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/lit/ - Literature

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6314412 No.6314412 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books that take close friendship as a central theme? It could be between two guys or between a guy and a girl (with the requisite sexual tension).

It strikes me that much of literature doesn't deal with the subject. Maybe because writers don't have friends? I've been reading the letters of a great writer and in it he says to his editor that he never had a good friend until he met him. I found this striking, and also rather moving, that such a thoughtful man never formed a close bond with anyone else before.

I have a very close friend that I've been struggling to comes to term with recently. Sometimes we fight, sometimes we fuck, sometimes we just sit and listen to each other. We also both share a passion for literature. I'm trying to get to understand the nature of our relationship better since I struck me that I really don't understand the concept of friendship at all.

>stupid picture only vaguely related

>> No.6314415

The Lord of the Rings. Especially the Sam and Frodo bits

>> No.6314420

not looking for a joke

>> No.6314430

Wasn't making a joke. Sam and Frodo are some of the truest best friends in all literature

>> No.6314432

mmm youre right the sexual tension almost completely overehelmed the whole ring story

>> No.6314436

well i'm not looking for trash
LOTR is hardly what i would call "literature"

>> No.6314439


The guy is wrong about Frodo and Sam, but to call LOTR trash, or not "literature", is retarded as fuck.
I was going to help you, but I don't promote the education of plebs.

>> No.6314442


The relationship between Frodo and Sam is an idealized master-servant relationship, as Tolkien saw it.
It certainly isn't a realistic description of any modern day friendship.

>> No.6314457

can this not be a thread about the fucking lord of the rings? not interested in genre fiction here. might as well recommend me some YA shit

>> No.6314462

The X Files

>> No.6314478

Fuck off to reddit plebian

>> No.6314502

Yeah theres this series called harry potter you may have heard of it its literally all about friendship. If that doesn't help you can always watch a shonen anime like fullmetal alchemist brotherhood its all about friendship & shit. Plus winry is good fap material. Frodo and sam are also good fap material but youre too wrapped up in your own faggotry to see that. Emma Watson is pretty sexy too. Did you hear katy perrys latest single? Her british boyfriend russel sure is smart. probably smarter than you anon-kun since you cant seem to figure out that acting like an asshat is a sure way for people to be unhelpful and obnoxious towards you on 4chan

>> No.6314529
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>> No.6314552


>> No.6314556

maybe i will. if i could i'd downvote all these unhelpful comments

only decent answer in this thread, but it's a tv show.

>> No.6314575

Book of the New Sun has a strong focus on types of love and how they may or may not mix with friendship, so it may be what you are looking for.

>> No.6314582

Don't worry about it. Take it to heart, the only lesson here is that you shouldn't ever basically say that something like >>6314436

The question is a very sound and good one, and if you keep humble you will get answers I am sure, I am also interested. You have to have a thick skin here and at the same time you have to get the underlying point people are harshly making, don't make broad stupid statements about a massive work of literature, don't ever ever unironically call something ""literature"" and idk. Persevere.

>> No.6314602

like that scene where Frodo
finger into the ring was certainly very touching

>> No.6314605

The don quixote scenes with sanchos donkey lol

>> No.6314608

Many characters had their way getting their finger into the ring. I think LOTR is a story of slut-shaming, the ring being an artifact of evil and all that

>> No.6314615

I guess I just don't like fantasy literature, which is what everyone here seems to suggest. I thought /lit/ was more patrician but maybe I am mistaken.

>> No.6314618


No Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn up in this thread?

Were George and Lenny related? If not, then feeliest friends in american obesity porkbeliterature.

Sharpe and that Irish bloke he hangs with.

On the Road is all about Sal and Dean and the attendant sexual tension

>> No.6314621

the book that is probably closest to what you are looking for is One Day by David Mitchell

unfortunately it is a pile of shite
lots of people liked it tho

>> No.6314624

Tolkien is patrician. It's plebian to dismiss something because it's fantasy, especially considering many famous classics were at the time "genre".

>> No.6314626

lol we are onto something

the eye of sauron was very similiar to vagoo. the ring kept fooling everyones mind.

>> No.6314647


Maybe, but Tolkein is an awful practitioner of his genre.

>> No.6314656

Aubrey-Maturin series.

>> No.6314660

Tolkien and Richard Adams were the only good fantasy writers.

>> No.6314666
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>> No.6314678

Nah, many of his works are very good.

>> No.6314699


You just dont get it do you?

Only ONE (1) person in this thread mentioned LOTR, and you went off on a samefagging spree about how LOTR sucks and how you are too patrician to discuss LOTR.

YOU made this thread about Frodo and Sam and their homosexual relationship, nobody else did.

>> No.6314767

The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis. It's not fiction but it's an amazing book. You'll truly ubderstand things better after reading it OP.

>> No.6314867

You are young.

>> No.6314879

Demian by Hesse if you like heavily symbolic fuckbois
A Separate Peace by Knowles if you like coming of age fuckbois

>> No.6314942

John le Carré's "Our Game" deals with friendship in a certain way.
But it's a spy novel, don't know if that's your thing.

>> No.6314962

>genre fiction
I still don't understand this term. Doesn't all fiction fall under some genre?

>> No.6314968

God damn it. I was hoping to look into more fantasy literature, and I'd only had familiarity with Tolkien, Lewis, and Rowling.

>> No.6314993

Don Quijote

>> No.6315065

It does. But it's a derogatory term used for what some consider to be shitty sf.

>> No.6315076


Start with the Wolfe.

Also I have a question : Is sexual tension inherent in every male-female friendship? Because I had quite a few of those in my life and failed to detect any such thing in many cases.

>> No.6315758

Narcissus and Goldmund by Hesse, idealized but fucking beautiful

>> No.6315766

If you're having sex and fighting you're not friends. You are in a casual romantic relationship.

>> No.6315770

>Is sexual tension inherent in every male-female friendship?
especially if both of you are engaged in another relationship

>> No.6315789


Not in my experience. Then again, maybe I'm just too socially inept to have noticed they all wanted the D.

>> No.6315922


Oh thank you, this is exactly my case. I have this really fantastic friend who's been like a sister to me these past 10 years, we're both in long term relationships and I never thought of her that way.

>> No.6315969

the outsiders S.E. Hinton

>> No.6316084

probably older than you chap

>> No.6316494

Bullshit. You can be but do not have to be friends and have sex and fight. However, you are not platonic friends.

>> No.6316499
