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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.49 MB, 4120x2738, Rowberry_Pale-fire-map_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6315261 No.6315261 [Reply] [Original]

How many people post on this board?

I feel like all the discussions are among the same ten people every time.

>> No.6315292

It's just you, and me, and that one faggot

>> No.6315296

i'm the guy that always uses lowercase

>> No.6315300
File: 2.39 MB, 1785x2439, miura stop_hibari-kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be really surprised if it's more than 10 daily users, but most of them come once or twice a week.

>> No.6315312

i thought was was me

>> No.6315313

I mostly lurk, but I'm still here.

>> No.6315332

Going off of the number of posters in the egoist thread and the LCT I would peg it at around 50-75 frequent posters. I would say that the people who post in the regular threads are the people who make up the majority of posts on this board

>> No.6315334

I'm here every day

>> No.6315338

I'm here everyday, also. Mostly lurking.

>> No.6315342

you should join the skype group

>> No.6315346

Don't do it, they're all tards who whine about there problems

>> No.6315348

Some people whine about their personal shit but for the large majority of the time there's quite a lot of quality discussion.

>> No.6315352

its mostly text or voice?

>> No.6315357
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>you should join the skype group
we have a skype group?

>> No.6315360

long time lurker here

>> No.6315363

I'm a raging Stirnerfag and shitpost in theology threads, and otherwise generally despise apologetics on /lit/

>> No.6315366

I get the sense that there is a small, core group of obsessives - maybe 20 or so - who give the board it's memes (Stirner, Zizek, "start with the Greeks", obsessing over translations, etc.) and then a larger group of more casual contributors.

I think it depends on the topic of the thread, which group you will get. Ask for an opinion on egoism, psychoanalysis, or Joyce and you'll get the core group of obsessives, ask for recommendations on a fantasy novel and after the first few posts (where the core group of obsessives will call you a pleb) you will get a more diverse and friendly bunch of people contributing over a day or two.

>> No.6315372

I post here

>> No.6315418

I think it's the other way around. The people who repeat those memes just came by, assumed that was the intelligent jokes you make here, repeat it for a while and then get bored when no one appreciates their effort.

>> No.6315419

How to join skype group? This board is probably the best on 4chan.

>> No.6315421

According to my statistical analysis, about four hundred and twenty

>> No.6315423

I know

>> No.6315429

You can tell how many different posters are in a thread you know.

>> No.6315434


>> No.6315438


>> No.6315440

I mean, there's 99 posters in that thread alone

and I haven't posted in it, so there's at least 100

>> No.6315441

But you can't tell how many serious posters are in a thread.

>> No.6315469

Me enither but that thread has been up for almost a week. I sustain my position that we have 10 or 20 daily posters.

That's always zero, honey.

>> No.6315481

I am more curious as to where most /lit/ posters live.

>> No.6315494

Isolated college towns in the mid west with an insufficient number of coffee shops to pose in the windows of, reading Lacan.

>> No.6315502


I'm mostly here for the dank memes and passive reading.

strawpoll.me in a new thread, godspeed

>> No.6315504

post link to skype group chat

>> No.6315526

I live in an impoverished south american town who manages to survive only for being close to a big capital and having some oil refineries.

>> No.6315576

I come here daily, I am not sure what I am looking for in this place anymore, merely distraction perhaps.

>> No.6315603

I live in a country you probably have never heard before, Nicaragua. Sorrounded by people without culture, education, respect, or any other kind of value. I have learned to accept the reality of my society and face the fact that it can't change unless all of us want to.

>> No.6315607

I live in Russia.

>> No.6315610


I'm from Canada. People over here were thrilled when Alice Munro won the Nobel Prize.

>> No.6315612

numbers on the right side of your computer screen

>> No.6315621


>> No.6315628

I came here half a year ago to talk about Kafka, Adorno and russian sci-fi. The place has gotten continuously shittier since then, for which I can't help but feel responsible.

>> No.6315632

Southeast Brazil.

>> No.6315643


there's really only like one or two people like that and they're offline most of the time

it's actually not a bad group in the slightest





>> No.6315656

It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all my fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault.
captcha: cocke

>> No.6315736

Come here everyday, but don't comment all the time, I'm pretty new to this board. I moved to the US from the UK three years ago and haven't spoken to anyone about anything literary, so I've been enjoying the few good comments and threads between the memes and shitposting.

