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6323195 No.6323195 [Reply] [Original]

This has to be the most cringe-worthy piece of amateur non-fiction you have read, right?

The strange thing is that I hate it so much, I can't point out whether I would hate it more or less if he had not done what he did.

>> No.6323200


>> No.6323201

I thought it was hilarious

>> No.6323202

>You will never fap to a group of women taking turns riding and playing with the pale, cold dead cock of Eliot Rodger's corpse

>> No.6323225

>I can't point out whether I would hate it more or less if he had not done what he did.
Obviously more. If he had not done what he did, it would appear as a troll and would make him seem as even more of a cunt for making up something that cringe-inducing.

>> No.6323228

The defining book of our generation. I've posted this multiple times and I can't be assed going over it again.


That was one of my other post about it.

Also top lmao at the intelligentsia giving Franzen's day time tv novels any more respect than ER's work of art. (now repeat that sentence with an insult for every other contemporary author)

>> No.6323229

Posting my favorite paragraph:

"Sex is by far the most evil concept in existence. The fact that life itself exists through sex just proves that life is flawed. The act of sex gives human beings a tremendous amount of pleasure. Pleasure they don’t deserve. No one deserves to experience so much pleasure, especially since some humans get to experience it while some are denied it. When a man has sex with a beautiful woman, he probably feels like he is in heaven. But the world is not supposed to be heaven. For some humans to actually be able to feel such heights of heavenly pleasure is selfish and hedonistic."

>> No.6323241

But at the same time, I'm not sure if I hate that son of a bitch more for his achievements.
I am one of those people who is actually also repulsed by his actions.

>> No.6323242


lol, I didn't remember him being so poetic. Obviously I like the drink splashing scenes. Also the part he described the black guy as "filth" was pure lel. The final sentence is a classic tho:

>Finally, at long last, I can show the world my true worth.

>> No.6323252
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I'm not sure if there's a point in picking out this passage. Everything in the second half is pure gold.

>> No.6323274

It becomes more interesting when you ask yourself whether this guy is actually fucking serious.

>> No.6323276

I've seen worse non-fiction posted in /lit/ critique threads

>> No.6323292

This guy is just the worst case scenario for WoW-dwelling internet fucktards, right?

>> No.6323308

is it normal behavior in his friend group to pull a walk out in a restaurant just because some attractive girls are sitting by them?

>> No.6323311


It's actually even deeper than that. You have to ask yourself:

1. Is he sane?
1.1 Did his lack of sanity affect his perceptions?

2. Is he telling us what he judges to be the truth?
2.1. Where would he be lying?

>> No.6323328


How does he know the guy actually whacked it and didn't go to the bathroom because he had diarrhea/constipation or needed to spew out his food after eating too fast?

>> No.6323350

>he doesn't JO every time he sees a hot grill irl

>> No.6323353


I'm just surprised this guy had friends tbh

>> No.6323365

>I am one of those people who is actually also repulsed by his actions.
There's your problem.

>> No.6323397

I love this book it's so funny. At the end elliot gives you a rollecoaster of cringe. Breaking his leg, listening sister being fucked, being fooled by the 'power of positive thinking'. Also that part he argues with his roomates then go cry to his mom because he was a virgin.

>> No.6323408

This is what happens when people read The Secret. No good has ever come from that book.

>> No.6323411


Apparently Insane Clown Posse are big fans of that book

>> No.6323418

Does anyone have the passage where he gets cucked by his sister?

>> No.6323420


It's only "cucked" if they're in a relationship

Quit misusing that word

>> No.6323434

>Humans are brutal animals. If I cannot thrive among them, then I will destroy them all.

LOL @ death toll of 6.

>> No.6323454


Damn, why he just didn't buy a whore or something

>> No.6323492

A whore couldn't have given him the validation he craved.

Read the book.

If someone had written this as the voice of a fictional ER-type it would be regarded as scary and brilliant.

>> No.6323515

Ok, Mr. Cuck, whatever you say

>> No.6323524

the problem with elliot rodger was he had no sense of humor

>> No.6323542

It's a great read. The style of writing is old-fashioned and his word choice is often antiquated, which is relevant because the narrator himself reflects antiquated theories regarding race, gender, the obsession with lineage and so on.

The humour is on-point, what with the repeated statements of superiority ("supreme gentleman" etc) contrasting with the fact that the slightest injury causes him to cry and call his mother, or to throw orange juice at people playing frisbe.

Then there's the fact the narrator projects his own perception of the world onto others. Feeling depressed in a diner with his friend, when a young couple walk in and sit nearby, his friend goes to the bathroom and the narrator immediately assumes he does to jerk off.

It's a hilarious work and if i was reading it from 100 years away like I do with Undergroudn Man (where it a true story) I'd think it was a great image of welathy kids in early 21st century United States. Sure there are spelling mistakes and a lot of the stuff that makes it so great is unconscious to the author, but it's still a great book and one I enjoyed reading more than plenty of others.

>> No.6323548

People with no sense of humour (and who are actively hostile towards humour and feeling good in general) are often hilarious people.

>> No.6323549

Shit, I want to translate it and sell it publishing papers as a sort of "Zion's Sages" remake.

>> No.6323556

i meant his problem with why he couldn't score and stuff

>> No.6323558


What if /lit/ created an actual publicly limited or whatever publishers and put out Eliot's book as our debut?

I realize it's free but we could do paperbacks and format the online versions to make it more readable.

Using the contacts of the slushbros and editors etc who post here we could get it reviewed or at least cause a shitstorm by having tumblr get mad, and establish ourselves like Tao Lin did with MuuMuu House. Then we could put out books by /lit/ anons.

>> No.6323561

Me here

We could also have international bros translate it and put it out in their countries too

>> No.6323574


Get off the internet, grandpa.

>> No.6323588


Be sure to include a foreword chapter talking about the dangerous threat of male virgins in contemporary western society.

>> No.6323592

Why would someone throw orange juice on a girl before pushing her off a patio?

>> No.6323597

At least he can drink

>> No.6323606
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>yfw Less Than Zero and My Twisted World have a lot in common

>> No.6323607

>Tries to push 10 people off of a ledge
>Gets pushed off of ledge himself
>Runs away but comes back for faggy sunglasses
>Gets hounded by the same people HE'D JUST TRIED TO PUSH OFF OF A LEDGE
>Cries about being bullied

That's millennials for you.

>> No.6323614

Holy shit, how long did it take him to type up all that? A huge 140 page whine about how he could never get sex?

Instead of spending so much time writing his manifesto, why didn't he just go find a hooker? He was rich and his dad was famous, he could have just hit up any girl in a night club, offer her a ride in his expensive car, get her a bit drunk, and presto, virginity gone.

He overthought it. When you overthink things, you screw it up.

>> No.6323618

Leftist politics at work.

>> No.6323620

maybe what he really wanted was a girl to genuinely care about him

>> No.6323626

>Finally, at long last, I can show the world my true worth


>> No.6323631

He spent all of this money on the lotto. The Secret told him to.

>> No.6323633

How does he know how much pleasure one derives from sex if he has never had sex himself?

