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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 76 KB, 925x1582, chartfull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6307967 No.6307967 [Reply] [Original]

ITT : Comparative Mythology / Religion / Literature

>> No.6308005
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>> No.6308018
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>> No.6308025
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>> No.6308037
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>> No.6308172

>tfw no contribution

fucking plebs

>> No.6308190

This can mean only one thing.

Aryan Nazi Time Travelers altered the fabric of time and history.

>> No.6308196

Probably because this isn't really comparative religion. This is more like desperate grasping and highly selective comparisons.

You know why pyramids are popular? Because it is the easiest way to build something tall.

>> No.6308225
File: 219 KB, 960x722, Pyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stupid fuck

>> No.6308231

Don't be so hard on yourself.

>> No.6308236
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>> No.6308245

Oh my god! Johnson! Ancient people made ordered piles of rocks all over the world!

>> No.6308256

You do know 90% of this list is complete bulllshit, right?

Here we go.

1. Isis was not a virgin. She put together osiris' body after he was killed and made a golden penis and then revived him and fucked him. This is how horus was conceived.

2. I don't quite know what this means by "in the form of the holy spirit", and the point for horus is sometimes true though anubis is also sometimes a son of osiris.

3. Meri just means beloved and is more of a pet name, I don't see why they'd take that epithet and not the fucking name.

4. Never heard of Seb. Care to cite the myth?

5. Again, who the fuck is Seb?

6. Never heard this.

7. Never heard this either.

8. Again, never heard this.

9. What the fuck would an egyptian angel be?

10. Never heard this

Really everything after this point is shit ive never heard of, you must be high on some good shit idk whats up.

U been watching too much zeitgeist.

>> No.6308260

wow so much difference you ape

>> No.6308261


>U been watching too much zeitgeist.

: )

>> No.6308264


Wow children around the world all make sandcastles in a vaguely conical pile!

Wow ancient cultures all had triangular roofs

Wow I can create spurious correlations because I'm to lazy to dig past 'zeitgeist' tier fuckery

>> No.6308273
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>> No.6308285
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>> No.6308288
File: 48 KB, 600x763, lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice photo. Now care to tell me where you found Seb, Anup the Baptiser, the birth announcement of Horus? I'll just start you off with a few of these so you don't have to sweat yourself too hard. I'm sure it'll be easy to find academic sources, right?

Or is this baby's first time being lied to by bullshit on the internet?

>> No.6308301


lol at those sources

>> No.6308304

Anybody ever read Campbell's Masks of God? Good series, nice and meaty.

>> No.6308309
File: 49 KB, 270x270, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6308311

Seb is Geb.

>> No.6308314



>> No.6308326



>> No.6308361

plebs gettin BTFO

>> No.6308362

Blue is interesting at least. Blue eyes were relatively rare in these areas so it was an exotic mutation that probably was regarded as divinely favoured. Blue as a pigment wasn't common or easily made so it was used for special details like eyes. One of the only sources of blue in ancient times was ground lapis lazuli, most of which comes from Afghanistan, which made it a rare and precious trading commodity. One of the reasons the virgin mary was often depicted in blue as well.

>> No.6308370


Ah yes, based on the work of Gerald Massey, esteemed egyptologist.

Except that the work of Gerald Massey isn't taken seriously.


>> No.6308416

I think the widespreadness of this construction is because its one you can create perfectly using only a compass.

>> No.6308422


Let's be real here the reason why you are only posting pictures and not speaking on any of them is because you literally don't know what to say about them. You think that you can pictionary your way into a critical faculty.

I'm guessing you're still a teen, aren't you?

>> No.6308430


>people this stupid are browsing /lit/ right now

>> No.6308440
File: 139 KB, 1058x731, 1382104698399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm guessing you're still a teen, aren't you?

ad hominem

>> No.6308453


Aldous huxley perennial philosophy

Shoo shoo zeitgeistu-san

>> No.6308456

well, enlighten me then.

>> No.6308458


>memes and buzzwords

: )

>> No.6308471

It is pretty funny that on the literature board he can only talk in pictures and not about any actual books he's read about the subject.

>> No.6308474


>ips stay the same

this is totally not a samefag

>> No.6308475
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>> No.6308477

I'm only
In the thread.

>> No.6308479


Ok ill give you an actual book reference :


Now what?

>> No.6308480

drawing hexagons would be so fucking hard without this convenience. i'm not a bee man.

>> No.6308483


The perennial philosophy is a book :^)

>> No.6308486

Good, now what would you like to discuss about it?

>> No.6308495


I want you to refute the points made in that book :)

>> No.6308500

>Gerald Massey

THAT'S who it is! I knew I had heard somewhere that the OP pic came from someone that no other historian/Egyptologist took seriously.