>> No.6315752


>> No.6315760

Literally all me

>> No.6315762

Who are your favourite regulars?
Mine's the American Muslim guy who posts in every Islam-related thread, his presence irritates the Christfags which I find very amusing

>> No.6315767

Probably not many, I don't consider myself a litizen really. I would come here more often if it was /books/ maybe, but it does seem to be Literature with a capital L. And philosophy and writing for the most part.

A far cry from the NYT best sellers and WHSmith airport reads I pick up, which don't get very many threads. It's all a bit too highbrow for me.

>> No.6315769

gasfag is always worth a few keks

>> No.6315795
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Argentina here

>> No.6315798

France and I know I'm not alone

>> No.6315808

yeah I'd say 90% of the litizens here are more well-read than I am. I'm more of an /int/, /fit/, and the occasional /ck/, /k/, and then /lit/

>> No.6315814

You could just stop being a dumb faggot.

>> No.6315816
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We sent some of our people back in the 70's to educate your communist camps, but an influx of left wing 20 somethings with vague experience of living in a dictatorship didn't help much I guess.

If no one will hear my awfully manly voice I want to join. What's the name or adress or whatever?

I miss zeeburg and the hate. The guy who wrote a million pages of horrible YA about space racing is a cool guy and his spirit always puts me in a good mood.

>> No.6315828
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>this is me

>> No.6315830


I also post regularly, such as now

>> No.6315836

Everyone knows me.

>> No.6315841

Me, you, Tao Lin, Kolsti Nguyen, and not Bill Murray make five.

>> No.6315842

I sometimes post. But it's usually a lot for like a couple weeks, then I leave for a year or more.

>> No.6315854

I'm pretty famous around here.

>> No.6315855

I miss Iranman.

>> No.6315912

But then who would you deride?

>> No.6315991

Malibu, California

>> No.6315997

malibu and the shitty agricultural states in the USA are the plebbiest place to live

>> No.6316000

Started on /b/, migrated to /pol/ then recently here. Rarely post. Perhaps more after I've finished reading the Greeks?

>> No.6316005

I won't contest this. I'm getting out after uni.

>> No.6316023
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Gas-kun reporting in...

>> No.6316031

University of Alabama here

>> No.6316037

Welcome to "culture". Every human being, after prolonged exposure to other humans, becomes a copy of them. Each and every one of us can serve as a sand-in for any other in any given situation. We're all replaceable.

>> No.6316041

Except for Chris. Chris is a fuckhole

>> No.6316046

What about me? (I'm Tao lin btw, check out my books)

>> No.6316630

I post once in a blue moon.

>> No.6317460

Shitty small town near the Canadian border in northwest corner of Washington here.

>> No.6318264


San Diego, CA, USA

>> No.6318269


Dude I'm in Bellingham.

>> No.6318280

>>Inc new lurker hier.

>> No.6318282

I lurk daily, and post on occasion.

Live in a small rural town in south GA.

>> No.6318297
File: 225 KB, 1080x708, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurking since inception, post if I have relevant knowledge. Start the odd thread here and there.

>> No.6318305

Apart from me and that guy who posts the "10 pages a day" copypasta, I feel like there are no dedicated shit posters.

Also on /sci/ I used this one word in multiple shit posts and this one guy can still recognise me around 1 year later (if I make topics that are vaguely similar to what I used to do)

Also on /lit/ I made a troll topic, then two people argued in it. One of them accused another of being a sad fuck who had made another shitter off-topic /lit/ thread... that other OP was me as well!

>> No.6318309


>> No.6318314

Im German, and there are a few others.
Also i am a Zizek disciple atm and regularly post in the anti fedora/dawkins threads

>> No.6318317
File: 38 KB, 341x425, The_Beatles[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss ... Feminister. But at the time i used to hate her/him. Maybe i dont miss she/he. Maybe i miss those times.

>> No.6318327

I am an Ausfag. I lurk for, probably, 20 minutes or so every day. Still not really sure what I get from it at this point. I post something maybe a couple times a week.

>> No.6318328

I am many, what do you wish to know ?

