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6314051 No.6314051 [Reply] [Original]

Do you even use a book mark? I don't use one I just stick my pen in there.

>> No.6314056

My girlfriend uses my dick as a bookmark when she breaks from reading to get coffee in the morning.

I personally use bookmarks from the library and our church, they're both nice and last. The idea of buying a bookmark seems a bit silly to me.

>> No.6314057
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>I just stick my pen in there.

>> No.6314058

I use old train tickets

>> No.6314059

i just remember exactly where i was

>> No.6314100

I don't read books

>> No.6314103

mini stickies go in each unread book.
i took em out afta

>> No.6314105

the ones that bookdepository gives to me.

>> No.6314109

I use a playing card. Preferably the queen of hearts, because I don't conform to the standards of society

>> No.6314138

edgy m8

>> No.6314144

i took this neato horror monster deck of cards from an estate sale and use one of those

>> No.6314168

I just remember what page I was on. If I can't remember, then I obviously wasn't paying enough attention in the first place and need to reread some anyway.

>> No.6314172

I just use a dollar bill. I read multiple books at once though, so it gets mildly expensive.

>> No.6314175

I dog-ear the page.

>> No.6314179

fuck you

>> No.6314204

(gr + b + m)8 + i + (r + 1/8)8

>> No.6314215
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you're offending my sensibilities

>> No.6314219

>lend fuck buddy book
>takes her a month to read it
>get it back, every 10th page or so is dog-eared, she couldn't make more than 10 pages at a time, and it certainly wasn't difficult
>tell her it's not working that day

>gf of almost one year
>lend her some based _______
>she never reads more than a few pages, it's a goddam amazing book
>we break up
>she can't find the book anywhere

>> No.6314220
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I fold the page like this.

>> No.6314223

I only read whole chapters.

Bookmarkists are just looking for the easiest way to navigate life - nothing signals inadequacy like stuffing your underwear with a sock to remind yourself (and others) of your ability.

>> No.6314233

I mainly use the wrapper of my last protein bar.

For my own books I use a pressed lavender flower wrapped in absorbent paper that my Nan gave me.

>> No.6314248

I just roll a toothpick

>> No.6314250

i rip out pages once i finish reading them

>> No.6314258

i already finished reading everything

>> No.6314268

That's why I never lend out books. In high school, I lent a friend a copy of 1984 and got it back with folded pages, stains, and the spine was nearly destroyed. I don't know how one could manage that.

>let girl borrow a book
>takes forever to give it back
>"i really liked it anon!"
>asked her what she thought of x part
>"oh, i think i skipped that chapter. i skipped around a bunch"

>> No.6314279

>lend a girl Brave New World because she wanted to read it
>assume she'll actually read it because she said she wanted to read it
>a month later ask 'So how far along are you?'
>'Oh I haven't started yet haha'
>another month later get the book back, she still hadn't read a page

Yeah, never again.

>> No.6314283

Generally remember page or use desk detritus as bookmark.

Books i'm reading at present both have train tickets in.

>> No.6314286

i set each page on fire and finish before it's burned completely
defeats the use of a booklight

>> No.6314289

I only read at my desk so I just turn the book over at its page and face it down.

>> No.6314290

I sometimes even dog-ear the bottom corner of a page. I write in the fuckers too.

>> No.6314294

my bookmark is me turning off the kindle after reading

>> No.6314295

I don't use one I just stick my penis in there.

>> No.6314306

a failed author who doesn't realize himself what a gigantic faggot he is, becomes more and more crazy as time goes on

>> No.6314338


I note the page down in my Excel masterfile. The data automatically gets forwarded to other Excel sheets where it is used to make graphs of my reading speed and word counts.
Everytime I go read I open the Excel sheet so it can tell me how many pages I need to read today to sustain optimal reading pace.

>> No.6314345 [DELETED] 

lmai who tga fuck reads you fuckibf faggotsl lol
i use ur mom as mt cum mak lolo

>> No.6314490

>pen splodes
>book ded

>> No.6314513
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I just use whatever flat piece of paper is closest to hand. Once lent somebody a book with a coffee filter, a $10 bill and a square of toilet paper inside

>> No.6314525

I eat every page once I'm done with it so that I can absorb the knowledge through digestion.

>> No.6314555

Nah, Its not hard to remember you left off if its only been like a day. I tend to reread a little of where I left of anyway to get back into it.

