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/lit/ - Literature

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6325810 No.6325810 [Reply] [Original]

>Eragon, a poor farm boy, lives with his aunt and uncle in Carvahall, on the outskirts of the Empire.

>Princess Arya, who works with the Rebellion, has stolen the dragon-egg from the Empire. She is captured by Durza, a mysterious being with strange powers. Just before she is apprehended she sends the dragon-egg to Carvahall, where it is discovered by Eragon.

>The Empire quickly arrives and kills Eragon’s uncle, but before Eragon is captured he is whisked away by a strange old hermit named-Brom, who is later revealed to be one of the last surviving members of an ancient order of peacekeepers known as the Dragon Riders.

>As they journey, Brom gives Eragon a sword that once belonged to his father. Turns out Eragon’s father was also a Dragon Rider, however he turned evil, betrayed the Dragon Riders, and helped wipe them out.

>Along the way, they pop into the Empire’s base to rescue Princess Arya, although Brom dies, sacrificing himself to let everyone else escape.

>Eragon also meets up with Murtagh, an affable rogue with questionable morals who kicks a hundred times as much ass as Eragon. They then journey to meet up with the Rebellion and fight an epic battle that, with Eragon’s help, ends in a decisive victory for the Rebels.

Star Wars:
>Luke Skywalker, a poor farm boy, lives with his aunt and uncle in Tattooine, on the outskirts of the Empire.

>Princess Leia, who works with the Rebellion, has stolen the Death Star plans from the Empire. She is captured by Darth Vader, a mysterious being with strange powers. Just before she is apprehended she sends the Death Star plans to Tattooine, where it is discovered by Luke.

>The Empire quickly arrives and kills Luke’s aunt and uncle, but before Luke is captured he is whisked away by a strange old hermit named Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is later revealed to be one of the last surviving members of an ancient order of peacekeepers known as the Jedi.

>As they journey, Obi-Wan gives Luke Eragon a lightsaber that once belonged to his father. Turns out Luke’s father was also a Jedi, however he turned evil, betrayed the Jedi, and helped wipe them out.

>Along the way, they pop into the Empire’s base to rescue Princess Leia, although Obi-Wan dies, sacrificing himself to let everyone else escape.

>Luke also meets up with Han Solo, an affable rogue with questionable morals who kicks a hundred times as much ass as Luke. They then journey to meet up with the Rebellion and fight an epic battle that, with Luke’s help, ends in a decisive victory for the Rebels.

>> No.6325822

>Shitposting this hard

Yes, literally (literally) everybody on /lit/ hates Eragon.

>> No.6325829

Good. We are in agreement. now comes the part where we jerk each other off.

>> No.6325832

I liked Eragon. It was fun.

>> No.6325837

I also liked it. It was a good fast read.

Joking, never read it, just posting this to be contrarian :^)

>> No.6325840


Eragon was fun when I was in elementary and middle school. When Inheritance came out while I was in high school the entire damn thing was ruined for me. It's just too shit to get over how much I used to enjoy it.

>> No.6325842


>> No.6325864

I read all of the books before my so-called literary consciousness. I aim to never try again, so they can retain that happiness that they once gave me.

>> No.6325870


I think this is a good decision. Also never read about the author or any interviews he's done.

>> No.6325895

Yup. I have fond memories of sitting in a cozy spot in my childhood home reading ~+100 pages at a time.

>> No.6325904

>implying star wars is original

>> No.6325940

This. Niggers can't into the hero's journey.

>> No.6326002

Shitty book, also, this guy destroys it chapter by chapter.

>> No.6326068

While Eragon is a cheap knock off and everyone knows it, russian structuralists presented the idea that all possible plot points are not more than 40 (or a number around that) and that those nodal sequences seem different for the variety of cathalitic sequences that give it a context and tne.

>> No.6326114
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this thread is now chiildren's lit general

>> No.6326189

We worked this out YEARS ago when it first came out.

>> No.6326743

The Inheritance Cycle is half way decent, a few bumps here and there, but good nonetheless

>> No.6326775

Damn OP I just dreamed about that weird TV show from the 90's I used to watch as a kid
Nostalgia general?