>> No.6318330

there are 3 of us. we the lowercase bandits. who /lowercase/ here

>> No.6318334

do the messi meme. i demand it. otherwise leave or do not state argentina

>> No.6318340
File: 62 KB, 1174x993, ss (2015-03-26 at 09.57.07).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lit is full of americacuks

>> No.6318353

New Jersey suburbs here

>> No.6318377

Amherst, Massachusetts

>> No.6318381

Netherlands pleb-race coming through.

>> No.6318384


>> No.6318386

I come back every so often, usually to post a question. Threads of the "Has Richard Dawkins officially proved that atheism is wrong and retarded forever? Discuss" variety make me want to pull my hair out, so I usually don't stay.

>> No.6318387

>samefagging a whole thread

>> No.6318399


>> No.6318402

Req sent

>> No.6318417


>> No.6318429

Mozambique (Peace Corps)

>> No.6318438

nsa pls

>> No.6318481

It's just you, me, Icycalm, that one Schopenhauer fanboy, Neil Gaiman, and that one hysterical Marxist... And a few of those are just me running schticks.

>> No.6318495

Canada on Vancouver Island.

>> No.6318519

Bulgaria, probably the only one

>> No.6318538


>> No.6318541

Singapore. And yes my founding PM just died

>> No.6318544

Is there any good bulgarian literature? Curious, as I know fuck all about that country.

>> No.6318554

Of course, tons of it. One of the most obvious suggestions would be Under the Yoke by Ivan Vazov


>> No.6318566

Also a personal favorite - "Moтopни пecни" / "Motor Verses" by Vaptsarov


>> No.6318572

All day, erri day lurker (this is my first post) from Italy here

>> No.6318582

I live almost exactly where the Berglunds in Jonathan Franzen's Freedom live, and I attend the same university as Patty.

>> No.6318608

maybe it's because it's morning but i thought more people would be in the uk with me

>> No.6318619

you don't use end periods as well? shit is so cash, reads casual and so detached

>> No.6318656

Stuttgart and Düsseldorf,Germany
St. Petersburg, Russia

>> No.6318660

>lurking on /lit/

I thought this place was for shitposting

>> No.6318688
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Mississippi, USA.

>> No.6318715
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I do, probably every other day I'll have a post or two on average.

Pacific NW, American.

>> No.6318721

No shit, I live in Piter as well. What are you doing here?

>> No.6318809

Great White North!

>> No.6318820

Honestly, feels like there's probably a few dozen people on /lit/.

Though that being said, I often feel like there is only like a few hundred people on /v/ and yet apparently that board has tens of thousands of unique views a hour.

>> No.6318849 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 420x600, blmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Montevideo, Uruguay

pic: Babilonia Libros, and old library in Montevideo

>> No.6318859
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Montevideo, Uruguay

pic: Babilonia Libros, an old library in Montevideo

>> No.6318880
File: 651 KB, 700x1050, 1410126379025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here when I'm trying to not get work done.

>> No.6318919

>How many people post on this board?
I occasionally come over here from /p/ when I need a break. I don't know this place feels from an insider's perspective, but to somebody from /p/ this place is a breath of fresh air. When things are either (a) too slow over there, or (b) too contentious, I'll come over here and find a couple of threads which interest me and dive in.

>> No.6318931

Toronto, Canada

>> No.6318932

Saint Louis, Mo

>> No.6318964

wow such direct sunlight on books

not that i care, but others might

>> No.6318970

i'm the fourth one that gets called a tumblr girl/gay/beta all the time

>> No.6318976

I'm one of the guys that tells you to go back to Tumblr.

>> No.6318979


Newcastle, England.

>> No.6318986

Ottawa Ontario, I KNOW there are two Ottawains on here

>> No.6318988


Does every board have a Lainposter?

>> No.6319002

You and me and the Devil makes three

>> No.6319017

I know I'm not the only one but I'm probably the most frequent. At times where avatarfagging is necessary or useful, she's my default.

>let's all love lain

>> No.6319022


lowercase lyfestyle ya'll

>> No.6319024


I just know there is a Lainposter on /tv/ and when /cyg/ was a thing on /vg/ there too.

>> No.6319026

motor verses just sounds awesome

>> No.6319040

A ghetto of Oxbridge rejects in Fife (in other words, an oasis of horror in a desert of boredom)

>> No.6319045

There's two of us.
Yes, but most of is poetry, which is not translated. A personal favorite of mine is Dimitar Talev's tetralogy.