>> No.6314564

i once lent an artist a book on hegel. it came back totally destroyed and covered in water color paint splashes all over the cover, back, and some of the pages too. at least i know he read it though because we talked for length about it

i have a girl i periodically send books too. she never returns them, so i never return the books she sends me either. if she did return them i'd probably masturbate over them to the smell of her delicate little fingers

>> No.6314708

i make it a point to read to the end of the chapter and just remember what chapter im on

>> No.6314726

Right now it's an nginx napkin that I got at a conference. I like to use things that sort of have meaning instead of some pre-bought bookmark.

>> No.6314730

Magic the Gathering cards. I've got tons of them, perfect use.

>> No.6314859

I don't care what it is as long as it marks my place without damaging the book.

>> No.6314878
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>> No.6314887
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Grow up 007!

>> No.6314895

I use my old playing cards as bookmarks.

>> No.6315055
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>not using books to bookmark other books
It's like you guys don't even understand textuality

>> No.6315077

had a kek

>> No.6315089

this is the correct answer

>> No.6315095
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>> No.6315099

Dog-earing is the best. It's like breaking in a new pair of shoes. Without being worn in, they have no character.

>> No.6315101
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Are you even trying?

>> No.6315121

I just use something of decent card stock. Might be a playing card, might be an airline ticket. Currently, I'm using a strip I tore off of an airline's "how to connect to the internet" seat insert.

>> No.6315124

you have no answers because we know you're a troll.

>> No.6315129

I only read on the toilet and guess what

>> No.6315176
File: 1.34 MB, 683x905, folded10ktimes[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a Wakazashi[1], わきざし, as my book marker. It is very well crafted[2] and can, supposedly, cut through a world-war-two-era machine-gun barrel when wielded properly[3].
And but so; however, I find myself often lost in the beauty of the object itself (here being the Wakazashi) and spend great amounts of time holding it whilst I read in reverence of its body qua object.
My philosophy is that a bookmark should be as well crafted as the book it is marking, and but so for a modern masterpiece like 'Infinite Jest'[4], nothing else I have come across will suffice.

1. Wakazashi differ from the commonly known "Katana" in terms of blade length; where a Katana will have a blade length over 26inches, a Wakazashi will, typically, have a blade length of 12-20 inches. Wakazashi that have blade lengths in the grey area between 20-26 inches are known as O-Wakazashi, which essentially means "big Wakazashi" in moonrunes.

2. The steel is folded by blacksmith over ten thousand times [Sic]

3. However some scholars believe that the barrel must have been hot from rapid fire before the Katana (or similar Japanese steel) could cut through cleanly. It might have taken two swings for a cold barrel.

4. Written by David Foster Wallace

>> No.6315190


>> No.6315241


well meme'd

>> No.6315242
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>> No.6315245

Could you please post a tutorial?

>> No.6315319
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>> No.6315331

Nice steel.

>> No.6315333
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Why would you just have some useless bookmark? I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.6315368

I like your house slippers
are they stolen from a hotel? mine are

>> No.6315374
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>I mainly use the wrapper of my last protein bar.

>> No.6315381

>tfw want to bookmark multiple pages with other pages because traditional narratives are too linear but don't want to ruin my immaculate post-modern novels

>> No.6315383
File: 1.16 MB, 677x905, beingandnothingpersonalkid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, carrying deadly steel can't be underestimated.

I couldn't tell you the number of times I've been walking around town with my Katana hidden in a copy of Being and Time, only to have some Wittgenstein fag come up behind me like: "hurr don't you know that analytics solved all that shit already".
I will simply say "You are already dead", to which all autistic Wittgen-fag's reply "oh what, can you predict the future?". In these cases I did.

>> No.6315386

>wordsworth edition of dubliners
you might as well just cut straight through it

>> No.6315389

I know this is probably fake, but on the off-chance it isn't, mind giving us a look at the excel file?

>> No.6315391

get your life together you squalid basement dweller

>> No.6315406

Yep, I made a small collection of hotel slippers.

I'm laughing too much, your life sounds awesome.

I hadn't heard that it had any missprintings and it was the edition they had. What's wrong with it?

I felt that putting books around and a cute skirt would be lying to you guys.

>> No.6315426

>actually done this to make more room on my desk without losing my place

>> No.6315435

I use the library receipt.

>> No.6315445
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>that misaligned guard
>that frayed grip
>that unpolished blade

>> No.6315465

she's a dirty girl

>> No.6315474

I just fold the top corner of the page
Come at me nerds, IDGAF

>> No.6316006
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>> No.6316017

I know your pain. I let an ex borrow several books without actually returning any of the ones she had finished. I moved and we broke up shortly after, and my window to get them back closed.