>> No.6323657

The only good thing about sex is the post-coital warmth, emotional validation, and sense of "love" and closeness to the person you're with, if there is any. In terms of physically orgasming, its not that better or worse than cumming from jerking off.

>> No.6323668

This is hilarious. I mean I doubt I could think up such a great story if I wanted to write a satire of an Elliot-type character. He was the unwitting protagonist of a real great story and he didn't even know it.

>> No.6323673

>If someone had written this as the voice of a fictional ER-type it would be regarded as scary and brilliant.
Of course. If it turned out Picasso just had some acute eye problems his works wouldn't be as important.

>> No.6323677

>Quit misusing my fetish

>> No.6323680

Because he was actually just an idiot who was feckless when it came to women, and who needed to resort to an ideology that diverted his attention away from his own failings and transpose them on to others.

In the days following the killings in Isla Vista, lots of people in the community stood up and attempted to use the event to aggrandize their own political interests. Feminists claimed that it was about misogyny (despite the majority of the victims being male), or that it was about entitlement and the patriarchy. Liberals asserted that the main issue at play was gun availability, even though half of the victims were not killed by a firearm. The interesting thing was that many of the people who made statements of this type would preface themselves by mentioning that they didn't know any of the victims. For those of us who were friends with people who had been killed, our experience wasn't one that could be explained away by something as facile as misogyny, patriarchy, or gun control. Despite this, I don't believe that there's any deeper meaning to what occurred other than that within himself he knew that he was a failure, and a failure where he most wished to succeed.

>> No.6323681

More on this?

>> No.6323685

Nice theory. It's hard to understand. He seems to go from kinda normal feelings of jealosy, rejection and bitterness then he describes his day of retribution which is extremely violent.

>> No.6323688

agree 100%

paperback version when?

>> No.6323689

You should ask /biz/ for business plans and how to get the initial investment to buy the printing equipment. Our print could easily be a couple of Riso machines and some anons devoted to manually binding the books.

>> No.6323690

It's like he knows exactly how I feel, every day.

>> No.6323692


>> No.6323696

There's also the previous stage of warmth and "love" during the act. Cumming isn't the greatest thing. And while I've heard it is for some girls, I doubt even then it would be "heaven on earth".

>> No.6323698

are you joking or serious

>> No.6323703

"I saw winning the lottery as the only way out, and I became so frustrated when the Megamillions jackpot kept resetting. In the end of November, the jackpot was very close to getting high enough, but then it sank to the bottom once again. It was at this point that I learned about the Powerball lottery. The Powerball hadn’t yet come to California, so I knew nothing about it before. I looked at the website and saw that the jackpot was over $500 million!
California didn’t have a Powerball lottery, so in order to buy a ticket, I would have to drive all the way to Arizona."

This is starting to feel like Infinite Jest.

>> No.6323709

Nonsense. It's what you see, not what the creator sees that's important.

>> No.6323737


>> No.6323742

>I am one of those people who is actually also repulsed by his actions.
How are the spooks?

>> No.6323751

>It's hard to understand
Typical newfag, who hasn't read Kierkegaard and True Love.

>> No.6323759

Why do people even put pussy on the pedestal in the first place

>> No.6323762

On one hand, yes. But if the production was just an accident or the limitations of the author you're watching a natural phenomena and not a work of art. It wouldn't be different from the forms in the ocean or the movement of fire.

>> No.6323842

>deliberately creating an influx of the whole world of normies to /lit/
It's gonna be gamergate v2 again.

>> No.6323849

>i'm a George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine btw

>> No.6323856

This would be glorious satire, but what's even better is that it is sincere as proven by him sacrificing his life and others over this bullshit.

This should be published as a hardcover including pictures.

>> No.6323859


Because well-off white boys are raised by women and sent the message all their lives that women's feelings about them are the key to their happiness. If they are socially successful with other boys, they can counterbalance this messaging with a bunch of information about how women don't really feel exactly what they claim to, what women really want is to be taken charge of, etc., etc., and more importantly that a man's ability to satisfy his own desires is what leads to happiness. This counter-messaging sometimes leads to them having positive and fulfilling relationships with women and sometimes leads to them taking a bunch of naked pics of drunk girls and posting them to facebook groups for other men to look at. If however the young man is not a social success, he will not get this counter-messaging and will continue to labor under the delusion that what women think of him is the most important thing, all the while lacking any attributes or qualities that would allow women to think positively of him, pitching him into a vicious cycle of continuous social failure and unhappiness.

>> No.6323874
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Why would someone push a woman down the stairs?

Because bitches ain't shit.

>> No.6323916

what about black boys who are raised by women even more and become 'we don't love them hoes' types?

>> No.6323974


The "we don't love them hoes" attitude is just the same thing as the attitude I pointed out when I said:

>sometimes leads to them taking a bunch of naked pics of drunk girls and posting them to facebook groups for other men to look at

That is to say, it's a result of social success with one's male peers allowing one to express one's own will and relate it to the wills of one's (male) in-group. Yeah yeah, black dads are absent as fuck, but there's a million other black boys in America whose dads were also absent as fuck. Social isolation is easiest to spot among white boys, probably because white folks are richer and can more afford to indulge a kid who wants to sit inside all day playing World of Warcraft. Meanwhile the black boys, and most of the white boys, are hanging out together, building a group relationship. They don't love them hoes, so I don't love them hoes. They like to look at (and take) pictures of naked women, so I like to look at (and take) pictures of naked women. The key is positive interactions with male peers. Rodger didn't have that. Even his online "friends" he didn't really like or understand, and the feeling was mutual; they associated because of a shared interest, but had little fondness for each other. The only relationship he had that could be thought of as even slightly positive was with his mom, but that wasn't good enough and probably lead him down the disastrous road of deference to woman in all things that drove him insane.

>> No.6324016
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>> No.6324033

This guy is the embodiment of what goes on through your average /r9k/pol/tard's head, aka people who want to impose conservative mores on everyone because they are too autistic to get casual sex.

>> No.6324041
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You can't just make this stuff up

>> No.6324049


ladies and gentlemen my sides are floating in space

>> No.6324073
File: 115 KB, 649x576, Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 3.16.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody post your favorite passages.
This one is my personal favorite. The thought that he was actually planning on killing his prepubescent brother because he thought he would lose his virginity is hilarious and insane.

>> No.6324080

jesus chirst

>> No.6324095


paging King Oedipus of Thebes

>> No.6324109


This fucking guy is Stephen King's wet dream. Too bad we'll never see the movie.

>> No.6324116

I think he was just socially anxious and had a severe case of low self esteem and what contributed more to him developing the hatred and disdain for everyone especially women is that his father married another wife and they didn't seem to care a lot about him, I know he coulda just sucked it up and went on like all of us did but his parents fucked up

>> No.6324117


r9k isn't conservative

Their entitlement is a symptom of liberal attitudes

>> No.6324122


I misread post-coital as post-colonial

>> No.6324130

Exactly what I thought when he hung out in LA seeing sunset next to the hollywood sign. Him and his bathroom-restaurant masturbator i mean

>> No.6324131


>r9k isn't conservative

>girls should have only one partner in their whole life, any more than that means they are whores
>they are inferior to men anyway
>they shouldn't go to parties, do drugs, have fun or have casual sex.