>> No.6327402
File: 158 KB, 300x450, Eldest_book_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roran Stronghammer was fucking biased. He didn't he get dragon powers and Edgefag did?

>> No.6327487


That dragon looks like he has Down syndrome.

>> No.6327495

i had a crush on the blue dragon as a kid

>> No.6327501


My mom read it to me in elementary school, I remember it fondly.

>> No.6327506

Since there's no Eragon movie series, just one movie, I guess it wasn't successful enough.

Do you think it would be more successful nowadays when superhero shit and other types of fantasy rule cinemas?

>> No.6327515
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My mom read King Solomon's Mines to me when I was in elementary school and I wouldn't say that made me become a british gentleman. So I doubt you ended up retarded because of that experience.

>> No.6327529

Destined to play second fiddle

>> No.6327531

I'm amazed people like this book.

>> No.6327534

That was the point, it was to follow the hero's journey.
But actually, it was to a degree much more unique than you are shitposting it to be.

>Star Wars was about Anakin's Fall and Redemption
>If we say Luke is the hero, why didn't he win Leia over as his bride (yes, his sister, I know). Why did Vader beat the Emperor? Does redemption play a part in the hero's journey?

>> No.6327535

I liked it when I was young and thought there was nothing better out there that this and Terry Brooks, as far as fantasy was concerned.

Boy was I mistaken.

>> No.6327573


Seriously. Even before I could tell it was derivative, I thought it was fucking lame.

>> No.6328121

I like Eragon. Doesn't mean I think it's good, but I enjoyed it, there's worse out there

>> No.6328903

underrated post

>> No.6328934

What other books did you enjoy as a child/adolescent but as you got older, now realise, aren't of fantastic quality?

>Darren Shan
>Darren Shan: Demonata
>Robert Muchamore: Cherub Series (also know as over sexualising pre-teens)
>Edgar and Ellen

I still enjoyed them mind you, just won't be reading them again. Don't want to ruin them.

>> No.6328950

The difference is that Eragon probes into what really makes a "hero". In Star Wars, you can easily tell who is good and bad. In Eragon, you can't. Eragon is a fucking dick, but with good intentions.

In any case, Eragon is a book for children while Star Wars is a movie for adults and lauded as ont the greatest ever. This just proves how shit movies really are and that are an inferior medium to books.

>> No.6328956
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The Doomspell Trilogy. Shame I've never met another living soul who has read them.

>> No.6328962

Thought of some more.

>Alex Rider Series
>The Bartimaeus Trilogy
>Maximum Ride by Patterson
>Hunger Games
>Golem By Murail (Never met anyone else who's read these)

>> No.6329388

Do you have any sources of said literary theory? That sounds linteresting.

>> No.6329414

i liked how magic was used in this universe, that said it got kind of wonky with the dragon eggs but the beginning idea of how magic works in the world was a cool system

>> No.6330021

>Star Wars was about Anakin's Fall and Redemption

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.6330076

Star Wars is about the birth and life of R2D2 and C3P0.

>> No.6330123

What about motherfucking Artemis Fowl? That was GOAT children's /lit/.

>> No.6330170

yeah, but those are plots, as in: boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back, or girl gets murdered, boy seeks revenge, boy avenges girls death, or boy gets lost, boy battles nature, boy finds way home. Those are the types of plots that are "universal."

When you start getting into insane plot specifics, like the same characters doing the same things in the same sequence for the same reasons, that's not just using a vague and universal plot, that's being a ripoff.

An evil empire is universal, an evil empire with the badguy as the main character's father is cliche, an evil empire with the badguy as the main character's father which is dramatically revealed in the sequel during a duel after the main character loses his right hand is a ripoff of Star Wars. You see the difference?

And OP: everyone fucking knows already. Also no one over the age of 12 even likes those books.

>> No.6330189

>Just figured this out.

>> No.6331653

Doing that film they fucked up the plot so much they would have never been able to connect it to eldest storyline.
Also, the film disappointed even those children who had read the book

>> No.6331659

Me too. And I hated the movie

>> No.6331671


please be joking

>> No.6331686

Anyone read these books?

