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6320614 No.6320614 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you love reading in the absolute darkness with only the light of your ereader?

P.S: Buy an ereader, seriously.

>> No.6320624

>having a backlit ereader
It's true! There are even plebs amongst the plebs.

>> No.6320626

Reading indoors in a cozy spatial positioning when it's raining is more pleasurable

>> No.6320635

>not having a backlit ereader
Then why having an ereader at all?

>> No.6320637

Yes, ppl should buy ereaders. Big time.

>> No.6320664

are ereaders cool on /lit/ or no? from /mu/ and /fa/

>> No.6320694

Also love reading in the bath at night with all the lights out. It's like a poor man's sensory deprivation chamber.

>> No.6320702

>those lips and nose

>> No.6320817 [DELETED] 

Is there an ebook of ten little niggers (uncensored)? I seriously cannot believe it is impossible to find in its original version.

>> No.6320824

No, because I dont like fucking up my eyes.

>> No.6320874

rip eyes

>> No.6320930

There's lots of studies on this sort of thing and there doesn't seem to be any proof that ereaders can cause eye damage or that traditional reading in low light can either. Eye strain is a different matter but that isn't permanent, and the conditions seem to vary between people.

>> No.6321191

I lack an ereader, for nothing more than the (I think) practical reason of it having more cost than I see as being worthwhile. A book, is pretty nice to hold in hand, take notes on.... an ereader is just strange.

And, proprietary software.

>> No.6321365

>I lack an ereader, for nothing more than the (I think) practical reason of it having more cost than I see as being worthwhile. A book, is pretty nice to hold in hand, take notes on.... an ereader is just strange.
That's why I didn't buy an ereader. Eventually somebody gave me one as a gift and I loved it.
The ereader seems more comfortable to hold in hand (particularly if you're reading a long book) and makes it easier to carry books everywhere.

A cheap ereader costs about 40 bucks. I think it's worth the cost.

>> No.6321386


Yeah, but you can pirate practically any book you want, and it's backlit, and it's WAY more convenient than reading on a computer screen.

>> No.6321390



>> No.6321392

>~50 monetary units
>free access to more books than you can read in a lifetime

such a high cost.

>> No.6321405

>0 monetary Units
>free access to more books that you can read in a lifetime

>Public Library

>> No.6321411

If you are someone who torrents all of their music or gets it from the archive, yes.

If you are someone who wants the vinyl because you know, I just need something to hold man, no

>> No.6321412


It's like you're arguing that Blockbuster is better than streaming. GTFO.

>> No.6321419

exactly the other way around

>> No.6321434


Library: physical place i must go if i'd like to read a book. IF they have it at my branch, otherwise, takes a few days to get it from another branch/inter library loan.

Ereader: After initial investment (50 dollars? Trivial), download practically any book and start reading it in less than 5 minutes.


>> No.6321459

Library: After an initial investement and getting used to it you have any book you'd want in your house just as if you'd had bought it.

Ereader: After an initial investment you get to read stuff that has been digitalized by someone else, probably out of a library, and are always tied to the device being unable to lend it again, copy it, mark it, compare with another book, etc.

>> No.6321463

>bound to shitty DRM as if it matters

toppest of lel m8

>> No.6321466


>doesn't know how to pirate ebooks

>> No.6321476

I was assuming you were pirating them. Do you really think every single book has been digitalized? Do you think it's something that happens by itself, some natural evolution?

>> No.6321477


any book you'll be able to find at your local library will most certainly be available for free online in less than thirty seconds

>> No.6321478

fuck off

>> No.6321485

No that's bad for your eyes.

>> No.6321494


You mark in library books?


>> No.6321497

Anyone who considers themselves a serious reader and doesn't have an ereader is just technology illiterate. You are the equivalent of baby boomers who brag about sending paper mail instead of email and don't know how to hook up their computer.

Like with the computer there is a brief adjustment period to get used to an ereader with infinitely better results than relying solely on physical texts.

>But I like having them on my shelf to impress my dumb friends
Fucking kill yourself

>> No.6321504


Do you think every single book is available through your local public library.

m8, libraries are cool, but the position that they are anywhere as convenient as downloading pirated ebooks is untenable.