Right. So liberal.

>> No.6324132


Nobody's saying /r9k/ is "conservative" as a whole, he is arguing that there is a specific sort of retard common on that board and /pol/ who advocates specifically conservative sexual morality because he feels that it would make him more likely to get some pussy.

>> No.6324137

post-colonial warmth is the masses convinced that things are better with the invaders, like Egypt.

>> No.6324145


>> No.6324148

>using the contacts of the slushbros and editors
you mean that one guy that everyone throws their shitty ideas at in some vain attempt to at validating their neet lives? that contact? good luck, bub.

>> No.6324149

reactionary and conservative are synonyms in most places.

>> No.6324158

Stealing this idea and translating it into my language

>> No.6324178


Liberals believe that women are inferior to men, which is why they support Feminism

>> No.6324195


Believing those things doesn't mean you don't support liberal entitlements

>> No.6324258
File: 1.08 MB, 1395x1800, mytwistedworld_cover1_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original cover art
pls don't steal!

>> No.6324274
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I'm going to run through a passage or two and edit it for readability. Elliot Roger deserves to be heard clearly, at the very least.

Incoming in 15 or so.

>> No.6324286

Nevermind. The more I read, the easier it is to understand. His writing style drastically improves after the first chapter.

I should write my own memoirs.

>> No.6324291


Throughout history, only about 40% of the men who have ever existed have actually procreated.

If it weren't for societal taboos and constructs which enforce monogamy and faithfulness, there's nothing to say that we would not revert to that number.

In that sense /r9k/ are right, sexual liberalism, just like economic liberalism, produces massive inequalities.

>> No.6324307

This is probably going to be some classic literature piece in the future like 50 years from now.
>glimpse into the mind of spoiled kid who went on a rampage killing a few people because he was a virgin
God bless the American publisher that purchases the rights to this and sells it for a few thousand dollars (the best-selling revenue values for books in 2060).

>> No.6324312

unfortunately, trying to remedy this means that you end up with a lot of women having sex that they would rather not be having. in cases like that, what's the more ethical setup?

>> No.6324322

Elliot Roger revolution

>> No.6324336

>treating women like chattel is "unethical"
SJW detected

>> No.6324341

Are you kidding? It's the MRAs' SCUM Manifesto.

>> No.6324346
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You misspelled his name friend.

>> No.6324385
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O fug :;D

>> No.6324389

>marriage is rape

>> No.6324400

it should be left completely untouched.

>> No.6324405


Its funny to think that if society does go down a Rodgers-type path men will be largely obsolete in Western Society. They're no longer much required for production and women make better consumers than them, they're also easier to manipulate (just look at Edward Bernays) and less prone to violence and disorder.

If the majority can no longer find partners a grim future awaits. Perhaps there will be some kind of sex-selection to insure there aren't more than 33% male babies born, maybe there will be a return of monasteries, perhaps homosexuality will become the norm.

>> No.6324413


"sex they would rather not be having" and "rape" are only synonymous in the minds of spoiled bourgeois white western women who have not ever suffered actual severe sexual violence in the sense of being forcibly kidnapped from your home and enslaved for the purpose of getting fucked, and so are hilariously sensitive to any discomfort in a sexual context. Indeed the purpose of the institution of marriage is to avert rape of the sort that I have just discussed, by making each woman accountable to and property of a specific man.

>> No.6324415


And whose faults is this?!
O vey I wonder...

>> No.6324428

Good idea.

>> No.6324442

why not make men accountable to and the property of specific women?

>> No.6324444

Sounds good.

>> No.6324464


The question is why isn't that what historically occurred? And my guess is that it is because most men are physically stronger than most women.

>> No.6324466

Why not let children raise their parents?

>> No.6324468

There have been a few matriarchal tribes but they've all been BTFO by their superiors.

>> No.6324469

>has a lots of money
>cannot into a whore

>> No.6324470

You're right. I don't know what I was thinking.

>> No.6324476

He didn't want a whore, he wanted women to genuinely be attracted to him, and without him doing the effort of approaching them.

He basically felt fucked over by life because beautiful women didn't come up to him to offer themselves to him.

>> No.6324479

I see. But even whores won't harass you if you aren't interested. Time is money and all that.

>> No.6324485

And that's why they all deserved to die. He was driving a BMW and wearing a Hugo Boss shirt. How dare these bitches not throw themselves at him?

>> No.6324493

so he's entitled
Like full on tumblr stereotype entitled

>> No.6324498

Because he wasn't a kyoot 15 cm dildo with a suction cup base for €10?

>> No.6324499

>Elliot Rodger

>> No.6324500

It's actually spot-on and accurate. What sort of mind-controlled bleeding-heart librul does it take to go "the feminists control nothing! Men aren't oppressed!", when it's clearly not the case?

Eliot was a hero for exposing the degeneracy and weakness in female character.

>> No.6324503

Dude, even my dick beats out 15cm and I'm no freak of nature

>> No.6324504

Feminists kept saying this is what men think like.
I kept thinking he sounds more like a tumblr feminist.
'I am a victim. Therefore I am good. Anybody who thrawts my desires is therefore oppressing me and victimizing me. Therefore they are bad.'

>> No.6324506

Yes, he was a darker hued white, you fucking amerifat.


Breivik, please! If the cringemaster was so strong, then why did he mass murder?

>> No.6324507
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He's the dark underbelly of the Californian dream.

>> No.6324508

He was mixed azn/white u idiot

>> No.6324510

He was about as white as Barrack Obama.

>> No.6324515

/r9k/ trash are atheist idiots, don't lump us with them.

>> No.6324516

The whole reason he killed people was because he wasn't white but a hapa beta.

>> No.6324517


Yeah, you sussed it bud. Rodger was a secret Muslim all along.

>> No.6324519
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Yeah, then half-white.

No, he killed because he was a retard.

>> No.6324522

>Breivik, please! If the cringemaster was so strong, then why did he mass murder?
>Implying you're strong enough to
>implying Eliot wasn't a martyr for a cause


>> No.6324524
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>Elliot Rodgers

>> No.6324527

because children do not have fully developed brains capable of making rational asult decisions or life experience. meanwhile, females perform roughly equally to men on iq tests and other intellectual pursuits.

>> No.6324531
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>twf 23 yearold kissless virgin but too self aware to blame others
>Elliot was lucky

>> No.6324533

If females are equally capable, why haven't they made men their property in the past?

The answer is of course, because they were not capable of doing so. And by being incapable of doing so they are unqualified to do so.

>> No.6324534
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To be fair, he would have slayed if he was taller.

>dem pouty lips
>dat thick, luxurious hair
>cute nose
>angular cheekbones
>wide jaw
>dat model stance

It's a pity he wasn't a little more observant; he could have easily found himself a short qt that would have loved him.

>> No.6324535

Because women stay with the children. The few matrarchal societies are all in places where there was no need of expansion and had communal homens. Meanwhile men are invasive and tend to go fight other tribes even if there's no need to. In places where that was important they gave the orders.