I read the first 4 in my mid-teens and I have the last one, a monolith of a hardback sitting on my shelf with all of my lit-core books I bought when getting back into reading.

I don't want to read it and be incredibly disappointed.

>> No.6331693
File: 796 KB, 2229x2208, Anthonyhorowitz5bks[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot pic.

>> No.6331712
File: 1.10 MB, 3120x4208, IMG_20150329_161509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only 660-ish pages and the typeface is huge, so it wouldn't take long, but I can't be arsed reading it.

>> No.6331724


Anthony Horowitz's books are all garbage. Do yourself a favor and sell them to someone.

>> No.6331751


I don't even know where the rest of them are, like I said, I read the series when I was 14-15.

The last book was published 2 years ago, and that's when I bought it, but it remains unread...though I sort of want to finish the series, or it'll bug me.

>> No.6331760


Nah, just read something better. "I want to finish the series" is the dumbest excuse I've ever heard. If you ate a piece of shit in a pile of shit by accident, why would you want to eat the rest of the pile of shit?

>> No.6331806

Star Wars is not a film for adults.
It a mediocre family movie.
It's pretty much a fairy tale, but with spaceships and shit.

>> No.6331823


Star Wars was a movie for people who are NOW adults, and have become unduly obsessed with it's mediocrity due to nostalgia and media/peer reinforcement.

>> No.6332281

Well it might be, but to me it depends on how invested i am in a story, lets say a song of ice and fire goes more downhill than it already has, ill still read it to the end because i want to finish the series

>> No.6332432

Two different authors used a hero story trope in fantasy?
My god, what is this world coming to.

>> No.6332439

Hasn't seen the first three detected.

>> No.6332453

Roran was the best character in the whole series
>those siege tactics

>> No.6332846

>Maximum Ride
be still, my beating heart

>> No.6333017

I wish he was a character in a series that would capitalize on his massive badassness.

>> No.6333131

I read them when I was 15. I could tell you almost nothing about any of them. There was a witch maybe? And a brother and sister? I dunno, all knowledge of them has left my brain.

>> No.6333135



/lit/ wasn't around when this book first came out

>> No.6333141


The editing and writing in the film was so utterly shit that you can see why there was never a sequel

They somehow turned the plot of a relatively simple book into a chopped up clusterfuck

>> No.6333149


The Bartimaeus trilogy is actually decent fantasy. The second and third books weren't quite what I was expecting after reading the first, but those books actually had an interesting alternate history setting and weren't afraid to make the protag from the first book develop into an unabashedly unlikable dickhead in later volumes.

>> No.6333158


Star Wars' plot is more like a "le epin fantasy" with a YA protag, basically a Terry Brooks or David Eddings series IN SPACE

>> No.6333888

I read the whole series.

Each book is worse than the previous one.
Each one i hated more and more than the previous one.
Still i read them all to see if they will get any worse, and they did.

What is wrong with me, its like watching a train wreck, you just cant look away.

Hell, at lest now i know how bad can a fantasy book be, guess i will appreciate good ones more.

>> No.6333890

>fantasy books

pick 1

>> No.6333911

>le fantasy=bad may may
and people say /tv/ is bad

>> No.6333927


And still not one example of a good fantasy book

>> No.6333941

>The Bartimaeus Trilogy
blew my mind in like third grade

pretty much exit level children's lit

>> No.6333952

or a non fantasy book
personally i really liked way of kings recently, sanderson really improved since his mistborn series

>> No.6335887

errr yes thats exactly what star wars was about, what did you think it was about?

>> No.6336048

Is it pronounced Air-uh-gone or Ee-rag-uhn?

>> No.6336050


>having ever liked any of the hackneyed, ghostwritten garbage with James Patterson's name attached to it

>> No.6336054


It's pronounced Oregano


Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake
City of Saints and Madmen by Jeff Vandermeer
Perdido Street Station by China Mieville
The Elric Saga by Michael Moorcock
His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman
The Coldfire trilogy by C.S. Friedman
The Deepgate Codex by Alan Campbell

>> No.6336480

That's exactly what it's about.
So you're fucking retarded.

