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6304458 No.6304458 [Reply] [Original]

What should I start with regarding Stirner? Is there something before or after him that relates to his philosophy and could further support his work? What should I read from him first?

>> No.6304473

The False Principle of Our Education

>> No.6304480
File: 177 KB, 624x420, Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read marx first.

>> No.6304492


>> No.6304516
File: 69 KB, 500x360, l3OM3Nu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he blows stirner the fuck out

>> No.6304525

Lol ok. Will do.

>> No.6304540

It doesn't really matter where you start so long as you make sure that after you have read a bit you become insufferable and go around claiming that everything you disagree with is a spook and that everyone but you and your Stirnerkin friends are living in the dark.

>> No.6304561

ego and its own
stirners critics

all you need, ignore the other cunts

>> No.6304841

Sarcasm is real.

>> No.6304848

you should probably read the false principle of our education first. a lot of people here wildly misinterpret stirner (weird because he is one of the clearest philosophers), but if they read that before the ego and its own they wouldn't.

>> No.6304910

Why is that?

>> No.6304930

i'm not sure. but the false principle of our education encapsulates saint max's underlying philosophy in too short of a space to get confused, and so if you're someone who gets confused by longer philosophical works, its helpful to read that first

>> No.6304988

Read Hegel, at least his political and religious point of views.

>> No.6306188

The ego and its own and ignore the marxists fags, because they are totally BTFO through the book and they can't deal with criticism (they just go saying that marx was right! he was always right in everything amirite?)

>> No.6306515
File: 625 KB, 1200x1826, 1407533709134 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to know are this awesome Stirner pics.

>> No.6306519
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>> No.6306524
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>> No.6306525
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>> No.6306532
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>> No.6306535
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>> No.6306540
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Now you're a Stirner graduate

>> No.6306549

He would had gotten Ayn Rand SO wet.

>> No.6306819

He doesn't though. It's basically an ad hominem longer than Stirner's entire oeuvre. It's really pathetic.

>> No.6306913


>> No.6307128
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>> No.6308015

I kind wish Rand read more Stirner, maybe she would of turned out different.