>> No.6308506

>ad hominem

At least he's saying something. Discuss your argument or take your image dump elsewhere.

>> No.6308509

It says that Jesus was a man whose mythicized life drew from existing myths, that's practically common knowledge, and I don't really see much to refute, unless you could get into some particulars about the comparison between Osiris and Jesus.

>> No.6308516




now fuck off

>> No.6308521

That's not discussing.

>> No.6308522

guys, just stop

>> No.6308525
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>i just heard this guys name
>let me google it
>hehehe it says nobody takes him seriously, what a stupid faggot

>> No.6308531

>implying you can prove I've never discussed this exact topic before

Don't be so mad you got made fun of on /lit/.

>> No.6308540


So you read his books? which ones?

>> No.6308557

Please point me to the comment I made where I claimed to have read any of his books.

I've discussed this topic before, and if every Egyptologist says that Massey is a hack who doesn't do his homework, you'd be pretty stupid to base a claim on anything he's written.

>> No.6308572


>every Egyptologist says that Massey is a hack
>every Egyptologist

dude just stop posting

>> No.6308576

Reminder that the Christian interpretation of 'Jesus figures' could very legitimately be that they are all prefigurements of Christ- that they were all ideas that percolated because a Savior is the natural desire of humanity, and ultimately God provided one.

This is the argument Tolkien used to convert C.S. Lewis, by the way.

>> No.6308584

I will when you actually post an argument and not just link to a book.

>> No.6308612


>every Egyptologist says that Massey is a hack

Argument from authority = Logical fallacy


>A is an authority on a particular topic
>A says something about that topic
>A is probably correct

>> No.6308625

I don't think you needed to explain what an argument from authority is. If you feel like actually discussing this, maybe you'd like to tell us why Massey's etymological assertions about Jesus haven't been asserted by anyone else since him?

>> No.6308633

And explain why your linking to the book about him isn't an appeal to authority? Without appeals to authority we would all have to become professional egyptologists.

>> No.6308649


The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their ineptitude. Conversely, highly skilled individuals tend to underestimate their relative competence, erroneously assuming that tasks which are easy for them are also easy for others

>> No.6308670

yeah dude, we get it. youre the *skilled* individual and everyone else is the *unskilled* one.

>> No.6308683

Your ability to talk about anything other than your thread topic is astounding.

>> No.6308688


just like the infinity of your stupidity

>> No.6308693


>> No.6308695

>I know you are but why am I

Go back to /b/ and talk about The Hunger Games with the rest if your Internet friends.

>> No.6308702


>more ad hominem

go on, insult me. it fuels my erection.

>> No.6308703

I assume Tolkien explained it better than that because it's a ridiculously contrived idea.

>> No.6308706

>a mom holding a baby

>> No.6308710

ad hominem isn't bad when it's against pure ad hominem

>> No.6308720
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>> No.6308725
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>> No.6308730

Yes, you said that already. Tell me, when you made this thread, did you actually want to talk about comparative mythology at all?

>> No.6308732



>> No.6308734


>> No.6308735

Do they talk about it there?

>> No.6308741


>that pic

fuck you man, i laughed so hard that i spilled coffee on my keyboard

>> No.6308805

You are why people hate atheists

>> No.6308812


how did you come to this conclusion that i am an atheist?

>> No.6308819
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Guess how

>> No.6308826

Just to clear the air it was not OP who posted the floweroflife.jpg..

OP is clearly lumpen prole and common sense dictates he should have a sad wank to his epsilon tier media references.

>> No.6308834
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>> No.6308842



>> No.6308847

What's the difference between religion and mythology?

>> No.6308850

The standard interpretation of pyramids and ziggurats is that they are literal stairways to heaven or the gods. This led to several cultures building similar-looking structures because they independently wanted to become closer to the gods. You faggots.

>> No.6308852

Zed's dead baby

>> No.6308856
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so you say, mayas in south america knew about egyptian beliefs?

>> No.6308860

seriously, architecture was limited, pyramids are easy to build

>> No.6308865
File: 82 KB, 640x640, mfwihavenoface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i cringed so fucking hard reading your reply

>> No.6308866

That wasn't a guess friend :^)

>> No.6308874


>this people post on /lit/

no wonder how shit this board is

>> No.6308876

>have never been to Chichen Itza and talked to the mayan guides

White liberal gringos everybody.