>> No.6319047


++ liberal use of line breaks etc

>> No.6319053


I recall you making a thread a few months ago. I see you've reached an epiphany!

>> No.6319054

Disgusting. This is a literature board. Save that for MySpace or wherever you came from.

>> No.6319057


OYTIE for sure.

>> No.6319058

Atlanta, GA, USA

>> No.6319074


literally cancer

>> No.6319097

>rarely post
>literally cancer

Yeah, the guy who doesn't do anything and is quietly trying to catch up on his reading is cancerous, while the guy who uses words like "literally" and "cancer" outside of /b/ is making /lit/ a better place.

Fuck off back to where you came from.

>> No.6319100

rural michigan

my town doesn't even have a coffee shop to sit down at so i have to drive to the neighboring town

>> No.6319107
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>thousands of people frequent /lit/
There are over 200 copies sold of Tundra, I know that much

>> No.6319110

my friend!
Hey neighbour

>> No.6319138

Since we got everyone here - how about a share thread hijack?

>> No.6319157
File: 3.71 MB, 2600x4000, lainchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that lainchan a shit.

>> No.6319211

I don't post often because my delicate ego can't handle having my beliefs and opinions deconstructed and utterly obliterated before my very eyes. But I lurk.

>> No.6319222

I do not post much and when I do, I do not read the replies since I am too scared of them, be them positive or negative. I prefer to close the tab, reopen it later and scroll to the back jumping over my posts.

>> No.6319234

Don't worry, I do the same. Unfortunately, you won't read this reply and I won't read yours even if you posted one.

>> No.6319243

>people are literally afraid of 4chan

I always knew they existed but god damn that is sad

>> No.6319247

damn me too, what county or town or whatever?

>> No.6319250

>saying literally
Can /lit/ stop using this shit all the time? I'm sick of looking at it

>> No.6319252


>> No.6319269

I'm French and I know my English is horrendous and full of gallicisms, that's why, most of the time, I don't even bother to post, from fear of being ridiculed, even though posting regularly could improve my written English. I guess it all boils down to my low self-esteem.

>> No.6319286


Take a year off from using commas and you will advance your English studies tout suite.

>> No.6319290
File: 949 KB, 1280x692, you've got to bounce back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes write long pots, try to re read them to fix them and give up halfway through.

>> No.6319340

pooping isn't writing

>> No.6319359

I seriously doubt you can write better in a second language if you haven't started writing in both almost simultaneously. Borges was translating Dickens before turning 10.
Now, some of us can't even make a clear post without thinking it through. Any improvement is an improvement and every tautology is a tautology.

>> No.6319362


Move over longcat, we have a new meme.

>> No.6319414

I'm the guy who constantly posts/critiques/argues with deconstructive/semantic jargon, usually followed by little or no responses, and those that do reply rarely understand my argument anyway.

>tfw I wish I could talk to someone who is aware of being inside the text but everyone on /lit/ dismisses deconstruction as obscurantist bullshit and doesn't give it the opportunity it deserves

>> No.6319421

Can you give me an explanation of deconstruction?

>> No.6319427

I'm probably not as smart as you but, most of the time deconstruction feels rather flat and we would like to see some 'construction' from you, so to speak. Maybe an idea of your own and not just a autopsy of others.

>> No.6319676

I'm Newcastle as well who knew there were two of us

>> No.6319708


I am from Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, Ireland

>> No.6319717

I've never even heard of this and I AM that lain shitposter all over /lit/ /v/ and /g/. To what is this even referencing?

>> No.6319744


There may even be more.

Maybe we should go for a black coffee and a smoke sometime?

>> No.6319745

Is one of yout he narrameme dude? How's that project going?

>> No.6319749



>> No.6319752

Well that's rude. There are many false Newcastles. One called under-Lyme that prostitutes trick you with.

>> No.6319755

>prostitutes trick you with
Please explain.

>> No.6319761



Jesus Christ, do you not understand humour?

My captcha was coffee pictures, what a coincedence.

>> No.6319788

A friend of mine ordered a prostitute in the wrong Newcastle. He got his hands on one eventually, but caught herpes, so the prostitutes won in the end anyway.

