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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 550x473, average nietzsche fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6309806 No.6309806[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche readers, explain yourselves.

>> No.6309822

I'm not a Nietzche fan, but I very much doubt that cunt has ever read him.

>> No.6309830

Who is this neckbearded fedora-tipper?

>> No.6309842

some guy with a micro-penis who films himself pouring hot oil over it

>> No.6309843

TheAmazingAtheist. I used to watch his videos, but then I stopped being a massive edgelord faggot.

I remember that Nietzsche is loved primarily by neckbeard euphoric fedora tipping faggots.

>> No.6309848


>Chomsky readers, explain yourselves


>> No.6309850
File: 20 KB, 881x134, chomsky faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot the fucking pic

>> No.6309851

Kurosawa fans, explain yourselves.

>> No.6309876

That explains why there are so many Nietzsche fans here.

>> No.6309885

does that mean wittgenstein is a nietzsche tier philosopher now

goddam,i was just about to start studying him. no point anymore

>> No.6309887

But we know that Russel is shit now.

>> No.6309947

Rofl, funny that he got the picture of him during his last days as a patient in an insane asylum suffering from disease and mental breakdown.

>> No.6309958

>does that mean wittgenstein is a nietzsche tier philosopher now
No. I bet that neckbeard is just googling analytic and atheist philosophers to give his position credible and appealing. Good luck studying Witt., and make sure to bear in mind that there a two different philosophies i.e the early and late Wittgenstein, so as not to get confused.

>> No.6309970

his bourgeois atheist prankster has nothing in common with our nietzsche, monsieur. our nietzsche has become foucault and stranger things yet, even a marxist, even a frenchman. it's fine for americans to try to take nietzsche from us, but they will find, though we honour their boyish valour, that he is bound deep in another project, far from the noisy philistine vales of youtube atheist neckbeards.

>> No.6309971
File: 19 KB, 453x470, 1419303064938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Howard Bloom

>> No.6309995
File: 12 KB, 350x487, nietzsche1871 fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asylum nietzsche isnt canon

>> No.6310854

Can his name be more fedora and conceited?

>> No.6310863

like any philologist, he is read for the prose and the ultraviolence

>> No.6310868

Yojimbo fans, explain yourselves.

>> No.6310870

Baby's First Fi... Pi... Phi... damn, that thinking thit's tough... philosophaster!!! Baby's first philosophaster.

>> No.6310872
File: 27 KB, 447x444, 1426213611253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God is Dead
Meaning to the Ubermench the utility for God is no more.
Is that correct?

>> No.6310894

not correct at all, reread.

>> No.6310913

This guy clearly hasn't read Nietzsche since he's such a liberal cock sucking dawkins leddit faggot. Seriously I have no idea why someone like him would appreciate Nietzsche. Just because Nietzsche was an atheist?

And he lists Russell too, as if Nietzsche and him aren't diametrically opposed

>> No.6310916

What is he saying?

>> No.6310923

God is dead means all metaphysical (and thus moral) thinking is over

>> No.6310926

You sound triggered. Perhaps you need a safety space, anonkun?

>> No.6310927

He's saying we shouldn't spoonfeed you because it's enabling you.

>> No.6310931

He's saying you should read the fucking book

>> No.6310964

>right beside a picture of gods

Thiests, explain yourselfs

>> No.6310970
File: 33 KB, 500x331, Roger-Ebert-fat-tired-Pulitzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL no shit?

>mfw I gave that explanation for "God is dead" to a girl
>mfw I got it from /lit/
>mfw told my exgf I was an Ubermench
>mfw fucked in a park bathroom that day
>mfw I've never read Nitchy

>> No.6310974

It could the TheEuphoricAtheist.

>> No.6310976

Godspeed you anon.
Now you can actually read Nitch the Bitch and get even more pootang

>> No.6310978

I have no idea why that's there.

>> No.6310984

>no one questioning Dexter, Star Trek or Gunnm.

>> No.6310986

Well, we already know he's a mouthbreather

>> No.6310996

I just find it sad for those franchises.

>> No.6311001

i doubt that anyone in this thread has even read nietzsche

>> No.6311013
File: 72 KB, 576x432, 1422823290036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean that seriously. I find it hard to believe that people like him are still even remotely popular 7 or 8 years later.

>> No.6311306

Man I remember watching his channel when it first started. I was an edgy atheist and thought he was cool.

>> No.6311341

Do people really take Nietzsche's attack on Christianity literally?

>> No.6311345

The fact that the picture on the left of N is from The Creation of Adam just shows his empty posturing for what it is.

Unless its an elaborate ruse, I suppose.

>> No.6311419

>Nietzsche isn't neckbeard go-to philosopher
>h-he haven't even read anything my Nietz ;_;

I'm cringing at y'all secret fedoras trying to defend Nietzsche. Yeah, you're just as pathetic as this faggot.