Still, there's this weird thing happening and people can't diferentiate the idea of a patriarchal society being a potentially good thing while "patriarchy" is used to refer a bigger picture that isn't directly tied to what you'd understand as tribal level patriarchy. But you can't expect HS students to understand the specialization of words in certain fields.

>> No.6324538

people who freak out about the ideology espoused by idiots shouldn't be so upset. an immature and entitled person will remain so no matter what politics they follow. and because they gravitate towards fringe beliefs that are supported mainly by fellow idiots, there's no reason to fear them.

>> No.6324540


>> No.6324545

Obama only looks black, outside of the US we all think of him as a wealthy elite indistinguishable from all your other presidents.

>> No.6324547

>TFW Eliot Rodgers has published more and is read more than you

>> No.6324550
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Suicide is the final option of cowards.

>trying this hard

>> No.6324553

what is up with the implication that having people be other people's property is a good thing? besides, testosterone encourages stronger physiques, so a women's intellectual capacity is irrelevabt in cases where men decide to chimp out and beat the hell out of them (sonething most rational societies do not see as good conflict resolution)
women stay with the children, but so do the elderly and people otherwise unable to go out and fight. modern society doesn't need tons of people to run around hurling spears at things, so i'm not sure why we need to divide labor based on that.

>> No.6324561

fear? I was pointing out silliness.

>> No.6324564

>Suicide is the final option of cowards.

By that logic, Jesus was a coward

>> No.6324565

making people into property isn't an universal tendency and in the places where slavery was common the slave was usually property of a family, making slave men and women inferior to citizen men and women.

>> No.6324571
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>implying whites aren't much more competent at mass murder

>> No.6324579

>Obama only looks black,
>outside of the US we all think of him as a >wealthy elite indistinguishable from all your other >presidents.

Are you perchance from Argentina?

>> No.6324582
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I read an interesting quote likening suicide to jumping out of a burning building. The flames are there, it's hot, and the person at the window really doesn't want to jump, but the pain from the fire is too great. He can either stay in the building, and die, or jump, and then die faster. It still takes that muster up to jump off of a fucking building, but it's a hell of a lot better than sitting while the flames take you.

>> No.6324583

(second anon)
I don't say we need to, I'm saying that in at a very basic level that was a tendency in prehistoric or isolated societies. You can still see both classic patriarchies and matriarchies in isolated towns where the eldest is one or the other and their younglings respect them.
A vague example: http://pando.com/2015/01/19/the-war-nerd-getting-women-warriors-wrong/

>> No.6324585

>what is up with the implication that having people be other people's property is a good thing? besides, testosterone encourages stronger physiques, so a women's intellectual capacity is irrelevabt in cases where men decide to chimp out and beat the hell out of them (sonething most rational societies do not see as good conflict resolution)
That one anon said "why not make men accountable to and the property of specific women?" The answer is that this is impossible because women aren't capable of making men their property, while men throughout history and to this day have proven quite capable of making women their property.

They were also patriarchal societies where women were expected to obey their husbands. While the wives weren't legally property, they were in practice.

>> No.6324590

Dismissing - or, worse, ridiculing - the choice of suicide is cowardly.

>> No.6324594

Thankfully, there still has not been a U.S. president born to a non white mother.

>> No.6324597

>outside of the US we all think of him as a wealthy elite indistinguishable from all your other presidents
speak for yourself josé

>> No.6324599

Go away.

>> No.6324607

d-do I write so badly that you can even tell which is my country by my mistakes? I-i'm sorry...

>> No.6324612


>one step up in a hierarchical structure under God
>the same as 'owning'

dat ideology

>> No.6324617

Women should be the property of men

>> No.6324620

on a related note; it's interesting how when many on here talk about women, they neglect to mention women above the age of birthing children, despite the fact that in many societies these women hold a great deal of power. how come?

>> No.6324626

:( poor Eliot

>> No.6324629
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should/shouldn't is the false dichotomy of plebeians.

might is right.

>> No.6324633

what did women do to deserve that?

>> No.6324637

The thing is, it really fuckin reads like BEE novel. You could without any problem put some parts of it in American Psycho or Less Than Zero and not notice anything different.

I had my doubts, but after reading My Twisted World I am sure. Bret Easton Ellis is genius and voice of generation.

>> No.6324639


You wanna know how I know you have granny issues?

>> No.6324646

It's not a case of crime and punishment. It just is.

>> No.6324647

because we are so aware and afraid of our oedipus complex that we project it into our grandmothers and can't dislike or talk badly about them.

>> No.6324653

i'd feel bad if those big lunkheads from /fit/ came in and started hurling us around and taking our cute bookish wimmen for themselves

>> No.6324654

What did water do to deserve being dammed up?

>> No.6324663

granny complex or not, i'm pretty sure that the "wise crone/powerful matriarch" exists in pretty much every society. although i never finished reading caliban and the witch, maybe that;d shed light on the matter

>> No.6324665

>thinking that might equals physical force

Strength is pretty much useless today. You'd simply have them arrested.

>> No.6324679

people dam up water in order to create a reliable supply for themselves or to make a river's flow more convenient of themselves, often causing resource distribution problems and ecological disaster. despite the trouble this causes for others, water is not sentient and can't be hurt by the matter.

>> No.6324681

i am from /fit/

>> No.6324683

It's a stereotype of Argentinians to call themselves white even though Anglos think Argentinians are basically black in comparison to themselves. You defending Obama's pigmentation reflects that stereotypical belief. I see this on /pol/.

Your writing seems as American as anyone else here. It's the things you say that betray your true blood.

>> No.6324684

While in some societies old women can be seen as the stereotypical witch, mainly in european societies, yes. Old people are usually respected since prehistoric times since they were the ones carrying the oral history and teaching it to a new generation before they were too busy actually doing shit.

>> No.6324695

they would start hurling around the policemen too, as is the way of their kind.
i hope you've decided to take up the sort of philosophy that encourages you to do kind things to those who can't physically prevent you from not doing kind things

>> No.6324698

False dichotomy. All things are my property, sentient or otherwise.

>> No.6324704

No I'm a rapist

>> No.6324706

but i don't want to be your property

>> No.6324729
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>> No.6324730

Why would you assume that /pol/'s userbase represents the tendency in a country that barely speaks english?
I was made fun for being too white all my life and I'll always defend that the percentage of white people according to our census is grossly forced. Still, rich people taught by rich people have ideas that go beyond their race. A balck kid from a ghetto has nothing to do with Will Smith's son.

>> No.6324744

>they would start hurling around the policemen too
I would largely enjoy watching this even if it ends up with sodomy.

>> No.6324745

>leftist politics
Chances are you're the type of person who says stupid shit just to hear yourself talk. Majority of leftists are pro-feminism, so they wouldn't sympathize with some spoiled moron who was handed everything he ever wanted, besides sex because they wouldn't agree that women exist solely for the pleasure men.
Politics do not have to be involved in everything.

>> No.6324750

something is only your property if you can utilize it

>> No.6324756

how long do you think the penis stays hard after death just curious

>> No.6324758

why not savor your last moments as the flames consume you? It's probably an unique experience.
Altough if the building is tall enough, jumping could be fun too.
I mean, death only happens once in life, so why not enjoy it?
like I said, it's an unique experience.