>> No.6319835

Probably not within the space of a 4chan post without making incredibly gross generalisations. If you want to make sense of it, it's probably best to start with Saussurean structuralism, which provides the foundation just so deconstructive philosophers can shit all over it and identify why it is completely ineffective at rendering Truth capital T.

>Maybe an idea of your own and not just a autopsy of others.
the irony is that an important point which arrises from deconstruction is that even the most original idea is still an inherent 'autopsy' of other ideas, so to speak. It's useful for identifying instances of injustice or oppression, and it definitely provides you with textual evidence for refuting a point, but its very difficult to say something 'new' via deconstructive practises without going far afield in various studies (psychoanalysis, queer/post-colonial/gender theory etc.)

>> No.6319912


>Ordered a prostitute from Newcastle-Under-Lyme

Haha, what a story mark.

>> No.6319968

nice, were you from? I'm from turin

>> No.6320007

Yo! I'm reppin the Annex!

>> No.6321126
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Curious about this myself


>> No.6321152

Oi ya wogs, I'm here too. Venice bastard reporting in.

>> No.6321153


i use lowercase when i shitpost on stirner threads

>> No.6321158


Chile reporting in

>> No.6321170

the nice thing about anonymity is that i'm not held to a reputation of comparative ignorance and immaturity, but sometimes i wonder if cultivating connections who deal with me as a more constant figure would be better for me. it'd put pressure on me to make the most of my youth and freedom by getting caught up on philosophy and culture, since right now i have an untouched collection of plato's writing in my room but all i want to do is draw and play video games x_x

but maybe i wouldn't even be sharp enough for the skype group in the end

>> No.6321182


without the anonymity we would be another group with herd mentality going for the most father figure of the group or the one with the most charisma. it would suck

>> No.6321185

lurker here

>> No.6321209

Northern Arizona, USA, standing by.

>> No.6321249

Did get banned from an obscure image board shatter your ego so much you had to make this shitheap in ms paint?

>> No.6321276

>4chan has no heard mentality

>> No.6321277

Long Island, NY

>> No.6321285

w-wait, you too?

>> No.6321323

Junction/bloorwest village!

>> No.6321689

Me too.

>> No.6321714

Commence with the Chinese

>> No.6321733

beautiful Canadian lit dreamgirl?

>> No.6321747

sorry anon, Canadian boy who recently found /lit/

>> No.6321751
File: 57 KB, 740x524, Lucifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I hardly ever post.

>> No.6321763

Ah sheesh

>> No.6321774

apologies again anon we can still be freinds
be it only confined to this board

>> No.6322171

Vancouver, BC, Canada

>> No.6322195

>120 unique posters

Weird, it doesn't feel like there's that many people here. There must be a handful of homogenous groups.

>> No.6322224
File: 26 KB, 299x450, asian-guy-laughing-7532550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the prostitutes won in the end anyway.

>> No.6322230

Go Blues

>> No.6322232

He бe нe cи caмo ти, тъпaк тaкъв.

>> No.6322243

I post a few times a day and I lurk all of the time. I try to start discussion on lesser talked about subjects but it's so hard when you get bumped down to the bottom from all of the bait threads and people posting in argument threads. You don't realize how slow the board is until you step outside of the active front page threads

>> No.6322252


>> No.6322271

Kansas, USA

>> No.6322297

I have a friend in Sydney, we don't talk often anymore. But I'll be damned if nearly every girl on his Facebook friends list isn't gorgeous and slutty. I'd like to visit some day.

>> No.6322647

another lowercase fag reporting.
the shift key just feels akward when im trying to respond quickly. also have a disdain for apostrophes in typing.

>> No.6322657

being afraid of /b/, /pol/, and /r9k/ is understandable. le edgy hackerz and all.

>> No.6322660

Sydney is nice to live but boring to visit for more than a few days.

>> No.6322675

Sydney? More like McSydney, USA. They need to get their own identity and stop copying America.

>> No.6322768

I just lurk here bro
this is an automated bot message

>> No.6322789

Gainesville, FL, UF student.

>> No.6322815

Southern Oregon coast, US of A.

>> No.6322820


>> No.6322840

>lucifer morningstar

>> No.6323917

York County, ME, USA.

>> No.6323986

Sullivan County, New Hampshire, USA

>> No.6324005


Nice, me too! I'm in Oakridge/Marpole.

>> No.6324036

no swedes? I thought we were fairly common on 4chan.