>> No.6308880


go away uneducated faggot

>> No.6308896
File: 70 KB, 720x463, 6745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll leave you to your youtube documentaries

>> No.6308906


yeah native americans were in contact with egyptians stupid fuck get the fuck out

>> No.6308916

are you dumb?
i was making fun of that exact notion

>> No.6308923
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>> No.6308931

>this fucking bait


/lit/ - literature

>> No.6308932
File: 690 KB, 579x1083, 1416451808152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you are messing up my posts
i never spoke in a figurative sense nor tried to troll

>> No.6308937


go back to /co/ capeshit retard

>> No.6308958

Since this is a comparative literature thread,

Is anyone else from /lit/ going to the American Comparative Literature Association meeting in Seattle this weekend?

>> No.6310165
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>John the Baptist, a.k.a. John the Baptist


>> No.6310203


top kek

>> No.6310220


>> No.6310229

>no culture ever has had a representation of a mother with a child

>> No.6310235
File: 38 KB, 552x597, 1900037_736308033115285_1435754528766813470_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy, lmao

>> No.6311231

all these christfags on /lit/

>> No.6311296

> << According to Papyrus Chester-Beatty I, Set is depicted as trying to prove his dominance by seducing Horus and then having intercourse with him. However, Horus places his hand between his thighs and catches Set's semen, then subsequently throws it in the river, so that he may not be said to have been inseminated by Set. Horus then deliberately spreads his own semen on some lettuce, which was Set's favorite food. After Set had eaten the lettuce, they went to the gods to try to settle the argument over the rule of Egypt. The gods first listened to Set's claim of dominance over Horus, and call his semen forth, but it answered from the river, invalidating his claim. Then, the gods listened to Horus' claim of having dominated Set, and call his semen forth, and it answered from inside Set.
the Bible needs more semen battle stories.

>> No.6311328

you might find this story pretty gay
but as a matter of fact, egyptians didn't know about ovocytes (females) carrying half of the DNA to the offspring. They thought semen was the whole seed, women being only the womb, the nest.

Now I will spread my cum on my boss's food. Then I will ask the Gods to call for my semen. My semen will answer from inside my boss. Then the Gods will settle the argument and declare me the boss, because I impregnated my boss.
Makes sense.

>> No.6311349
File: 867 KB, 1134x1444, 1342045579573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zeitgeist? Here?

You're smarter than this /lit/.

Fuck's sake don't take my word for it, check out the Skeptic Project. It's hardly a religious friendly publication but it tears Zeitgeist to pieces.

>> No.6311402

If you guys want an insight to the building of religions, check out the wikipedia (gasp) page about the Book of Mormon.
It was written by Joseph Smith in the XIXth century, but he claimed he found it written on a stone plate buried in NY State.
The stone (in two versions), written in ancient reformed Egyptian, reveals that Jesus actually went to the USA to bless the land.
Jesus said that in the future there would be a new nation that would save humanity for good.
Though some people claim that Joseph Smith invented the whole story, the church of Mormon is growing fast, and they consider the Book of Mormon as a holy book.

So if Zeitgeist says religions are just stories made to impress people and have them believe that instead of obeying the rich, the heirs and the owners, they obey to supernatural forces that we don't understand, then yes, Zeitgeist is spot on.


>> No.6311415
File: 36 KB, 299x275, 1359507892934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out the wikipedia (gasp) page

What the fuck are you even doing here you dumb faggot.

>> No.6311435
File: 214 KB, 650x599, 64578558n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know Jesus actually wore Nike's and supported the Dodgers?

>> No.6312880

Is literally all of /lit/ stupid or am I misreading something? He's not wrong and he never said anything about other cultures knowing about egyptian beliefs.

>> No.6312892

Can you rationally explain why you don't like wikipedia? It's about as good as any encyclopedia depending on the subject. It's not good for obscure or overly complex topics, but fairly reliable for anything else.

>> No.6312904
File: 363 KB, 1920x1080, 1412382420738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking image

>> No.6312951




>> No.6312974


This is on purpose. Christians co-opted the image of Isis holding Horus in that manner in order to make Christianity more appealing. Look up syncretism.

>> No.6313988


heh get a load of this guy

>> No.6314026


I thought it was going to be about Warhammer 40 000

>> No.6314028

It seems your mom already has.

>> No.6314185
File: 2.28 MB, 2816x2112, 0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, Djoser's pyramid looked like this.

>> No.6314213

What an absolute clusterfuck of a thread.

>> No.6314227
File: 188 KB, 428x546, 1425583380100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just pepe posting

>> No.6314249
File: 197 KB, 1856x887, 1415644668500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being this much of a slave moralty

>> No.6314261

So you are an egyptologist after all, huh?

>> No.6314262

>religion and history aren't complex
>a bunch of sweaty autists can be trusted

>> No.6314277

The great pyramid of Khufu was faced with white marble to make it glitter and shine in the sun. There's no evidence of this at the Djoser pyramid but that doesn't stop the morons of wikipedia claiming it and citing a tourist guide as evidence.

>> No.6314336

haven't seen that pic in a while