>> No.6324760

But you are, right now, I'm making you reply.
Ayy bro lmao

>> No.6324770

You could wait in the last floor to get a bit burned, and when you feel you grasp the general idea of burning alive jump to get the other half.

>> No.6324775

>blaming his parents
Tons of people grow up with shitty, neglectful, abusive, and/or absent parents and they turn out just fine.
He had a mental illness and needed serious medication. He was spoiled and had no self control. I won't say his parents aren't guilty, but he was the one who killed people. Not his parents

>> No.6324778

I'm using you for entertainment, and you're replying. Since that is your only function to me, by replying you have become my property.

Phenomenologically, you are nothing but self-arranging letters on my screen. To impose a "human" on you would make you my imagination anyway.

>> No.6324779

what if i stopped replying. what if you asked me to send you money over paypal and i didn't. what if you paypalled me money and i didn't accept it. what if i came to your house right now and ejaculated up your nose

>> No.6324780

which nowadays is ridiculous, because
you can be old and unwise.
and you don't have to be old to be wise


>> No.6324786

yeah, guess that would work too

>> No.6324787

Makes complete sense

>> No.6324790

Property pls

>> No.6324792

I'm sure it was the same back then and elders gave shit advice filled with impotent rage and baseless prejudice.

>> No.6324798

>be on top of empire state building
>notify press a man is about to jump
>set yourself on fire
>be immortalized as meteor man

I never argued I wasn't (as you are my property as well). What I'm saying is everything is not your property as you claim, since there is undoubtedly things mightier than you that you can not utilize, that you are subordinated to.

>> No.6324801

Text can't ejaculate.

If you stopped replying, then I would lose you as my property. Simple as that.

>> No.6324802

>Using "SJW" after graduating highschool

>> No.6324804

I'm not the other guy but, while its not leftist (nor rightist) it certainly sounds totalitarian stuff.
so, politics is involved in this case

>> No.6324810
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>since there is undoubtedly things mightier than you

>> No.6324811

might isn't a spook you mongoloid, did you even read Stirner?

>> No.6324816

The gay was short, he had a short penis. He was ugly/weird looking in some sort of way I can't put my finger on. This leads to low self esteem, confidence issues. Probably bullied in school, had difficulties making friends and attracting girls.
That plus an underlaying sperglord tendency turned him into a supreme gentlemen.

It's not that difficult to understand you gays.

>> No.6324817

You're meaning "all things" in a spooky way. L2 dialectics and flux, dude. Things that are not actively conceived don't exist, as nothing exists that isn't conceived.

>> No.6324818


>> No.6324823

does that mean that you can also be my property. is everyone in this thread my property. if i stopped posting, is that theft

>> No.6324826

xD nice image bro, fight fire with fire, fight Stirner memes with antiStirner memes

>> No.6324829

>you will never kick dust with elliot...

>> No.6324832

Oh kek. I was joking but I was right.
Your English is fine, Che anon. It wasn't your English that made me suspect that you were from Argentina.
It's your very inclusive attitude toward what constitutes white that seems uniquely Argentinian.

>> No.6324834

Theft isn't real because ownership is defined by the exertion of power, it's not property of the thing itself. And yes, you can always exert your power. But you shouldn't.

>> No.6324837


>> No.6324839

why shouldn't i?

>> No.6324840


>difficulties attracting girls
O really?

>> No.6324842

I'm Italian (inb4 tusken raiders enriched dago blood) and we too recocnize that fact about Obama. He's the fakest nigger to ever walk the planet. Just as pope Francis is a fake latin american. He is just coloured candy to appease white guilt in the US and win darkies vote.

>> No.6324846

Fuck off to /int/

>> No.6324848

Oh, because it doesn't suit me to.

"[All things are okay,] even hypocrisy." - Max Stirner

Get on board the train to fucktown, my property. And yes that is an actual quotation.

>> No.6324849

Not that anon butwhy are these spooky? I mean undoubt is spooky in that it eludes to a fixed idea right? But how are "things" in this sense spooks?

>> No.6324851

Guinea plz go back to Africa

>> No.6324853

Eh. I'll just feed the tadpoles and go to bed I guess.

>> No.6324859

I was just saying that if you're a rich elite acting in favor of other elites it doesn't really matter the color of your skin.

>> No.6324860


Pls post a pic of your tadpoles!

>> No.6324862

but what happens in fucktown

>> No.6324870

I'll make a thread tomorrow on /r9k/ since they are obsessed with pepes nowadays. If this thread is still alive I'll post a link here.

>> No.6324922

K pls do

>> No.6324965

what does sex have to do with procreation in 2015 you fucking dolt

>> No.6324976

Sex isn't a scarce resource and doesn't follow the rules of economy
Everyone can have sex with everyone without any loss, actually such societies have existed throughout the past and all the way to our common ancestor with bonobos

>> No.6324979

Men make property out of women in order to create a reliable supply for themselves or to make a woman's behaviour more convenient to themselves.

>> No.6324981
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I lived on the same street as Eliot Rodger last spring. It was separated by a park in the middle, and we were on opposite sides. On that night I had thought about going out, but I convinced myself to go downstairs and use the gym in my apartment building prior to doing so.

When I walked outside I immediately knew something was wrong. There were no people anywhere in sight, and it was completely quiet. In most small towns this wouldn't be particularly strange, even for a Friday night such as this. I headed toward one of the liquor stores nearby.

I walked to the main road which loops around the main part of town and looked down the street—still no people. The only noticeable thing down the street was a few police cruisers with lights on. Nearby there was a section of road blocked off with yellow caution tape.

When I arrived at the liquor store it was closed, even though it was supposed to be open for another two hours. However, the market across from it was open, and it was the only store which had any number of people inside. When I walked in I found two of my fraternity brothers and asked them what had happened. They gave me a few nebulous details; not much was known at that point. We discussed the event somewhat brusquely, as small acts of violence were known to occasionally occur in Isla Vista, and most of us were never affected by this. When I met the two of them again the following day the situation was quite different.

Later, when I was at home, I was on my computer and saw a post which a friend of mine had made online. It mentioned that a mutual friend had been involved in the shooting, and I assumed that maybe she was injured. I went to her Facebook page and there was a post there from her mother: "I am praying that you are in a deep sleep and you can't hear your phone, please contact your friends and family - we are all worried."

Whenever I think of this moment there is a story which always comes to mind, one which I heard a few years ago after the Virginia Tech shooting. One of the first emergency personnel on the scene after the massacre said that it wasn't the site of all the bodies which was disconcerting; seeing deceased bodies is somewhat common in that line of work. Rather, what was disturbing was the noise: victim's cell phones ringing in their pockets and backpacks—family members were calling their loved ones after hearing news of the shooting. This is happened to my friend as well. While she was dying I was in the gym listening to my iPod.

>> No.6324986

>they would start hurling around the policemen too, as is the way of their kind.
Which would get them killed. The cunning lads win once again.

>> No.6324990

alright. and women often find this inconvenient and work to create societies where they aren't dammed.