She even kept my copy of the Hobbit that I got when I was just a child. The cunt.

>> No.6316018

>post DUBliners
>gets trips
pretty close to solid pun

>> No.6316050

i hoard the free bookmarks from half price books

>> No.6316107

I just use library slips, it's cheap and I know how long I have the book for.

>> No.6316372

I tend to use a torn piece of notebook paper or a business card

I like you

Made a bet with a friend of mine that a piece of music had a certain name and she disagreed because we're both idiots. Waterland by Graham Swift (mine) for her copy of BNW. I won. She refused to give me the book and her boyfriend stole my book, lost it immediately.
Fucking fuckers.

>> No.6316446
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I found this in my used copy of The Iliad, and I use it.

>> No.6316455
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Other side

>> No.6317048
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>tfw I used a 100 trillion note as a boomark and left it in a library book

that fucker has my zimbabwe dollars

>> No.6317069

I use a Border's gift card that is now useless and expired. I figure if anyone asks they can get a small laugh out of the situation, but nobody has asked.

>> No.6317088

I use a post it note folded in half with the exact date and time I started and finished the book written on it

>> No.6317132

yes, i am checking those trips

>> No.6317139

>being and nothing personel kid

>> No.6317151

What if there aren't chapters?

>> No.6317161


Why do you guys care? I've never understood why this matters

>> No.6317162

I use bus and train tickets. I usually purchase 1 ticket every day so I have more than enough cards for each book I own.

>> No.6317181

>Me and a class mate trade books temporarily
>I gave him Micro by crichton(only because we had been talking about shrinking people and I brought it up) and he gave me a compilation of the hitchhiker series.
>I read all 5 books
>He never read mine.
>It still came back dirty and the book cover had wrinkled edges.
>It was my brother's book.

>> No.6317189

i dig

>> No.6317250

>not just memorizing the page you were on

>> No.6317257

>Expecting women to know how to read or being capable of paying attention

>> No.6317300

8gr + 8b + 8m + i + 8r + 1
is how any sensible person would simplify that

>> No.6317605
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I bought some tea from China and they send me this along, so i use it.

>> No.6318104

>not picking any old page and starting there for the day

>> No.6318110

close enough

>> No.6318150

I set the book on fire a few minutes into reading it from the front so I'm forced to improve my wpm.

>> No.6318461
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>8gr + 8b + 8m + i + 8r + 1
Surely you mean 8(gr+b+m+r) + i + 1

>> No.6318574

i dont use bookmarks i finish books in one sitting unlike you pansies

>> No.6320733

Well they commute under commutation relations so it's a perfectly reasonable way to simplify it.

In fact typically you put numbers before variables so you know the multiplier before the variables

>> No.6321896

I use Pokemon cards.
See, I've always got a steady supply of them for use as bookmarks.

I tend to choose something semi-related to the text in question.
For instance, I'm using a Clefairy for Ibsen's 'A Doll's House' as the Pokedoll is based upon Clefairy.

It's all a little silly, but I enjoy it.

>> No.6321905

This is what I use:


When I bought them they were cheaper, though. I think I got like 8 for $8.

>> No.6321906

This is the most correct answer

>> No.6321926

I bought a ton of cheap blank cardboard slips, the kind you write names on for easier seating arrangements.

I write the name of the book and the day I started it, then draw a little picture related to the novel on the part that will "stick out" from the book. As I read I note things that caught my interest on the slip and when I'm finished I jot down the date before putting it in my journal.

I guess I'm a nerd.

>> No.6321934

I have this neat bookmark that is laminated and has my name on it along with a quote about reading. This girl in middle school gave it to me when she asked me out, because she knew how much I liked to read. I took the bookmark but turned her down. Christ, I was a dick.

>I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book

was the quote

>> No.6321936
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/lit/ folder is starting to shape up

Only thing they are good for. Can't buy anything with one mao

>> No.6321943

I use a playing card

>> No.6322027


>> No.6322032
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I found a bookmark advertising the 1998 Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar in a used book a while ago and I've been using it ever since

it's laminated and everything

>> No.6322034

It is a Mewtwo though

>> No.6322935

I use counterfeit Pokemon cards I got as a gift or the nearest scrap of paper.

That's kawaii, anon.

>> No.6322940

I use one of those individual tea bag packages that I kept after a night at my ex-girlfriends place

>> No.6323376


meter lengths are all over my house

>> No.6323406

You're trading books with her you aspie retard