>> No.6336971

The thing I enjoyed the most about the series was the "magic" system it described. I had my fun imaginating how it worked.

>> No.6337008

The Earthsea series. I was amazed by it but you guys don't even mention it in Le Guin threads so i guess it's just average

>> No.6337022

You forgot the part where one book was written by an 18 year old kid and the movie was written by a 50 year old man.

>> No.6337043

how does the series end? I only read the first 2 books i think

>> No.6337060

It's brought up here and then, but if you make a thread about her the anti sjw force gets mad and brings up that book about a future matriarchy. If you mention her in a fantasy thread you can get some decent discussion.

>> No.6337061

He finds a cave filled with magical dragon eggs that solve the plot for him and defeat the bad guy
Yeah, 0 effort, random deus ex machina to wrap things up in last pages

Then Eragon gets cucked by that elf, learns spells to control the world or some shit, and flies off to some random ass cave for fucks knows what reason to die as a hobo alone and miserable with his cats (dragons)

Ending is fucking terrible, but he had to shoe horn in that gay ass prophecy that he will leave and never come back somewhere in there, so might as well make him fly off into the sunshine for no reason at all. Guess giving him an actual reason would be too much to ask.
You know, LoTR ended with some people fucking off who knows where, so might as well copy that too.

Man i really hate this series.

>> No.6337072

Seriously guys, watch him.


>> No.6337084

>LoTR ended with some people fucking off who knows where
It was heaven.

>> No.6337093

they went back to their promised land, just like the jews

>> No.6337094

>It was heaven.
Wait, was it ?
Damn i zooned out during that 500 pages ending of third book.
Jesus christ you can tell back then nobody really edited his books and first draft went out as it was written out the window.

>> No.6337096
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Did anyone else love these as a kid? Keys to the Kingdom was great, too.

>> No.6337130

the fourth book does have some feminist connotations which i didn't mind btw, but other than that its just a solid fantasy adventure series and a rich and interesting world. i didn't find out le guin is a woman until years after reading them

>> No.6337141

>Then Eragon gets cucked by that elf, learns spells to control the world or some shit, and flies off to some random ass cave for fucks knows what reason to die as a hobo alone and miserable with his cats (dragons)

I like how eragon is a kid and yet still is shown as this old tired man who goes into the country to spend his last few days with his dog/dragon before he dies.

Eragon is like 16, what the fuck are you doing Paolini, he just saved the world, he should be fucking bitches left and right and getting hammered at the local bar.
Fuck the dragons, let them deal with their own shit, fuck their eggs, go hook up with that non elf girl that wanted the d in third book or which ever it was.
Why is nobody stopping him, like, dude, where are you going, stop being a retard, use all that godlike magic to help people not to mop around and be emo.
Power dosnt corrupt, stupidity and greed does.

What an ending.

>> No.6337152

No need to cap on a book for CHILDREN.
It's like those mlp fags discussing mlp as "adults"

>> No.6337167

>each book gets progressively more violent
>for children

Thats one of the reason why i think this series is so fucking bad.
Paulini has no idea who his target audience is, he obviously writes a children book yet keeps throwing those off putting elements that dont belong there.
People come here for an light adventure not to read how people get cut up tortured and mutilated to death.

Paulini cant do what Tolkien did decades before, just pathetic.

>> No.6337168

>The Bartimaeus Trilogy

Mah nigga. Those books gave me magic boners when I was a wee lad. Never met anyone in person who's read them.

>> No.6337218
File: 32 KB, 948x1516, Book-Review-Stoner-by-John-Williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eragon, a poor farm boy, lives with his aunt and uncle in Carvahall, on the outskirts of the Empire.

>Princess Arya, who works with the Rebellion, has stolen the dragon-egg from the Empire. She is captured by Durza, a mysterious being with strange powers. Just before she is apprehended she sends the dragon-egg to Carvahall, where it is discovered by Eragon.

>The Empire quickly arrives and kills Eragon’s uncle, but before Eragon is captured he is whisked away by a strange old hermit named-Brom, who is later revealed to be one of the last surviving members of an ancient order of peacekeepers known as the Dragon Riders.

