392x394, hrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yeah, I understand how ZWG may be different. The wiki is pretty much unnecessary, save for an outlet where the zine can be viewed. The forums are just a feedback system that the threads cannot hope to be because of shitstorming and haters. The shitstorming exists because of the feedback and the somewhat unnecessary wiki.

It's a circle. It will forever be a circle.

And that says nothing about the elements that want the Zine to be something much more than a /lit/ project, that want the Zine to be profited from and get book deals from. They don't want to see it in three years, they want to see it immediately.

>> No.632230

If we had a 4chanarchive-esque site for all the good stories posted on lit, none of this shitstorming would have happened. It could also be released in a zine format on a monthly basis with new stories, everybody wins!

>> No.632231
File: 88 KB, 394x600, peace guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's understandable. The Zine is pretentious in that it hasn't reached that point yet.

Lots of potential, but it stalls from both A) /lit/ (initially receptive to the idea, now largely cynical) and B) shitstorms and C) a clear, concise solution to the shitstorms that the emphasis is no longer on /lit/.

Perhaps it would be better to start over.

>> No.632236

Possible answer to C).

>> No.632336

Lite has justified margins.

>> No.632886

I don't want to further the flames on this issue, but I would like to share my point of view on the subject.

We create this publication entirely out of the work of random /lit/ viewers who see our request for submissions. We don't do any kind of verification or testing, and we accept just about everything that passes our way, unless we all unilaterally agree it's unpublishable. That's only happened with perhaps one or two stories since this zine's inception.

One of the complaints from the _authors_ is that they aren't receiving enough feedback, when part of this goal is to try and get some feedback on their writing skills. We knew going into this that asking 4chan for constructive feedback would be similar to asking fire not to burn, but we accepted that possibility in hopes something useful would come out of it.

This secondary forum is designed to be as much like the platform you're used to as possible - just post what you want, and we hope for the best. We are not trying to establish a secondary community, and indeed, we don't want to.

As for publishing or advertising the zine in other locations, that's still being discussed, but we have a number of authors who would like more widespread readership, since /lit/ has not been terribly forthcoming with useful feedback.

>> No.632927

Design critiquer here. Nice. I noticed the font clean-up on Featuring, TOC, margins, white space, justification, page numbers. You've used nice low file size clip art appropriately to fill whitespace. You also made good use of that little identity panel page corner thing. Well done. There are no design complaints from me. It is readable and well presented.

>> No.632948

Lite has NOGAEMS

>> No.632952


>> No.632960

man... ZWG can't get anything right...

>> No.632972
File: 43 KB, 320x331, rage chiyo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.632990
File: 76 KB, 900x831, rage chiyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.633049

Oh boy. Anyone want to give feedback on the stories?

>> No.633181
File: 23 KB, 480x360, proleface1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're only human. Rage all you like, but we can only change mistakes after you point them out.

yeah, Nick has got it right. The "forum
is not a forum so much as a comments section.

While I'm personally in favour of zine expansion, most editors believe we should hold back and focus on ironing anything out. It's a legitimate strategy, and forms the bedrock of current policy.

>> No.633210

>constant errors
>no feedback for writers
>layout faggotry
>can't even put up the stories right
fucking failure of a project

>> No.633281

i know you're being sardonic and/or trolling but it is good that these things are pointed out so that they can (hopefully) be corrected. i think they will as i have faith in those that are involved in the zine, they seem to put a lot of time and energy into this project. i certainly enjoy it as a reader and i can only imagine the pleasure it gives a writer to have writings exposed to a wide audience.

tl;dr i think you guys are doing a good job despite the minor fuckups and i encourage you to keep up the good work.

>> No.633288

>more widespread readership
If this isn't JUST a /lit/ thing, it shouldn't be on /lit/.

>> No.633292

>implying there's ever any criticism in these threads and not 200 posts of DRAMA

>> No.633295

>implying these aren't major fuckups
This is an inevitable problem with having a centralized staff. The mob is much better at editing and pointing problems out.

>> No.633301
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>> No.633302

Reactionface all you want, anon. You know it's true!

>> No.633305
File: 179 KB, 686x279, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.633307

>let's fill up the next 100 posts with greentext and reactionimages

>> No.633308
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 267035 - Avatar_the_last_Airbender Toph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.633312

ZWG was fucked from day one, since it wasn't named 4chan's Lit Zine, or something along those lines. Naming it ZWG, with no mention of the chan or of lit, inherently implies it is a separate project.