>> No.6324996
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What I witnessed in the days following was probably the worst experience I have ever seen a community deal with, and I've thought about it every day since then. I lived right in the center of where everything happened, and had I gone outside a bit sooner then perhaps I would have been shot as well. The shirt I was wearing that day blatantly advertised my membership in one of the social fraternities nearby, and this would likely have earned myself some unwanted attention had I been spotted.

Since that day I've spoken with a number of people regarding the events in Isla Vista. During one such conversation, with a man who had lived there as a community college student, we discussed the relationship between university and community college students living in the town. Since moving to Isla Vista, I had always been a student at the university, and so I did not often think about what the experience was like for the community college kids. What he told me was that as a community college student he often felt as though the university girls (the ones in the sororities) tended to look down on him, and prefered instead to associate with guys who were students at the university. He expressed that he thought there was a sort of 2-tier social hierarchy: university students above, community college students below. If this was the case—and if one already had trouble getting girls—being a community college student would put one at a further disadvantage in Isla Vista than perhaps elsewhere. For a psychopath obsessed with his personal inadequacies, this was perhaps too much to handle.

>> No.6324998

They pursuit those "conservatives" traits because of their own selfish reasons. They, simply, want to get laid. They put sex in a pedestal. And see reproduction as the main criteria for life fullfiliment and happiness.

But, for normal conservatives (Christians I mean), these thoughts are an aberration. It is serfdom to the flesh. One of the worst kinds of sins which actively push the sinner away from God. Christians don't care about reprodction (Cathlolic priests even take up to voluntary celibacy, and they're supposed to be the best society has to offer), they care about having a just life in the eyes of God.

For r9kers, this whole religious affair is just social control. A way to regulate male-female and male-male relations. It is the Kantian "religion boils down to ethics" taken to the extreme. But, as you can see, they see religion as a lie. Society lying to itself so she can remain stable.

So the conclusion is, your standard r9ker who defends traditional custom is hypocritical and, ultimately, self-undermining. Hypocritical because he wants everyone to believe in lies which he himself doesn't believe and see his peer who believe in them as dumb people. Self-undermining because the social customs longed for don't change the fact that, in his POV, he still is rejected and a failure in the more liberal society, the one which is acitually free of the religious lies. In other words, a lie that makes a a social failure get laid doesn't change the fact that he is still failure. If the problem is only the absence os sex, it is easily solved with hookers, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

The life of a young atheist that doesn't get laid must be a nightmare. And, for a christian, even if the r9ker gets laid in the end, his status doesn't become better since serfdom of sin now takes the place of social hatred that was there before.

>> No.6325009


No, they don't. But some of them do intermittently complain about it.

>> No.6325021



>> No.6325023

Which is why the west sucks ass to live in as a dude

>> No.6325034

It doesn't
if you feel it does feel free to fuck off to Syria

>> No.6325068

Not true at all. Some of his views on gender are pretty groundbreaking. The kind of stuff thats only becoming apparent in the last ten or so years and we arent really allowed to talk about it because it undermines the whole "men have privilege, women dont" narrative.

Granted he takes a ridiculous spin on the whole thing and is narrow minded as fuck, but some of his ideas are actually relatively novel.

>> No.6325072

>I was just saying that if you're a rich elite acting in favor of other elites it doesn't really matter the color of your skin.
to a degree you're correct. African Americans still had to pay their mortgage after Obama got elected. White people did not have to report to the nearest cotton field for re-education.
But US history being what it is...it did matter. I thought it was impossible to ever happen right up until the election year.
Maybe once a woman gets elected middle class white women will finally see what an overrated privilege it is to have somebody the same race and genitalia as you running the country.

>> No.6325117

Now, you already have the story, if only you could learn how to tell it in an interesting way.

>> No.6325119

They don't really. Women have only been sort of equal for a few decades in a small part of the world. In the West they tricked decadent men into giving them more freedom for a while, but Western values are eroding precisely because of tolerance towards threats. So once Western culture will be overrun by more old fashioned other cultures women will return to the place they occupied for most of history again.

As-salamu alaykum, sister.

>> No.6325131

>but some of his ideas are actually relatively novel
So now "people should stop have fun because I don't" is novel?

>muh values
>ride le tiger maymay

>> No.6325133

I wonder if he is just as hard on language in his mother tongue, he sounds exactly the same except that I can't understand his words.

>> No.6325135

No they are not
And that's just the best selling and most talked about french author of the last 20 years...

>> No.6325136

Normal conservatives care more about taxes than serfdom to the flesh tbh.

>> No.6325143

>most talked about
He's a hack who wishes he were the next Céline

>> No.6325148

When phrased as a strawman it isnt, but for example his take on the modern "relationship" is similar to the 80/20 phenomenon (20% of guys sleep with 80% of girls, leaving the remaining 20% of girls for the remaining 80% of guys to fight over). There have been some inquiries into this with actual figures produced but I dont have them on hand. Not that they are needed anyway, we are all aware of this happening because we see it in everyday life. Its a problem for males and females as well, though he frames it as just a problem for men because as I said he was narrow minded.

>> No.6325149

So he is not the most talked about?
Then who is? Eat shit.

>> No.6325152

>>muh values
>>ride le tiger maymay
I don't care myself really, it's just something that's likely to happen. Western tolerant liberal culture as it is now is failing meme because it can't defend itself against other memes.

>> No.6325154

>who is

>> No.6325157

He got that shit from the internet/body building forums/ 4chan. Did you even read his manifest

>> No.6325159

He ís the next Céline as far as his position within contemporary literature goes.

>> No.6325162

I feel it was just some self licensing. Now that we have a black president we can be even worse with the poor people, we can abuse even more of the industrial permits and exploit every single tax reduction to the point of comapnies getting money out of taxes, and it's all fine because we helped black people by voting one of them. There were more efforts to regulate school children food than to help low income families or protect workers, and it's all good because it has been proven that black people can be presidents if they are born in an elite family, get an elite education, only interact with wealthy white people and act in favor of those people.
Again, as I said in another post, it's like comparing a black kid son of a factory worker in the suburbs with will smith's children. The color of the skin means shit if you have enough money and that's nothing new.
Before black people spread through the north the irish were the main object of hate, and those were even whiter than a lot of the population. The color of the skin racism is a mildly modern and mostly US thing, but at the end of the day it's hate of poor people and that's universal.

>> No.6325165

Rather recently talked about...

>> No.6325166
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I already read American Psycho, is this worth it?

>> No.6325167
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>> No.6325168

Yes Im aware of where he got the ideas from, I'm not saying he inspired them or thought of them himself, I'm just saying that not everything he said was antiquated, irrelevant garbage.

>> No.6325170

>Western tolerant liberal culture as it is now is failing meme because it can't defend itself against other memes.
Yeah I'm sure the most powerful economical and military powers on Earth will be defenseless against a bunch of uneducated tards whose Saudi funding is about to run out when oil does
Tell me more about your armchair geopolitics Anon

Any retard can go full conservative and rant about muh values but it takes talent to put it in words like Céline, something Houellbutt doesn't have.

>> No.6325171
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Of course not.

>> No.6325172

He kind of looks like Kafka.