>> No.6321508

Good cheap ereader?

>> No.6321511

you give a fuck?

>> No.6321513

Kindle Voyage

if you cant afford it then go back to the library poorfag

>> No.6321517

What if you want to compare two different books?

>> No.6321519

At my local library, if I put in a request for a book, I'll be lucky if get it within two weeks, if it is present in the system at all. Unless you live in a major city, in my experience libraries don't have that many books.

>> No.6321520

Say goodnight to your eyesight too faggot.

>> No.6321530


Proof or GTFO

>> No.6321536

toppest pleb

if you don't read real books you don't even read.

>> No.6321537
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Two ereaders.

>> No.6321540


> muh nostalgia
> muh old book smell
> muh heavy bag


>> No.6321542

In what way? I'm having difficulty envisioning a scenario where you couldn't just read a part a passage from one and then look at another. You can't read two books at once with out look from one to another and with ereading it is no different.

But if you really do need two books open side by side for whatever bizarre reason, bring up one book on your ereader and then perhaps go about whatever means you normally do to get physical books to get the other.

Physical books have their place (especially those with extensive footnotes), but there is really no good reason not to have an ereader that you regularly use to read most books.

>> No.6321543

Look at this edgy faggot, vandalizing every book he touches and being an insufferable cunt to the future book lovers after him.

You are the worst. I hope you die of cancer you faggot.

>> No.6321551

>not using a tablet and apps that can filter your screen so hard it's darker than no backlight at all
>not using a tablet and an app that redshifts your backlight

>> No.6321558

You must be dumb like bricks and hugely naive.

>read books in the night with candle
>years later with degraded eyesight

Yeah, no. Imbecile.

>> No.6321562

>Using an LCD screen

>> No.6321563


>> No.6321572

Lol, don't listen to that troll. A kindle basic or keyboard would do. You don't need the blows and whistles of the current. Buy the basic ones and let the technology develop itself further then only upgrade at that time.

>Anyone who considers themselves a serious reader
Stopped reading there. And I only use ereaders.

>> No.6321579


Cool proof, m8

>> No.6321584

Yeah, cool counter-post too. My fedora is floating in the air.

>> No.6321585

are you a retarded person?

I went from the kindle keyboard to the kindle voyage and improved my reading by 20 books a year on average.

>> No.6321589

You're the mentally challenged one. Your completely disregarded his inquiry of cheap ereaders. Voyage is an overpriced pos. It's like buying i7 when all you need to do is fucking open pdf files. Fucking faggot. 5/10 made me reply.

>> No.6321593

Paperwhite is the best if you want a backlight. I got mine off of ebay for 75 dollars with no ads. That was a very good deal though. Off of Amazon it is 120 for w/ads and 140 without. The ads are not very intrusive though only showing up with the kindle is switched to its screensaver or you are on the home screen it shows a tiny bar of ads at the bottom. It was worth it to me, because you can import dictionary translators for foreign works.

If you don't care about the backlight or the bells and whistles and are just looking for a bare bones reader I would recommend the Nook simple touch. More comfortable in the hand than the kindle paperwhite and has convenient buttons on the side so that it can be operated with one hand. It typically runs from 30-50 dollars if you get a decent deal on it. If you are paying more than that, don't. There are better deals you can find. I actually kind of miss this one because the buttons were so nice.

>> No.6321596

he said ereader $200 or below faggot. the kindle voyage is a perfect match.

>> No.6321597


> Makes outrageous claim
> Refuses to provide a shred of non anecdotal evidence for claim
> "You are the one who needs to counter prove it"


>> No.6321618

That's another thread dumbo.

>> No.6321630

Have you ever been to college? You sound like the kind of person that thinks of reading books as a challenge to get a high score, honestly.

>> No.6321633

This >>6321630 is in reply to >>6321542

>> No.6321642

What a shitty thread. Kill yourselves.

>> No.6321680

Honestly, you sound like someone so jaded that you've given up on really pursuing or dedicating yourself to anything. There is the fun and playful side to literature as well as the beautiful and then the complex and philosophical side. Different aesthetics that vary from work to work and it's hobby I enjoy as well as a study I take seriously. Ideas that are fun to tease apart in and of themselves, but also help give my life nuance and even meaning. As well as the secondary purpose that it makes me a better writer, another pleasure unto itself. I prefer to pursue my hobbies fully as much as I can and let them fill in the cracks of my life.

