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/lit/ - Literature

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6320693 No.6320693 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/!

I wrote 8,000 words today including /lit/ posts.

How has your writing been going?

>> No.6320762

~1000 words of erotica

and uploaded the story to amazon

>> No.6320781


If you don't include posts on the internet, I've deleted more of my work today that what I've added.

I hate editing.

>> No.6320788

Hey, as long as you finish writing before you delete, getting rid of the shit is a vital skill, keep it up!

>> No.6320811

called in a sick day and typed like 250 words, although all of it was written yesterday


slow and steady doe rite guys

>> No.6320834


Slow and steady indeed.

Sometimes I can go weeks without writing, then suddenly the mood hits, I feel inspired and I can crank out 4000 words.

As long as you're happy with what you're writing, it doesn't matter.

>> No.6320842

Fuck that, put some words on a page.

>> No.6320862
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you SUCK!


Call in sick again, THEY DONT NEED YOU!

Try going more weeks without writing, IT WON'T MATTER



>> No.6320939

Wrote my first short story the other day, only 2000 words or so and I'm pretty sure it sucks but I don't care, I really enjoyed it, and I have no plans to share it with anyone. The idea to sit down and write something had been in the back of my mind for a while, but I never actually did because I felt like there wasn't any point since I had no plans to make a career out of it and wasn't very good. Glad I finally got to it though.

>> No.6320961

Nice anon, keep it up!

Maybe one day you will write something you like enough to send off somewhere!

>> No.6320975

What are useful outside sources to help develop writing skills?

>> No.6320985


You should pastebin it.

Or at least let a couple of us read it after sending it via email, if you aren't comfortable sharing publicly.

2000 words would take about 5 minutes or so to read.

>> No.6320996

College, especially classes taught be honest teachers who truly like to see students strive. I took several philosophy classes with a professor who helped me up my game by 300%

Reading all kinds of books and literature

Learning another language, helps you see how things are constructed in ways.

Friends who are not 'yes men' but can help out by actually offering tips.

I am strongly opposed to things like week long writing workshops, those are nine times out of ten a waste of time and money.


>> No.6320998

>counting /lit/ posts as part of your word count
Someone is insecure about how much they actually write.

>> No.6321005

I appreciate you for what you're doing.

I love you, anon.

>> No.6321112

Thanks! I'm not too concerned about it though to be honest. I think the best part is that it's purely for pleasure, don't have to worry about that kind of stuff.

To be honest I'm not sure it would be ready yet. There are still some phrases that seem awkward to me; like the thoughts aren't translating from my brain to the page I want them to. It's not like a full edit, just one or two little parts I can't seem to make sound the way I want them to.

>> No.6321124

>start writing
>get into groove
>write a good chunk
>start feeling self-conscious
>everything is shit
>don't write for days

People say this is how it is, that you should just push through the shit, but it's hard. Are you just supposed to stave off the self-criticism as long as possible?

>> No.6321239

>o be honest I'm not sure it would be ready yet. There are still some phrases that seem awkward to me; like the thoughts aren't translating from my brain to the page I want them to. It's not like a full edit, just one or two little parts I can't seem to make sound the way I want them to.

First drafts are always shit. It's about getting the words down on paper. I'd just post it as is. Criticism is an important tool for a writer.

>> No.6321247


Ah well, whenever you're ready, you'll always find critique here.

And it is important to seek critique.

>> No.6321255

Let people read it. If it's shit find out whats making it shit. Don't be above buying some craft books. Self critique is worthless if you don't know much about writing. Share it with other writers. Post it here. This isn't your lifes work or anything.