>> No.6325175

I live in Syria you jerk

>> No.6325176

>When phrased as a strawman it isnt, but for example his take on the modern "relationship" is similar to the 80/20 phenomenon (20% of guys sleep with 80% of girls, leaving the remaining 20% of girls for the remaining 80% of guys to fight over).
The Pareto principle is the economists' retarded way of saying "whoa, shit ain't linear guys, like whoa"
And in that case it's wrong since sex is not, as said before, a commodity. Girls don't get "taken" by guys.

>> No.6325179
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>> No.6325183

He is not conservative at all...
Did you even read one of his books?

>> No.6325184

Why haven't you joined your ISIS brothers? Did you know that the kind of people who emigrate there exactly fit the /r9k/ virgin type? You'll be right at home preparing for le beta uprising.

>> No.6325186

Did you? I'm talking about his early work, not his recent pre-Soumission stuff

>> No.6325192

>exactly the /r9k/ type
>military experience
>tolerable understanding of arab
>willing to live surrounded by brown skins until your dead (a few weeks after joining them)
>useful as a meat shield and not gonna run away scared at the first gun shot (which would be less than 10 minutes after arriving)
Is arcanine much more hardcore than I imagined?

>> No.6325199

As I said, it's an issue that affects men and women. Girls are conditioned the same way men are to value certain traits that arent necessarily beneficial. Girls are conditioned to seek out confident males even if they are turbulent characters, they are conditioned to seek out good looking males even if they are stupid and/or violent. You get the point. Similarly men are conditioned to seek out submissive girls who are good looking and socially popular.

So no, girls arent being taken by anyone, nothing is happening against their conscious will. This doesn't effect the end result and its ramifications, and it doesn't change the fact that maybe this conditioning needs revision on both sides.

>> No.6325203

>military experience
>tolerable understanding of arab
>willing to live surrounded by brown skins until your dead (a few weeks after joining them)
>useful as a meat shield and not gonna run away scared at the first gun shot (which would be less than 10 minutes after arriving)
You just spend two weeks in one of their camps and see if you don't end up like that and more. You seem to underestimate the power of physical and mental conditioning.

>> No.6325207

>Girls are conditioned to seek out confident males even if they are turbulent characters, they are conditioned to seek out good looking males even if they are stupid and/or violent. You get the point. Similarly men are conditioned to seek out submissive girls who are good looking and socially popular.
You are so wrong on all accounts. Quit trying to project your typically 4chan-influenced puritan American view of sexual behavior on everyone else.

>> No.6325211

Man your life sounds awful. Where do you live?

>> No.6325215

The real world

>> No.6325223

I mean what country with such a shit dating scene do you live in?

>> No.6325224

Its easy to dismiss what I said on the basis of "well I dont think that way, and my friends dont think that way, so its just a load of rubbish".

We arent talking about you and me and any other small demographic pocket. We arent talking about the higher educated or the learned online culture that is /lit/, or whatever culture or group you may be claiming is removed from this way of conditioning.

I am talking about the macro level, the modern populace as a whole. Look at the most normie of nomrie friends you have on facebook (if you have one). Look at the middle-american mass that lives between high school, the mall and their suburban home. The everyday people still very much obey by this conditioning whether or not there are pockets of people like you and I who are removed from it.

>> No.6325228


>> No.6325229


I love both, but no. Really no.

Nabe is nearer Celine, both stylistically and politically

>> No.6325238

>I am talking about the macro level, the modern populace as a whole.
Are you a politician? Do you run polls? Why should I take an anon's words seriously when all my previous experiences (as well as that of all people I know) show the contrary? Where did you learn that stuff? On blogs, or maybe psychstudies whose sample consists in 50 American university students between the ages of 18 and 27 (R2 = 0.1775)?

Oh, that explains everything. Sucks to live in a puritan Anglo country.

>> No.6325245

ISIS have religion; I hate them

>> No.6325263

Anecdotal evidence mostly. I have had normalfag friends my whole life, I have played on sports teams, I have worked a mcjob, I have 5 siblings and know most of their friends. I have been in and amongst the lives of people who have never heard of 4chan or tumblr or reddit for pretty much my whole life. There are schools or people out there who rely on tv for their entertainment rather than the internet, and will only use the internet for purposes such as facebook and instagram. We surround ourselves with each other every day and we forget that we are a collective exception to the norm in almost every way. And Im not just talking about 4chan, Im talking about reddit as well, and the feminist movers on tumblr and the MRAs of bodybuilding.com etc. Most people on this earth are NOT part of any internet forum and the way they receive their conditioning and flow of information is largely one-way and from their television screen.

>> No.6325272

> have been in and amongst the lives of people who have never heard of 4chan or tumblr or reddit for pretty much my whole life. There are schools or people out there who rely on tv for their entertainment rather than the internet, and will only use the internet for purposes such as facebook and instagram. We surround ourselves with each other every day and we forget that we are a collective exception to the norm in almost every way.
Most of my friends don't watch TV and hardly ever use facebook

>> No.6325281

Truly the Plato of our time.

>> No.6325289

You can tell he's never had sex because sex sure as shit isn't that pleasurable.

>> No.6325303

The dude wasn't sexless because he was ugly or short. He was sexless because he was fucking crazy.

>> No.6325325

"Twisted Word" was an ethereally written Trenzalorean tragedy; I thought it was amazing tome.

>> No.6325334

Don't see how this fact should affect you.
I honestly doubt that your life is happy if the only thing that preoccupies you is getting laid.

Of course, I have no way to know this.

>Most people on this earth are NOT part of any internet forum and the way they receive their conditioning and flow of information is largely one-way and from their television screen.

Hypnotized by the "redpill" are we?
Granted that a large chunk of the television most people watch is idiocy, it's hard to digest that someone actually thinks that cynical imageboards present accurate opinions, even in a relative sense.

Mostly seems like the views on sluthate, /r9k/ and such are fueled by nothing but angst against society, y'all niggers need jesus.

>> No.6325342

Can't imagine a scenario where it would have worked out for him.

Hollywood family, he is conditioned to be vain, desire that big juicy booty, etcetera.

If you're going to attract that kind of women in L.A., you're fucked without the looks.

>> No.6325393
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>> No.6325404

>allowing them to move to your country and settle in large amounts and build mosques and spread their culture

seems about right.

>> No.6325415

so... lesbian seperatism is the only hope, then?

>> No.6325417

This seems like a good movie but part of me feels like it is trying too hard.

>> No.6325425

>Throughout history, only about 40% of the men who have ever existed have actually procreated.

Jesus fucking christ, people actually believe this?

Most people have happy lives with a good amount of sex, there's a reason they are called normalfags.

Normal relates to the median, the average.

The bitches over at /r9k/ are really the exceptions.

>> No.6325440

>when oil does
You still think oil will run out in our lifetime?

>> No.6325444

>ctrl+f 'narcissism'
>0 results

>> No.6325484

>let me refute those numbers with this arbitrary anecdote about what I see around me in my cosy little habitat

>> No.6325552

Actually I refuted those numbers on the basis of semantics.

However I do remember /r9k/ informing me that most men do not find a partner in response to which I looked up the statistics and found that the claim was appallingly bullshit, at least in my country.