Or are you one of those people who prefer their lives to be soaked in ennui and take Oscar Wilde quotes a bit too seriously for their own good? Is your favorite author Camus?

>> No.6321694
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fucking plebs.

>> No.6321730

I can't get into E-Readers. I borrowed my mom's over the holidays and it bothered me reading like that.

>> No.6321772

>absolute darkness with only the light of your ereader

hurts my eyes jesus

>> No.6321792

At that point, why not just use your phone?

>> No.6321852

>Physical books have their place (especially those with extensive footnotes)

Endnotes are what started me on using an ereader. Specifically in Infinite Jest. Clicking the link to the endnote and back is much easier than constantly flipping to the back.

>> No.6322838

The only thing I don't like with eReaders is the stupid trend of touch control, I got a Kindle with buttons before they stopped selling them (I think they stopped selling them anyway), but I don't know what I'll do next.

Not a fan of backlighting on those either.

>> No.6322856

No, I love reading while drunk, who gives a shit if it's light on a screen or ink on a page?

>> No.6322902

I never tried that, but I feel like it would just hurt your attention span and retention. But I suppose it is better than watching a movie since you can pace yourself.

>> No.6322913

Well it's great for me because I feel like I can engage with the story much more than when I am sober, but you are right about it hurting attention span, and probably retention too; I can only read so many pages before I feel like putting it down and reveling in my own drunkenness.

>> No.6322918

How about no?

>> No.6322952

it's called a kindle cuz you throw it in the fire

>> No.6323029

but kindling is used to -start- a fire, not fuel one. you blew it m8.

>> No.6323030

I'd rather kill myself than use an "E-READER".

>> No.6323039

I think it takes the right kind of book to enjoy it while drunk...I have had good and bad experiences with intoxicated reading

Stoner and Moby Dick are probably my most memorable drunk books

>> No.6323041

>I'd rather kill myself than use "PAPER BOOKS"
>if you don't read stone tablets you don't even read
Fucking Luddite, that's how you sound.

>> No.6323301

Ereaders are legit. Get the e-ink version though.

>> No.6323436

I like the Nook ($40-50), if you want the backlight you have the Nook Glowlight ($60-70).
Nook Tablets are cheaper lately, you could probably get a 7" tablet ($70-90)

>> No.6323439

Just set the bright of the screen to the minimum and you'll be ok.

>> No.6323442

name of the app?

>> No.6323507

>not instant access
>limited loan time
>not as much available books


>> No.6323510

>Do you think it's something that happens by itself, some natural evolution?
No, it happens by millions of shitposters filling out captchas.

>> No.6323731

There are no simple ereaders anymore (no internet, e-ink, physical buttons, etc)

>> No.6324216

Doing this gives me really bloodshot eyes. Let my oversensitivity be a warning OP :D

>> No.6324672

Are you delusional? Is that actually why you think people like having real books?

>> No.6324721

nook simple touch have buttons and touchscreen

>> No.6324807

>The digital age! lol books are dumb
>who buys print copies anyhay lol oldies
>get with the times

Shut up.

>> No.6324989
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>mfw luddites are proud of deprecated technology

>> No.6325022
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Guys, guys, here is how you do it.

Buy a kindle, just a kindle or a kindle paperwhite.
Read ALL public domain books on kindle via. Project Gutenberg

Read non-public domain on kindle or print, doesn't really matter because price is often not too different on newer books and I like having physical copies. So personal preference here.

Congratulations, you can now read for relatively cheap (especially if you like to read non-contemporary) and you are not a pirating scumbag.

>> No.6325027

And I forgot to mention:

Don't fucking read in the dark, with the light from the screen only, that shit will fuck your eyes big time. As if eye strain wasn't bad enough as is.

>> No.6325067
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>not using the superior photographic book page reproducer with page turner button

>> No.6325105

>Don't fucking read in the dark, with the light from the screen only, that shit will fuck your eyes big time. As if eye strain wasn't bad enough as is.