>> No.633322

>bedrock of current policy.
>current policy

>> No.633327


"Just like You" by M.R. is in the large version.

"Those Warm City Nights" by Darin is in the lite version.

What's up with that?

>> No.633330
File: 17 KB, 655x557, catwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Canadian, eh?

>> No.633331


>implying openly associating yourself with 4chan is ever a good idea...?

>> No.633333

nah. It's a fuckup to name it a /lit/ exclusive project when it comes to expansion.

Names gonna have to change if we want cross-board activity

>> No.633343

>/lit/ exclusive project when it comes to expansion
>comes to expansion
>comes to expansion

Then it's not a /lit/ project! It's either it stays as a just-lit thing, or it becomes it's own community and leaves lit. You can't have it both ways.

>> No.633351

MR is a crappy writer.

>> No.633355
File: 38 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA_OH_WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zinefags spammed gaia..

>> No.633357

>Names gonna have to change if we want cross-board activity
The other boards already have their own side projects going on. Why would they want to join up with us? We're not as active as the other boards, and most of them hate reading.

>> No.633362
File: 21 KB, 347x262, oh_noes_you_don't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying one-or-the-other choice
logical fallacy. Even If it becomes a 4chan-global project most submissions will likely come from /lit/.

>> No.633365

>implying it becomes a 4chan global project
>implying they haven't been soliciting users from non-chan websites
>implying that if there's a bunch of non-chan users, it'll still be a chan project

>> No.633368


all the better

>> No.633372

If it's a non-chan project, it should stay off /lit/. Repeatedly posting 3 threads each week on here advertising it counts as spam.

>> No.633380
File: 11 KB, 441x408, starttreksmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you're bumping it

why are you bumping it? Last post to avoid the endless trolocoaster. It is a 4chan project, we are a /lit/ project. If things get good, we can become a /lit/ and other board project.

Not a spam thread, I'm sure you can figure it out. If admins have not been removing it, it's obviously not a problem.

Easy. Your arguments are void.

>> No.633388


Sorry, I didn't realise you had authority over what's allowed to be posted here and what isn't.
Don't open the thread if you don't want to read it. Just F5 or fuck off completely.

>> No.633393

>bumping it
Implying a sage does anything.
>If things get good, we can become a /lit/ and other board project.
Then it's not just a /lit/ project. And they've not just been asking for users from other boards. They've been going to forums. Fuck, as another anon point out, they've been to Gaia Online. Once you have a bunch of DeviantArt-esque users, then it isn't a /lit/ project.

>If admins have not been removing it, it's obviously not a problem
>if admins
>implying admins
Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. How long have you been on 4chan? Rand gets spammed in here every single day, and that's against the rules. But no one ever gets blocked or banned because /lit/ has no moderators.

>> No.633401

It is against the rules. Do you know why tinychat is banned? Exactly.

>implying anons can't complain about things they don't like
Oh fuck it's the internet police.

>> No.633420

>>/lit/ has no moderators.
Great, you've let it slip. Now there will be no end of it.

Loose lips cost lives!

>> No.633448

7chan is a gaia phenomenon so I'm not all that surprised.

>> No.633460

> Repeatedly posting 3 threads each week on here advertising it counts as spam
I spot at least a thread per day of this bullshit. It's pretty friggin' obvious that no one gives a shit when you can't keep a thread alive on /lit/ for half a day.

This shit is obviously unsolicited and unwanted. And /lit/ shouldn't be for amateur hour anyway.

>> No.633471

i stopped reading as soon as you said sage doesn't do anything. are you retarded? sage makes it so it doesn't bump to the top and so continues moving backwards in the pages. sage allows you to post a comment in the thread while not drawing more attention to the thread by bumping it. it is perfect for butthurt fags such as yourself. i'm saging this post just to prove my point and since most people already know this as a simple fact.
i really don't care about the zine one way or another myself but i just get mad at ignorance.

>> No.633470

this. seriously

>> No.633496

next time i'm just going to pdf my story and put it on mediafire and start a thread on /lit/
seriously fuck ZWG
fucking dead complete failure of a project

>> No.633526


and nothing of value will be lost.
have fun with your zero readership.