Feel free to look it up yourself.

>> No.6325580

"Throughout history" doesn't mean "contemporary people who grow to adulthood". You have to take into account wars, famines, child mortality, stricter cultural demands, impotence, et cetera et cetera.

Saying that only 40% of all men ever born reproduced is bullshit because most guys can get a girlfriend in 2015 is silly.

>> No.6325594


This isn't that different from some forms of protestant/puritan fundamentalism. It actually has very strong overtones of some 'seriousl' theologies, albeit a in charicatured form.

>> No.6325612

It doesnt affect me directly, but I do feel for everyone who is caught up in chasing the material and fleeting pleasures of sex with an attractive partner. As you say, this is not happiness nor the route to it. At the same time ignorance is bliss, but it is only bliss for the 20% of males who are achieving the goal of their conditioning. Those who get left out are chasing something they shouldnt be chasing and not even receiving the moderate pleasure and fulfilment that sex would grant them. Its a terrible cycle and just because I am removed from it does not mean I cant offer a critique of the system.

>> No.6325619
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>> No.6325642


Guys what should i do? I'm going to the Rodger route lately with all my loneliness and bullshit.

I crave social relationships and have started feeling paranoid about stupid shit. What should I do so i don't become Rodger? I have just took everything with a pint of cynism towards the thoughts but I don't know if I will go full retard soon

>> No.6325686

join clubs or workshops, avoid people who could maintain an alpha/beta discourse, reconnect with friends you no longer talk to

>> No.6325744


>avoid people who could maintain an alpha/beta discourse

I think this is the most difficult since the uni where I go now is the epitomy of this dilemma, also since I passed my classes i'm alone with people i don't know which all of them have their friends groups from other years.

If i try speaking with a group of them they despise me, my approach is a sign of weakness for them, i just start totally handicapped in the friendship relation. Since the class have more than 80 members it's really easy to be invisible to the mass.

I will try joining a club or a workshop outside of uni though, thanks

>> No.6325790
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Everyone is sort of scared of the world. If you seem friendly people will be friendly with you, it's really harder what to do next.
Been there. Try being strong, expressing your opinions with some security but being open to expanding them. People will respect you if you don't seem to give a fuck, not in a gansta fake way but in a sincere open way.
Try not to end in a group where your "friends" prey on you and exploit your humility to make themselves look big. That was always my problem. Don't be afraid to mistreat someone but be quick to show you recognize your mistakes.
Things work out only if you work them out.

>> No.6325835


I have solved most of my personality problems from last year, but I have stable social connections in the uni, there are people that know me but they don't find me someone to spend time with (because of my personality issues from before), so even if I work with this *new* me, they treat me as before because of their deep experience with my *last* me (i'm not an insufferable faggot, it's just that i had low charisma and the uni groups i knew where full of vanity competition)

it's not that bad but the feeling of not belonging gets me hard sometimes since i don't even belong to my family now (they hate me because i wasn't able to have meaningful relationships with anybody).

>> No.6325841


I will stop this since this will evolve in some form of self-loathing as always happen with feels testaments. I just wanna say thanks

>> No.6325850

Well, forgive my previous ad hominem then.

I feel that the concept of that 20-80 break-up of men might be flawed and based on nothing but anecdotal evidence from college (that's right, fucking college).

Given the percentage of the population that is unmarried (about 20), it still seems that most men land themselves a partner.

I would agree that if one is honestly only obsessed with being rich and having tons of bitches, i.e. living the Dan Blizerian life, then you're pretty fucked.

My point though, is that, many, maybe even MOST men do not want that, once they get beyond a certain age.

The break-up of our satisfaction in our time is not too different than it was in other generations I believe, be it the roaring twenties or the baby boomers.

You still have the same, large, proportion of the happily married people, some people who voluntarily do not settle down because they have other interests and then your incels, who in our generation happen to cluster around /r9k/ and online, giving the appearance of being a larger proportion of the male population than they actually are.

>> No.6325884
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But there's no new you, it's always you and you change with life. Anyone who can't understand that people don't remain the same all their lives need to mature.
Try finding people into the things you're into right now and expand your relationship outside of college/workshop/creative writing class/whatevs. That's the vital point with people, I think, joining them to your life outside of the things that get you together.

Godspeed lonely anon!

>> No.6325889

Why don't you hang out with anyone?

>> No.6325908


Do people here actually think this book is 'good'?

As the 'my life has resorted to this' quote shows, the prose is not good. It's not outrageously bad but it's nothing you would be impressed by if you didn't know the author was a SUPER SERIO killer.

I can see the book being interesting purely as a historical document and for reasons totally unrelated to the author's intentions, but taken as a book meant to persuade the reader over to the author's point of view, it fails miserably.

>> No.6325922
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Become Smug.

>> No.6325931


As I said I passed my exams and now i'm alone because friends of last year doesn't care about hanging out with me since I passed to other classes, and new guys just circlejerk and if I go and talk with them they often despise me.

And yes, I try to be part of the conversation or something but it's just that they don't want to hangout with other guys outside of their circle, since i'm the outsider of every circle i can't do anything other than just keep things as they are. For me uni is a lost cause already, my first year sucked ass in the social department even if everybody was having fun, getting friendships and so on, so my *contacts* in this third year are almost zero.

My life fucking sucks right now, my family is in wrecks because of alcohol and money issues and currently i can't enjoy anything with anybody, i'm just doing things for my future 26 years old self, studying for a better future and working my ass in weekends. I feel that i'm giving these years to dust (and it's worse because everyone is having genuine fun out there because they don't have to care about paying their things or working the weekends)

>> No.6325949


But as kierkegaard says, those laughs are just tears

>> No.6325957

That's because he's projecting his delicate and dramatic constitution.

>> No.6325965


A good fart solves all. Just let it go.

>> No.6326014


Have you ever noticed that Zizek uses jokes to deflect hard questions?

He did it in that video when the person asked him, "but you're a psychoanalyst" (implying Zizek should know about something he was claiming ignorance on). I also saw him do it in that interview with Julian Assange and David Horowitz (see clip below, it's in there somewhere). It seems ridiculously cunning, this guy is a smart operator but in a way I don't trust.


>> No.6326042


>> No.6326065

8:40 is when.

Also, holy fuck I didn't know Julian Assange was such a god damn sexy son of a bitch.

>> No.6326201


I love it. It's what American Psycho would read like if it were written by a naive amateur who lacked all sense of irony and self-awareness. In that sense it's probably even better, certainly more authentic.

>> No.6326213

When you break down the elements of his face, he should be attractive.
However, he just looks off putting and creepy as a whole.

>> No.6326303

Life isn't fair. Get over it.

>> No.6326637

Yeah, but that's not kyoot.

Sex toys must be kyoot!

>> No.6326725
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>tfw 23 year old social autist but not a virgin because hookers
>tfw had a chance at a meaningful relationship but blew it

>> No.6326739


>> No.6326742

Posted the /r9k/ tadpole link

>> No.6326780


>> No.6326786

it really isn't
manifest destiny isnt liberal

>> No.6327147
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Just be yourself :^)