This old wives' tale is repeated over and over. There is very little evidence for long term eye damage, things like heredity is much more likely to influence how your eyesight changes through your life. Excessive reading itself, and close work will likely cause myopia, low light is probably only a very minor factor. Please stop repeating the crap your mom told you in order to get you to go to bed. Although you probably should go to bed early for other health benefits unrelated to myopia.


>> No.6325114


I get pretty intense eye strain from reading as it is, because I read for quite long periods of time. I'm not saying it is damaging my eyes, I am just saying my eyes tire faster and hurt more when reading in the dark. That is why I have a arkitekts lamp next to my recliner and bed.

>> No.6325124

There is very little evidence for any modern damage. It doesn't mean there is no damage. Enjoy your transgenic meat and reading in the dark.

>> No.6325413

Pirating is good for the world. It's the first step to introducing a post-scarcity mentality and environment.

>> No.6325446

>destroying your melatonin and ruininf your circadian rhythm

might as well just get a laptop

>> No.6325658

No internet? Can it read pdfs?

>> No.6326685

>buying e-readers
>not getting a proper tablet

>> No.6326723
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>implying you truly own a digital book

>> No.6326862
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>implying you truly own anything

>> No.6327563


>technology illiterate

Pick one. If these people are simply inept, why suggest they're after bragging rights? And if they're simply inept, why look down on them for declining the headache of trying to upgrade from a medium they've known all their life? If anything, one who pushes through a real technology literacy barrier is the one who's likely to be doing it for social acceptance.

>> No.6327606

It does have internet but only to get into Barne's and Noble library, no internet browser (though you can install one if you root it).
It can read pdf's, but like most ereaders, pdf's don't look good unless they have a relatively good quality (bad quality = scanned pages). You can't zoom in without reflushing the text.

A tablet is better for pdf's in general. With an average ereader you better download epub or mobi. You can convert pdf to epub or mobi if the file is just text without pictures.

>> No.6327674

KIll yourself.

>> No.6327721

>doesn't know what presentism means

>> No.6327731

plus they have built in dictionaries

>> No.6327838

what kind of ereader should i buy if i want to download some pdf, etc and put it on there for cheap?

i never bought one because of the cost

>> No.6327922

e-readers are still shit for pdfs. or i should say, pdfs are a shitty format for ebooks.

>> No.6328049
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What then is my property? Nothing but what is in my power! To what property am I entitled? To every property to which I—empower myself.[181] I give myself the right of property in taking property to myself, or giving myself the proprietor's power, full power, empowerment.

Everything over which I have might that cannot be torn from me remains my property; well, then let might decide about property, and I will expect everything from my might! Alien might, might that I leave to another, makes me an owned slave: then let my own might make me an owner. Let me then withdraw the might that I have conceded to others out of ignorance regarding the strength of my own might! Let me say to myself, what my might reaches to is my property; and let me claim as property everything that I feel myself strong enough to attain, and let me extend my actual property as far as I entitle, i. e.—empower, myself to take.

>> No.6328538

you get what i mean, i usually read on epub anyway

>> No.6328654

Why don't you say epubs when you mean epubs but just say pdfs for no reason? It's a notable difference.

Also, all e-readers are cheap when you see what you gain access to in terms of public domain and pirated works.

>> No.6328657


I don't pirate books so I don't know if it works for pirated digital books, but what I do is go to a PC and open the two books in separate instances of kindle cloudreader.

You get everything you can get from comparing two physical books plus things like text searching and word lookup.

>> No.6329151
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Deciding to join team eReader. Currently deciding between Kindle Touch and Kobo Touch because of comfy price range. Tell me straight, is it worth an additional $60 for a backlight? Captcha: egook

>> No.6330229

Reading in the dark while listening to an audiobook is the most pleasurable way to read.

>> No.6330281


>> No.6330288


>getting an ereader that you can only read by a lamp or in the sun

what the fuck..

>> No.6330307

It's a nice touch, but I worked my Nook Simple Touch just fine without it. It's about the same as reading a normal book. I would say go with the Nook Simple touch though. It has comfy grip and side buttons so it can be operated with one hand easily.