>As they journey, Brom gives Eragon a sword that once belonged to his father. Turns out Eragon’s father was also a Dragon Rider, however he turned evil, betrayed the Dragon Riders, and helped wipe them out.

>Along the way, they pop into the Empire’s base to rescue Princess Arya, although Brom dies, sacrificing himself to let everyone else escape.

>Eragon also meets up with Murtagh, an affable rogue with questionable morals who kicks a hundred times as much ass as Eragon. They then journey to meet up with the Rebellion and fight an epic battle that, with Eragon’s help, ends in a decisive victory for the Rebels.

>Stoner, a poor farm boy, lives with his aunt and uncle in Missouri, on the outskirts of the City.

>David Masters who works with the College, has stolen the dragon-egg from the Empire. She is captured by Durza, a mysterious being with strange powers. Just before she is apprehended she sends the dragon-egg to Carvahall, where it is discovered by Eragon.

>The Empire quickly arrives and kills Eragon’s uncle, but before Eragon is captured he is whisked away by a strange old hermit named-Brom, who is later revealed to be one of the last surviving members of an ancient order of peacekeepers known as the Dragon Riders.

>As they journey, Brom gives Eragon a sword that once belonged to his father. Turns out Eragon’s father was also a Dragon Rider, however he turned evil, betrayed the Dragon Riders, and helped wipe them out.

>Along the way, they pop into the Empire’s base to rescue Princess Arya, although Brom dies, sacrificing himself to let everyone else escape.

>Eragon also meets up with Murtagh, an affable rogue with questionable morals who kicks a hundred times as much ass as Eragon. They then journey to meet up with the Rebellion and fight an epic battle that, with Eragon’s help, ends in a decisive victory for the Rebels.


great job williams

>> No.6337637


That's only what it was about after the universally agreed to be shit tier prequels

>> No.6337792

I thought it was fun. It was alright all together, and the ending was... okay.
Fantasy really doesn't feel that original, but it's a lot of fun to read.

>> No.6337817

sunk cost fallacy

>> No.6337929
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>teenage me enjoyed the Sword of Truth series and thought people who hated Eragon were just nitpicking


>> No.6337941
File: 400 KB, 640x480, STOP!! Hibari kun! 09 (DVD 640x480 DivX5.11) 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just don't get mad when people show horrible taste and defend it saying nabokov fans or whatever are just nitpicking. learn to tolerate people who are wrong.

>> No.6339302

pretty good so far, however this guy's humour is a bit off whatever I can deal

>> No.6339319

What a terrible book. He can't write, he can't think; he writes with no discernible talent.

>> No.6339356

even as a kid, I thought james patterson was absolute garbage.

>> No.6339376

This avatarfag is still posting?

smdh fam

>> No.6339593

why do you think luke willingly gave himself up to vader
it sure wasn't to assassinate him or palpy

>> No.6339766


>Alex Rider Series

Haha, yeah. Man, whatever was the plot in those. It was kinda like wish fulfillment/power fantasy, but then the protag was a super awesome teen spy, I don't think I connected to him all that much

>The Bartimaeus Trilogy

I'll fucking fite you m8

>> No.6340351

The books are bad.
The movie was so shit that it was even disrespectful towards the books, which says a lot.

>> No.6340382

You forgot LoTR, Book of the New Sun, Conan the Cimmerian, Discworld, and Fathrd & The Grey Mouser

I like you though, Elric & Gormenghast are fucking great

>> No.6340424
File: 375 KB, 640x480, STOP!! Hibari kun! 09 (DVD 640x480 DivX5.11) 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never stopped, Anon. Do you think anyone escapes scot-free from 4chan?

>> No.6340452

I mostly enjoyed Arya.
A lot.

>> No.6340472

She's like the most girls in anime. Nothing out of the ordinary

>> No.6340599

read a lot of nix, but even then didnt thinkhe was a very interesting author. The seventh tower was probably the best of his work.

>> No.6340634

>Rangers apprentice
>His Dark materials
>The Sterkham series
>a series of unfortunate events
so much of these i had forgotten holy fuck

>> No.6341070

I hadn't been on /lit/ for awhile.

Consider suicide, attention whore.