>> No.6311431

yeah a neck beard like chomsky. am i going to stop liking him now? no. the same reason I'm not going to stop liking Zinn, Malcolm, Wittgenstein, and Bill Hicks - I like the things that they say

>> No.6311432

>tfw no cameron Gunnm movie

>> No.6311436

>The fact that the picture on the left of N is from The Creation of Adam just shows his empty posturing for what it is.
How so?
Not that I like that guy, but please elaborate why he shouldn't have that picture ln his wall.

>> No.6311440

>Bill Hicks
more like Bill Hacks

>> No.6311451

>being this easily persuaded.
you are weak-minded. little to nothing on this board should be persuasive to you. certainly no anyone calling Wittgenstein (undeniably more intelligent than anyone on this board) a Nietzche-tier philosopher. Even more laughable is the justification: he's respected by someone on youtube who's stupid.

Guess what. There's plenty of idiots who share the same favorite author of your's. That shouldn't deter you from examining different thinkers.

>> No.6311478


>> No.6311501

Why the fuck do all neckbeards and fedora tippers
Need to be kurosawa fans? They're not even fucking fans. Most of them would never sit through red beard or some of his other non samurai films. God I hate them.

>> No.6311506

read Zarathustra in german, so you're wrong. also Antichrist.

>> No.6311509

I'm questioning my tastes right now.

>> No.6311510

what is wrong with bloom

>> No.6311530

Wittgenstein changed the way we think in regards to the language of religion and its applications towards our ideas of religion and inspired modern philosophy of the 20th century, no Wittgenstein is not nietzsche tier

>> No.6311536

nietzsche isnt nietzsche tier

what the fuck is nietzsche tier and how did he get there

>> No.6311538


>> No.6311549

Nietzsche created 20th century philosophy though, so good try

>> No.6311565
File: 150 KB, 245x320, stirner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those idols taped to his wall

>>Man, your head is haunted; you have wheels in your head! You imagine great things, and depict to yourself a whole world of gods that has an existence for you, a spirit-realm to which you suppose yourself to be called, an ideal that beckons to you. You have a fixed idea! Do not think that I am jesting or speaking figuratively when I regard those persons who cling to the Higher, and (because the vast majority belongs under this head) almost the whole world of men, as veritable fools, fools in a madhouse.

>> No.6311576

If by Nietzsche tier you mean he's a genius then yes, he's Nietzsche tier.

>> No.6311661

but you could argue that all atheism found its roots in deistic ideologies and was the stepping stone for that kind of thinking

>> No.6311773

you're idolizing stirner. you're no better.

>> No.6312089

Teroja 'the Banana Bandinto' Kincaid

>> No.6312094

and Stirner isn't

>> No.6312112

I guess I can't watch The Seven Samurai anymore.

>> No.6314038


>> No.6314074

I doubt he's ever read a single book. He just likes to drop names.

>> No.6314292


And still he is no fucking smarter than an average neckbeard. No unique ideas for himself

>> No.6314393

>"unlike Tumblr Feminists, I've actually read actual Feminist literature"
>Goes on to strawman every Feminist or Sociological theory
>Doesn't even understand what patriarchy is and think's it's some super sekret heman woman haters club instead of a social phenomenon born out of the way society has evolved that is completely accepted non-controversially in all of academia.

Seriously, why is the Neo-Atheist/MRA community so full of fucking shit?

I feel my IQ drop every time I see this shitlord or Thunderf00t or Sargon of Akkad or any of the rest of them.

They literally exist to stroke their audiences fedoras and tell them "You are really just the under-appreciated Ubermensch, people who disagree with you are all wrong, you are perfect"

What makes TAA even more depressing is that he is literally debating fucking 15 year old keyboard warriors on Tumblr, yet still has to resort to strawfeminism.

>> No.6314396

>he is literally debating fucking 15 year old keyboard warriors on Tumblr, yet still has to resort to strawfeminism

Fucking this.

>> No.6314402

>that is completely accepted non-controversially in all of academia

>> No.6314440
File: 71 KB, 803x688, 985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah right. He's obviously namedropping.

>> No.6314444

>and dozens of others that I'm forgetting at the moment

What a champ.

>> No.6314604

I only see in you the untruth, eyh my friend.

I've read Beyond Gaylords Speak

>> No.6314614



What a champ.

>> No.6314643
File: 67 KB, 595x640, lewronggeneration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6314675

>he sorts philosophers into tiers qualified by those philosophers' readership

maybe you should stop reading philosophy, it obviously is far above your mud-bound head

>> No.6314684


it's a meme u dip

>> No.6314697

Why does everyone like that shit in the first place?

>> No.6314728


four fours holy shit

>> No.6314768

