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/lit/ - Literature

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6317610 No.6317610 [Reply] [Original]

What are some obscure, mind-blowing crazy works of literature?

I need to create a post-ideological reading list.

>> No.6317649

Corrections by Thomas Bernhard

You're welcome

>> No.6317662
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>> No.6317747
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tao lin stuff

not even kidding

i think bernhard isn't really post-ideological. i like his stuff tho. bernhard a QT

>> No.6317791

da fuq is post-ideological?

>> No.6317795

It's a meme-joke.

>> No.6317810

I understand that it's related to Zizek, but does it just not refer to anything?

>> No.6317820

With relation to Zizek 'post-ideology' is a misguided and incoherent concept.

As far as OP's usage it's also meaningless.

>> No.6318368

buttercup, you got a dl link for that?

>> No.6318385

"Atta" by Jarett Kobek

hip and obscure and about blowing up the world trade centers

>> No.6318401

120 days of sodom - Marquis De Sade

>> No.6318415

>Brief interviews with hideous men
>Some of Lydia Davis's shorter fictions
>House of Leaves
>Pale Fire
>If on a winters night a traveller
>Outer Dark
>Finnegans Wake
>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6318420

The holy bible

>> No.6318443


>> No.6318448


>> No.6318467

Its 2015, nothing is obscure anymore.

>> No.6318475

Gary Shipley's stuff
Kenji Siratori
Hakim Bey
Speculative Realism everything

Here you go.

>> No.6318477

that's hardly obscure

>> No.6318485

Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged from Matter, by Terrence Deacon

>> No.6318639


> Borges
> Gravity's Rainbow
> obscure

>> No.6318652
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>brief interviews
>House of Leaves
>Pale Fire
>Finnegan's Wake

>> No.6318695

Silvina Ocampo's short stories
Manly P Hall shit

>> No.6318767

Could you define obscure in the internet age, please? Just because you can connect to someone who has read the particular work does not mean it is widely known.

>> No.6320823

>Kenji Siratori

Can a normal human being read Blood Electric?

>> No.6320833

I did, and Gimmick; It was shit.

I kinda want to do it on acid while listening to japanoise though, it'd probably be quite mystic.

>> No.6321879
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>> No.6321931

About 200 pages into this, pretty good. The beginning was a bit shit though.

>> No.6322521

It changed my mind for good bro. The best thing in the world is recommending it as the definitive tome on conspiracy theories to conspiracy nut-know-it-alls (not a single one has read it, and they never will)

>> No.6322570
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What have you done to defeat the filthy Demiurge, /lit/?

>> No.6322577

It never ceases to amaze me how one man can be responsible for so much evil and bullshit on the normie side (MBTI) and on the edgelord side at the same time.

>> No.6322601

Oronooko by Aphra Behn

>> No.6322622

>The best thing in the world is recommending it as the definitive tome on conspiracy theories to conspiracy nut-know-it-alls (not a single one has read it, and they never will)
conspiracy nut know it all here, RAW's my favorite author so bite me

>> No.6322681

Maybe the gnostic gospels http://www.gnosis.org/library/gs.htm

>> No.6322937

If you know it all you haven't been picking up what he's been putting down there, buddy.

>> No.6322963

Obscure would be a book you picked up at a garage sale in Milwaukee and has 5 reviews on Goodreads.
